Desperately Seeking Roommate

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Desperately Seeking Roommate Page 22

by Smeltzer, Micalea

  “Wow, people go all out for this,” Miranda muses, her eyes darting around.

  Like me, she’s never been bothered to attend.

  We pay for the tickets, entering the stadium. I stand there in shock for a moment because I’m not quite prepared for the vastness of everything and the nearly full seats. This is a small college town and I never expected to see this. It makes me beyond nervous for what I have planned, considering I need to sneak onto the field.

  Grabbing Miranda’s hand I pull her along with me.

  “Where are we going?” She struggles to pull her hand out of mine, digging her feet into the ground, but when I’m determined I can’t be stopped.

  “Can’t you just be a good friend and follow along?”

  I don’t wait for her answer and tighten my hold so she can’t get away. I scan the field, looking for the bench where the guys will sit when they’re not playing. I don’t know much about football, but I do know that.

  “Come on, down here,” I direct, but Miranda has no choice but to follow me since I hold her hand hostage.

  Taking the stairs down to the asphalt in front of the field I find a spot hidden in shadow.


  I sit down, wiggling my ass on the uncomfortable hard surface. My extra padding is going to come in handy tonight.

  “This is the worst.” Miranda glares at me and the dirty ground before reluctantly parking her butt beside me. “Remind me to never agree to any of your favors ever again. I’m pretty sure I could’ve come up with a much better plan than this. How do you think you’re going to get on the field anyway?”

  “Do you have what I need?” I bypass her question, because frankly I don’t know. We’re going to have to improvise this plan.

  She rolls her eyes. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t agree to do you a favor?” She fights a smile around her retort and passes me the backpack she had slung over her shoulder.

  I inspect it, finding that she did manage to get everything I asked for.

  Grinning evilly, I stretch out my legs and wait for the game to begin.

  We’re hidden well enough away into the shadows I don’t think Abel will spot me, besides he’s not expecting me and with this kind of crowd it’s pretty difficult to notice anyone in particular. It’s nothing but a sea of red and blue.

  Twenty minutes later, the lights in the stadium dim and the crowd goes eerily quiet.

  “What’s happening?” Miranda hisses under her breath, grabbing my hand like she’s afraid we’re about to be sucked into the darkness by some psychotic killer. She ought to know by now I’ll throw her to the wolves and make a break for it. No way am I getting murdered with her.

  Taking my hand back, I whisper, “I don’t know, but stop acting like a scaredy cat. It’s football.”

  Music blares suddenly and Miranda jumps. I resist the urge to roll my eyes, even though she wouldn’t see even if I did. The girl can tackle a two-hundred pound football player to the ground but is afraid of this.

  The lights flash off and on rapidly before bursting back on completely and blinding me.

  “Jesus Christ.” I slap my hands over my eyes to shield them.

  Jesus is probably shaking his head right now wishing I’d stop using his name in instances like this and instead be a little more humble and get on my knees to pray.

  I only get on my knees for far more fun and interesting activities. At least when it comes to Abel.

  Names and stats are called out as the guys run onto the field. They jump around and bump each other’s chests, clearly pumped for the game to start.

  Abel is announced, number 27, and he strolls onto the field grinning from ear to ear. His helmet is clasped in his hand and he pumps it in the air a few times. The crowd cheers and I see the way he lights up, absorbing every second of it and reveling in the crowd chanting his name.

  My heart aches to be near him. I’m angry at myself for letting my doubts get the best of me. I should’ve trusted him and believed him from the start. He’d never lied to me before. But lessons like these are important ones to learn. If he forgives me, this is one I’ll never make again.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out.

  Tanner: Where are you guys?

  Instead of trying to text our location I call him and give him details.

  “Be there in a minute.”

  Hanging up, my eyes find Abel standing with his teammates. Their backs are to the crowd and they’re talking together. My eyes take in the wide broadness of his shoulder pads, tapering down to his narrow waist, and settling on his firm bitable ass.

  It’s probably totally wrong of me checking him out like this after how I acted, but I can’t help myself. He’s hot and he’s mine.

  Or he was.

  God, I hope he still is.

  If I ruined this … Kit might be forgettable but Abel isn’t. I would never forgive myself for losing him.

  Miranda knocks her shoulder into mine. “You’re drooling.” She pretends to wipe the corner of my mouth.

  “I’m allowed to look,” I defend jokingly and she laughs. Rifling through the backpack again I sit back and tilt my head toward her. “This is dumb, isn’t it?” I bite my lip as doubt creeps in. “Maybe I should just say sorry like a normal person?”

  “Who cares if it’s stupid? Life is all about dumb, irresponsible choices. They make for a good laugh later in life. Besides, when has doubt ever stopped you from doing anything? You’re weird—in a good way—and a normal boring apology isn’t you.”

  “True dat,” I respond in my best Kourtney Kardashian impression.

  A heavy breath is exhaled and we both find Tanner approaching. “It took me for-fucking-ever to find you guys, but this is definitely easier than trying to find you in that massive crowd.” He eyes the stadium with fear, then his eyes drop to the ground and he makes a face at the dirty asphalt before sitting down beside Miranda.

  “Glad you found us.” I lean around Miranda and give him a smile.

  “Wouldn’t miss this.” He grins back. “Anything to help you.”

  The game starts and it turns out to not be as dull as I imagined. In fact, I find myself getting a little too into it. I’ll never let Abel know this tidbit of information or it’ll be held against me forever.

  Watching the clock, I wait for it to get closer to halftime. As the time ticks down I grab the bag and smile conspiratorially with Miranda. “Showtime.”

  Doing a forward roll, pretending I’m a spy and this is an undercover operation, I sneak around staying low. I know I look ridiculous, and I’m not hiding at all, but this is part of the fun.

  Miranda walks behind me muttering under her breath about how crazy I am.

  If she wasn’t the same way she wouldn’t be friends with me.

  Tanner looks nervous, but doesn’t say anything.

  My heart pounds in my chest and I feel nerves skyrocket through me.

  “This is a bad idea,” I blurt, coming to a sudden stop so Miranda plows into the back of me.

  “Jesus,” she curses, righting herself from a stumble. Moving in front, she levels me with a glare. “I didn’t go to five different stores for you to chicken out. You also didn’t put this much effort into your hair, makeup, and clothes to decide not to do this. This isn’t like you. You never stop to think about the consequences, you just do it. I admire your ability to take risks and put yourself out there. It’s one of the reasons I love you and you’re my best friend.”

  I sniffle, pretending to wipe away a tear. “I knew you loved me.”

  I go to hug her and she swats my open arms away. “No hugging until the mission is complete.” Giving a small laugh, I nod. “Now let me grab the walkie-talkies.”

  “And I’m chopped liver,” Tanner grumbles good-naturedly. “She might not hug you but I will.”

  “Aw.” I dive into his open arms. “Fate led us to the same table at Griffin’s and now you can’t get rid of me.”

  He laughs, rel
easing me. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Lou.”

  Fate, I realize, is what led me to Abel.

  If ass-hat Jamie hadn’t raised rent costs I would’ve never needed a roommate and Abel and I would’ve never met.

  I was angry at the time, but it’s because I didn’t understand what was in store for me.

  I didn’t trust fate this one time, when I was actually about to gain the person who completes me.

  Miranda dives into the backpack, rifling through the contents. Grabbing a walkie-talkie she passes one to me and pulls out another for Tanner she must’ve bought.

  “They’re already set to the right channel,” she informs us, straightening back up and extending the bag to me.

  “You remember what you need to do?”

  She huffs a breath. “Do I look like a fucking amateur to you?”


  Tanner nods. “You made me memorize it. Miranda is going to take care of hi-jacking the music and I’ll get the other thing.”

  “Exactly.” Holding out my fist for them to bump, I struggle to hide my grin, but finally it breaks free. “Game on.”

  We head in opposite directions and I look at the clock, seeing less than a minute until halftime.

  My heart races erratically because I know I’m about to put myself on display for not only our entire school, but the opposing team as well.

  All in the name of love. Get this shizz done and get your man back.

  I get into position, ready to run onto the field when it’s time. Security might pull me off the field before I accomplish my goal, but I have to try.

  Seconds count down and as it gets closer to zero my anxiety grows. I might be quirky, and say weird things, but I’m not the type to put myself on the line like this.

  Please be worth it. Please forgive me.

  “Get ready, chick. Shit’s about to go down. Over.” Miranda’s voice comes across the walkie-talkie.

  “Mic good? Over.”

  “You’re all linked up. Just have to turn it on. Over.”

  I’m lucky Miranda is beyond smart when it comes to multiple things. Since I’m crashing the field, I felt it was important for the crowd to hear exactly what’s going on. They’ll also hear his rejection if he can’t forgive me for not believing him, but it’s less than I deserve to have hundreds of people, maybe thousands, be witness to my failure.

  “All good here. Over.” Tanner.

  My heart beats impossibly fast and I wonder if I might pass out before this happens.

  Unfortunately, or I guess fortunately, I don’t.

  The clock hits halftime and Miranda’s voice echoes across the stadium before the teams can head for the locker room.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special performance for you this evening. Hey, you! Yeah, cheerleader? Sit your ass down. You’re not performing. You too band peeps. Sit tight. Capiche?” You can hear her clear her throat before she continues. “Yo, number twenty-seven in the Hornets jersey, stay where you are.”

  Abel looks around in confusion, taking off his helmet. His face and hair are drenched in sweat, but I swear he’s sexier than I’ve ever seen him. I’m really regretting this being my first football game, but hopefully I can make up for it.

  The walkie-talkie chirps and I know that’s the signal she’s about to start the music.

  The background music to Mickey by Toni Basil begins to play and I hop over the fence, somehow managing to do it one try—probably thanks to the adrenaline—and the crowd yells. Abel’s head swivels and his eyes light on me.

  His team is behind him and the opposing team is closing in but I see him and only him.

  Stopping right in front of him, pom-poms that I dug out of the backpack in hand, I begin to sing along to the song.

  “Oh, Abel you’re so kind, you’re so kind you fulfill my life. Hey, Abel. Hey, Abel.”

  His shocked expression quickly turns to a grin.

  He waves someone away and I wonder if it’s security trying to get me or something else.

  Reaching my further improvised chorus I sing, “You’ve been gone all week and that makes me sad. I thought you lied, but it was me who had it wrong. Why did I fight fate when it’s you that I want? I’m sorry. Oh, Abel, I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

  The song wraps up and I’m left standing in front of him, pom-poms dangling loosely from my hands. I feel so incredibly small in this moment, like one touch of wind could knock me over.

  I’ve never felt so raw as I do standing before the guy I love begging for forgiveness.

  “I love you.” The words are laced with so much of my heart it’s impossible not to hear the truth in them. “I let fear dictate me and I didn’t believe you when I should have. You’re the one I want. Today, tomorrow, ten years from now. It’s you. I want to argue about Starburst flavors, annoy you with the Jonas Brothers, and pretend to like football for your sake.” He gives a small laugh, his brown eyes twinkling. “I’m sorry for believing others over you. I’m sorry for not trusting you when you’ve given me no reason to believe otherwise. I’m sorry for not talking to you. I’m just really sorry and I hope you can forgive me.”

  His smile grows and he rubs his lips together, trying to hide it. “You mean to tell me, you put together this whole song and dance routine, plus got my nephew and niece involved just to apologize?”

  I look over my shoulder and find Tanner with Giulia, Leo, and the kids. Cristian is strapped to Giulia’s chest but the two kids stand in front holding homemade posters that beg for Uncle Abie to forgive Lou.

  “I needed a backup plan. You’d have to forgive me for the kids’ sake.” Tears well in my eyes at the same time laughter bubbles out of my throat.

  He grabs my face in his hands. “Silly girl, all you had to say was sorry and I would’ve forgiven you. I didn’t need this, though I might’ve enjoyed forcing you to eat a yellow Starburst as a consolation.” He winks.


  “The day I met you I didn’t know that the crazy girl who spoke of fate on the phone would change my life like you have. You’re the thing I’ve been waiting for that I didn’t even know I needed until I had it. I was hurt, and I needed time to cool off, but like someone wise once told me, if a love isn’t worth fighting for it isn’t worth keeping, and Lou?”

  “Y-Yeah?” I hesitate, staring up at him.

  “I would fight through hell and back for you.”

  I swear the entire crowd awws.

  With those words he takes my lips with his, giving me the kiss of a lifetime.

  Over the loudspeaker I hear Miranda scream, “That’s my girl!”

  The crowd, and even both football teams still on the field, all cheer.

  The kiss seems to go on forever.

  Breaking apart, Abel presses his forehead to mine. “Still desperately seeking a roommate? It seems I’m in need of one since I got kicked out.”

  I grab his jersey in my fist and pull him closer. “I’m seeking so much more.”

  He kisses me again and I know this is only the beginning.

  Epilogue #1


  Five Years Later

  “Why are we here?” I stare around at the darkened university stadium, the site of my epic apology and a place that later came to feel very much like us.

  “You ask too many questions, Blondie.”

  “You’ve been acting weird,” I accuse as we take the stairs down to the field. There’s something glowing on the field, but I’m not sure what since he brought me into the stadium near the top. “Are we even allowed to be here?”

  “Since when do you abide by the rules?” Abel grins at me.

  “Since I became a respectable journalist.”

  “Mhmm.” He gives me a conspiratorial smile.

  We reach the field and I find hundreds of candles already lit. In the center of them is a pile of pink Starbursts and I bust out laughing as he guides me into the center of them.

  “Did you buy me a lifetime supply of Starbursts

  He drops to one knee, still holding my hand but his other delves into his pocket.

  “Oh my God.” My free hand flies to my mouth.

  Maybe the whole field thing, candles, and Starbursts should’ve tipped me off but I’ve learned over the years Abel is very romantic and sentimental.

  “No, but I want you for a lifetime.”

  Holy shit.

  He lets go of my hand to open the ring box and my jaw drops at the beautiful pink diamond ring resting inside.

  IT’S PINK! My brain screams at me.

  “I’ve spent years loving you and I know I’m going to love you for the rest of my life, but I want to call you my wife. You’re my other half, Lou. My sweetest dream brought to life. Will you marry me?”

  I tackle him to the ground, kissing him until I can’t breathe.

  He chuckles as I roll off of him onto the pile of pink Starbursts. “Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a hell yes!” I scream, throwing my hands in the air.

  He goes to grab the ring from the box but it’s gone.

  “Oh, fuck.” He pats his hands around frantically, looking for the ring. Locating it in the grass, he wipes it clean.

  “Ready for this, Blondie? This means a wedding, kids, growing old, and always arguing over who’s right and who’s wrong until our dying breath.”

  “Stop trying to scare me. I already said yes.” I hold out my hand and he slides the ring onto my left ring finger. It looks like it’s always belonged there.

  Wrapping my arms around his body I hug and kiss him.

  Who could’ve guessed one small ad would change my entire life?

  “Here’s to forever, Mr. Popular.” I pull away, wiping my lipstick from his mouth.

  He shakes his head. “No.”

  “No?” I raise a brow. “Are we already arguing two minutes after we got engaged?”

  He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear like he always does.

  “I said no, because here’s to now. Forever will come.”

  My smile spreads. “To now, and the forever that will come.”

  Epilogue #2


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