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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 9

by Viola Grace


  She looked at him. “No. She’s not here. The only part of her that is left is this shell. This shell is going to the test prep, and tomorrow, I am taking her through the testing. She was far more than Suit Bait, and I want to prove that to them.”

  She looked at the stunned faces around her. “I will prove it to them. Now, I am going to go to the orientation, and you can do what you like. No one is trying to kill Susa... today.”

  Hron frowned. “I would rather that one of us is with you.”

  Naima stepped forward. “I will go. We can get that coffee a day early.”

  She flexed her hands and sighed. “The body is pretty weak. I might need the help.”

  Naima offered her arm. Zera took it. “Gentlemen, if you would come with us. You are only authorized to be here if I am with you.”

  She herded them out of Susa’s room and out of section black. She was leaning on Naima more than she was comfortable with.

  “Sorry. I haven’t done this before, so I forgot that I had to keep the body more active, including feeding.”

  Naima murmured, “If you can make it through the briefing, I will take you for lunch. It is common knowledge that Susa needs a guard, and I am definitely qualified.”

  Zera smiled. “You definitely are.”

  “Huh. Despite her status, I am not as drawn to her as I am to you right now. You are hiding your aura?”

  “It is a chemical signature combined with energy output. It gets stronger the older I get.” She chuckled. “And the more sex I have. I will have to retire eventually when I am no longer able to contain it.”

  She could see Hron looking back at her. “Retire?”

  Susa-Zera chuckled. “Eventually. I am not going to leave anyone hanging.”

  The team’s shoulders slumped in relief.

  Susa-Zera chuckled, and then, they were in the bustling halls where students learning to control their activations stopped and stared. Susa-Zera grinned and said, “It is definitely you this time.”

  “I think it is us.”

  Hron turned and said, “We will meet you outside of the test briefing when you are done.”

  She smiled. “I will be fine. Naima and I are going to go for coffee before I have to prep for a date tonight.”

  Astel perked up. “We are still on?”

  She nodded. “Though, you realize that folks listening in think you are going out with Susa.”

  He chuckled. “She is lovely as well.”

  Naima nodded. “We will be late. Out of the way, guys.”

  They walked together through the crowd and entered the auditorium. Susa remembered to log in, and the members of her testing class smiled and gave her encouraging words. She stuck close to Naima and sat in a seat surrounded by friends.

  The order of testing was read out, and Zera sighed. She and Susa were only two people apart. That would give her a very tight turnaround to get out of Susa and into the right mood to keep her power in check. It was going to be tight.

  Naima leaned in and murmured, “Aren’t you going to be taking the same test?”

  Susa-Zera nodded. “I have time, and I am automatically registered for the exam. Part of being involved in research.” She kept her whisper low, and a few of the folks with enhanced hearing turned and smiled at her. Fortunately, Susa was registered as a research subject.

  She watched as they were shown the procedure for the next day. They had their assigned times and were all going to be attached to a team when they entered and were given a briefing. They would get a specific task to accomplish, and they had to complete the scenario within the estimated time. Once the scenario was completed, they were free to go.

  Susa-Zera had a lot to think about when she finished. Naima helped her up, and they slowly walked out of the building and across the way.

  “So, Susa, what do you think?”

  “I think it is going to be tight, but I can make it.”

  Naima whispered, “That is what I thought the first time I saw you.”

  Zera laughed, and it wasn’t Susa’s giggle.

  “So, can you tell me anything about the actual test?” Zera asked it without being coy.

  “Sure. Everything they just said was a lie. They are going to get you up and out an hour before or after your exam time, and you are going to be paired with some low-grade teams who don’t want to be there or foreign ones who have a different way of doing things.”

  “Aw, shit.”

  “Yeah.” Naima sighed. “I hope you make it to both calls.”

  “So do I.”

  They put in their orders and took a seat in the corner of the coffee shop.

  “It feels so surreal. Here I am with both of you, but one of you isn’t here.”

  “Yeah. Sorry. I know you liked her.”

  Their coffee showed up, and they sat together, thighs and shoulders touching.

  “So, the body is dying?”

  Zera nodded. “The announcement will be soon.” Her voice broke.

  Naima took her hand and held it.

  “I am sorry I am wrecking our date.”

  “It’s fine. It is nice to be able to be here for someone I care for, for a change. You have always been there when I needed you, and you gave me precisely what I wanted. It’s good that you don’t have the upper hand right now.” Naima chuckled. “It gives me something to do.”

  “I am glad I could make myself useful.” She smiled with watery eyes, and Naima kissed her. Kissed Susa. Someone got kissed.

  When Naima leaned back, she smiled. “Your coffee has caramel in it.”

  “Yeah. You take yours black.”

  Susa-Zera blinked. “Are we on a normal date right now?”

  Naima chuckled. “Of course not. That would be against the rules. We are here because your life is in danger. I kissed you because you needed it to remain balanced. And because you taste like candy.”

  Zera blushed. “That is Susa.”

  “No, it really isn’t.”

  “People are staring.”

  “Well, you were nearly dead a few days ago.”

  “Oh, right.”

  “Have you ever been in me?” Naima ran her thumb along her knuckles.

  “You mean like aside from sex?” She chuckled. “No. You would know, and I would have asked. I have only ever accidentally jumped in once, and it was only that first time. Incidentally, my body weight is added to yours, so you would really notice.”

  “Oh. So that is why you are having so much trouble walking.”

  “That and you are just so much fun to hold onto while I am short.”

  Naima laughed. “You are adorable and fun-sized right now.”

  Susa-Zera sighed forlornly. “I know.”

  Naima giggled. “You and your sister are very much alike.”

  “Yeah, we get that once people know us.” Zera sighed. “Knew us.”

  “Did you want to get something to eat?”

  “Sure. I have a date tonight, so I need to keep my strength up. Since Torun’s little exposure of the corporation and myself, things have gotten busy. I only allow the bookings for the time I am not working, but since the incident the other day, all of my movie nights and dinners at home have been cancelled. My calendar automatically updated, and the bookings started.”

  “How does that work? I know with some others, it takes a day or two to get the confirmations, but you send it the same day.”

  “It is my project and my responsibility. Other escorts have jobs, nosy roommates, friends they have to attend to, and studying. Acknowledging that they have lives is why I have more signing up every day.” She sighed. “For most, being with another activated person is a dream. To find one that matches them is heaven. I have wanted to set up a matchmaking spinoff, but since most of those matches are team members, it makes things awkward. We need a legal window so that they can have those matches with waivers for the municipal system in case the spouse, not on the team, is attacked. There has to be a rider o
r some kind of financial coverage for the neighborhoods. That is what the cities are afraid of. If the spouse becomes a target, who will be to blame. The teams worry that the spouses will be leverage, so they banned relationships, and other areas that employ activated personnel followed suit.”

  “You know a lot about it.”

  “It is literally a part-time job.” She laughed.

  “Well, let’s go. There is a good place a few blocks away, and I can finally take you for a ride on my cycle.”

  They got up, and Naima helped her to the door and out to the sidewalk.

  “I have to be downtown by six-thirty. Astel isn’t tricky, but he is specific.”

  “Well, since I have to work with him, I guess keeping him happy is on the up and up.”

  The cycle came up and waited for Naima. She handed Susa-Zera a helmet and got on. Zera hadn’t ridden behind someone in ages. She put her arms around Naima and held tight. In her helmet speaker, she heard, “This is a great date.”

  She laughed as Naima powered up, and they were off.

  Naima took a number of sharp corners and accelerated quickly; it was obvious she enjoyed the grip around her. Zera slumped a little, and the fun was over. “Time to eat. I have had my fun.”

  They pulled up in front of a restaurant that specialized in noodles and spices. They were seated, and the food was out in under five minutes. The dozen condiment plates were fresh, bright, and went well with the noodles.

  “Thanks for this place. I rarely get to go out for casual food. I do most of the cooking. Well, Zera does. Well, she will once we get a new place.” She slurped up her noodles. “We might get a new place. Hell, I don’t know what I am doing right now.”

  “You might want to get a neutral place. Somewhere with better security.”

  Zera chuckled and slurped then remembered she was Susa and changed her eating style to something daintier.

  “Wow. You became another person there. Do you have practice doing that?”

  “When Susa started with Blind Date, she was super nervous about dates. So, if the patron was physically enhanced, I would go along in her and help out during tense moments. It helped her get through the first dates. Once she had regulars, I could skip it, but for a few intimate moments, she would like me to drive.”

  Naima blinked. “With me?”

  “With anyone. Once the first time was over and she was comfortable with the patron, she remembered how I did what I did, and the next time, their date was with her. I was like training wheels.” She smiled. “I never did anything she wasn’t a part of, but I made sure that she had a chance to do it on her own when she was rebooked.”

  Naima’s eyes were wide. “That explained it. It was hot when you were with me but so much sweeter with her. Like she was a brook, and you are rapids.”

  Zera blushed and looked down. She finished her noodles, Susa-style.

  “Thank you for the date, Patron. I suppose I should get a ride back to the research department before I have to head out.”

  “I thought you wanted a ride to downtown?”

  Zera blushed. “I forgot what I was wearing.”

  “Oh. Okay. I will get you back there and then give you a lift to wherever you need to be.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I know. If I get a call, I will have to leave you, but if not, I will take you to your destination.”

  “Thank you. I hope that some of my clothes show up, or I am going to be stuck in scrubs again.”

  Naima smiled. “I could find you something.”

  They got up and left the table, heading back to Naima’s cycle. She took a direct route to the research building and helped Zera inside. Once Susa was back in her bed, Zera went around resetting her life support and gave her a nutrient bag instead of saline. They would need it tomorrow.

  Naima blinked. “Uh, Zera. Your clothes?”

  “Oh. Damn. Right.” She put on the scrubs and her flats and headed back to her office with Naima on her heels. Boxes and bags were everywhere. “Oops. I shopped angry. Right.” She went to one of her favourite manufacturer’s labels and got a set of underwear and a different company for a wrap dress and a third for heels. “Um, do you mind if I dress here?”

  Naima sat on her couch. “Be my guest, but make it slow.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Five after six. I can have you downtown in six minutes.”

  Zera hit the lock and opacity screen on her office door. “Well, then, I have fifteen minutes to play.”

  “I am still on duty.” Naima smiled. “But if you come over here, I can give you a hand.”

  Zera nodded, kicked off her shoes, and walked over to the other woman. “Where do you think I should start?” She set the bundle of clothing down next to Naima.

  “Your shirt. Your shirt should definitely come off first.”

  Zera removed the scrub top, and Naima leaned forward to flick each nipple in turn with her tongue.

  “Apologies for being too tall.”

  Naima pulled her forward, her claws digging lightly into Zera’s back. “No apologies necessary or desired.”

  Naima slid one hand into the scrub bottoms and murmured, “Oh, you are wet.”

  Zera chuckled. “Side effect of being cared for. It does not happen often.”

  They kissed, and the fingers against her moved faster until Zera shivered and clutched at Naima’s shoulders. Her breath was fast, and the team member’s eyes were shining. “Wow. The look in your eyes. Wow.”

  Zera kissed her softly. “What look?”

  “Like I am the most important person in the universe right now. If this is how you first looked at Torun, I can understand him wanting to see it again.”

  Zera blushed. “Um. Right. I have to get changed.”

  “No one is stopping you.” Naima leaned back and sucked on her fingers with her eyes half-closed.

  Zera stripped out of the scrub bottoms, used them to clean up a little, and dropped them to one side. She wiggled into a pair of panties and put on a bra. The heels went on next, and the wraparound dress went on last. “I would like my transport downtown now, please.”

  “Folks are going to think I am playing the field. Susa before and you now.”

  Zera grinned. “Nothing wrong with that.”

  Naima got to her feet, and they were close to similar heights, but Zera had heels on. “You are majestic as all fuck.”

  Zera laughed. “You say the sweetest things.”

  They walked out the door and out of section black. The skirt was a little trickier, but it got them a lot more attention as it flared up and ruffled back to expose both thighs to the hip.

  “So, Zera, you basically have bare legs wrapped around me.”

  “Yeah. Don’t worry, I have had my shots.” She chuckled. They took off, and Zera held on as they zipped through the streets. She gave Naima the crossroads that she wanted, and they glided through the streets and traffic to their destination. Team vehicles had priority signals, and Naima hadn’t used one of them.

  Zera pulled the helmet off with her eyes gleaming. “You meant that to last.”

  “I did. Got you here with a minute to spare.”

  Zera handed the helmet back and smiled. “Have a good night.”

  Naima kissed her hand. “You, too.” She stowed the second helmet and roared off.

  Zera headed inside to get ready for Astel. The corset that he preferred took some effort to get on. She was going to regret those noodles.

  Chapter Ten

  Number Eleven was in and getting changed for her encounter at her station. Zera waved hello and asked, “Did you need any help with anything?”

  “Um, no. But... I haven’t gone on a date with this patron before, and he seems super keen about... you know.” Eleven gestured toward her extremely well-endowed upper torso.

  “Oh. Ohhh.” Zera smiled. “I am sure it will be fine. Everything is declared in your file, and he will be expecting it. The lactation is not a surprise

  “No, but it is a stupid activation.” She looked down at her breasts as if betrayed.

  “Maybe it is just what he wants.”

  Eleven shivered. “That is what I am afraid of.”

  Eleven’s dress wrapped faithfully around her waist and ribs, then softened into bands that could be moved out of the way to expose her breasts. It was a design created with the greatest care. Susa had outdone herself. Just the right sex appeal without being overt. Eleven just looked like a busty club singer.

  “Any jewellery?”

  She shook her head. “He said he would bring what was needed. I just needed me and the dress. I even think shoes were optional.”

  Eleven looked soft, but she had a history that could curdle milk. Emotionally she was steel and one of the most competent people that Zera had ever met, but her body betrayed her by being soft, curvy, and she couldn’t stop lactating. It was her superpower. She took care of abandoned babies in hospitals and got them strong and healthy before they went on to their foster or adoptive parents. She was as desperate for touch as her patron was.

  “So, what do you think about Blind Date being outed?”

  Eleven sighed. “I think it would have happened eventually. Sorry that it was so sudden and public, Zera.”

  “I will get over it. Torun might not. I think I am going to be busy on his nights. Washing my hair or something.”

  “Oh. Wow. I would love to see that. Wait. Strike that. With the way he kissed you, he would not take avoidance lying down.”

  “Ah, but therein lies the dance.” She laughed. “Oh. Shit. I have to get into a corset.”

  Eleven giggled. “I can help. I have a few minutes before I have to go.”

  “Where is he taking you?”

  “Hotel Del.”

  “Nice. I am there as well. We can share a transport if you like.”

  Eleven looked relieved. “Oh. Thank you. I have only had two dates before this and none with this patron.”

  “He is even-tempered for the most part. You should be fine.”

  “For the most part? Wait, how do you know?”

  “I am management. I vetted his credentials.” She smiled as she pulled out the outfit she had prepped.

  “Wait. So, you are the one who recruited me.”


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