I Dated a Supervillain

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I Dated a Supervillain Page 13

by Viola Grace

She laughed at herself.

  “What was that laugh?”

  “It was for a moment of fancy. You come from a very beautiful country.”

  His tone changed. “Have you been there?”

  “Yes, years ago. I used my visa application and enjoyed the landscapes.” It was true, as far as it went.

  “You entered illegally, took care of your family after a crash, and were ejected with prejudice a month later.” He kissed her neck again, his tongue drawing a pattern on the skin.

  “So, to be clear, there is no other person alive here?”

  “Just you and I.” He stroked his hand down the front of her gown. “I am seriously considering your offer of rescue sex.”

  She shifted her legs, and she cleared her throat. “I do need you to do one more thing for me before that is a possibility.”

  “What?” His tone was politely curious.”

  “Remove the sex toys that they belted into me.”

  “You kept up this entire conversation so well.” He moved his hand down a few inches and felt the belt. He chuckled. “Look at that.”

  He knelt at her feet and moved his hand up her leg to undo the belt.

  He removed two huge dildos that made her wince when they came out. She groaned in relief.

  “You could have spoken sooner.”

  “I have been able to ignore it, but if you want to have sex, I need a minute to recover.”

  He stood and said, “Your ankles are free.”

  The manacles fell off in chunks. She flexed her hands. “What about these?”

  “They are fine where they are for now.”

  He pressed his body to hers. “You know, it was your friend Zera who tipped me off.”

  She could feel his erection against the silk. “How did she know?”

  “Your kidnapping was determined by an examiner in the rubble of your apartment.”

  “Rubble?” Her shoulders slumped. “Right. They blew me up.”

  He whispered. “They did what?’

  “They blew up my apartment with me in it, then came along, and were shocked to find me awake. I got a kick to the head and woke up here. Well, not here. In another room that probably has a dead guy in it.” She looked toward where she thought his face was. “They said that they were supposed to kill me. A precog had ordered it. Fortunately, most folks might be revolted, but they still get horny when I am around. That was enough of a distraction.”

  “They targeted you?”

  “Yes, and addressed me as milkmaid and little cow. I hate those names.” She grimaced. “The moment they called me that, someone was going to die.”

  He laughed and then kissed her, and her aching shoulders got some relief when he lifted her against him. Suddenly, getting unshackled wasn’t high on her list of priorities.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You are sure you are no longer in pain.” His tone was stern.

  She smiled at where she thought his face was. “I am sure. I feel fine.”

  “You agree that your clothing is ruined?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. I will buy you something else.” There was the faintest whisper of sound, and the skirt whispered to the floor. She was only wearing about eight inches below her navel.

  She felt his fingers between her thighs, and he lifted her higher. His mouth on her breast caused two things, a rush of milk and a rush of honey.

  She felt the press of his teeth against her skin as he smiled. He switched to her other breast, and the response was the same. Her fingers clenched in the manacles. She wanted to hold him, but he shifted, and his cock was pressing into her using her own body weight to complete the connection.

  “Ohmygod.” She panted and wrapped her legs around his hips for support.

  “I have been called many things before, but never a deity. Usually, I am mistaken for a demon.” His tone was amused, but there was a dark undertone.

  He leaned forward and scraped his teeth along her neck. She shuddered, and it caused her to contract around him.

  “Oh, that is good. Do that again.”

  She gasped. “Do it yourself. I am all tied up.”

  His bite was firmer this time, and she bucked against him as her body tightened up.

  She hissed. “Knock it off.”

  “Why? I think you liked that.”

  She huffed. “Are you going to let me go after we finish?”

  “No, I never actually made that agreement.”

  “So, you are going to leave me here chained to the ceiling with cum dripping down my thighs?”

  He bucked into her for a few hard strokes and then paused. “Oh, that was good. Where did you learn that?”

  “We get training. Verbal visuals are part of it. I get off feeling sex; you get off on seeing it, which is probably good for me because, otherwise, I would be screwed.”

  He gripped her hips and started thrusting into her. “You are getting screwed regardless.”

  She got to the edge far too quickly. She gripped the chains and used them for balance. He was a little surprised when she lifted off with him, trapped with her legs around him.

  “Whoa, what are you doing, Eleven?”

  “I can’t grab you, I can’t grab sheets, I can’t push against the wall, and I want to cum, so this is my only way of increasing muscle tension.”

  “Set me on my feet, and I will cut you loose.”

  She lowered him back to the ground and grunted when she was around him to the hilt.

  Her hands were suddenly loose, and she wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you.”

  Her shoulders screamed, but he started moving again, and the pain and pleasure welded together, and she shrieked as her body clenched around his cock. He waited for her to relax a little, and then, he thrust into her twice before he shouted his release.

  She held him tight, her forehead on his shoulder.

  “You are holding onto me like I am the last man on earth.”

  She murmured the truth. “For me, you are the only man on earth. Everything else is a pale imitation.”

  He kissed her shoulder. “I feel the same.”

  “I really hope there is a security vid of this because it is going to be fucking hilarious.”

  “You curse a lot more than I imagined a wetnurse doing.” He chuckled.

  “The babies don’t care if you say it with affection.” She stroked his hair and felt better now that she could touch him. “Patron?”

  “Yes, Eleven?”

  “How long are we going to stay like this?”

  “Until I no longer feel like I am in heaven. So... forever?”

  “Impractical. I have about ten minutes until I pass out, so if we could just uncouple and you can leave me here, I will get myself out of here even if I have to walk.”

  He snorted. “You think you can survive the desert?”

  “Yeah. Pretty sure. I go sand riding a few times a month. It’s how I met Zera. She probably sought me out, but it all worked out in the end.”

  He gripped her hips and pulled out of her. He set her on her feet and held her until she was steady. “Down the hall to the right. Two lefts and a right. The keys to the transports are on the wall.”

  “Thanks. Are you hanging around?”

  “Watching a woman in torn and shredded silk with my cum running down her thighs cross through a battlefield to steal a vehicle? Oh. Yeah. I am watching.”

  He laughed softly and ran his hands over her waist to her butt. “Run, little kitten. I will be right behind you.”

  She whirled and sprinted out the door. She hadn’t lied when she said she only had ten minutes. It was now seven.

  Her body clock was pretty easy to gauge. Between the explosion, the tension, the sex, and the relaxation, she was heading for the floor in six minutes.

  Chunks of people were lying to the left and right. Whatever her patron used as his blades was very effective. She got the feeling it was extended energy claws. Nothing else in her mind could have cut thr
ough the metal.

  She got to the keys and grabbed a few, taking them outside and triggering the access protocols. She checked each of them and selected the one with the most fuel and a flat spot in back for her to crash when she needed to.

  “What do you need the hatch for? You keep looking at it.”

  “Three minutes from now, I am going to crash. I will need to sleep, and I can do it better in a vehicle where I can crack the windows and rest.”

  “You are going to risk your safety like that?”

  “I want to not be here anymore. I can’t stay here. I don’t want to be here.” She cried and slumped down against the vehicle.

  He picked her up and said, “I will take you home.”

  “No. You said you wouldn’t.”

  “I have changed my mind. I have an idea of the price of your rescue.”

  “What do you want?” She shivered.

  “I will tell you later.”

  “Why can’t I know now?”

  “Because it would freak you out.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, and a vehicle appeared in front of them. It seemed everything around him was hidden.

  She sat in the transport and ran her hands along the leather.

  He reached past her, pulling a harness over her and carefully between her breasts. The neckline of her gown kept her sensitive skin away from the straps as he used it and the robe to guard her.

  “Why are you hiding?”

  “Because I don’t want you to look at me with fear or anything else. I am covered in blood.”

  “Blood doesn’t bother me. Can I drive your vehicle?” She was nodding as she fought to stay awake.

  He chuckled. “Maybe later. Rest. I will get you somewhere safe.”

  “Okay. No groping while I am out.”

  He laughed. “No promises.”

  She chuckled as darkness swam up and wrapped around her. On to another part of her ordeal.

  Khytten squirmed in the soft bedding, and she sighed. She had vague memories of a female voice and soft hands. Her aches and pains were gone. The full-body throb that had been driving her to distraction was gone.

  “You were hiding things from me, Eleven. Internal injuries, concussion, fractured wrist, broken rib. You healed a little, but I think it would take far more than you were willing to consume in front of me to heal you.”

  She blinked and looked toward the shadows. There was a visible person there, but his face was in shadow. His body took her breath away, but she couldn’t see the rest of him.

  “Um, I have a very active endorphin-release system. I can move past the pain fairly easily. My body usually hurts in some way or another. It keeps me moving.” She looked at the light. “Shit. I need to get to the hospital.”

  “No, you don’t. You have expressed twice, and the milk has been delivered to the patients in your care.”

  She was naked between the sheets and held the top sheet to her chest as she sat up. “I... thank you.”

  “You are welcome. You needed rest, and the healer helped me, though she was slightly appalled that I knew how to trigger it.”

  Eleven ran her hand along her scalp. “Someone washed my hair?”

  “I washed all of you. There was blood everywhere. The Mentor really did blow you up.”

  She frowned. “What? Why?”

  “Because a precog told him that you were pivotal to what happened next.”

  “The guy who had me didn’t tell me that.”

  “The men I questioned were more... forthcoming.”

  “Oh. Right.” She blushed and looked around. “We aren’t at a hotel.”

  “This is a place the Aksalla government keeps for my travels. They have similar places around the world.”

  She nodded. “Um, is there anything I can wear?”

  “You are doing pretty well with that sheet.”

  The air caressed her back and hips. “I would like to leave the bed.”

  “Leave it; I am not stopping you.”

  She gave him a narrow-eyed look. “Don’t you have people to kill or something?”

  He laughed. “Usually. Today, my attention is all for you.”

  “That is remarkably un-reassuring.”

  “Good.” He got up and went to a dresser. He pulled out a piece of fabric and brought it to her, dropping it in her lap. “Wear that.”

  She looked at the t-shirt that would swamp her. “This is yours.”

  “It’s clean. You are safe.”

  She snorted and pulled the fabric over her head then slid her legs out of bed and tugged it down to mid-thigh. “Thanks.”

  “I will add it to your bill.”

  “Um, about that. What is my tally so far? I don’t know if I can afford to ask for breakfast.” She pulled her hair out of the shirt and started braiding it.

  “Why do you do that?”

  She grimaced. “Milk is sticky.”

  “Feel free to go exploring. I have to contact Zera and let her know you are awake. She was worried.”

  “Okay.” She got up and bolted for the door.

  She was out the door and down the hall in a few seconds, and then, a warm iron bar wrapped around her belly. “Where are you going, little prey?”

  “Um, high-speed tour?”

  He chuckled. “Not fast enough. You will have to work on your speed, Eleven.”

  She turned her head and blinked. “Um. I can see you.”

  “Yes. I don’t hide in my own home.”

  “I thought you said it was a government building.”

  “It is, and it isn’t. Now, where were you running to, Eleven?”


  “That eager for breakfast? Maybe I should help you.”

  He lifted her and carried her through the halls of the large home and into a bright and cheerful kitchen that did not match the man with black velvet skin, black eyes, and pointed ears. He was super handsome—high cheekbones, a sharp nose, and firm and pleasantly curved lips.

  “You are staring.”

  “You are quite pretty.”

  He laughed. “So I have been told.”

  He set her down on the kitchen counter. “What can I get for you?”

  She reached out to touch him but pulled her hand back. “Um. A muffin, toast, anything?”

  “Breakfast in exchange for a kiss.”

  She blinked. “Ah. Okay, I guess. I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

  He grinned. “I did.”


  “I brushed your teeth, bathed you, brushed your hair, and dried it. It is super silky, by the way.” He nipped her lower lip before he pressed inward for a kiss that left her breathless. “So, there, I have given you a kiss, now give one to me, and we will get you fed.”

  She blushed and put her hands on his shoulders, leaning in until she was making contact with his lips. She started the kiss slowly and deepened it. His hands clenched on her waist and flexed as she slid her tongue along his, past the sharp points of his teeth as she enjoyed the simple and basic contact with him, her nipples pressing against the inside of the shirt showed her that she was enjoying the touch on a basic level that had nothing to do with contracts, dates, or panic. She just enjoyed her patron as a man, and he reciprocated her appreciation.

  When she lifted her head, her breathing was rapid. “And a cup of coffee.”

  He grinned. “I can manage that.”

  “I can get it myself, but there seems to be something stopping me from leaving the counter.”

  “Your feet are bare, and the floor is cold. You stay there, and I will fix your breakfast.”

  She blinked and nodded. “Okay.”

  He turned her to face inside the workspace of the kitchen, and he set the coffee up before he returned to her and eased her thighs apart a little. She blushed when he would pause and lick gently inside her knee, then her thigh, and her inner thigh.

  He presented her with scrambled eggs, toast, and some fruit salad with her coffee next to her on the counter.
br />   She picked up her coffee and sipped it. “I... Did you already eat?”

  He smiled and leaned against the counter opposite her. “No. I had plenty to eat last night.”

  “Oh, uh. Right.”

  “So, you can really create designer reactions via your milk?”

  “Yes. For babies, I give them strong immune systems and treatments to counteract anything noxious in their systems. I haven’t fed many adults, so I do it on a case-by-case basis.”

  He nodded. “Eat your breakfast.”

  She ate, and he stared at her, getting more and more tense as she finished the last piece of fruit in the salad. Two swallows of coffee and the empty cup was set aside. “Thank you.”

  “You are very polite for someone who curses as much as you do.”

  She slowly started to close her thighs, and his gaze locked with hers.


  She looked him over; his tight tank top and snug pants left little to the imagination. “I imagine that your family freaked out a little when you activated.”

  “Yeah. Not quite like yours did. My family was excited at the possibilities. I received developmental training, the most aggressive technological education available, and plenty of subversive training.”

  She swung her feet a little. “I got to go to active camp. That was a lawsuit that I won’t forget.”

  “Your parents sued?”

  She snorted. “No, the camp sued me for sexually harassing their counsellors.”


  “Yeah. My parents had to emancipate me to stop me from taking them down with them; they changed their name and moved away.”

  “And where did they go?” He started to move toward her.

  “I am guessing that you already know.”

  “Yes, but tell me.”

  “They went to Aksalla. They joined a research facility, and my sister has a coffee shop there. They got their permanent residence just before the lock was enacted.”

  “So, when your sister called for help, you came running.”

  “Yes. They are my family.”

  “They abandoned you for expedience.” He stood between her thighs and rubbed at her knees. “That is not what family does.”

  She lifted her chin and stared into his all-black eyes. “It might not be what your family would do, but it was what mine did.”


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