White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8)

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White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8) Page 24

by Mary Rundle

  “Uh, huh, we sure did,” murmured Quin, his eyes drawn back to the love swirling around his brother and Fionn. “I knew it…it’s just like in my books,” he whispered to himself. Staring at the lovers, Quin was sure one day he’d find someone who’d love him just as he was, because, after all, it always happened in the romance stories he loved to read.


  When he awoke the next morning, Fionn’s thoughts went back to the previous night when all his dreams came true… a magical evening made possible by his friends and Quin. Though it wasn’t that long since Kieran rescued him, now, lying within the safety of Hunter’s arms, it seemed a lifetime away—his father’s hatred of him, the many attempts on his life, the fear and uncertainty of his future—all gone. Instead Fionn felt his mate’s love filling him with a love hotter than his dragon fire, something he never thought possible. Wondering what his dragon thought about it, Fionn checked—grinning when he saw the big black wolf’s wings wrapped around him. It was the first time he’d seen how big those wings were… which reminded him about something he forgot to do yesterday.

  Fionn carefully slipped out of Hunter’s arms, rolling over until he was at the edge of their bed. Sitting up, he searched the room for his backpack, spying it near the closet. Glancing over his shoulder and seeing his mate still asleep, he rose and padded over to his bag. Quietly unzipping it, he reached in and dug around until his fingers grasped it. Pulling it out, he smiled, now understanding why his dragon had chosen it.

  “Pet, what are you doing?”

  Hunter’s deep raspy voice sent shivers down Fionn’s spine. Dropping his backpack and quickly concealing the gift, he turned around and found his mate’s half-opened eyes staring at him. “Good morning, mate,” Fionn replied, joining Hunter on their bed. “I forgot to give you something yesterday.” Sitting cross-legged in front of his mate, Fionn kept his hands behind his back. “When I was at my hoard, my dragon insisted I had to bring you a gift…”

  “Not necessary, pet, because you are my gift.”

  Touched by Hunter’s comment, Fionn leaned forward, giving his mate a quick kiss. “Thanks, but my dragon was quite insistent and if you know anything about dragons, it’s just easier to do what they want sometimes, instead of arguing, because you don’t want to get them pissed off. So, I searched for the right gift but in the end, it was my dragon who picked it.” Fionn then held out the gift for his mate to see.

  Blinking once, then again, Hunter half rose and stared at the statue his mate was holding. He couldn’t believe it. It was a gold wolf with enormous wings, looking as if it were about to take flight. “You knew my wolf was going to get wings?”

  “Nope but my dragon did. When I found it, I thought it was supposed to symbolize you and me together. Only after I claimed you did I realize it represented my dragon’s gift to your wolf. Do you like it? It’s solid gold. I inherited it from my mother.”

  “Then I’ll treasure it all the more,” Hunter replied, taking it from his mate. “Wow, it’s heavy.”

  “I’m not sure where my mother got it since the inventory lists the giver as ‘unknown’ which is kind of unusual.”

  “Why?” Hunter asked.

  “Because every time a dragon adds to his hoard, it’s added to their inventory list that gives a description, the date of acquisition, and where it came from,” Fionn answered. “My mother told me the inventory list became mandatory after the last dragon war.”

  “How come?”

  “It’s supposed to stop dragons stealing from other dragons’ hoards. That’s what caused the war. So after peace was made, it was ordered that all dragons keep track of what they own.”

  “Ahh…but can’t a dragon steal something from another’s hoard, then list it on their inventory claiming they got it somewhere else?”

  “Nope, because the list keeper is always someone who isn’t a dragon and who has to post a bond—in my family it was our attorney. There’s also a team of auditors that go around checking the lists to make sure they’re correct.”

  “What kind of bond?” Hunter asked, seeing lots of ways someone could cheat.

  “A life bond…if the list keeper fails at his task, he forfeits his life.”

  “Holy shit! That’s certainly an incentive to be honest.”

  “Yes, it is. But for some reason, the auditors allowed our attorney to list the source of the winged wolf as unknown. Very strange.”

  “Did you ever ask why, when you inherited your mother’s hoard?”

  Shaking his head, Fionn replied, “I didn’t care. Her hoard was just a bunch of things as far as I cared…what I really wanted was my mother back. I’m glad my father never got her hoard, but that doesn’t make up for losing her.”

  Hearing the sadness in his mate’s voice, Hunter placed the statue on the nightstand. Then, gathering him in his arms, he lay back down, holding his mate on his chest. Slowly rubbing his back, he began to hum the same melody his mother hummed to him when he was young. He understood how Fionn felt; it was the same with him when thoughts of his parents’ deaths escaped from the box he tried to keep them in. Though the pain of his loss had slowly begun to fade, it had to be much worse for his mate who was so much younger—and alone—when it happened to him.

  Fighting back his tears, Fionn clung to his mate, desperately needing his strength. As his grief receded, he took deep gulps of his mate’s scent, reminding him that he was home, safe and protected. When Hunter’s touch finally drove the pain from him, Fionn whispered, “I love you so much.”

  Chapter 29

  Mid-morning found Fionn and his mate following Jackson to his study for their meeting with Oracle. He was about to find out his gift, something he didn’t want, but something he’d now have to learn to live with. The best he could hope for was that the gift wouldn’t change his mate’s mind about loving him.

  “Guys, why don’t you take the love seat? Oracle can sit there when she arrives,” Jackson said, pointing to a club chair across from it.

  Hunter sat with his arm draped around Fionn’s shoulder; tension was seeping back into his mate’s body. Surrounding him with his Alpha power in an attempt to soothe him, Hunter tried to get him back into the relaxed frame of mind he was in after their morning shower, but he had to admit their escapades in the shower probably had more to do with relaxing him than anything else. Nevertheless, his goal for today was to keep Fionn from getting uptight about his gift.

  After they’d dressed, Hunter had intertwined his fingers with his mate’s, leading him down to the great room where Fionn was rushed by Theo, Norm, Kieran and Quin who surrounded him, separating Hunter from his mate. He was unruffled about their close encounters as he watched Fionn’s joy-filled face thank them for last night’s dinner and concert. Reclaiming Fionn when it was time for breakfast, he introduced him to the brothers he hadn’t yet met before both of them sat down.

  Mealtime was filled with joking, teasing and laughing, most of it aimed at the newly-mated couple, but Fionn took it all in stride, even teasing Sawyer about Hunter getting blamed for Sawyer’s misdeeds when they were young—and that led to an impromptu contest between Hunter and Steel. In the end, Hunter conceded— agreeing the blame Steel had to take for Slate’s shenanigans far exceeded what he’d experienced with Sawyer. But best of all, at the end of the meal, Robin gave Fionn a complete set of his CD’s along with an autographed manuscript of his song I Will Love You, promising to record it just for him.

  But now, sitting in Jackson’s study, the thing his mate dreaded most was upon them and Hunter, anxious to give Fionn as much support as he could, leaned down and, whispered into his ear, “It doesn’t matter to me what Oracle tells you—I will always love you. Remember that today, okay?”

  Fionn’s eyes flashed up, staring at his mate, finding the reassurance he desperately needed. “I love you too,” Fionn answered, leaning into the side of Hunter’s chest.

  Jackson was pleased by the affection he saw growing between his cousin and Fion
n. He first noticed it at breakfast and now, here. When Oracle entered his study a few moments later, he stood to greet her before sitting again at his desk.

  “Good morning,” Oracle said, sitting down, facing the newly mated couple. “Hello Fionn and Hunter. Congratulations to both of you. The Fates and gods send you their wishes for your continued happiness.”

  “Hi Oracle,” Fionn said, shyly.

  “Hi, you’re the first Oracle I ever met,” Hunter said. “I’m honored.”

  Smiling at Hunter, Oracle said, “And I am very honored to meet the one the Fates and gods deemed a worthy mate for their white dragon.”

  Hunter’s cheeks reddened at Oracle’s praise. “I sure don’t know what I did to deserve that, but I’m glad I did it, because I consider myself the luckiest shifter in the world. Fionn may be their white dragon but he’s my perfect mate.”

  “Hunter is perfect for me too,” Fionn said, smiling at his mate.

  “Yes, indeed, the Fates did a fine job,” Oracle agreed. “Now, before I talk to Fionn and you, Hunter, I must ask if either of you objects to Jackson being present during our meeting.”

  Looking at his mate, Hunter said, “It’s up to you, pet.”

  “I don’t mind,” Fionn replied.

  “Go ahead, Oracle,” Hunter said.

  “Good. I will begin with you first, Hunter,” she said.

  “Me? Why do I have anything to do with my mate receiving his gift?” asked Hunter.

  “Because,” Oracle smiled, “The Fates have also given you a gift.”

  Stunned, Hunter looked at Jackson. “Did you know about this?”

  “No, but I’m not surprised. Remember, Fionn’s a white dragon. A very rare white dragon.”

  “Mate? Is there a problem with you getting a gift from the Fates?” asked Fionn, now becoming somewhat concerned about it.

  “No, not at all, my pet. I’m just a little shocked, but Jackson’s right. If the Fates have given me something to help me protect you, then I’m happy to have it,” Hunter replied, kissing his mate’s forehead.

  “Before I discuss your gift,” Oracle said, “let me tell you why the Fates picked you, Hunter, to be Fionn’s mate. In a nutshell, your heart is pure and you have not been tempted by greed, power, or any other evil. You resist everything that is bad in the world. From an early age, you always put others first even if it meant giving up something you desperately wanted. During your childhood, there were many instances when you put the welfare of others above your own, especially when it pertained to Quin…”

  “You don’t have to go further,” Hunter interrupted, not wanting Oracle to reveal any details about his brother. “I understand.”

  “Well…yes. But when you refused the Alpha position in the Rolling Hills Pack just to keep your brother safe—the position you trained for…that you wanted more than anything else in the world—that’s when the gods gave final approval to the Fates regarding your selection as Fionn’s mate.”

  “The gods? I thought the Fates picked mates,” Hunter said.

  “Normally, they do, but in this case, because Fionn is protected by a goddess, his mate had to be approved by the gods,” Oracle explained.

  “Wow!” Fionn exclaimed, gazing at his mate. “I never knew any of this.”

  “Me neither,” Jackson said. “Oracle, why is it important that Fionn’s mate be pure of heart?”

  “Many times a white dragon’s mate faces choices, and the gods, determined to protect this white dragon at all costs, needed to make sure his mate would choose wisely. As you know, neither the gods nor the Fates can directly interfere with events on earth,” replied Oracle.

  “I passed their test?” asked Hunter.

  “Yes, with flying colors,” Oracle said, smiling. “Throughout your life, there will be constant temptations crossing your path…evil trying to take over your heart…greed trying to find a foothold…power seeking to tempt you…all those and more, constantly looking for a way to hijack the powers of a white dragon. Only someone pure of heart…a heart that doesn’t seek, want, or need anything other than love…will be able to resist the assaults.” Oracle paused to give her words a chance to sink in before continuing. “Remember this: the choices you make are yours alone, but your pure heart gives you a huge advantage—to always choose the right one.”

  “I will always put Fionn first and protect him no matter what temptations lie before me,” Hunter said.

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” Oracle said, smiling.

  Fionn, who’d been quietly taking this all in, then asked, “Is the gift Hunter’s getting the wings my dragon gave his wolf when I claimed him?”

  Jackson suddenly perked up. “Your wolf has wings?”

  “It would appear so,” replied Hunter.

  “That’s sooo freaking cool!” Jackson said. “Have you tried using them yet?”

  “Nope, my mate has promised to teach my wolf how to fly,” Hunter responded.

  “Maybe this afternoon,” suggested Fionn.

  Oracle who’d been listening with amusement, said, “In answer to Fionn’s question, the wings were a gift from the Goddess of the Moon.”

  “Then what’s my mate’s gift from the Fates?” asked Fionn.

  “Hunter,” said Oracle, “you are receiving the power of the Archangel Michael.”

  “Hunter’s a White Knight?” exclaimed Jackson.

  “What’s a White Knight?” asked Hunter, throwing his cousin a quizzical look.

  “That’s what Archangel Michael is…a defender and protector of all that is good…and in this case, I’m assuming it’s Fionn,” Jackson explained.

  “Is that right, Oracle?” asked Fionn. “I never have to worry about anyone trying to hurt me again?”

  “As a White Knight, your mate has the ability to call on a number of powers depending on what is needed at any time. No one will be able to approach you or touch you without Hunter’s permission as long as he is by your side.”

  “Is that why I have this need to be with my mate all the time?” asked Hunter. “Not that I mind, but I’ve been wondering about it.”

  “Yes,” affirmed Oracle. “You received your gift when you claimed Fionn,”

  “Wait, if that’s true,” said Hunter, “then how come my brothers, Ian, his friends, hell, even you, Oracle, are able to be close to Fionn—even touch him, after I claimed him.”

  “Simple, your wolf does not perceive them as threats to Fionn,” Oracle replied. “Until your wolf tells you otherwise, you have nothing to be alarmed at.”

  “What do you mean, ‘until his wolf tells him’?” asked Jackson.

  “Hunter has the rare ability to have conversations with his wolf,” Oracle said. “So whenever his wolf senses Fionn is in danger, he will tell Hunter about it so action can immediately be taken to remove the threat.”

  “You actually talk to your wolf?” Jackson asked Hunter.

  “I do. Not often, and sometimes my wolf will start the conversation, but my mother told me I should always listen,” Hunter said.

  “She was right,” Oracle agreed. “Your wolf is the first line of defense against all who wish to harm Fionn or his white dragon. This allows you to live without the constant feeling of having to be on guard at all times.”

  “Oracle, you said I can call on a number of powers as needed. What powers?” asked Hunter.

  “Any and all powers that exist in the world. But there are two things you should know. First, they are only defensive powers…meaning they cannot be used to attack unless there is an immediate threat to Fionn, and, second, when you call upon any power, you will shift into an angel…well, technically, you will be in your human form with white wings, holding a sword and surrounded by a golden aura.” Oracle smiled, as she envisioned Hunter in that persona.

  “Why the shift?” asked Jackson.

  “To give fair warning to the evil residing in the person who wishes to harm Fionn or his white dragon. The Fates insisted on it and the gods agreed,” Oracle

  “Hunter, are you all right?” asked Jackson, seeing how stunned his cousin looked.

  When his mate didn’t answer, Fionn jabbed Hunter. “Mate, everything okay?”

  Blinking at Fionn’s voice, Hunter realized everyone was looking at him. “Huh?”

  “I asked if you’re okay,” Jackson said. “You look a little shook up.”

  “That’s an understatement. I wasn’t expecting any of this. I thought our meeting was about the supernatural gift my mate was going to get. I mean…I’m trying to wrap my head around this but…frankly…it’s hard to take it all in. White Knight…something I haven’t heard of…unlimited powers…shifting into an angel…this is pretty heavy shit, Jackson.”

  “Mate, do you regret claiming me?” Fionn asked, giving voice to his deepest fear.

  “What? No never! Come here,” Hunter said, lifting Fionn into his lap. “No, my pet, I will never regret claiming you…never. You hold my heart in your hands because I love you with all that I am, today, tomorrow and for the rest of time. Without you, my life is not worth living, so, rid yourself of that thought forever, pet, because it will never happen.”

  A cry of happiness escaped Fionn as his arms circled Hunter’s neck. “I love you, mate, always and forever.” Tugging Hunter to him, Fionn gave his mate several loud sloppy kisses then, tweaking his nipple, he smiled mischievously.

  Grunting as Fionn ground his ass over his growing cock, Hunter grabbed the wiggling hips, stilling them so he could gain control of himself. Once that was accomplished, he flipped his mate around so Fionn was now facing Oracle, then whispered in his ear, “Pet, behave yourself or face the consequences later.”

  Fionn’s eyes widened, then looking over his shoulder at Hunter, mouthed, “A spanking?”

  Tilting his head slightly, Hunter’s only response was a raised left eyebrow. After seeing the grin Fionn gave him, Hunter shifted his focus back to Jackson. “I’ll be okay after this all sinks in.”

  “Good. But any time you need someone to listen or help you sort it out, my door is always open,” Jackson said.


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