White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8)

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White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8) Page 30

by Mary Rundle

  Babe, keep going.

  My mom’s crying.

  Because she hears you…keep going.

  Closing his eyes again, Dakota now spoke of his brothers and their mates… how proud she would be of them for following what she taught them, how they stuck together, helping each other get through the toughest time they ever faced and how they were all waiting for her find to her way so that there’d be happiness once more in her life.

  Babe, Ian said to stop…fifteen minutes are up.

  Shaking his head, Dakota refused. He was close, he knew it, and he wasn’t about to lose the precious connection with his mother he’d finally made. Pausing for a moment, Dakota thought about what he could say that would convince his mother he was real. Then it came to him: “Mama, do you remember the first time you showed me how to make cookies for the Long Night Moon Festival? I hope so, because I expect you to teach my son how to do it. Now Mama, please come back to me.” Dakota waited. When nothing happened, his shoulders slumped and tears began to veil his eyes.

  He had failed.

  Chapter 36

  Devastated by his failure, Dakota felt Ian unhook him from the monitoring equipment; all he could think of was the loss of his mother—again.

  “Da...Dakota? Is it really you?”

  The voice whispered through him, jerking Dakota back from the abyss of grief he was facing. Not sure it was real, he tried to hear it above all the chatter going on around him but wasn’t able to isolate his mother’s voice. “Quiet!” he ordered. The room went silent. “Mama? I’m here…Dakota.”

  “Da...kota.” Hope’s voice was barely above a whisper. “Baby, are you real?”

  “Yes, mama, yes…please open your eyes,” Dakota replied, grasping his mother’s hand and kissing it.

  Focusing intently on his mother’s face, Dakota held his breath, waiting for a response. Then, he saw it—a few flutters of his mother’s eyelashes before she finally opened her eyes and looked at him. Smiling through the tears of joy now streaming down his face, Dakota squeezed his mother’s hand. “Mama, I love you.”

  “I…love you...too...baby.” Then Hope closed her eyes, exhausted at the effort it took to keep them open.

  Alarmed, Dakota looked at Ian. “What happened? Why isn’t my mother awake?”

  Working quickly, Ian examined Hope, pleased with what he found. “Your mother is only sleeping, Dakota. When her body has rested, Hope will wake up and you can speak with her again.”

  “Are you sure she hasn’t relapsed into her coma?” asked Dakota.

  “Positive. She’s just very weak after spending the last several months in bed. Hope needs sleep and food to help build up her strength so she can begin to move around,” Ian explained. “Once that happens, you’ll see improvements quickly.”

  “Food? Like what? I’ll make whatever she needs,” Dakota said, eager to help with his mother’s recovery.

  “Broth is best. Nothing solid for now,” Ian replied.

  “That’s easy.” Leaning back in his chair, Dakota finally looked around the room, seeking out his brothers who stared back at him in astonishment.

  “Well done, Dakota,” Logan said, breaking into a big smile as he cuddled Kieran.

  “You’re amazing, bro,” Colton murmured, bending down to kiss his mother’s forehead.

  “It wasn’t just me…Ki helped, too,” Dakota said, “I couldn’t have done it without him.”

  “Uh, uh,” Kieran added. “You were able to get past the mind block, Kota, something I couldn’t do.”

  “I think we all can agree it was a team effort,” Ian said. “Dakota, your pup is fine, as is yours, Kieran. Mac, thanks for the help. Now everyone out, I want Hope to get some rest.”

  “Can I see her again when she wakes?” asked Dakota.

  “Yes,” Ian replied, “but you’ll have to wait until I feel she’s strong enough. In the meantime, go make the broth because I know your mother will need some nourishment when she wakes up.”

  Springing to his feet, Dakota held out his hand to Slate. “C’mon, babe, I gotta do some research to find out the best broth to make for my mom.”

  Logan looked at his mate’s aura and, noticing the blackness nearly gone, said, “That was fast!”

  “I know, macushla,” grinned Kieran. “It’s because I’m so happy Hope is awake and I can’t wait until our squirt is born so he can meet his grandmother and it is just so amazing isn’t it that now he’ll have two grandmothers just as if my mother was alive. I can’t wait for them to spoil him because that’s what grandmas are supposed to do, not that I know because I never had a grandma, but my Shaman told me all about it so I believe him because he never lied. This is the bestest day ever.”

  “It sure is, mo anan cara,” Logan said. After his mate wriggled off, his lap, Logan stood, drawing Kieran close to him. “Thank you so much for giving my mother back to me,” he whispered, as they left the hospital room.

  Mac watched them leave, then turned back to Ian and Colton. “You know, even though I read the files and saw what Kieran did for Aunt Hope when we arrived, there was still part of me that just didn’t believe it. But this…what happened here today…has erased all doubts I may have had. This was amazing and I owe Oracle a big ‘thank you’ for getting me this job—it’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

  Ian nodded in agreement. Then, after checking Hope once more, he led Colton and Mac from her room, stopping outside it. Looking at his patient through the window, Ian said, “We’re lucky to have you, Mac. Oracle made the right decision. Today wouldn’t have happened without you keeping Hope alive until Dakota and Kieran could bring her back from the edge of death.” Then turning to face Mac, Ian said, “I’m honored to have you as my doctor.”

  Surprised, Mac stared at Ian. Then, a smile slowly lit up his face. “That means a lot to me, sir. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t. Now, how about joining us for lunch? According to my watch, Theo should be bringing it soon,” Ian said, heading to his office.

  “Thanks, be there in a moment.” Waiting until the hallway was clear, Mac reentered the hospital room and walked over to his aunt. Lifting her hand up, he kissed it and then, brushing a wayward strand of hair off her face, whispered, “Welcome back, Auntie, welcome back.”


  Penn pulled open the heavy oak door to the courtroom, letting Fionn, Hunter and Dylon enter before bringing up the rear. Ushering them over to their table, he directed them where to sit, after which he took the seat next to his client and began to remove files from his briefcase. Flipping the top one open, Penn took out several documents, laying them out in front of him before looking up.

  “Penn, any possible problems?” asked Dylon, his voice low.

  “Not that I have knowledge of, but considering the stunt Fionn’s uncle pulled last time, don’t be surprised,” Penn replied.

  “Good.” Turning to Fionn, Dylon said, “Remember…don’t respond, no matter what your uncle does, okay?”

  “I won’t…I promise,” Fionn answered.

  “Pet, can I help?” asked Hunter.

  “Just hold onto me.”

  Nodding, Hunter reached for his mate’s hand, intertwining his fingers with Fionn’s. “I won’t let go, pet.”

  Hearing a commotion behind him, Fionn looked over his shoulder, catching sight of his uncle and his lawyer strutting arrogantly down the aisle to their table. Catching his uncle’s eye, Fionn shivered at the hatred reflected in them.

  “Pet, look at me,” Hunter ordered. Once he had his mate’s attention, he continued, “Ignore him. He’s not worth wasting a moment’s thought on.”

  “All rise!” the bailiff’s voice thundered.

  Standing up, Fionn kept his eyes on the judge entering the courtroom before sitting down when Penn gave him the signal. Listening to the bailiff inform the judge all parties were present in the matter, Fionn waited to see what would happen next.

  His uncle’s la
wyer stood. “Your Honor, my client has several claims against the estate he hasn’t been able to submit prior to now.” Mr. Walker passed a number of documents to the bailiff before stepping over to Penn and handing copies to him.

  After quickly skimming through the papers, Penn stood. “Your Honor, I must object. The time set for submissions of claims has passed without any motion being filed by Mr. Walker asking this Court for an extension of time.”

  Glancing at his uncle, Fionn found him grinning at the judge without a bit of concern regarding Penn’s objection. Slowly shaking his head at the farce playing out in front of him, Fionn knew the judge was about to deny Penn’s objection. Squeezing Hunter’s hand hard, Fionn struggled to control the furious dragon fire rushing through his body; scales were beginning to emerge on his back. .

  Alarmed at what was happening to his mate, Hunter grabbed Fionn’s other hand, tugging it. Once Fionn’s eyes locked onto his, he murmured, “Pet, look at me…only me,” and surrounded his mate with his Alpha power, pulling Fionn back from the brink of shifting.

  Still invisible, Cody moved next to the judge, waiting for him to rule. Seeing his hesitation, he leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Do you want me to send the recording to the High Council?”

  Startled, the judge called out “No!”

  Unclear as to what the judge meant, Penn asked, “Your Honor, are you allowing Mr. Walker to submit these claims against the estate?”

  “Err, no. Objection sustained. Mr. Walker, you are fully aware the time has passed for claims to be filed and, not having filed a motion previously for an extension of time, I hereby rule against the admission of these claims.”

  “But Your Honor, I was told…”

  “Sit down, Mr. Walker,” the judge ordered, “or I will find you in contempt.”

  Staring at Fionn, Hunter murmured, “Pet, it’s okay. The judge ruled in your favor.”

  Blinking several times at his mate’s words, Fionn slowly smiled at Hunter as the dragon fire coursing through his body died out. “I love you, mate.” Keeping his focus on his mate during the rest of the hearing—which passed without further incident—Fionn felt himself pulled up by Hunter when the bailiff called out for everyone to rise once again.

  After the judge left the courtroom, Penn turned to his client. “That’s it. All your father’s assets have been transferred to you, Fionn. You’ll need to have your inventory list for your hoard amended but that shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll file the transfer of titles for all the real estate your father owned and forward them to you once they’ve been recorded.”

  “What about the companies?” asked Fionn.

  “You are now the owner of all of them as of five minutes ago, when the Court closed the estate,” answered Penn.

  “Is there anything else I have to do?” asked Fionn.

  “Right away…no. But I would recommend moving your father’s hoard as quickly as you can, simply because I don’t know if your uncle will attempt to access it,” Penn said.

  “I was planning to do that,” Fionn said. “Penn, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” Penn said, putting his files back in his briefcase. “What is it?”

  “I thought the judge was going to allow my uncle’s claims, didn’t you?”

  Stopping for a moment, Penn glanced over at Fionn’s uncle, narrowing his eyes at what he saw, then looking back at his client, he said, “Truthfully? Yes. Of course, I’d have appealed immediately but that would’ve dragged the probate process out longer.”

  “Then what happened? Why did the judge side with us?”

  “Don’t know. I stopped guessing why judges do things a long time ago. I’m just pleased he agreed with me this time,” Penn replied, smiling.

  “Penn, I have a question,” Hunter said.


  “Can Fionn’s uncle appeal the judge’s denial of his claims?” asked Hunter.

  “No…well, yes technically he can, but he won’t,” Penn replied, picking up his briefcase.

  “Why not?” asked Fionn.

  “Because he won’t find a lawyer who’ll risk his livelihood filing an appeal that doesn’t have any basis in law for it…simply put, Mr. Walker didn’t file a motion for an extension of time prior to the hearing and give a reason why his client’s claims would be submitted after the deadline. So there’s no legal basis for an appeal,” Penn explained.

  “But it seems to me,” said Fionn, “that filing that motion would have been a simple thing to do, so why didn’t he?”

  “I can’t answer that… but during this entire case, Walker has been an arrogant ass who’s always acted as if the judge would do anything he wanted. That assumption turned out to be a fatal mistake because by not properly filing for the late submission of claims, he basically left his client without any options,” Penn said. Then, looking at his watch, he said, “I have to run to another appointment but call me later if you have any more questions, okay?”

  “No problemo…but you won’t forget about contacting your client regarding my father’s…I mean, my companies?” asked Fionn.

  “I plan on doing it as soon as I get back to the office,” Penn said.

  “Thanks.” Sitting down, Fionn glanced over at his uncle who was engaged in a heated discussion with his attorney, before shifting his eyes to his mate. “You know there’s never a dull moment in my life.”

  Chuckling, Hunter kissed Fionn’s forehead. “Not a big deal, pet because it certainly keeps life interesting.”

  “Fuck! That’s one way of putting it,” Fionn smirked.

  “Guys, ready to go?” Dylon asked. “Robert has our luggage and is standing by to pick us up.”

  “Where’s Cody?” asked Hunter.

  “He’ll join us shortly,” Dylon said.

  “C’mon, pet, let’s get the hell out of here,” Hunter said, tugging his mate up.

  Taking one last look at his uncle, Fionn saw him furiously tapping his phone. Grinning in triumph, he followed Hunter out of the courtroom, happy he’d never have to see him again. Once in the hallway, he found Cody leaning nonchalantly against the wall, waiting for them.

  “Hi babe,” Cody said, giving Dylon a peck on his lips. “The car is waiting down below, if there isn’t anything else you need to do.”

  “Nope, let’s go home…our twins are waiting for us.”

  “C’mon, pet, that sounds great,” Hunter said, walking with Fionn towards the elevator. After pushing the button, he pulled Fionn tight to his body, embracing him while planting a series of kisses behind his ear before whispering, “I’m proud of you, pet. You did fine in there.”

  “Fionn! Wait up!”

  Hearing someone call his name, Fionn looked over Hunter’s shoulder, seeing Eideard MacDùghlas heading toward him. The look on his uncle’s face caused shivers to run down his spine; his mate pulled him tight against him.

  Dylon immediately blocked Fionn’s uncle from getting close, positioning his body in front of Hunter and Fionn. “What do you want, Mr. MacDùghlas?” Dylon growled.

  Eideard MacDùghlas flicked his eyes over the wolf shifter and immediately smirked knowing a wolf wasn’t any threat to him. Glancing over Dylon’s shoulder, he said, “Fionn, call off your dogs. I just want to talk—I have a business proposition for you.”

  “I’m not interested,” Fionn replied.

  “Really? You’re going to turn down gold? For your father’s businesses?”

  That stopped Fionn for a moment as he considered his uncle’s offer. “Why do you want them?”

  “Sentimental reasons, mainly since I helped your father start them,” MacDùghlas said.

  “Pet, may I?” asked Hunter in a very low voice.

  In answer to his mate’s question, Fionn said to his uncle, “You need to talk to my mate about buying the businesses.”

  “Mate?” Fionn’s uncle looked at Hunter. “You’re my nephew’s mate?”

  “Yes, I am. Can I have your number so I can call you this
afternoon to talk about this further?” asked Hunter.

  Eideard pulled out his wallet, and slipped out a business card. “Here, I look forward to hearing from you, Mr…?”

  “Hunter Evans.” He took the card and put it in his jacket pocket. Then, hearing the elevator door open, Hunter quickly entered, pushing his mate to the back of the car while Cody and Dylon positioned themselves on either side of him. Punching a button, he kept his eyes on Fionn’s uncle until the door closed.

  Chapter 37

  Clenching and unclenching his fists, Hunter watched impatiently as the elevator descended, ready to bolt from it with his mate as soon as the doors opened. Hunter’s wolf warned him his mate was in danger when Fionn’s uncle approached the four of them. But Eideard MacDùghlas was alone, so Hunter chose not to do anything except leave. Now he wondered if that was the best choice as his wolf was becoming increasingly agitated about their mate’s security.

  Two more floors…one more…. finally. Relieved when they came to a stop, Hunter turned to Dylon. “The car’s out front?” Before Dylon could reply, the doors slid open, and growls surrounded them. Stepping back, Hunter was greeted by snarling half-shifted wolves, rushing towards him. Before he could do anything, the first attacker was on him, pushing him and Fionn against the back wall of the elevator. Quickly, Hunter partially shifted, his hands becoming claws and his face morphing into a wolf’s. Baring his teeth, he answered the growls with growls of his own as he began to fight.

  Grappling with the leader, Hunter slashed at his face and then swatted him with several blows. Howling in pain, the injured wolf began to fall, but before he even hit the floor, another wolf jumped Hunter, clawing his chest, causing him to stumble before he could throw off his attacker. Glancing to his left, Hunter saw Dylon with two wolves mauling him. As they fought on, the attackers drew them from the elevator, exposing them to others.


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