White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8)

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White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8) Page 35

by Mary Rundle

  Cocking his head to one side, Hunter heard what was being said by the people on the floor above him. Checking the rest of his senses, he discovered they were far superior to those he had as a wolf—something he’d have to ask Oracle about. Zeroing in on Fionn’s uncle, he listened intently to his conversation, smirking at what he heard. Then, folding his wings against his back he sidled over to the far corner of the room, concealing himself in the shadows, just as the door to his prison opened again.

  Chapter 42

  “You know, if I give the wolf this shot, he’ll die,” said one of the attackers.

  “I told our client that, but he insisted,” replied the leader.

  “Fucking asshole…if he wanted him dead, why make us take him alive? It would’ve been easier just to kill him.”

  “How the fuck do I know?”

  Remaining hidden, Hunter listened as the men descended the staircase, knowing they’d soon discover their prisoner missing.

  “We should get paid extra for this job…my brother was killed by that fuckin’ incredible hulk wolf. No one told us about him…did they?”

  “If you mean our client? No…according to him, there’s no wolf shifter on earth who’s that strong,” replied the leader.

  “Fuck him. I know what I saw and I’m telling you…that wasn’t any kind of motherfuckin’ wolf I know of.”

  Reaching the bottom step, the leader of the attack force looked over to where his prisoner had been tied up, but saw only an empty chair. Stopping short, he growled, “Shut up.” Searching the huge room using his wolf vision and hearing, he found no trace of Hunter. Advancing slowly to the empty chair, with his companion following closely behind, he picked up the chain and cuffs, examining them. They’re intact, so how did that sonofabitch escape? Dropping them and scanning the room more carefully this time, he narrowed in on the deep shadows in a far side corner. Taking a couple of steps toward them he paused and then demanded, “Show yourself.” It was a guess but he was sure that’s where the wolf shifter was hiding.

  Observing the two shifters who had attacked his mate, Hunter felt none of the anger he expected; instead, remaining calm, he waited for their next move.

  Receiving no response, the leader tried again. “Show yourself now, fucker, or when your little twink arrives, I’ll be sinking my cock into his sweet, tight ass.”

  Smirking at the taunt, Hunter knew it was a hollow threat, but it reminded him— Fionn would soon be here to sacrifice his life to save him. Stepping out of the darkness, his body surrounded by a shimmering white aura, he spread his wings.

  “Holy shit! What the fuck is that?” asked the leader’s cohort.

  “Fuck, if I know!” the leader exclaimed, taking a step backward, then several more, before stumbling over his companion crouching on the floor. Swinging violently around, he leapt over his buddy and bolted toward the stairs.

  His eyes beginning to glow red as they tracked the leader, Hunter waited until the shifter had almost reached the stairs before unleashing a lethal, laser burst from his eyes that tore through the leader’s body, piercing his heart, killing him instantly. Then turning his laser vision at the fallen shifter who’d risen to his knees he shot a laser beam at him, leaving a small, smoking hole between his eyes. He paused for a few seconds, overwhelmed at Archangel Michael’s power before folding his wings, stepping around the bodies, and heading for the stairs.


  Fionn, along with Cody stepped out of the portal into the cavern containing his hoard. Feeling his dragon’s strength fortified by the gold, he briefly closed his eyes holding out his arms, trying to soak up as much power as he could before meeting his uncle.

  “Fionn, we better go,” said Cody.

  “Give me a minute,” Fionn murmured. His uncle was much older than he and very strong. Recharging his dragon so its power was at its peak would give him a fighting chance if his uncle tried to seize him when he stepped out of the portal—before Cody could kill him. “Okay, let’s go,” he said, motioning Cody into the portal where he watched him become invisible.


  Reaching the partially open door at the top of the stairs, Hunter paused and, using his powerful hearing, found no wolf attackers in the room beyond. Pushing the door open, he proceeded until he came to a set of tall, black, double doors. Sensing two shifters on the other side, he slowly turned one door knob and pushed the door open. The shifters were playing chess at a small table. Emitting two, deadly, laser shots, he murmured, “Checkmate.”

  Moving stealthily through the rest of the rooms, Hunter swiftly wiped out the remaining wolf shifters before they could sound an alarm. Now, standing before another door leading to the room his mate’s uncle was in, he pressed his hand against it, sensing the dragon within. Opening it, he felt a burst of fire engulf him…and smiled when all he felt was a smooth, warm breeze washing over his skin. When it finally dissipated, Hunter found Fionn’s uncle staring at him in disbelief.

  “That can’t be...” Eideard MacDùghlas muttered, opening his mouth again, shooting more flames at Hunter.

  Stepping into the fire, Hunter spread his wings and raised his sword. Then, pausing until the flames had ceased and, still unscathed, he stood before a terrified Eideard MacDùghlas whose eyes blinked wildly at this strange apparition. “Look upon me and see who I am,” Hunter intoned. “Someone who has been given the greatest power the gods can bestow. Given for the sole purpose to protect the white dragon from evildoers, such as you are.”

  “Y-y-you’re a White Knight,” Eideard stuttered, quickly turning to make sure he had enough space to shift into his dragon.

  Raising his sword, Hunter sent forth a bolt of lightning, knocking Fionn’s uncle to the floor, thwarting his shift. Then focusing his eyes on Eideard’s chest, he shot a laser burst deep into his heart. Eideard MacDùghlas was no more.


  When his phone dinged with a message from Fionn, Dylon looked at the rest of his team standing in the portal with him and, giving them a nod, said “Now.” Emerging from the portal seconds later, they found themselves standing in front of an old stone mansion. Quickly sizing up the situation, Dylon found the grounds unguarded. “Zane,” he said, “beam into the basement and free Hunter, but be careful, someone might be with him.” Then turning to Dakota, he asked, “Have you located the uncle’s thoughts?”

  “No…I’m not picking up anyone’s thoughts, except ours,” Dakota replied.

  “Are you sure? There should be at least twenty-five attackers along with Fionn’s uncle.”

  Shaking his head, Dakota replied, “I’m not even finding Hunter’s thoughts.”

  “Oh shit!” Dylon quickly pulled out his phone, just as it rang. “Hello?”

  “It’s me,” Zane said. “Hunter isn’t in the basement, but there are two dead shifters down here.” Rolling one over, he exclaimed, “Holy shit balls! You won’t believe this but someone used a laser gun on him…one shot, straight to the heart…the asshole never stood a chance.”


  Gritting his teeth, Fionn exited the portal, expecting to find his uncle waiting for him, but instead, his eyes landed on his mate, white wings fully extended, holding a silver sword, enveloped in luminescent white light. Oh my gods! He is fucking glorious! His eyes taking in every detail of Hunter’s stance and expression, his fingers itched to get it down on paper. When his mate dropped his sword and held his arms open, Fionn flew into them, showering Hunter with kisses as he was hugged tightly in return.

  Now visible, Cody stared at the dead uncle on the floor. “I guess I won’t be needed after all,” he smirked, looking up at Hunter. “Way to go, cousin!”

  Grabbing his mate’s ass, Hunter lifted him up, grinning as Fionn wrapped his legs around him before hooking his arms around Hunter’s neck. “Pet, are you all right? They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

  “Mmmm.” Tucking his face under Hunter’s jaw, Fionn inhaled his mate’s scent, needing it the same way he neede
d oxygen.

  Keeping his mate tight against him, Hunter folded his wings before asking Cody. “Is anyone else here?”

  “Outside,” Cody, said, gesturing toward a window. “Are all the attackers dead?”

  “Everyone in the house is.”

  “How many did you find?”

  “Twenty seven…well, including Eideard…twenty-eight.”

  Nodding, Cody said, “Dylon and Slate are doing a head count right now.”

  “Who else is here?” asked Hunter.

  “Zane, Colton, and Dakota,” Cody responded. “The plan was for them to arrive outside a minute before Fionn and me…so Zane could transport down to free you. But then Zane found you weren’t there, and Dakota couldn’t find anyone’s thoughts, including yours,” Cody paused, before he went on. “So, anyway, Dylon was worried Fionn’s uncle had texted a different address for him to go to at the last minute. You don’t know how relieved he was to find out you were here and alive, and all the shifters were dead since…”

  “You thought they were heading to the Blackwood Pack?” asked Hunter.

  “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “I overheard them talking about it, but then Eideard nixed the plan, which, by the way, pissed all of them off to no end. From what I gathered, they all wanted to get another shot at the ‘incredible hulk’ wolf shifter who killed so many of them at the courthouse.”

  Chuckling, Cody said, “Incredible hulk, huh?”

  Noticing Cody’s mischievous grin, Hunter quickly figured out what his cousin planned to do with that piece of information, “You didn’t hear that from me, got it?”

  “Too late,” Cody smirked. “My mate already knows, but don’t worry, he loves his new nickname.”

  “Good to know,” Hunter smiled, before asking the question he’d wanted to since watching Cody appear out of thin air. “So what was your role in the mission?”

  “To kill Fionn’s uncle,” Cody replied, holding up the syringe. “It contains fast acting poison. Ian gave it to me.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Hunter asked, “Jackson agreed to it?”

  “Yes, because it was what your mate wanted.”

  Looking up at his mate’s face, Fionn said, fiercely, “My fucking uncle nearly killed me and he took you away from me. He deserved to die for that…and since I had to approve any plan to rescue you, I demanded it so we’d never have to worry about him messing with us again.”

  “My warrior dragon,” Hunter proudly whispered against Fionn’s lips before giving him a gentle kiss, sensing how hard it had been on him. “Thank you, pet, I love you.”

  “I love you, too, mate,” Fionn replied before licking Hunter’s lips. “Can we go home, now?”

  “I think that’s an excellent idea, Fionn,” Dylon said, looking at his mate as he strode into the room. “What about you babe, ready to head back to the twins?”

  “Ready when you are,” Cody grinned, taking his mate’s hand.

  “Hey, what about all the bodies? Shouldn’t we do something with them?” asked Hunter, worried about someone discovering them.

  “Not necessary—I’ve arranged for a clean-up crew,” Dylon responded, then his eyes widened, taking in Hunter in his White Knight persona. “Damn, I bet Eideard shit in his pants when he saw you.”

  “You should see his wings, babe.” Cody said.

  “Mate, show him your wings,” Fionn said.

  Smiling at his mate, Hunter flexed his shoulders, letting his wings extend fully, then, looking over at Dylon, laughed when he saw the expression on his face. “Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Fucking amazing,” Dylon replied. “Can you fly with them?”

  “I don’t know…I have to ask Oracle some questions and maybe she can tell me,” Hunter replied.

  “Yeah, she would know.” Then bringing Cody’s hand up to his lips, Dylon kissed it before saying, “Everyone’s outside waiting for us, babe. Fionn, when you’re ready to leave, Hunter can go with you in your portal, Okay?”

  “Okay, but we won’t be home right away…I want my mate to see my hoard,” Fionn replied.

  “I’ll let Jackson know,” Dylon said, “just don’t stay too long because Hunter’s brothers will want to see him in the flesh, just to make sure he’s all right.”

  “We won’t,” Fionn said, then added, “Thank you, Dylon, and you too, Cody, for bringing Hunter back to me.”

  “No problemo,” Dylon smiled, before leading Cody out of the room.

  “What about you, pet? Ready to go?” Hunter asked Fionn.

  “Uh, huh…but are you going to shift back…you know, to my regular mate?”

  “I would if I knew how,” Hunter said sheepishly. “Oracle only told me how to do it, not how to undo it.”

  Fionn’s eyes grew large. “You mean you’re stuck this way?”

  Chuckling, Hunter said, “Not permanently…just till I can talk to Oracle.”

  “What about your wolf? Does he know how?”

  “No, I already asked him.”

  “Did you try saying ‘White Knight’ again?”

  “No, because that’s what I say to become one,” Hunter smiled.

  “Well, maybe it’ll work…why don’t you try it?”

  Indulging his mate, Hunter set Fionn down, then stepped back several steps. Murmuring “White Knight,” he waited but nothing happened. Shaking his head, he said, “Nope, not working. I’ll just have to wait till we get home.”

  “Hmmm, you know, Ki told me how Logan shifts back to his self and maybe that’ll work for you?”

  Shrugging, Hunter replied, “Sure, worth a try. What does he say?”

  “He doesn’t say anything…just thinks ‘me’.”

  Nodding, Hunter did as Fionn suggested.

  Fionn watched in awe as the shift occurred, returning Hunter back to his beloved mate. Clapping his hands, he bounced on his toes, exclaiming, “Mate, it worked!”

  Glancing down at himself, Hunter grinned; he was stark naked. “Shit, I don’t know what those assholes did with my clothes.”

  “That’s okay,” Fionn grinned, “They’re only gonna get in the way for what I have planned.”

  “And what’s that, my pet?” Hunter asked, moving so close to Fionn, his cock was firmly pressed against his mate’s bulge.

  Eyes darkening with lust, Fionn asked, huskily, “Have you ever fucked on a bed of gold coins?”

  “Can’t say I have,” Hunter growled.

  Fionn shivered. His mate’s low, rough voice forcing his cock to harden even further. Grinding his hips against Hunter’s, he moaned as exquisite pleasure rushed through his body. “Mate,” Fionn keened, “I need you now.”

  Placing his hands on Fionn’s perfect bubble butt, Hunter squeezed it briefly, before lifting his mate up in his arms. “Take me to your golden bed, pet, and I will give you exactly what you need,” he crooned.

  Whispering some words, Fionn summoned forth the portal. “Entré…my mate,” he smiled, making a sweeping gesture toward the entrance, “and when we exit, we’ll be at my hoard…where my golden bed awaits.”

  Within seconds, Hunter, carrying his mate, stepped into the cavern, its glowing walls reflecting the gold within it. Then, spying the pile of coins shaped like a bed, he carefully placed Fionn down upon it, before joining him. Staring deep into his mate’s eyes, Hunter whispered, “I’m not going to fuck you on this golden bed…” Hearing his mate’s disappointed whimper, he continued, “I’m going to make love to you on this golden bed, my pet.” Then, lowering his face until his lips met Fionn’s, Hunter groaned as his mate’s scent overwhelmed his senses.

  Chapter 43

  As evening gently descended on the forest outside Jackson’s study, the tired Alpha gave a sigh of relief; everyone was safe despite the many things that could have gone wrong. Smiling, he remembered the joy on Quin’s face when word was received from Dylon that Hunter was rescued and would be returning soon. He’d watched as David, Adam and Quin hugged each other, laughing in relief at the
good news. He texted Oracle, Maximus and Steel before sitting back and waiting for everyone’s return…which couldn’t be soon enough. Though he wished it hadn’t happened, Fionn’s uncle had done him a favor by kidnapping Hunter; it stressed the importance of being proactive when it came to protecting his pack members, not just reacting when the shit hit the fan. The trouble was Jackson wasn’t sure what changes he should make.

  Now, as he sat waiting for Fionn and Hunter to return, his thoughts went back to those childhood summers when his cousins stayed with his family. Memories of how much he admired Hunter, even copying him down to the way he walked, flooded back. His cousin, who was all Alpha, was born to lead a pack, unlike himself, always torn between his Alpha and Omega sides.

  As it turned out, the Fates had dealt a different hand to the two Alphas—one who always knew he’d lead a pack and the other who never wanted to—swapping their destinies. So why did the Fates bring us together? It can’t have been only to return my mother. By claiming Fionn, Hunter was now a member of Jackson’s pack. Leaning back in his chair, he mulled over why the Fates wanted his cousin here. Just as a protector for Fionn? Maybe…but maybe not. Of the two of them, he had no doubt his cousin was better suited to lead this extraordinary pack. Still, Jackson couldn’t rid himself of the nagging feeling he was missing something—something involving him—and something so obvious he was going to kick himself when he finally figured it out.


  Running his fingers through his sleeping mate’s hair, Hunter smiled when Fionn rubbed his cheek against Hunter’s chest while shifting in his sleep. He’d have to wake him so they could go home; his brothers were waiting to see him, especially Quin, who relied on his big brother to keep him safe. Yet he wasn’t quite ready to leave the security the cavern offered him and his wolf when it came to protecting their mate—no one could find them here. The privacy and intimacy of it was intoxicating; Hunter felt they were the last two souls on earth when he made passionate love to Fionn on the golden bed.


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