Sleight of Hand

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Sleight of Hand Page 4

by BJ Bentley

  “Fine, let’s go a round, then,” I declared, feeling belligerent, and whipped off the coverup I was wearing over my bathing suit. Let him use me. It’s not like I wasn’t using him.

  “Stop,” he commanded harshly. “My rules. You do as I say. No more, no less.”

  My heart started to pound, and I felt a trickle of unease creep up my neck.

  “Come here,” he commanded, softly this time.

  I slowly walked toward him, my shoulders stiff with apprehension. He lifted a hand to trail a finger down my jaw and under my chin. He let his hand fall back down to his side, and although we were standing face to face, we were no longer touching.

  “Undress me,” he said.

  My hands trembled as I unbuttoned his shirt that was the same blue-green color of his eyes. When I got to the bottom, I brushed the shirt off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I swallowed as I raised my eyes to meet his. He raised an eyebrow, which I took as encouragement to keep going. While I was unbuckling his belt, he toed off his shoes. Soon, his pants were on the floor, and I stepped back.

  “No,” he warned. “You’re not done.”

  My hands still shaking, though now it was more from anticipation than anything else, I reached for the waistband of his black boxer briefs and began to tug. I gasped when his cock sprang free. “Holy shit,” I whispered, though I hadn’t meant to say it out loud. I reached out to grab his shaft, already forgetting the rules. Aleksander grunted when I gripped him in my fist.

  “Roberta,” he hissed, but I couldn’t let go, even if it felt like my hand was burning.

  His heat scorched my skin, and I was powerless against the urge to stroke him. I brought my other hand up to cup his balls and worked them back and forth in my palm. Aleksander’s hand shot out to grasp my wrist.

  “Forget the rules so soon?” he asked menacingly. The look in his eyes was dangerous. I was Little Red, and he was the big bad wolf. I didn’t stand a chance. I felt warning bells going off, and I dropped both my hands. He spun me around, so I was facing the bed and roughly shoved me forward. He clucked his tongue disapprovingly, and said, “Disobedience warrants a punishment, little one.” My bathing suit bottoms came off, and I suddenly found myself face down on the bed with Aleksander landing a resounding smack to my ass, the sting enough to make my eyes water.

  “Ow!”I yelped, but he only did it again on the other cheek.

  “Hush! You’ll take your punishment, since you earned it.” Another smack landed.

  I whimpered involuntarily and hoped the sound didn’t earn me another spanking just as another slap landed on the other cheek. I felt his heat leave my back and raised my head as he walked around to the far side of the bed. He leaned over and, hooking his hands under my arms, hauled me over toward him. From my position on my stomach, his cock was lined up with my face. He cupped my chin in one hand and squeezed either side of my jaw in a bid to get me to open wide. Once I complied, he roughly shoved his cock into my mouth so far that I gagged. He pulled out, but only an inch or so. I was feeling quite tempted to bite down, but I figured my punishment would be a bit more severe than a spanking, so I refrained.

  “Look at me,” he growled.

  I raised my eyes to his face, but I was scowling. Or as much as I could with his cock in my mouth, anyway. He didn’t say anything else, just began thrusting in and out. He thread his fingers through my hair close to my scalp to hold me steady. He was not gentle. The tip of his cock hit the back of my throat with each thrust. He continued to fuck my face, and I lay there as I heard his breath quicken and he began to grunt.

  With each sound he made, I felt my own arousal building. My nipples were already pebbled, and I felt the wetness gather between my thighs. I clenched my muscles and pressed my legs together to alleviate some of the pressure. When that didn’t work, I shifted my hips in a bid for friction. I started undulating my pelvis to the rhythm of Aleksander’s thrusts, but it wasn’t enough. Despite the fact that he was using me solely for his own pleasure, I couldn’t help but want to please him. I wanted to see him lose control, but more importantly, I wanted to be the cause of it.

  With one final thrust, he hit the back of my throat once more and ordered me to swallow. When I obeyed, he came down my throat as he barked out my name.

  “Clean me,” he said as he pulled out.

  I looked at him questioningly.

  “With your tongue. Clean me.”

  When I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes, he merely cocked an eyebrow. His eyes sparkled as though he took great pleasure in my disgruntled state. I wanted to avoid another spanking, but I also wanted to show him he didn’t intimidate me, so I leaned forward and licked his shaft from root to tip all the while maintaining eye contact.

  “Good girl,” he murmured while light stroking my cheek with his thumb. Why did that simple praise soothe something in me? I was not a submissive. In fact, I relished being in control during sex. And while Aleksander’s commands rankled, his praise left me feeling warm and fuzzy. I didn’t have the inclination to analyze that much further at the moment, and besides, I was about to get pissed off again. I watched as Aleksander sauntered toward the bathroom.

  “Hey!” He turned around to look at me. “What about me?” I asked, letting him know I was not happy with this one-sided gratification we had going on.

  He merely shrugged his shoulders, as if my pleasure was of no consequence, and allowed, “Maybe later.” Then he turned and entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

  “Asshole!” I yelled at the door while ineffectively throwing a pillow in that direction.

  Chapter 7


  After stomping across the hall to my own room for a shower, I made my way downstairs to raid the fridge. I bypassed Elaina, who was preparing a roast, and went straight for the leftover General Tso’s I knew was still there from lunch. Elaina peppered with me disapproving side eye as I stomped around yanking open and slamming drawers.

  “Are you an emotional eater?”

  I paused with a spoonful of pork fried rice halfway to my mouth. “Do you know any woman who isn’t?”

  “That’s probably fair,” she muttered. “Don’t spoil your dinner.”

  I grunted, with my mouth full, and rolled my eyes. The amount of sexual frustration I was experiencing at that moment meant that I would finish off this Chinese and put a healthy dent in that roast. Maybe I should have taken care of myself while I was in the shower, but I was too damn mad to think about doing the job myself. Aleksander chose that moment to saunter into the kitchen like the well-satisfied man that he was.

  I continued to lean against the counter, shoveling food into my mouth while Aleksander placed his perfectly formed derriere on a stool. I tried my best to ignore him. “Where’s Bert?” I asked Elaina.

  “Who’s Bert?” Aleksander asked before Elaina could answer me. “Roberta,” he warned when I didn’t answer him right away.

  I rolled my eyes. “Robert. The guard you left here.”

  His eyes narrowed a fraction. “No,” he said, standing up. “Come, sparrow.” He held his hand out to me.

  “Uh, no. I’m good, thanks,” I sniped.

  His hand dropped. “Perhaps you misunderstood me earlier, Roberta. You hold no power here. I will command you, and you will obey.”

  My eyes darted to Elaina, who suddenly refused to make eye contact.

  “Now,” Aleksander continued, “you can continue to fight me and make this more difficult for yourself, or you can do as you’re told. Although, I have the distinct feeling that breaking you would bring me great pleasure.”

  The wicked glint was back in his eyes, and I knew I was in some serious shit. I’d been on my own for so long, taking care of myself for so long, that the thought of handing the reins over to anyone else, for any reason, filled me with anxiety. I felt stuck. Claustrophobic in the position I’d placed myself, I started to panic. I set my bowl down on the counter and took a step, but it was a step in t
he direction leading away from Aleksander and his control.

  “So be it,” he said with an evil grin, as I took off running.

  He caught me before I made it more than twenty feet, and not even realizing how I got there, I found myself over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. “Put me down!” I screeched as I started to struggle. His steps never faltered as he strode up the stairs toward his bedroom.

  Depositing me on the bed, he pointed a finger and said, “Stay.” He walked into the closet, and I heard a drawer open, some rustling, and the drawer closing. He came back into the room with what looked like scarves. He dropped them on the bed next to me and ordered me to stand.

  “Take your clothes off.” Aleksander took a step back and began disrobing.

  My mouth went dry at the sight of him.

  “Don’t make me wait, Bertie,” he sing-songed.

  Swallowing, I stood up and began to strip. Anticipation made my blood sing. The more skin he exposed, the more quickly I lost what was left of my anger from earlier. I wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but I couldn’t wait to find out. Hopefully, what he had in mind included an orgasm for me this time.

  “No,” he said, when I raised a hand to touch his chest.

  Narrowing my eyes, I demanded, “Why can’t I touch you?”

  “You can touch me when I say you can touch me,” he said.

  “So, that’s how you’re gonna play this? A power play?”

  “Oh, sweet sparrow,” he said, smiling wolfishly. “You’re about to find out exactly what my power play entails,” he said as he stepped forward menacingly. “Now, lie on the bed. On your back. Hands above your head,” he ordered.

  Despite the anxiety swirling in my chest, I moved to follow his directions, but said, “You’re not going to tie me up, are you?” I glanced at the pile of scarves next to me. “‘Cause, I’m not really into that sort of thing,” I informed him, nervously.

  “I’m really sorry to hear that, Bertie,” he said, not sounding sorry at all. “Because I really am.”

  I chewed on my lip as I watched him move around the bed.

  “Now, are you going to do as you were told, or are things about to get rough?” he asked with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

  I slowly raised my arms above my head and let him tie my wrists together. Then he moved toward the foot of the bed, wrapped his hands around my ankles and gave me a firm tug. He proceeded to tie a scarf around each ankle, which he then secured to the posts on either side of the bed, so that I lay there spread eagle. Once he was satisfied with my position, he began lightly trailing his fingertips up my calf, over my knee to my thigh, and ghosted up over my hip. He continued his feather-light touch up over my ribs toward my breast, but avoided actually touching me there. Once he reached my shoulder, he lifted his hand to lightly stroke his thumb over my lips before trailing his fingers down the opposite of my body. Everywhere he touched, he left a trail of fire behind. He was purposely avoiding all my obvious erogenous zones, but moisture still pooled between my thighs, and my breath quickened. I watched his face as he touched me. The way he licked his lips and his gaze followed his fingers, let me know that I wasn’t the only one affected.

  “Aleksander,” I whispered.

  “Hush, sparrow,” he commanded softly. “Your skin is like silk,” he said with wonder.

  I watched him move around the bed, so that he was standing at the foot of it. His gaze zeroed in on the apex of my thighs. He grasped his cock in his hand and slowly stroked himself from root to tip. The sight caused more wetness to flood between my legs. The way he was looking at me, like he was hungry, was enough to make my hips undulate of their own accord.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Bertie, but first, I have to taste you,” he rasped as he leaned down and licked my juices from my folds. I whimpered and threaded my fingers through his hair. His head immediately came up and he barked, “Arms up!” I put my arms back over my head and watched him narrow his eyes at me. “It seems you still haven’t learned your lesson, Roberta.”

  “I’ll behave, I swear. Just, please, don’t stop what you’re doing,” I begged.

  He eyed me for a moment more before lowering his head again. He licked. He kissed. He nibbled. Then he got serious. I felt at least two fingers slide into me as he proceeded to devour me. I writhed under his ministrations, as much as I could with my legs splayed wide open. I was so busy seeing stars as I came, I didn’t notice that Aleksander had been stroking himself. He got up on his knees between my legs and finished himself off on my belly.

  As he rolled to the side, I said, “I thought you were going to fuck me.” My voice was hoarse, and I was trying to catch my breath.

  “Eager for my cock, are you?” he chuckled. “I am going to fuck you, sparrow. Just you wait,” he promised.

  After a few moments, he got up and started to untie one of my ankles. “Wait. What are you doing?” I asked as he took the scarf from one ankle and moved back toward the head of the bed. He tied one end to the scarf binding my wrists and the other end to the headboard. I tugged, but there was no give. I started to panic. “Please untie me, Aleksander.” I didn’t like this. This feeling of being trapped. Of not being in control. Before, with my legs tied down, I was okay, because at least I could move my arms, even though they were bound together. Now, I was tied to the bed at both my hands and my feet, and I felt helpless.

  Aleksander leaned down to plant a kiss on my mouth. “Relax, Bertie. You’re not going anywhere,” he said as he nipped at my bottom lip.

  I stared, incredulous, as he moved to the closet. He came out a minute later in a pair of pajama pants. “What are you doing?” I practically shrieked. “If you’re not going to fuck me, let me go!”

  “Sweet sparrow. You’re going to have to get used to the way we do things around here. I’m in charge. Your job is to obey.” He spoke as if I was a naughty child who hadn’t followed instructions. I felt my face heat with my anger as he moved to the door. “I have to see to some business. I’ll be back soon. Don’t go anywhere,” he said with a wink as he left the bedroom. I swore I was going to make him pay for this. I screamed, but no one came, if anyone was even around to hear me.

  Chapter 8


  Walking away from her was probably the hardest thing I’d ever done, but she needed to be taught a lesson. She belonged to me. She was mine to do with as I pleased. If I wanted to fuck her, then I would fuck her. If I wanted to tie her down, I would. She was at my mercy in every way. But, fuck, what I wouldn’t give to be sinking into sweet pussy right now.

  I made my way downstairs and told Elaina she was free to go for the night. Once she was gone, I called Robert.

  “Boss,” he answered.

  “You are her bodyguard when you are here. Not her friend. Is that clear?” I asked brusquely.

  “Yeah, boss.”

  “Good,” I replied and hung up.

  I couldn’t explain why I felt so territorial when I heard Bertie refer to Robert as Bert. She’d given the stoic, six-foot-five mountain of terror a fucking nickname. Christ, I thought, as I scrubbed a hand over my face. I didn’t imagine that he had given her any encouragement, but I also didn’t imagine that would make a lick of difference to her. She had a mind of her own. Said what she wanted. Did what she wanted. Until now, that is. I smiled when I heard a scream emanate from upstairs, followed by my name and several colorful, choice words.

  I sat down at the laptop in my office and pulled up the obituary of Alan Denning. It had been almost two months since I’d first spotted Bertie at Denning’s gala. The night I witnessed her steal something from him. I didn’t know what the connection was, but there was a knot in my gut, and I feared that the theft and Denning’s death were connected. I needed to figure out just what the hell Bertie had gotten herself mixed up in. Whoever had hurt her wasn’t going to just go away, and as much as I’d like to keep her tied to my bed, I couldn’t keep her confined to the penthouse forever. Scratch that, I could a
bsolutely do that. With a sigh, I picked up my phone. First, I called Harry Rogers and had him start looking into Denning. I needed to know what exactly Denning had been into before he died. It was as good a place as any to start. Second, I called Jensen to give him an update on what I knew of the situation and secure his help should I need it.

  Moving back into the kitchen, I carved up the roast Elaina had prepared and piled the thick slabs of meat onto a plate along with some potatoes and carrots. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I took dinner upstairs to continue demonstrating to Bertie just how powerful I am.

  Unsurprisingly, I found her right where I left her, fuming mad and looking sexy as hell. I set the plate and water bottle down on the nightstand and situated myself on the edge of the bed. I brushed a wayward curl from her temple and was fucking delighted to see a softening in her features. “Hungry, my sweet sparrow?” I asked softly. Her eyes darted to the mound of food, and I heard her stomach growl its need. I chuckled before standing to untie the remaining ankle that was bound to the foot of the bed and helped her scoot closer to the headboard so she could sit up. Picking up the plate and spearing a small piece of meat, I held the morsel up to her mouth, and she eagerly leaned forward to take it, but I halted her. “Uh-uh,” I admonished and pulled the fork back. “Stay still. Let me feed you.” This time I brought the piece of meat to her mouth and touched it to her lips for a moment, letting the juices run. Her pink tongue darted out to lick her lips clean, and I groaned as my cock instantly hardened. Bertie smiled in feminine satisfaction. I had to force a deep breath so I didn’t toss the food aside and fuck her already. Moving the fork closer to her mouth, she opened obediently while maintaining eye contact, and fuck if that wasn’t an erotic sight. I alternated between feeding her and feeding myself and did the same with the bottled water.

  Once we were full, I ran a hot bath in the large soaking tub. While the tub was filling, I stripped my pants back off and made my way toward Bertie. Untying her, I said, “Come along, sparrow, since you’re being such a good girl, I’ve got something for you.” As I bent to scoop her up into my arms, I wasn’t prepared for the fist that landed a solid punch to my jaw.


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