In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 8

by Michelle Woods

  “No,” Sandra grunted.

  He was done with this bull shit. He grabbed her phone from her bag and typed in her code. She screeched and tried to grab it back, but he was taller than her and a hell of a lot bigger. Even drunk he was able to avoid her attempts. He was glad that Hemp just told him he was a dick, but didn’t try to stop him. She was still trying to get her phone back when he found what he was looking for. Not willing to waste more time arguing, Phoenix ripped her keys from her hand and walked over to Sandra’s little Honda. He climbed into the front seat, his long legs cramped until he pushed the seat way back and waited.

  “Phoenix, you can’t fucking drive. You can barely walk.” Hemp grumbled, letting out a loud sigh.

  “Then one of you two better get this mother fucking show on the road, because I am going to Sin’s house tonight with or without you two.” He snapped, glaring at his friend from the driver’s seat.

  “He’s lost his damned mind.” Sandra said.

  “No, he’s just determined to get where he wants to go, and a determined Phoenix is a demented Phoenix, apparently.” Hemp explained wearily. “Move over I’ll drive,” he added.

  “Fine, but you’d better take me to Sin’s place or I will throw you in the trunk and drive there myself.” He threatened.

  “Shit, man. What the fuck is going on with you tonight?” Hemp asked.

  Phoenix didn’t answer, he just got out and walked around the car to the passenger side repeating the motion of putting the seat back, so he could get fit. He was done talking and Hemp had better get his ass in gear because he had a woman to spank.

  “You’ve both lost your mind if you think I’m letting you take my damned car.” Sandra said, snatching her keys from Hemp.

  “Get out of my car, Phoenix. I’m going home, and you obviously need to check yourself into a looney bin. Sin doesn’t need your kind of crap in her life. Just leave her alone.” Sandra growled.

  “Not happening.”

  “You’re going to have to take him over, otherwise he will likely kill someone on the way over there when he goes himself. He already knows where she is because he took your phone. There is no stopping him at this point. Just take us over there and I’ll make sure he behaves.” Hemp reasoned.

  With a frown, Sandra finally gave in and climbed into the car while Hemp jumped into the back. She looked over at him with a dark glower.

  “When she shoots you for doing this, just remember I tried to stop you.” Sandra said before sliding the seat forward again and starting the car.

  It took them about twenty minutes to get to Sin’s place and when he finally crawled out of the car at her place, he was surprised to see that she was standing on her front stoop. His eyes devoured Sin from her feet encased in red heels, making her legs look so much longer than they normally were, to her dress which landed just above her knee. He liked the way it swayed with her movements. He noted that it displayed flashes of her creamy skin. His mouth watered as he followed the flowy skirt past the cinched waist to see her pert little breasts lovingly cupped by the tight bodice. He was practically drooling by the time he managed to make it to her face. That was when he noticed the mother fucker who was suddenly leaning into her on her doorstep about to kiss her.

  Hell. Fucking. No.

  Phoenix lost his shit. He let out a roar and before anyone could stop him he was across the yard, grabbing that stupid fucker by the arm and slamming him into the wall across from her. He then stood between the skinny mother-fucker and his Sin, ready to rip the man apart. His chest was heaving, and he was clenching his teeth so hard that he was surprised his jaw didn’t break. As he faced the man who’d dared to try and touch her. He swayed a bit on his feet and he heard the little gasp from behind him.

  “Shit, dude what the hell are you doing?” Hemp asked, finally making it across the yard. He grabbed Phoenix and jerked him away from both Sin and the man he’d throw against the wall. Phoenix didn’t like that much and tried to fight him off, but he held on.

  “Who the heck are you? How dare you put your hands on me? Wait, it doesn’t matter you can expect to be hearing from my lawyers for assaulting me,” the man yelled, his face red and blotchy as he stood up and glared at him. Sin finally found her voice and stepped up between them

  “Phoenix what the hell are you doing here?” Sin demanded, her voice filled with disbelief.

  “You know these animals?” The little shit stain who’d tried to kiss her demanded.

  “Yes, Brent, he’s a friend.” Sin stated, not looking at the man. She stood with her hands on her hips glaring at him as Hemp held him back. “Look Brent, I’m sorry, but this is just a misunderstanding. Please don’t sue him. Really, I’m sure he’s sorry, right Nix. You’re sorry.” Sin said, her voice hard as she glared at him.

  “Fuck no, I’m not sorry.”

  “Phoenix, why the hell are you are acting like an idiot. Of course, you’re sorry. He’s talking about calling the cops,” Sin said coldly. Phoenix broke Hemp’s hold and stepped closer, pulling Sin into his arms and he whispered his words against her ear.

  “Still not fucking sorry. That mother fucker better not put his hands on you again Doll, or I will kill him.” He felt a shiver go down her spine before she shoved him back glaring.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “Yes, he is.” Hemp said from behind him right before he grabbed him by the arm, jerking him back away from Sin.

  “Look, Serenity. I will be nice and not call the cops because your friend is low class and obviously intoxicated. I’m sorry to inform you that I can’t have a girlfriend whose friends with bikers,” Brent said, looking down his nose at Sin in disapproval.

  “That’s because you’re a fucking idiot. Besides, she isn’t now, nor will she ever be your—fucking—girlfriend.” Phoenix snapped.

  “I’m really sorry to hear that, Brent.” Sin said, but from the tone of her voice Phoenix knew she wasn’t sorry at all. Brent didn’t seem to hear the fake disappointment in her voice, but he did and it made him smile. Stupid mother fucker.

  “Yes, I know. It’s terrible that we have to end things so poorly when we had such a great time tonight, but mother would never approve.” Brent, who he’d decided was brainless, shook his head gently and looked at her sympathetically. Phoenix snorted and shoved at Hemp trying to get him to release him, so he could show the man who Sin belonged to and it wasn’t him.

  “I understand.” Sin said, smiling sadly at the man. He huffed and shook his head again in disapproval before he headed back to his car which was parked in the driveway of Sin’s bungalow. As they watched him retreat, he shoved Hemp again, finally getting him to release him. He moved over to Sin and grabbed her around the waist as she stood at the edge of the stoop and waved at Brent, the dumbass.

  “Phoenix, you need to let me go.” Sin snapped as she turned in his arms and looked up at him. He grunted and buried his face into her neck in response.

  “I’m sorry, Sin. I didn’t know you would have company, or I wouldn’t have brought him here. At the time it seemed easier to just let him come here than to try and fight him off. I didn’t think.” Hemp said, earning a glare from Phoenix. He grumbled once before putting his face back into Sin’s soft neck inhaling the honeysuckle scent of her. He was glad he didn’t smell the other man’s stench on her and rewarded her by kissing her skin from behind her ear to her shoulder leaving little love nips in his wake.

  “It’s fine.” Sin said, sounding exasperated.

  “I’ll take him home now.” Hemp said softly.

  “Fuck no. I’m staying here.” Phoenix growled, his head lifting again so he could pierce Hemp with his dark glower.

  “You aren’t thinking clearly, and you will be coming with me. Sin’s had enough trouble for one night.” Hemp grumbled.

  “No,” Phoenix said, before his arms fell from around Sin and he moved to show his friend in very violent form that he wasn’t leaving, but Sin pulled him back. Her little hands tugged at his arms
and he blurrily eyed her for a moment as she tried to get him to take her into his arms again.

  “It’s fine. Just leave him here to sleep it off. No reason to get into a fight with him over this, he seems rather insistent.” Sin said, her arms wrapping around his waist preventing him from smashing Hemp’s face. Hmm, maybe he’d lick that little spot on her ear. Phoenix found his hands rubbing over her ass and his mouth caressing her neck again was much more entertaining than killing Hemp.

  “You sure? I don’t want to leave him here if it’s an issue.” Hemp said.

  “It’s all good. I know how to handle him.” Sin muttered.

  Phoenix turned and grabbed her, pulling her into his arms as his face went back to the crook of her neck inhaling deeply of her honeysuckle scent. It took another five minutes of reassurance from her that she was fine before Hemp nodded and walked back to the car where Sandra was still waiting. Sin waved to her friend, who waved back looking pale, but seemed to sigh in relief when Sin grinned at her. When the little Honda drove away Phoenix smacked Sin on the ass and allowed her to lead him into her place.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sin held her hand to Phoenix’s chest stopping him from walking into her place ahead of her. He didn’t like being held back and growled, glaring at her. His hands gripped her hips as he tried to shove her into the bungalow. She shoved him back easily, letting her know he was beyond intoxicated. Not that it was a surprise.

  “Don’t growl at me, asshole. I’m only trying to save you from getting shot.” She muttered as she stepped inside and used her foot to trigger the trip wire. She would have to reset it, but she didn’t trust him to be aware enough in his current state to step over it. Hearing the light thunks of the darts sinking into the drywall on the other side of the wall she allowed him to move into the room. He stared in confusion at the darts in the wall.

  “Are those tranquilizer darts?”

  “Yep,” Sin replied, calmly.

  “Dollface, why do you have a trip wire with tranquilizer darts?” Phoenix asked her, his arms pulling her into his side, tucking her under his arm. She shrugged him off and pulled out her gun. He watched her with a stunned expression as she turned back to him with the gun in her hand.

  “Wait here while I check the place.” She said, watching him lean against the wall, his eyes squinting at her.

  “Are you expecting trouble baby?”

  “No, but one can never be too careful.” Sin said before she started on her normal check of the house, leaving Phoenix leaning on the wall beside the door watching her in silence. His eyes tracked her every time she came back into the room with his frown growing. Sin finally exited the hallway bathroom and laid her gun on the counter before moving towards Phoenix again.

  “You know that I can help if you’re in some kind of trouble or if someone’s messing with you, right? I can make problems like those disappear I promise.” Phoenix said.

  “I know, but I’m good. Nothing like that is going on. I just like to be careful.”

  “Dollface, there’s careful, and then there’s careful. Not to be rude, but you might be a little paranoid.” He reached out and cupped the side of her face, his rough callouses scraping across her skin sending shivers of desire down her spine as she remembered those hands caressing her. His eyes were slightly unfocused as they stared into hers. The green gemstones were back and Sin was surprised to note that they looked at her like she’d hung the moon. Shaking her head, she pulled away from him trying to beat down her obvious trip to make believe land. Phoenix wasn’t the type to fall for a woman. He was just not used to being rejected. He was here because she was not following the rules most women did around him and it had made him angry. That added to being drunk and horny, was the only reason he’d ended up on her doorstep.

  “You can sleep on the couch.” Sin stated, motioning towards it as she took a step away from him. He stumbled forward grabbing her around the waist.

  “No, I sleep in your bed.” He growled against her ear as he wrapped around her like an octopus. She tried to pull herself free from his arms, but gave up after the third time he rearranged them to hold her differently when she managed to get them free from around her waist. Sighing, she rubbed her forehead feeling a headache start between her eyes. This had really been a shitty night and despite his showing up saving her from what had promised to be a terrible kiss from Brent, she wasn’t enjoying his presence in her home.

  “Phoenix, you can’t just decide to sleep in my bed. It doesn’t work that wa—,” Sin started, but he interrupted her.

  “Sin I don’t like you going out with other men. I think you should be careful doing it again, doll. I didn’t like it, baby.” Phoenix’s words were slurred, and he was holding her too tightly. Sin sighed again.

  “Come on.” Sin said, giving up. He was too drunk to reason with. She’d let him sleep in her bed and in the morning, she’d kick him out. She tugged on his shoulder aiming him towards her bedroom. He didn’t let her go, but he allowed her to guide him into the room. When they entered, he looked around the room eyeing the bed which was king size. She’d bought it when she’d moved in because the honey colored wood set had been on sale.

  “Shouldn’t this shit be all frilly? Like with lots of pillows and ruffles and shit?” Phoenix asked, looking around the room.

  Sin snorted. “Hell no. I hate frilly shit.”

  She helped him to the bed where he bounced on the edge still looking around the room. She knew he was taking in the bed which was set up with only two pillows in a light tan border with a white box inside. It matched the duvet cover which was tan with a white box around the outside edge. It had struck her as clean looking when she’d bought it a few days after buying the four piece bedroom set.

  “Huh, this is nice. I could see myself liking this set up if I moved in.”

  “You’re not moving in, so it doesn’t matter.” Sin muttered shaking her head. “Just lay down while I get changed.”

  Phoenix pulled at his boots, struggling with them for a moment before finally managing to get one off. He then went to work on the second. He tugged at it roughly, finally tearing it off watching as it flew across the room and banged into the wall. Sin stared at him as he removed his socks and tossed them towards his boot missing by a foot, he frowned. He seemed to take a moment to process his brain obviously sluggish. He looked at her for a moment before he shrugged and collapsed back on the bed. Sin sighed and shook her head as she headed into the bathroom to change into a pair of shorts and a loose shirt.

  Once inside the room she locked the door and started removing all the trappings from her date. Taking off her makeup she stared at herself in the mirror. Noting that her eyes were smudged, making her look like a raccoon. Damn, when had that happened? Must have been when she was trying to guide Phoenix into the house a few minutes ago because she’d looked fine when she’d exited the car. She’d caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror before they walked up to her door because Brent hadn’t bothered to open her car door for her. She used the make-up remover to get rid of the smudges. Sin didn’t know why she’d allowed Phoenix to stay other than she liked him despite him being a dick. If she was honest with herself, she wanted him to give her more orgasms too, but she’d be damned if she allowed that tonight.

  Finishing with her make-up she reached around unzipping the dress and removed it. She pulled off her push up bra and spanks tossing them into the hamper. She pulled on the shirt and shorts, brushed her teeth and hair before grabbing the dress and exiting the bathroom. She looked at the bed expecting Phoenix to be watching her, but found him fast asleep under the covers. She sighed when she saw that he was likely almost naked if the discarded clothing lying around the room was any indication. She hung the dress before crawling into bed staying as far away from Phoenix as she could. As she closed her eyes, she felt him shift towards her and his arm curled around her waist pulling her closer. She attempted to escape, but after a few moments of wrestling with his heavy arm she
gave up. Sin realized as she was pressed into his hard body that she was actually comfortable in his arms and decided to just sleep. What could happen with her fully clothed anyway?

  Sin woke with a moan poised on her lips. Phoenix’s hand was between her legs resting on her open mound with two of his fingers slowly slipping in and out of her soaked pussy. She couldn’t help the little whimper that escaped her. She looked down at Phoenix, sure he was awake and trying to work her up. Anger twisted inside her even as she felt herself tremble with desire. She needed to let him know that she wasn’t about to let him fuck her again, but when she stared at his face, she was shocked to find him asleep. She was sure he was faking. She scrutinized him as his fingers slid in and out, but he continued to lay with his head resting on her breasts, his eyes closed and his breathing even. Sin was stunned to realize he was actually fingering her in his sleep.

  Her mind almost couldn’t grasp the fact that she was lying in her bed with Phoenix passed out on top of her. She eased her hand slowly trying not to shift too much and wake him. She slipped her hand down her stomach to her leg slowly trying to remove his hand. He grumbled in his sleep and hissed a shushing sound as his fingers picked up the pace. Moaning as her eyes closed, she almost whimpered when her body clenched on his invading fingers and her head spun with pleasure. The man really did need a warning label because he was damned good at sex, even in his sleep for fucks sake. How was she ever going to resist him?

  Gasping as her orgasm sent shivers down her spine and her entire body clenched with pleasure, she couldn’t help but grip the bedsheets, her body bowing off the bed as intense pleasure poured through her veins. Phoenix murmured something in his sleep and patted her pussy before falling asleep with his head resting on her breasts and his leg tossed over hers. His big hand still resting between her legs, cupping her sex. After catching her breath, Sin tried hard to slip out from under him, but he curled his other arm around her waist holding her still. With a sigh she gave up.


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