Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1)

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Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1) Page 6

by Karen DuBose

  Bruno sits in the other chair and faces me. “What have you heard about the demons?”

  “I just heard today that demons might be back.”

  “Who told you they might be back?”

  Should I tell him who told us? I wouldn’t be the only one who would say his name. If others are asked who told them, especially everyone in our training class, it’s going to get out that he was the Source. I hope he doesn’t get in trouble. I know he was just telling us about the demons so we could be prepared if something did happen.

  “Pim told us while in training class today at school.”

  He has a shocked look on his face, “What did he say exactly?”

  “He said, you may not know what’s going on. I’m not going to sugar coat it. There have been rumors that there have been demons sighted. I don’t know if they are true. I just wanted to give you guys some heads up.”

  “I see. Did you believe him when he said this?”

  I look at him confused. Why is he asking me these questions? I just killed a demon! Why isn’t he asking me about that instead?

  “I was hoping it wasn’t true, but at the club, it became real.”

  “Pim should have never given the information out, but we are trying to keep the demon rumor under control. We don’t want chaos in the streets.”

  I stare at him like he has lost his mind. That cat is out of the bag and there is definitely going to be chaos. They should have never kept that to themselves. We should have been more prepared.

  “I think the demon is out of the bag, Bruno. There’s no going back for anyone in that club tonight.”

  He looks at me with wory in his eyes. He leans back in the chair and rubs his hands over his face “You’re right. There isn’t, especially since she attacked one of the Gossip Girls.” He’s eyeing me carefully.

  I look at him dumbfounded. Did he just say Gossip Girls? How does he know we call them that?

  He chuckles at me. “Don’t look so surprised. Tama is my little sister, or did you forget?”

  Of course, she would complain to her older brother about the Gossip Girls! She was their target for a while. One day they just stopped and haven’t bugged her again. I wonder if he had anything to with that? If he was I wish he would do something for me to get them off my back.

  “No, I didn’t forget you were her brother. I just didn’t think she would say anything to you about it. At least it never crossed my mind that she would. We just don’t see you anymore —ever since you shifted.”

  He shakes his head. He smiles at me with those full lips. I never noticed his dimples before. Have they been there the whole time, or did he get them after the shift?

  “I guess I didn’t leave that big of an impression, if I’m so easily forgotten,” he laughs. He has a nice laugh. It’s deep and rich.

  That is one thing he most certainly did not have a problem with. Most girls still talk about him⸻a lot. I am starting to think they have a club of girls just for him.

  “I’m sure you made an impression on most people,” I laugh. “So, why am I really here, Bruno? What’s going on?”

  The worried look is back on his face. There has to be something big he’s about to tell me. I’ve never seen him look this worried before. Actually, I’ve never seen him worry at all⸻ever.

  “There’s been information that’s been leaking out, not just about the demons⸻top secret stuff that only the dragons know about. If it gets into the wrong hands, things are going to get ugly fast.”

  “I hope this isn’t about Kiernan. He knows stuff that only dragons know.”

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “We know you’re a seer. We have since you were two cycles old.”

  I look at him, and I’m sure that every single emotion is playing on my face⸻from fear for the unknown, to shock.

  “How did you come up with that idea?”

  I can’t let them know, or my life cycle will be over before it even starts. There is no way I want these dragons to know, let alone the elders. I won’t get to see my loved ones again⸻physically anyway. I would see them in my visions only. I won’t let that happen.

  “You don’t have to play dumb with me, Dariya. I’m trying to protect you. I don’t believe in the way the elders use people. I want to help you, so they don’t find out. The only way to do that is to make people believe that you’re just a daydreamer.”

  I laugh, but all I want to do is cry. How the hell is this possible? I need to figure things out before shit hits the fan.

  “Nessa heard me talking to Kira in the bathroom this afternoon. She’s telling people that I’m a seer. I’ve told her it isn’t true, and that it’s lie, but she isn’t backing down.”

  He looks concerned. “This could be a problem if we don’t take care of it first. Leave Nessa to me. She won’t be saying anything about it again.”

  I look down at my hands. I need to tell him the vision I had of her. Because if it has happened already I’m screwed either way you look at it.

  “I don’t know what she’ll say anymore, not after the demon attacked her. Plus, I had a vision of her talking to one of the elders. I don’t know which one. She had a device in her hand, and he was yelling at her. I don’t know what it means, or if it’s already happened.”

  I don’t feel sorry for Nessa. If I didn’t have a heart, I would say ‘good riddance.’ It would be one less cold-hearted person we all would have to deal with. I know I’m being shallow right now. I shouldn’t think like that toward a person, but I can’t help it. She’s a coldhearted bitch who only thinks of herself. She would throw anyone under the bus to get ahead in her life cycle.

  “What am I going to do if they do find out? I will not end up like the last seer. I refuse to end up like that. I want to have a life cycle without having people use me.”

  The door bursts open, scaring me half to death. “Bruno, we need you now!” a panicked dragon said from the doorway.

  Bruno stands up quickly. “Stay here and keep out of sight. I don’t know who the mole is, and I don’t want them knowing you’re here for any other reason but the demon attack. If anyone asks, that’s why you’re here.”

  I look at him and gave him a nod to let him know that I understand. He walks out the door, closing it behind him. I stand up from the chair and walk to the window. It’s dark out, and I can’t see much. The only thing I can see is the full moon. It doesn’t give off a lot of light when you’re surrounded by woods. I start thinking about what to do. Should I run away? Should I hide? What will happen if the elders do find out? I can’t take them on. They’re trained dragons and a lot stronger than me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know if I can tell my mom. We’re extremely close, and I can’t hide something like this from her. It would break her heart. I don’t want her to have to hide something and get in trouble for it.

  I’m lost in thought, trying to figure things out when I hear a light knock on the door. I just about come out of my skin and screamed. I turn around, waiting for the door to open, but it never does. I hesitate to walk over to the door and open it. I put my ear to the door, but don’t hear anything. I open it slowly and see Kiernan standing there. He seems worried until he looks at me and sees that I’m fine.

  “I was so worried about you. Are they treating you ok? They aren’t giving you any problems?”

  Now I’m confused. How did he know where I was, and how did he get in here? I was under the impression that no one was allowed here unless Bruno said so.

  “How did you know I was here?”

  He looks down at his shoes. “I’m turning eighteen in four days. I have the signs of a dragon. I’ve been training with Bruno.”

  Shocked is not even a strong enough word to describe how I feel right now. I look back at all my visions, and I can remember seeing him turn into a dragon⸻the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen, in fact. In my dream⸻vision⸻his scales were purple on top, turning a dark blue toward the belly. His snout was cream wi
th pink blending in, turning purple toward his head. His horns and claws were gold, along with his spikes. Those green eyes were even greener then they are now. He is huge⸻bigger than most dragons. He is the size of an elder. How could I not have realized it before?

  “Is there a reason you’re smiling?” he says, smiling at me.

  I didn’t even know that I was. I look down at the floor, knowing that my cheeks are red. How can I say it without embarrassing myself? Here goes nothing. I might as well spill it.

  “I know you’re going to be a dragon, and I can tell you, you will be a sight to see.”

  He looks at me, confused, before he remembers that I’m a seer. His smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger if he tried.

  “So, you like my dragon, I take it.” He teases me and comes closer to me. He closes the door behind him so it’s just the two of us.

  My heart hammers in my chest. I had to look away while I blush. Oh, I like his dragon, alright. I’m not going to stroke his ego any more then I already have though.

  “I wouldn’t say that. I just said you are a sight to see.”

  He starts laughing. God, how I love his laugh! It’s deep and husky. This is so weird for me⸻talking and laughing with my crush. I feel like one of those girls who goes all giddy and stuff. Now I know why they do it.

  “I have a question for you. What made you talk to me today?” I ask.

  He looks at me, smiling that smile.

  “I have been wanting to talk to you for a few cycles. I just never had the courage to do it. When I try to get a read on you, you always surprise me. You’re very unpredictable”

  I think my jaw just hit the floor. He’s been crushing on me all this time? How have I not noticed it before?

  “Wow, really? You’ve been wanting to talk to me for a few cycles?” I say in disbelief.

  He comes closer to me and holds out his hand for me to take. I take his hand into mine, and he pulls me up against him, smiling down at me and looking at me like I’m something fragile.

  “You, my dear Dariya, are the only person I see. You are my every thought from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. I couldn’t wait to see you at school, and now I can’t wait to see you every day. Even when you don’t think I see you, I do.”

  I think my heart just melted, and I turn into mush.

  “Kiernan, it’s good to see you,” Bruno says, interrupting the moment.

  I pull away just a little bit from Kiernan, but he isn’t having it. I didn’t even hear the door open. He looks at Bruno and nods.

  “It’s good to see you, too.”

  “I see you finally decided to talk to Dariya?”

  Kiernan looks down at me like I’m the most precious thing in the world.

  “Yes. Yes, I did. Thanks to you for pushing me to talk to her.”

  I look between the guys. I can see the respect they have for one another.

  “I was trying to inform her of what we need to do to protect her from the elders. I have a plan that I need to run by both of you.”

  I pull myself out of Kiernan’s arm a little. “I have a feeling that I’m not going to like this plan.”

  I look at Bruno and see his shoulders drop. Yep, I’m not going to like this plan at all.

  “We’ll meet somewhere more private. I’ll have Kiernan know when and where. We’ll talk about it then. Until then, just act as normal as you can.”

  Is he insane? How am I supposed to act normal? I just killed a demon—Wait a minute. Everyone will think I’m just not myself because of that. I can use that to my advantage and how am I ok with just killing a demon?

  “People will probably expect me to act a little off after I just killed a demon. So, people won’t know any different if I act out of character.”

  Both guys look at me with respect and sadness.

  “I’d still like to know how you killed that demon,” Bruno states.

  “It was a lucky shot. Kiernan distracted her long enough for me to go in for the kill. Plus, you showing up distracted her even more.”

  He looks at Kiernan and nods. “You did the right thing. You saved a lot of peoples lives. I’ll let Kiernan take you home, Dariya.”

  Before I leave, I tell him. “Before you get too deep in the planning, you need to know that I’m not leaving here without my mom or my best friend. The elders will go after them the first chance they get. I will not put them or Kira’s family in danger.”

  Bruno looks at me with sad eyes. “I’ll try to figure it out. I know you don’t want to leave, let alone leave without them. It may have to come to that, just for a little while. I can’t take a whole family and your mom without throwing up red flags all over the place, especially since you and Kiernan won’t be here either.”

  Kiernan looks surprised to hear his name come up. I guess he wasn’t expecting to be part of the plan, or he didn’t know he would be going wherever I’m going⸻if I go, that is.

  “I’ll be going with her?”

  “You’re the only one I can trust with her right now. Plus, I figured you would argue with me if I didn’t send you with her.”

  Looking between the guys, I realize that Bruno might be right, but I’m not leaving without the others.

  “I hope this plan of yours doesn’t get non-shifters and shifters killed. Just make sure the ones I love to go with me or I’m not going.”

  Bruno looks at me with shock. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before he can say anything.

  “If you stay here, they’ll know what you are. I can’t protect you after they find out,” he says, running a hand through his hair, making it look even messier. If he keeps that up he’ll be bald in a few cycles.

  “I can’t do that to people I love. I can’t put them in danger like that. If they find out, we’ll figure out something. But if I run now, they’ll know something is up. Don’t give me ‘shifters run away all the time,’ because they don’t, not here. Every time one happens to run away, you guys find them. What will they say when you come back empty-handed?” I ask.

  Kiernan holds me closer to him, giving me his support. I look at him and beg with my eyes. They can’t do this without someone getting hurt. I won’t let that happen, not after my father died. I won’t be able to handle another death⸻this time that I will have caused. “We’ll figure it out. One way or another, we’ll keep you safe. I promise,”

  Bruno nods in agreement. He walks over to the door and opens it to let us leave. I hope the plan he comes up with involves everyone I love. Hell, tell the elders we’re going on a trip or something.

  I walk out the door first and look behind me. Kiernan and Bruno are in a silent conversation. I wonder what that’s all about. I turn back around and start thinking about my mom. Did she go to the headquarters and raise hell, or does she even know where I am? I really need to get home to make sure she isn’t trying to kill anyone.

  Kiernan squeezes me. “Are you ready to go home?”

  I turn around to face him and nod. I’m so ready to go home. If I never see a demon again in this life cycle, it will be too soon. We never did talk about the demon. I wonder why that is? Is Bruno hiding something? He was going to say something before he was interrupted. I will have to ask him later. I want to go home, take a long hot shower, and sleep forever.

  Kiernan places his hand on my lower back as we walk through the house. I would say this is a castle⸻it’s so huge. Once we get outside, I notice there is no one around. That’s kind of weird. There were a lot of dragons in and out of the house. Where did they all go? I doubt Kiernan will know, so I just keep it to myself.

  We walk over to his Blaster. It’s purple: the same color as his dragon. I wonder if he knows, or it’s just a subconscious thing. He holds the door open for me. I slide in, and he shuts the door. I watch him as he walks around the blaster to get into the driver’s seat. When he opens the door, he has a smile on his face. What in the world is he smiling about?

  “What’s with the smile there mister?” I

  “Oh, nothing really. Did you enjoy the view?”

  What view is he talking about? Then it dawns on me. He’s referring to himself. Yes, I did enjoy the view very much, but he doesn’t need to know that. A girl needs to have some of her thoughts be private, right? I look out the window, trying to avoid eye contact. I’m sure my face is beet red right now.

  “You don’t have to be shy around me, Dariya. I want to get to know the real you, and I can’t do that if you shy away from me.”

  “That’s just it. I’m shy until I get to know a person. I’ve always been like that. To tell you the truth, I’m still in shock you finally talked to me.”

  “I will have to be sure to get you over your shock,” he laughs a deep, husky laugh.

  How have I never heard it before? He starts the blaster and gets the heat going. I didn’t realize how cold it is outside. I know being in shock does things to your body, but this is getting out of hand. Will it all come crashing down sooner or later, or will I just lose it? I really need to get home before that happens in front of him. That’s all I need⸻for him to think I’m a lunatic.

  “So, do you want to go home, or do you want to grab something to eat first?”

  I am hungry; I haven’t eaten since lunch, but I just want to go home.

  “I’d like to go home, if that’s ok with you. I really want out of these clothes.”

  I still have blue blood or goo or whatever it is all over me. I feel so disgusted now that I’m actually looking at myself for the first time since killing the demon. These clothes are destroyed and need to be burned and buried. Kira is never going to let this go. This was her favorite top. What happened to Kira after we left? Did she go home? I can just call her when I get home. I reach down to my wrist. My digital corresponder isn’t there. Crap! How am I going to explain to my mom that I lost yet another one? Just shoot me now.


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