The Virgin Diaries

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The Virgin Diaries Page 36

by Landish, Lauren

  I grab my bag, knowing that Zach’s in the weight room and that I need to talk to him now. And Coach. And Erica.

  But Zach first.


  “All right, man. Throw that weight up and give me three. I got you covered,” Tim Perkins, one of the wide receivers, tells me. I spread my hands wide on the cool metal bar, pressing it up before lowering the weight to my chest. I do the three reps and set it back on the rack.

  Standing up, I stretch a bit. “Okay, your turn,” I say as we switch places and he lies down on the bench.

  All around us are guys working out. It’s not the whole team because it’s not an official practice or mandatory weight session, but it’s understood that unless you have class or class-related shit, you’d better have your ass in here pumping some iron.

  Music is blaring, the guys are bro-ing out as we smack talk about the upcoming game, and it’s like I’m home. These guys are my family and I’ll be sad to see them go when the season’s over. Not everyone is leaving, of course, and there is plenty of off-season work to do, but some of the guys are graduating, and others get side-tracked with different priorities when there’s not a game every week.

  The warm, fuzzy moment comes to a screeching halt when the door swings open and Norma walks in. No, that’s not right. She doesn’t walk in. She blows in like a fucking hurricane, fire in her eyes, and I swear her red hair is blowing in some sort of invisible wind because she’s crackling with fury.

  I can’t help it. My first instinct is to think . . . what did I do? But then I see beneath the whirling storm to my Norma. And she’s scared shitless.

  “Brat! What’s wrong?” I yell. Someone chooses that moment to turn the music off and my voice echoes in the sudden silence.

  “We need to talk. Now.” Every man knows that those are words you don’t want to hear, and the guys around me cringe. Norma must see their reactions because she restates, “Not like that. But we need to talk. Where’s Coach Jefferson?”

  I’m thoroughly confused now. Why does Norma want to talk to Coach? “Uhm, his office, probably. But . . . why?”

  She doesn’t answer, just gives me one of those looks that silently communicates a thousand words. And I realize that this is about us and the tutoring. That’s the only reason she’d need to see Coach. “C’mon.”

  I grab her hand and drag her down the hall, knocking hard twice but opening the door at the same time. “Coach . . . sorry to interrupt, but—”

  Norma doesn’t give me a chance to play nice. “Coach Jefferson, I’m Norma Blackstone, Zach’s girlfriend and tutor.” Her emphasis on the word is intentional, giving it a deeper meaning that Coach instantly catches.

  “Yeah, yeah. Come in, I guess? What can I do for you?” Coach asks.

  Norma sits down in the chair in front of the desk uninvited but stays perched on the edge, leaning forward. Coach sits down too, hands crossed in front of him.

  “Sir, this is a lot. Please, let me see if I can get this all out.” She takes a big breath, as if she’s about to spill the longest story ever and needs oxygen to do so. “I work for Erica Waters at The Chronicle. I’m the one she asked to do that favor for you and tutor Zach with the whole fake girlfriend thing.”

  Coach gets up, holding a staying hand out, and Norma pauses as he shuts the door. When he sits back down, she continues. “Today, Jake Robertson schemed to get me alone at the library—”

  “What the fuck?” I yell.

  Norma grabs my hand, holding it tightly. “My dad asked me to do it as a favor. He didn’t know,” she tells me before she looks back to Coach. “I didn’t know just how unhinged Jake has become.” She lets that sink in for a moment. “He said he needed help with a paper, but it was a ploy. He tried to tell me that Zach was saying uhm, unflattering things about me, about us.”

  I interrupt again. I can’t help it. “What did that asshole say now?”

  Norma blushes but she says it without a tremble. “He said that you were using me for sex, basically that we’re still fake but that I’m the only one who doesn’t realize that.”

  “Mother fucker, I’m gonna kill him.” I turn to the door but stop when Coach growls.

  “Son, you’d best sit your ass down in that chair and shut your mouth. Let the woman speak, for fuck’s sake.” He gives me a hard look, but even years of training to listen to my coach’s instructions without question aren’t enough to hold me back from tracking Jake down right this fucking minute. But what is? Norma looks at me, eyes pleading for me to do as Coach says, so begrudgingly, I do. But only until she’s done, then I’m Snake hunting.

  Norma looks at me. “Obviously, I didn’t believe him.” Her words shoot to my heart. I hadn’t considered for a moment that she would believe something so ridiculous, but then I remember how unsure my Brat used to be. But when someone basically told her that her worst nightmare was true, she didn’t doubt. Didn’t doubt me, or herself, or us. It’s a beautiful ray of sunshine in the midst of this shit.

  “But more importantly, I realized that he said Zach was mouthing about his tutor and his fake girlfriend.” She emphasizes the words but doesn’t give me time to process what that means before continuing, “No one knew, at least no one was supposed to. I did a bit of quick deduction and realized that football groupie Erica told him. And though he didn’t exactly mean to, Jake confirmed it. He got really angry then, stood up and started yelling about how Zach was almost failing on his own but that ‘a little cash never hurt’, implying that he bribed Zach’s English teacher, I’m guessing to grade him poorly and cost him his eligibility, so that Jake could play. He went on a bit of a rant, and the theme was basically me, me, me.”

  Coach huffs. “Shit. That’s . . . a lot.” He shakes his head a bit and then seems to pull it together, but there’s a knock at the door. “Not now, go the fuck away.”

  But the door opens anyway and Will pops his head through the crack. “Sorry to interrupt, but sir, you need to see this.” He holds up his phone and Coach holds his hand out to take it. He clicks the Play button in the middle of the screen and Jake’s voice fills the room. It seems one of those people who were filming his tirade posted it online.

  Coach watches it through twice and then hands the phone back to Will, who’s looking at me with unspoken promises in his eyes. “Send me that, please. If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to take care of.”

  Norma and I stand, hearing the dismissal. “Of course, sir. Me too.”

  “Stop right there, Zach.” I turn to look at him, and he steps right up to me, invading my space. He’s a big man, but several inches shorter than me. Even still, I have no doubt he could make me cry uncle. “Let me be clear. I want you to stay here while I get this shit sorted out. You are not, in any circumstances, to approach, speak to, or lay a hand on Jake Robertson. The last thing I need is his daddy getting you arrested for being a dumbass. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Sir—” I try to argue.

  But he cuts me off, turning to Will. “Senior Captain, I think I need you to take the defensive line, and anyone else who wants to go, out for some drills on the field tonight. Really make sure everyone’s working together as a team. But I need every one of you, all of my star players, ready for the game this weekend. Understood?” Will nods his head and then looks at me.

  Coach just gave them the go-ahead to go after Jake. Without me. I hate that they’re fighting my battle for me once again, especially when this one is so damn personal, but I know I’d do the same thing for them. And as mad as I am, I don’t know that I’d stop at beating the shit out of Jake. And Coach is right. I can’t be stupid about this or Jake wins and I lose anyway.

  Coach walks us back down the hall, already on his phone. “Yes, Dean, I need to have an emergency meeting with us, Erica Waters, Jake Robertson, and Professor Ledbetter. Yes, right now.”

  Back in the weight room, the guys are all looking at their phones, so I know they’ve seen the video of Jake. Will gathers everyone up and says
, “Drill time.” Usually, there’d be a few moans of whining about having to hit the field, but tonight, everyone knows it’s something different and there’s a chorus of ‘Fucking right, it’s drill time.’ and ‘Hell, yeah.’ As the guys file out, they each give me a high-five or touch their forehead to mine, assuring me that the team has my back and that we protect our own, even when it’s from an internal threat.

  Lenny is the last to walk out, and after fist-bumping me, he stops in front of Norma. “Don’t you worry. We all know you aren’t a whore. You’re a goddamn magician who got my boy here locked down. And Norma, you’ve got some big clanging brass balls on you. Badass bitch.” Norma beams at the praise.

  And then we’re alone.

  I’m so on edge I think I’m going to crawl out of my damn skin. I’m pacing, hot anger pumping through my veins, encouraging me to scour the campus and find Jake. Or at a minimum, to follow Coach and demand some answers. But Norma stops me with a soft touch.

  “Hey, calm down. It’s going to be okay, Zach. Coach is handling Erica and Professor Ledbetter, though is it wrong of me to hope Jake misses that meeting because he’s running drills with the team?” She does little air quotes so I know she caught on to what’s happening tonight. I have a split second of question on whether she’s down for back-alley justice, but then she spits out, “I hope they find that fucker before I do because he’ll get off easier with them than with me.”

  I smirk at her trash-talking. “You are so sexy when you’re being all bitchy and bratty. Like fire personified, inside and out. My little fire fairy brat.”

  My answer seems to surprise her, shocking her out of her flash of anger too. “Oh, that wasn’t bratty. That was a reality check.” A tiny smile tilts her lips. “Okay, maybe a bit bratty.”

  Needing to touch her, I pull her to me, crushing her in my arms. “Fuck, Norma. This is so messed up. I never thought he’d—”

  She cuts me off with a kiss, and I realize that we don’t need words right now. We need each other.

  Though he didn’t stand a chance at driving a wedge between the two of us, Jake’s threat is dangerous in a different way. The thought reminds me of how pleased I am that Norma didn’t question us for a second, that not only have we come so far, but she has come so far. Still my mouthy Brat who takes no shit but dishes out prickly barbs with laser accuracy, but also my girl who knows that she’s mine and I’m hers, unequivocally.

  Our kisses become more frantic. “Norma, I need you.”

  “I need you too. Take me,” she says, panting for air.

  I reach up, encircling her neck with my hands for a moment, and she freezes, mouth open and eyes wide, saying yes without words. I untie the silk scarf there and then pick her up, carrying her across the room.

  “What is this thing?” she asks, looking at the big metal rack above her.

  “You’ll love this. It’s a power rack,” I say, chuckling. I pull her shirt and bra off unceremoniously but lay a quick kiss to her sternum as she shudders. She offers her hands, and I tie the scarf around one wrist. “Hands up, Brat, and look in the mirror.”

  The air, or maybe it’s the anticipation, raises goosebumps along her arms as I loop the scarf over the pullup bar and tie her other wrist. Like usual, it’s not tight, but it’s become our thing and she so willingly and beautifully gives herself to me each and every time this way, wanting it as much as I do.

  The automatic lights have cycled off, leaving portions of the room in shadow and little pockets of light from the spotlights in the ceiling. Right above Norma, a beam shines down, highlighting her body in sharp relief, shadows and light dancing along her skin. “You look fucking glorious, Norma.” In response to my words, her nipples harden, tempting me to lick, suck, and bite.

  I pull her skirt down, tossing it aside after she steps out of it, and grab her ass, massaging her cheeks in my big hands. She whimpers, pressing back for more, so I wrap my arms around her and grind my cock against her ass. Even through my workout shorts, my cock tries to penetrate her.

  But I need to taste her first. I drop to my knees, kissing along her spine and then biting her sweet ass. She steps wide without my telling her, and I use my hands to guide her to arch her back, letting me see all of her. I lean in, and she moans needily, so I spread her cheeks and tease at her puckered hole.

  She lets out a keening cry. “Oh, God, Zach.” I do it again, and then go lower, tasting her honey and circling her clit. Her hips sway, and I focus on her clit, letting a finger slip inside her tight pussy. She covers me in cream, and I spread it up to her ass, tapping on her rosebud as I lick her clit. Her cries become incoherent, just high-pitched sounds, begging, and then she shatters.

  Her body shudders and I lap at her juices, wanting to swallow every drop. Needing to be inside her, I stand up, shoving my workout shorts down at the same time.

  The head of my cock slips inside her, and we both groan. “Everything’s going to be okay, Brat. You’re all mine,” I whisper as I fill her up.

  “I am,” she confirms. I’m still for a moment, letting her adjust, and I think I hear something. A thud, maybe? But it sounds far away.

  I meet her eyes in the silvery mirror where she’s watching like I told her to. “You’ll have to be quiet so we don’t get caught fucking in the weight room. Pretty sure that’s against the team’s rules.” Her pussy clenches around me, and I know she likes the thought of being naughty.

  I start stroking in and out of her, and I know she wants to push back against me, but the scarf is holding her, forcing her to stand tall. I like her at my mercy, but I can’t tease her right now, both of us needing to connect on a physical level and deeper.

  I speed up until we’re both trembling, gasping. “Is this what you want, Brat?”

  “Fuck . . . yes!” Suddenly, I hear a sound again and freeze, not pulling out but keeping her full of cock. I barely move, just grind my cock back and forth slowly against that rough spot deep inside her, careful not to push her over so we don’t make a sound.

  When I don’t hear anything for a few seconds, I give her one powerful thrust. Her air rushes out. “Zach!”

  “That’s it, Norma. I’m gonna fuck you and fill you with all I’ve got, reward you for knowing that you belong to me. And I sure as fuck belong to you.” My words are whispered, growls that vibrate against the silky skin of her back.

  My hips slap against her ass as I fuck her deeply, our breath coming in short gasps as we both get closer and closer. Her pussy squeezes around my thick cock like a vice, and I clamp my teeth down to hold back the roar as I explode, my cock coming deep inside her.

  She’s watching in the mirror as I come, and it triggers her orgasm too. She whimpers, biting her lip, but she’s still louder than she probably should be. It makes me feel like a beast that I can make her forget herself that way.

  When we catch our breaths, I reach up and untie her wrists, massaging her fingers. “Why do you do it?” I ask as I kiss each fingertip. “You don’t have to let me tie you up. It doesn’t really matter to me. I’ve never done that with anyone but you.”

  “I know I don’t have to,” she says softly, laying a sweet kiss to the corner of my mouth. “But, Zach, sometimes, I feel like there’s all this pressure on my shoulders to do amazing things and be this hard-hitting powerhouse. But you help me understand that by surrendering to you, by letting you be in charge, you make me stronger. I feel like can breathe and just . . . be.”

  I smile and kiss her squarely on the lips. “With you by my side, I’m stronger too. And better, like I have a purpose beyond the field.”

  We pull our clothes back on as we talk quietly, making sure the room is reset so no one is the wiser, and heading down the dim hallway. I don’t know where we’re going, but I can’t stay here any longer. If nothing else, we’ll go to Norma’s place until I get word from Coach or Will that things are handled.

  “I don’t know anyone stronger,” she says with a smirk. “You’re going to make one hell of a pr
o quarterback.”

  I nod, her confidence in me a boost but nothing compared to the thought deep in my heart. “And if everything goes the way I dream, I’ll be playing in big games and signing big contracts.”

  She thinks that’s all I had to say and smiles before adding, “Big records too.”

  “Fifty,” I say with a smile. “I think that’s a good start.”

  She looks at me, confusion in her eyes. “Fifty?” As we step out of the building, the late November chill surrounds us. I pause to pull my jacket off and lay it around Norma’s shoulders. She slips her arms into the sleeves, but she’s basically drowning in it, the cuffs hanging well past her hands.

  “Fifty years. Of marriage. That’s the main record I want, just like my parents. They’re not there yet, but they will be. That’s what I want. More than football, though I seriously want that too. But I want someone to share it all with, to be in the stands cheering me on, to make a life with during football and after football.”

  She looks up at me. “That sounds . . . nice. Are you thinking about anyone in particular?” She’s grinning, but there’s more hope than tease in her voice.

  I chuckle, pulling her close. “Brat, I think you and I are thinking the same damn thing.”

  She lifts to her tiptoes, and I bend down to catch her lips in a kiss, but just before I make contact, a loud voice calls out, “Payback, bitch!”

  I try to push Norma behind me, not sure of the threat but wanting to protect her regardless, but she twists in my arms and then cries out in pain as there’s a loud crash.

  She’s panting as a dark figure pushes past me. Before I can think, I lower her to the floor, and though she’s crying from the pain, she’s chanting, “I’m okay, I’m okay.” I take her at her word, and with a quick kiss to her forehead, I take off after the shadowy attacker.


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