Summer Heat (Wyoming Fever Book 2)

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Summer Heat (Wyoming Fever Book 2) Page 6

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “Will you do me a favor?” he asked, kissing his way down her throat.

  “What’s that?” she asked hesitantly, tilting her head to the side.

  “Will you let me hear everything? Every reaction? Every sigh and moan and…whatever you feel?”

  She shivered, closing her eyes as he kissed, nibbled, and licked her neck, soothing the spots he’d teased.

  “What do you mean?”

  He moved his mouth lower, staying near her neck. “You are trying to hide your reactions to me, Sage. It turns me on to hear you. Please, let me hear you.” He kissed her, tenderly at first, but with growing intensity as she kissed him back.

  “You won’t leave me until you’re done?” she whispered, their lips mere centimeters apart.

  He shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere,” he vowed again. “Except to get a condom out of my back pocket.” With those words, he grinned down at her before going back to tormenting her throat. This time, he was slow and thorough, showing her he was completely in this moment with her.

  Sage sighed, gasped, and then laughed! Good grief, she laughed when his lips tickled her neck! She’d never laughed during a sexual experience before. Horrified, she clapped a hand over her mouth.

  But Arik didn’t pull away. He didn’t smirk and tell her she was a whore. He didn’t stalk out of the bedroom, leaving her cold and lonely and so frustrated, she wanted to scream.

  No, he didn’t do any of those things! Instead, he captured her hands and laced his fingers with hers. It was almost as if he wanted to entangle his body with hers as much as possible. She loved it! The feel of his hard, muscular body pressing against hers so intimately made her head spin with awareness. There was no softness to Arik. He was all angles and muscles and demanding male presence!

  She cried out as his mouth covered her nipple. Just as he’d done to her neck, his teeth scraped and teased, his lips sucked and soothed only to start the process over again. And again! He didn’t move down her body until she screamed in frustration, her hips grinding almost mindlessly against his.

  She felt his hair between her fingers and looked down, shocked that she was literally pulling at his hair in an effort to show him where she wanted his mouth. For long, delicious moments, he complied, but then he moved lower. And lower!

  “I can’t do that!” she yelped, wiggling away from his mouth.

  He glanced up at her. “You can’t?” he asked softly. That’s when she felt his fingers. Stealthy fingers! Those fingers moved towards her core, caressing and teasing, leaving her aching for release.

  “Not yet, love,” he whispered, moving lower. Arik kissed her hipbone and the soft curve of her stomach before moving lower still, tracing patterns along her inner thighs.

  But before he could move to that most sensitive place, Sage jerked away, pulling herself out from underneath him.

  “I know what you’re going to do!” she yelled, wrapping her arms around her body as if she could somehow hide her nakedness from him.

  Arik blinked, staring up at her. He thought he understood, but wanted confirmation.

  “You think I’m going to stop,” he asked, taking her ankle firmly in hand. With a gentle tug, he pulled her right back to him. “You think I’m just tormenting you for my own pleasure, then I’m going to walk away?”

  “Aren’t you?” she snarled, so angry that he could hear her voice tremble.

  “Not a chance!” he whispered as his mouth covered that nubbin. He didn’t fool around this time. Maybe, next time. And there definitely would be a next time! Feeling her like this, sensing her trembling, almost uncontrollable desire, he knew that he wanted a next time. Hell, he wanted at least a thousand next times, so that he could properly banish the bastard who had done this to her.

  It took less than sixty seconds to make her scream with her first climax, her hands pulling at his hair as her hips writhed under his mouth. Holding her steady, he continued his relentless ministrations until he felt her body start to come back down from that first one.

  Even then, he didn’t relent. Kissing his way back up her body, he gave her only soft brushes with his lips until he heard her breathing start to even out. Only then did he nudge that passion once again. He slid one finger inside of her, pressing his lips to hers at the same moment. He inhaled her harsh gasp, feeling her body tighten as her desire flared.

  When he felt her nails dig into his shoulders, while her hips lifted entreatingly, he grabbed for his jeans. He grabbed the condoms from the back pocket, ripping one open and rolling it down his painfully throbbing shaft.

  “Tell me you want this, Sage,” he whispered, kissing her before she could speak. When he lifted away from her, he stopped, looking down at her. “Do you want me as much as I want you?” he asked, taking her hand and wrapping her fingers around his erection. He had to close his eyes as he felt her soft, tentative touch. But only for a moment. He couldn’t handle more than that. He quickly took her hands away, pulling them both up over her head. When he entered her, it was slow and smooth, filling her inch by inch, while watching her features to make sure he wasn’t hurting her.

  “You okay?” he asked when he was embedded in her, all the way to the hilt.

  “Yes!” she sighed, arching her back as if she wanted to take him deeper. Lifting her legs, she wrapped them around his waist. That’s when he started thrusting. Slowly at first, watching her face and wishing that she’d open her eyes so that he could see her reactions more clearly. But Arik understood that someone had done real damage to her at some point. She couldn’t look at him. She couldn’t give him that window into her soul and show him how deeply this was affecting her.

  But he could feel it. He could feel her body taking him deeper, her inner muscles clenching around his shaft and quivering, right on the edge. Moving faster, wanting to give her this, to give her everything, he thrust into her heat, shifting slightly so that he rubbed against that sensitive nub with every thrust.

  When she screamed, arching her back and shaking her head, only then did he release his own control and fall into the blissful climax that he’d held off on allowing himself. When it finally came, it felt as if he was pouring his soul into her body.

  And after it was all over, he collapsed against her, burying his face against her neck as he tried hard to slow his breathing. For long moments, he just stayed there, feeling their pulses meld, her body quivering in reaction.

  She blew a soft sigh and Arik knew that he’d have to move before he smothered her. Pulling out of her, he moved into the bathroom and cleaned up as quickly as he could. He took a few extra moments to check on the dogs. Sure enough, Xena was still spread out over the guest bed, right where Arik had left her. She was snoring slightly, but what really caused him to smile was the way that Minx was spooning against Xena’s belly. The bigger dog was protecting the smaller canine, but he was pretty sure that Minx thought it was the other way around.

  Speaking of women with complicated minds, he moved back into Sage’s bedroom to find her curled up on her side, the sheet pulled up over her nakedness.

  “Hey,” he whispered, rubbing a hand along her back. “You okay?”

  “Yes,” she replied, her tone indicating that she wasn’t even close to being asleep.

  Arik pulled the sheet back and slipped in behind her, pulling her close. “Want to tell me what that was about earlier?”

  “No,” she whispered flatly. He felt her shudder at whatever memory hit her. Arik wrapped his arms more tightly around her, holding her close. For a long time, she was stiff in his arms, refusing to let him comfort her. But eventually, sleep overcame her inhibitions. Slowly, she relaxed into him and fell into a deep sleep.

  For a long time, Arik stared up at the ceiling, replaying the whole scene in his mind. His body was tight, eager for a repeat, but more importantly, he wanted to understand. He wanted the story behind her rage in that moment when she’d pulled back.

  It clearly wasn’t that Sage hated sex. He tossed the issue aro
und in his mind. She’d covered her mouth so that he couldn’t hear her moans. She’d tried to stop herself from wanting him, but she’d been just as involved as he’d been. But the real clue was when she’d pulled away. What had she said? No, it wasn’t something she’d said. It was her fear that he’d stop.

  What the hell? Why would any man stop when a woman like Sage was in his arms? She was beautiful, sexy, and so damned responsive. Even now, his body ached to make love to her all over again. Arik wanted to feel her body tremble with her release, to see her shudder as her climax overwhelmed her. In that moment, he knew that they were more deeply connected than ever. Sage had been all his.

  So, who had stopped? Who had punished her for showing her desires? Because that was the only explanation he could come up with for why she’d react that way.

  He pulled her on top of him, needing to feel more of her against his body. With a gentleness he never knew he had in him, Arik pressed a kiss to the top of her head, wanting her to know that he was here, even if she only recognized that fact through her sleep.

  Chapter 6

  Sage woke up alone.

  No, not alone. She smiled as a small, fluffy dog toddled from the foot of her bed to nuzzle her cheek.

  “Good morning, Minx,” she said, fluffing his fur. Instantly, the sweet guy snuggled against her side, nudging her hand whenever she stopped petting him. “Do you need to go out?” she asked. Then she looked around for Xena. “Where’s your friend?”

  Minx jumped up and leapt off the bed, but at the doorway, he turned to whine at Sage, wondering why she wasn’t moving fast enough.

  “I’m coming!” she said, sliding her legs over the side of the bed. Sage tried to ignore the sadness lurking in her heart. Arik hadn’t bothered to stick around, but she should have anticipated that. Wasn’t that what men did?

  Sighing, she ignored the pain throbbing in her chest. “Come on, sweetie! Let’s go find Xena. We’ll take a long walk and…”

  Sage froze in the middle of her family room, staring at the muscles rippling over Arik’s back.

  “You’re still here?” she asked, but her voice was so soft that she doubted he heard her.

  She was wrong! He turned around, a spatula in his hand.

  He turned, a burning heat in his eyes as they moved down over her figure. Sage tugged at the hem of her camisole, trying to cover the tiny boy-short panties that she’d worn to bed last night. And pulled back on before leaving the bedroom.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her up onto her toes as he kissed her. It was just a soft, sweet kiss, his lips lingering ever so slightly, before he pulled back.

  “Of course I’m still here,” he told her, his voice husky, sexy, and oh, so delicious! “Did you think I’d make love to you and then vanish?” he asked. Then Arik shook his head when he saw the truth in her eyes. “Of course you did,” he said, answering his own question. “And as much as I’d like to know why you’d think that,” he released her and turned back to the stove, “breakfast is almost ready. Why don’t you sit down?”

  “I should…get dressed.”

  He turned, his eyes drinking in her figure again. “Why?”

  She tugged the hem of her camisole again, but it was short, stopping just below her waist. Even if she tugged it lower, it still wouldn’t cover what she wanted it to cover.

  “Because I’m not dressed,” she said, reaching down when Xena bounced over, nudging her hand for attention.

  “It’s Sunday morning, Sage. Are you planning to head out into the world in the next half hour?”

  She glanced at the clock. It was only eight o’clock! Scratching at her calf with the other bare foot, she reached for Xena. The sweet dog licked her cheek, making Sage grin.

  “Xena and Minx think that you look great just the way you are.” He flipped a pancake. “And personally, I love that I can see your nipples through that tiny bit of a top.” He ended with a sexy wink, but Sage missed that gesture because she was looking down at herself. Sure enough, her nipples formed very obvious points under the thin material.

  “I’ll be right back,” she told him, rushing back into her bedroom. She grabbed an old sweatshirt, pulling it on over her head, then a pair of leggings. She tripped a few times, trying to avoid Minx who valiantly attempted to help.

  “Little one, you’re going to get hurt if you keep doing that,” she said, scooping him up and kissing his nose. Minx snuggled in for more attention. Apparently, this little boy loved being carried. Which was fine with Sage because she had so much love to give! It had been bottled up inside of her for so long.

  Yes, that was probably why she’d reacted so intensely to Arik’s lovemaking. She’d been starved for attention. She was better now. She didn’t need more. She couldn’t ask Arik to make love to her again this morning.

  Despite her whole body craving just that!

  Walking back out, she knelt and let Minx run down the hallway, smiling at his exuberance.

  “You didn’t need to make me breakfast,” she said, stepping back into the kitchen.

  “You looked hungry,” he replied, turning to put a giant stack of pancakes on the table. “Sit. Eat. I’ll get the orange juice.”

  Sage took two pancakes off of the giant stack, her mouth watering. She grabbed two sausages, smiling as she wondered if he knew that the sausages were made with tofu. She didn’t like pork sausage. It was just too greasy. But these were delicious! She sliced off a bite and put it in her mouth, savoring the wonderful spices.

  “I don’t know how you eat that stuff,” he grumbled, sitting down opposite her. “Tofu isn’t fit for humans.” But he took several of the sausage links anyway. He did it with a sneer though.

  “I think they’re amazing!” she laughed, thrilled that he was still here, but not wanting to get used to his company. He’d be gone after breakfast and she’d be alone. Again.

  Then she glanced down at Minx and Xena. The dogs were so completely different, and yet Minx had taken up his favorite spot between Xena’s front legs.

  “Who do you think is the alpha in that relationship?” she asked, pointing her fork towards the adorable canines.

  Arik glanced over at the two, shaking his head. “I’m guessing that Minx is the alpha, but only because Xena allows him to be.”

  She laughed, nodding her head. “I agree.”

  She turned and started cutting her pancakes up into smaller bites, relieved to have the dogs to talk about. No awkward conversations here! She could relax and…!

  Unfortunately, Arik wasn’t the kind who would ignore tense issues. He wanted them right there, out in the open.

  “So about last night,” he started off. “Would you please explain why you thought I was going to leave in the middle of such an incredible experience?”

  Sage froze, her mind blanked, and her tongue caught between her teeth.

  He waited patiently, looking at her across the table. Those dark eyes of his didn’t relent, didn’t hesitate. He wanted answers!

  “I just…” she stammered, putting her fork down before she dropped it. Hiding her suddenly shaking hands under the table, she bowed her head as shame washed over her. “I just…I thought that…well…”

  “Who made you ashamed of your desires, Sage?” he asked, his voice soft and gentle.

  “I’m not a very sexual person,” she whispered.

  “Yes. You are,” he said, then stood and came around the table to kneel beside her. Taking her hands, he looked into her eyes. “You are a sexual person.” His fingers tightened around her hands when she tried to pull away. “And you are beautiful Sage. It was stunning to see! Looking into your eyes last night, feeling the way that you enjoyed what I did to you…” he stopped, shaking his head. “It was hot! Beautiful!”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but the words didn’t come. She couldn’t speak. He thought…he liked…?

  “Yes,” he replied to her unspoken question. “I liked it.” He laughed softly. “Hell, I loved it! I was ha
ving a hard time holding back, because I was so turned on when you moved like that. Or when you made those sounds! It was incredible!”

  She licked her lips, glancing over his shoulder at the dogs. But they were laying down now, just watching them. Neither Minx nor Xena had answers for her.

  When she looked back down at him, she saw the sincerity in his eyes. “You didn’t think…” she stopped, her shame choking off her words. “You didn’t think I was…wanton?”

  Arik’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wanton? Hell yes!” She tried again to pull her hands away. “But I loved it!” His fingers tightened again, not hurting her, but simply conveying his urgent need to understand. “Who told you that your desires were shameful?” he asked again, but with more intensity.

  He didn’t think she was a bad person? He didn’t mind that she…enjoyed what he’d done to her?

  “My ex-husband,” she whispered, then lowered her lashes, unable to watch the disgust in his eyes.

  There was a stunned, painful silence after that statement.

  For a long moment, Arik processed the fact that Sage had been married. It took him a full sixty seconds, maybe longer, to tamp down on the abrupt fury, the jealousy, that made him see red at the idea of some other man holding Sage, making love to her. Or maybe…the look in her eyes, the pain and humiliation she was desperately trying to hide warned him that the marriage hadn’t been a love match.

  Taking a deep breath, he released her hands, stood, and turned to brace his palms on the counter. “I didn’t know that you had been married, Sage,” he finally said, his mind reeling after that bombshell, but there was more to his reaction. A hell of a lot more!

  She looked up, obviously stunned at his gentle tone. He continued to hold her gaze, willing her to see beyond everything else. Willing her to see the understanding.

  “You aren’t…horrified?” Sage finally asked.

  He laughed, lifting her hands to kiss them. “That you’re divorced? I’m relieved that you’re no longer married to an ass that humiliated you. I’m a little confused as to why you’ve never mentioned him before. But if he was the one who tormented you, then I’m glad that he’s out of your life.”


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