The Dragon's Pursuit (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 7)

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The Dragon's Pursuit (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 7) Page 12

by Jessie Donovan

  Her dragon growled. Dr. Sid is watching her, and she told Chase that Yasmin was doing better. Besides, we still have a few hours before we're even allowed back inside the building. Enjoy the moment now to help recharge us for later.

  Chase's voice rumbled inside his chest. "What are you thinking of, love?"

  As his hand stroked her back in warming circles, she snuggled more against his side. "That this all still seems like a dream." She paused, and added, "And how I feel a wee bit guilty lying here in your arms when I should be doing something else, something useful."

  He took the hand on his chest and brought it to his lips. After he kissed her palm, he replied, "This is bloody useful, lass. Everyone needs some downtime to relax, even a super doctor such as yourself. Besides, you trust Dr. Sid, aye?"

  "Of course."

  "Then know she'd tell you if anything was wrong."

  As he continued to stroke her back, her guilt faded a fraction. Not completely, but deep down, she knew he was right.

  Her dragon huffed. Aye, he is. Any sane dragon-shifter knows that regular sex keeps us inner beasts happy, which means you'll be happier, too.

  She smiled and placed her chin on his chest, so she could meet his gaze. "My dragon seems to agree with you."

  He grinned. "Then that's three against one. I like those numbers."

  She lightly smacked his chest. "For now. Don't expect my dragon to always be on your side."

  Chase released her hand and moved his to her face, tracing her cheek with his forefinger. "I know, but just remember that you have all of us on your side going forward, for whatever challenges you face."

  His words brought some of reality crashing back, specifically one certain aspect considering her parents. "Aye, there are things I can't put off much longer."

  "You mean your parents?"

  She blinked in surprise. "Yes, but how did you guess that?"

  He took her hand and kissed her palm again, except this time he flicked his tongue against her skin before saying, "They never came to the surgery yesterday, and you never left it. It's possible you could've talked to them on the phone, but I don't think you would, not for something this important."

  She laid her cheek back on the firm, warm skin of Chase's chest. "You're right, I haven't talked with them yet. Partly out of necessity, but partly out of cowardice. But they were at least told of Yasmin's reappearance. And part of me thinks that if they'd truly cared, they would've rushed to the surgery to see her."

  The fact they hadn't made Layla think the worst—her parents would see Yasmin's return as a type of betrayal. Layla only hoped they didn't report Yasmin's whereabouts to the Iranian clan.

  Her dragon sat up taller. If they do, Finn will protect her. And probably punish our parents, too.

  Layla didn't want punishment, but asking for her parents to act like they had when she and her sister had been younger, and life had held more laughter, was fairly impossible.

  Chase's voice garnered her attention. "It's their loss, Layla. I know you might not be able to recognize or admit that now, but maybe someday you can."

  "Like you have," she whispered.

  "Aye, although I won't claim to be completely over the loss of my father. But I'm better than I was even two years ago." Chase gently forced her face upward until she met his eyes. "Regardless, you're handling this entire situation better than I would have. If my parents had tried to send away a sister of mine to some foreign clan without any sort of love or attachment between her and the future mate, I would be bloody pissed. And unlike my brother, I'm not the silent, brooding type—they'd know exactly what I thought of the whole mess."

  She traced circles on Chase's chest. "Well, I've never forgiven them, but I also understand that my mother thought she was doing the right thing. Her own mother—my grandmother—was placed in an arranged mating. If my father hadn't realized my mum was his true mate and kissed her, she probably would've accepted an arranged mating, too. It's not always easy to let go of tradition, especially when each generation loses a bit more of it."

  He stroked her cheek with one finger. "I'm sure there are plenty of traditions that don't involve all but bartering away someone's happiness, right?"

  Thinking of how her mother had tried to make her and her sister study the Persian language as children made her snort. "Aye, like trying to learn a language only my grandmother ever used regularly." She sobered a fraction. "It's complicated. Even more so now, considering who my sister and I chose as mates."

  "Why? Are two braw Scottish males not good enough?" He kissed her brow. "I can be quite charming. Maybe I need to use some of it on your mother."

  She tried hard to frown but laughed. "To be honest, I'd pay to see that. She wouldn't know what to do with it." Layla bit her lower lip before adding, "That is if she ever wants to see us."

  Chase gently squeezed her waist. "Whenever you're ready to talk to them, I'll be there."

  Searching his gaze, she asked, "Really?"

  "Aye, of course. I'll always be there when you need me, Layla. Always."

  Tears prickled her eyes and she tried to blink them away. Layla didn't usually allow her emotions to show with others. No one wanted a weepy or angry doctor.

  Her dragon spoke up. It's not just anyone—he's going to be our mate.

  At the thought of waking up every day to Chase's grin and caresses, her tears faded. Reaching a hand up, she cupped his cheek. "I wish I could bloody kiss you right now."

  "Me, too, love. Me, too."

  They stared at one another for at least a minute, holding each other's gaze, both saying a lot without speaking a word.

  In such a short time, Chase had come to mean so much to her. That thought should scare her. And yet, it made her heart skip a beat.

  Her, Layla MacFie, with a mate to come home to, to love, and even have children with.

  Something she'd never thought she'd have.

  Not wanting to risk crying, she kissed his chest and said, "Come, let's shower. I'm sure me all wet and dripping is one of your fantasies, aye?"

  His pupils flashed and he growled out, "In more ways than one."

  Her cheeks burned at his double meaning. "You're incorrigible."

  "Aye, and it's just what you need," he stated smugly.

  With a laugh, she jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom, wanting him to chase her.

  And chase her he did, until he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. Nuzzling her cheek, he whispered, "We'll have a proper chase later, once things calm down a bit."

  The thought of shifting into a dragon and trying to evade Chase's capture made her smile. "I'd like that."

  Nipping her neck, he grunted. "Good. Because if anyone deserves to have a little fun in their lives, it's most definitely you, Layla."

  Placing her hands over his around her middle, Layla gently squeezed his warm skin. It would be so easy to fall in love with the male at her back.

  Not that she had the time right now, of course. But maybe someday she could be as happy as Finn and his mate, or any of the MacKenzies.

  Then a thought occurred to her that made her groan. "If we become mates, that means I'm going to have to occasionally attend a MacKenzie dinner, won't I?"

  He snorted. "Aye, Faye will insist on it." Chase lowered his voice. "But don't worry, I'll protect you from any flying potatoes or bread rolls."

  "And knives?"

  "Knives, too, although I may need a doctor to give me some extra special attention afterward."

  Turning in his arms until she could loop her hands behind his neck, she smiled. "I think that can be arranged."

  "My cock, especially, may need some extra attention."

  "That would be a pity if a knife hit there."

  He growled. "That will never happen."

  "Because your dragon is rather fond of your penis?"

  Lowering his voice, he murmured, "I think there are a couple of people who are rather fond of it." His hand moved to bet
ween her thighs before he slipped a finger inside of her. "Right, lass?"

  Resisting a moan as he moved in and out slowly, "Perhaps. Although how much attention you receive depends if you're a good patient or not. Being male, that might be hard for you."

  Thrusting his finger in swiftly, Layla had a difficult time concentrating on his reply. "Something is hard, but not that."

  He grinned and pressed his solid length against her bum, and Layla tilted her head. "I think I need to better judge if you're hard enough, don't you think?"

  He chuckled before removing his fingers and positioning his cock at her entrance from behind. "As the doctor orders."

  In one swift thrust, Layla was more than convinced. And for the next hour, she forgot about everything but the male who made her feel more alive than anyone else. Reality would come crashing down soon enough, but for an hour, just an hour, she could merely be a female teasing her male and enjoying life.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A few hours later, Layla faced reality. In fact, as she stepped through the doors of the surgery with Chase at her side, she dreaded it.

  The surgery, which had been her refuge for so long, felt different. Almost as if she had a job to do but wanted to leave at the first opportunity to do something unrelated.

  In other words, she wanted to be more than merely a doctor—she wanted to enjoy life, too.

  Her dragon huffed. Of course you want to enjoy life outside of this building. We don't want to risk having sex here and people walking in on us. The gossip would be annoying.

  Dragon, there's more to life than having sex.

  Maybe. But if you're tired of Chase already, then I'll gladly take control and wear him out for you.

  No way. He's mine for now.

  Her dragon snorted. You can enjoy other activities and I can do that one. After all, it's only fair to share.

  She mentally growled. Not yet. We'll share eventually, but he's mine for the first wee while, dragon. Can't risk the frenzy, now, can we?

  Chase whispered and interrupted the exchange, "Your dragon has you frowning quite hard, lass."

  "She's being annoying," she muttered.

  He grinned. "So, being a normal dragon, then, aye?"

  Her beast huffed. He wouldn't say things like that if I were in charge and riding his cock.

  Before Layla could reply, a familiar brown-haired female figure emerged from the door toward the back. Despite the fact Dr. Cassidy "Sid" Jackson had a very young bairn, she looked remarkably awake and was even smiling. All the years of running on little sleep as a doctor must've come in handy for taking care of her son.

  Sid stopped a foot in front of them, glanced from Layla to Chase and back again, and nodded. "Good. You both look fairly well-rested and mostly relaxed, as I'd hoped."

  Layla's gut said that Sid knew they'd slept together. It took everything Layla had to keep her head up and her cheeks from blushing. "Aye, and ready to go back to work. How's my sister?"

  The other female motioned toward the rear door, the one that led to the private patient rooms. "Yasmin is awake and doing much better. She's been asking for you, so why don't you see for yourself?"

  Guilt crashed down on her. Layla should've been the one to monitor her sister. Instead, she'd been home, having sex and forgetting about everything for a wee while.

  Sid placed a hand on her arm and murmured, "I see the guilt on your face. Push it aside. You'll do much better work now than if you had barely nabbed an hour or two of sleep. Everyone needs a break sometimes." She paused a second before adding, "Once things settle down, we're going to have a nice long chat. Gregor has always felt guilty for leaving Lochguard in such a rush, and it's plain to see he forgot to give you some good advice before he left. Not that you haven't done a bloody good job, but there are a few things I think you need to hear, Layla."

  Sid was older than Layla by a number of years and had more than proven herself as a doctor, too. Which meant Layla took her advice to heart. She bobbed her head. "Aye, we'll talk. But first, let me see Yasmin."

  "Go on through. The staff knows you're allowed back inside."

  She raised her brows. "You really would've thrown me out on my arse if I'd come in earlier?"

  Sid also raised her brows. "Yes, I would have. Not only am I a doctor, I'm mated to one. And we're an overly stubborn lot. If it comes to a battle of who wins in the end, rest assured that it'll be me."

  The Stonefire doctor had never exaggerated, at least that Layla knew of. She suspected if Sid said she'd win, she probably would.

  Anxious to see her sister, Layla headed toward the back door. Chase tried to follow, but Dr. Sid took his hand to hold him back. For a split second, Layla forgot how Sid was mated and a new mother. She didn't like another female's hand on her male. She may just have growled out loud.

  Chase must've noticed her jealousy because he came to her and kissed her cheek. "I waited two years for you, love. I'm not bloody going anywhere now that you're finally mine."

  Maybe some would be upset at him making such a claim, but it helped to soothe both woman and beast. "This is new for me, feeling jealous. I hope it doesn't get in the way of my work."

  Tracing her jaw, he murmured, "You'll adjust soon enough. After all, you're in control of all the drugs that can make our dragons silent. Not to mention also the ones that can make us unconscious. No one will try to steal your male."

  Layla would never do such a thing, but she knew Chase was teasing. "Good."

  He chuckled, kissed her cheek again and went back to Sid's side.

  Taking a deep breath, Layla walked through the rear door, ignoring the looks no doubt being thrown her way after Chase's public display of affection. She would deal with clan gossip later. Right now, her sister was more important.

  With each step, her heart pounded harder until she stood in front of the door to Yasmin's room. Taking a deep breath, she knocked lightly and entered without waiting for a word.

  Inside, Yasmin sat up in her bed, pillows behind her back, and a pile of knitting supplies lying around her. Phillip Lamont sat in a chair beside her bed, his head next to her leg as he snored lightly.

  Yasmin placed a finger to her lips and motioned Layla forward.

  She took a few seconds to note how her sister was less pale and her cheeks had a bit more color. Not to mention the smudges under her eyes were fainter. The almost contentment in her gaze was when Layla finally released the breath she'd been holding.

  Yasmin truly was doing better.

  And it took every bit of training Layla possessed not to sob in relief.

  Her dragon said gently, She's well. That's all that matters.

  Since she trusted Sid's word, Layla resisted reaching for Yasmin's chart and instead stood on the side of the bed opposite where Phillip slept. Once she took her sister's hand—noticeably warmer than the day before, too—Layla kept her voice low as she asked, "Is there anything you need at all? Just tell me and I'll make sure you get it."

  "I'm fine, Layla. Truly." She glanced at Phillip. "Although if there's any way you can convince him to sleep in his own bed, I would appreciate it."

  Layla's lips curled upward. "I doubt I could pry him away from your side without inducing a coma."

  Yasmin looked back at her. "No, don't do that. He'd never forgive me."

  Silence fell for a few beats. Not the comfortable one they'd once shared as sisters and best friends. No, years of estrangement and secrets made it an awkward one.

  In the end, Layla decided to be blunt. "Why did you agree to go to Iran, Yas, when you loved Phillip? To think I could've had my sister safe here for years, instead of me worrying about how unhappy you'd be in an arranged mating, makes me want to cry."

  Yasmin's gaze moved to Phillip's face as she answered, "Phillip and I had a fight, and since he never actually asked me to be his mate, I thought it best to make a clean break and leave Scotland. It shattered my heart into a thousand pieces to do it, but I couldn't keep forgiving him."

/>   "Forgiving him for what?"

  Yasmin moved as if to stroke Phillips forehead, but pulled back and clenched her fingers into a fist. "It'll sound silly now, after all we've been through."

  Layla squeezed her sister's hand until Yasmin met her gaze again. "Tell me, Yas."

  Yasmin sighed. "Aye, well, anytime I mentioned that I loved him, his face would shutter and he'd disappear for a week without a word. The first time, I was worried. And when he came back, he pretended nothing had happened. But with each time he left when I mentioned my feelings, he hurt me deeper. I kept asking him what was wrong, but he deflected and would distract me with kisses and sex. However, it got to the point where I had to know the truth. So I cornered him in a room, locked the door, and asked him why he kept rebuffing me, telling him that neither of us would leave until he answered."

  Even though Layla knew her sister loved Phillip now and they were obviously devoted to each other if they'd been on the run for five years, she wanted to corner him and ask how he could keep hurting Yasmin like that.

  "Layla." At her sister's voice, she returned to the present, and her sister continued, "It did work out in the end, so don't try to hurt him, if you please."

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she hated how polite Yasmin was being with her. However, there were more important things to address, and so she replied, "I won't. But tell me his answer to your question."

  "He was afraid, simply put. His parents were devoted to each other, and in the end, that's what killed them. He was afraid the same would happen to us. You know the stories, as everyone does on Lochguard, aye?"

  Layla nodded. While Phillip and Logan's parents had died long before Layla had started training to be a doctor, she'd heard the stories.

  A group of humans had captured their mother. When her mate had agreed to give himself up in exchange for her freedom, the humans had ended up killing them both by draining their blood, which they'd probably sold on the black market.


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