Racing Hearts

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Racing Hearts Page 14

by Dena Blake

  Drew widened her eyes and let her jaw drop. “Am I to be left feeling like a woman scorned?” she said, her voice rising in satirical melody.

  Sam laughed. “I guess so.” Planting her elbows on the bench, she leaned back against it. “It was fun but inappropriate.” She closed her eyes and let the tingle she’d felt wash over her again. “Yes, definitely inappropriate.”

  “But I was really hoping to do it again soon.” Drew took her hands and backed her up against the bench. After lacing their fingers together, she locked them behind Sam and held them firmly against her ass. “Why don’t we start over,” Drew whispered, brushing Sam’s lips with hers.

  The warmth of Drew’s tongue penetrated her mouth and sent Sam’s mind spiraling into no-man’s land again. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been kissed so thoroughly and with such passion or how long since she’d kissed someone back with such intensity. With her heart pounding wildly, she pulled her hands free and slid them to the back of Drew’s neck, then into her short hair, sweeping through it as Drew pulled her closer. The sound of labored breaths followed by soft, sensual sighs echoed in the hollowness of the metal garage as Drew’s hands roamed the curves of her body.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” Sam’s breath was low and thick.

  “I want to do so much more.” One by one, Drew unfastened the buttons of Sam’s shirt.

  “Someone might…” Drew’s thumb slid across her nipple, and Sam couldn’t stop the throaty moan that passed through her lips.

  “I threw the bolt,” Drew said against her cheek as she continued to trail her lips down to her neck.

  “Oh my God.” Sam’s voice lowered, wants and needs exploding inside her. Letting her head fall back, she opened the pathway down her neck, begging Drew to travel farther. She tugged blindly at Drew’s pants, but she shifted just out of reach. She diverted her hands quickly up her shirt to Drew’s smooth abs.

  Drew’s mouth was scorching as she explored Sam’s breasts, which were unbelievably sensitive. It took only one flick of Drew’s tongue to make her incredibly wet. She unzipped the fly of Sam’s jeans and slipped a hand inside. Sam shuddered when Drew stroked a finger through her drenched folds. Sucking in a ragged breath, Sam tried to slow the rush taking her.

  She shouldn’t do this, it was wrong, but every inch of her wanted it. Drew’s mouth and hands were like heaven. Sam hadn’t been this turned on in…forever. She caught Drew’s hand firmly between her legs and opened her eyes wide, meeting her gaze. She had to know what Drew was thinking before she let the orgasm capture her.

  Pure pleasure, that’s what she saw in her scorching brown eyes. Sam pressed into her hand, Drew continued until the orgasm took over, and Sam held on tight, launching into a frenzy of mind-shattering sensations. Drew had catapulted her into the moment, and she came in a fast and hard fury she hadn’t experienced in years. She climaxed wishing they were somewhere else where she could share the intense heat she now knew they could produce.

  Sam sank against her and sucked in a deep breath. “You are a bad girl, Drew Thompson.”

  “You’re amazing, Samantha Kelleher.” She pressed her mouth to Sam’s, giving her one more heated kiss before she turned and headed out of the garage. “Someday, you are going to come and get that bra of yours.” She didn’t look back. “But until then, I’ll see ya ’round, sweetheart.”

  Sweetheart. She smiled. The first time Drew had called her that, she’d hated it. Now it was the best sound in the world.

  Hair tousled and cheeks warm, Sam zipped her pants and buttoned her shirt, thinking of the woman whose taste was still lingering on her tongue. She’d clearly given Drew the red light, and she’d blown right through it. She’d committed a moving violation, and Sam hadn’t stopped her. Instead, she’d enjoyed it. No, she’d reveled in it. Drew was in hot pursuit, and the rush of the chase was outweighing Sam’s conscience.

  She heard the metal door click open. “Did you forget something?” Fastening the last of her buttons, she turned from the bench.

  “I just got here,” Brad said.

  She turned back to the bench in panic. “Oh. I thought you were Ray.”

  “How about a quick lunch?” he asked.

  “I’m not hungry.” She reached for one of the pistons she’d been cleaning, hoping he wouldn’t notice the heat she was still feeling in her cheeks.

  “Okay then, how about a quickie lunch?” He pressed himself against her back and nipped at her neck roughly.

  “Brad, stop. I’ve still got a lot of work to do on this engine.” She twisted around, shrugging him off.

  He spun her back around and pushed her against the bench. “What happened to that wanton woman from last night?” He slid his hands down her arms before reaching around to unbutton her jeans. Feeling him pressed hard against her, Sam knew she didn’t want this kind of love anymore. She spun around, put her hands on his chest, and shoved.

  He held up his hands. “Whoa. All you have to do is say no.”

  “I thought I just did.”

  “Okay.” He backed away and took off out the door.

  Tears soaking her cheeks, Sam closed her eyes and struggled for breath. She couldn’t let him see her tears. She sank down against the tool chest. She couldn’t remember the last time Brad took the time to satisfy any of her needs. Each day she was with him, she felt more used. She couldn’t stay with him any longer. She had to end it.

  A few minutes later Sam heard the metal door to the supply room click open. She swiped her sleeve across her face and hopped up.

  Ray held up an aerosol can as he crossed the garage. “It took some searching, but I finally found it.”

  Panic surged through her. She’d forgotten all about sending him to get it. “I’m sorry, Ray. I got kind of busy out here.” Searching his face for any reaction, Sam wiped the rest of the moisture from her cheek. She hoped he hadn’t seen what had just happened. If he had, he would clearly think she was some kind of shameless tramp. In fact, Sam was beginning to wonder who she was herself.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine, Ray. Just a little stressed.”

  “I straightened up while I was in there.”

  “Thanks.” She threw her arms around his shoulders and held on tight. He seemed to be the only man in her life who didn’t expect anything from her. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” His arms lingered, and Sam surrendered to the unexpected comfort she felt. “How about you, Ray? Are you okay?” She patted him on the shoulders before letting her hands slide down his arms into his.

  He dropped his chin, avoiding eye contact. “Yeah. I just need this job, and with the new driver and all…”

  “Ray,” she said softly, leaning in to get his attention. “I need you here, and as long as I’m crew chief, you don’t have anything to worry about. Okay?”

  He smiled. “Okay.”

  She gave his hands a light squeeze before releasing them. “Now let’s get this car put back together. Drew has to qualify this afternoon.”

  “What about you?”

  “It’s not my turn, Ray.”

  “That isn’t right, Sam, and you know it.”

  “Paddy handles the drivers, and what he says goes. Whether I like it or not.”

  “Damn drivers think they can come in and take whatever they want.” His heated posture had Sam thinking maybe he had seen what just happened.

  “Come on, Ray. It’s not that bad. I’ll get to race someday.”

  “Well, it’s not fair, that’s all.”

  She turned and searched the bench. “I had a box of antihistamines around here somewhere. Do you know what happened to them?”

  “I thought they were Paddy’s. I put them in the desk.”

  She headed into the office. “Thanks.”

  “You sick?”

  “I think it’s allergies. Something must be blooming.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Drew left the garage, she didn�
��t dare look back. She’d had to get out of there fast. Wanting to make love to Sam was a natural response, but these feelings were pushing her over the edge. Sam’s hands had probed her with such urgency, Drew had lost every sensible thought in her head. At that moment, nothing was more important than satisfying her.

  Her mind filled with Sam’s taste, and Drew fought to shift it elsewhere. Clearing her head had never been this much of a chore. Sam’s wandering hands and writhing body had done things to her she fully expected but couldn’t seem to shake.

  “What are you in such a hurry for, hotshot?” Jade caught up with Drew, taking two steps to every one of Drew’s.

  “Lunch.” That would do, but she really needed a little fresh air and a lot of distance from Sam.

  “Get any info last night?”

  “Not much on the case.”

  “But I bet you learned a whole lot more about our suspect.”

  Drew stopped to protest but couldn’t. Jade was right. She’d learned that Samantha Kelleher could turn her inside out with one glance.

  “Anything we can use?”

  “I got a hair sample. Dropped it off at the lab this morning.” She walked a few steps before stopping again. “Hey, what’s with your dad?”

  “My dad?”

  “Yeah, since when is Internal Affairs interested in an ordinary homicide? He caught me in the hall this morning and started quizzing me about the case.”

  “I don’t know.” Jade shrugged. “Maybe he’s gonna recommend you for transfer back to Narcotics.”

  Drew flattened her lips. “I doubt it. You forget he had me transferred out before I was released from the hospital.”

  “And then he transferred to IA.” Jade’s voice dropped momentarily, as though she were getting something Drew didn’t. “Are you sure that wasn’t because of Kim?”

  “Are you sure something else isn’t going on?” Drew skirted the issue. She wouldn’t even have met Kimberly if her father hadn’t introduced them.

  “I don’t know, Drew. Maybe he just doesn’t want us working together again.”

  Drew leaned up against the counter at the snack shack and shouted inside, “Two dogs, mustard, and relish.” She glanced back at Jade. “You want one?”

  “Sure. No relish.”

  “Make that three. One, no relish.”

  Drew handed one to Jade and jammed one into her mouth.

  Jade took a napkin and wiped a glob of mustard from Drew’s chin. “Sorry. Old habits.” Jade handed the napkin to her. “You know, I never could figure out why my dad let you marry Kim.”

  “You talk like he could’ve stopped it.”

  “He knew you were my partner and that I kinda had a thing for you.”

  Drew arched her eyebrows. “A thing?” It all made sense now. Right after she and Kimberly started seeing each other, Jade had transferred to homicide. They’d been trying to get her for months, but she wouldn’t budge. Then all of a sudden she gave Drew some line about career opportunities and took the transfer.

  “That swagger of yours is a real turn-on, but when you hooked up with my sister, I got over it real quick.” Jade smiled and shook her head. “I should’ve never invited you to that party.”

  “Your father invited me, remember?”

  “Yeah. I guess he did.”

  Drew watched her gaze follow Tommy as he raced his wheelchair to the van. He rolled onto the lift and closed the doors.

  Her gaze snapped back to Drew. “It worked out for the best.”

  “You really love him, huh?”

  “I do.” She grinned when Tommy waved her over.

  Drew walked with her. “What are you going to do if he turns out to be our culprit?”

  Jade gave Drew a blistering stare. “Same thing you’re going to do if it turns out to be Sam.”

  What exactly that was, Drew didn’t know. All she knew for sure was the feeling in her gut told her it wasn’t Sam.

  While Drew stopped to talk to Tommy, Jade rounded the front of the van and hopped into the passenger seat. “Where you going?”


  “Need any help?”

  “Nope. I got it. You qualifying this afternoon?”

  “As soon as Sam gets the car ready.” Drew slapped the top of the door with her palm. “See you later.”

  * * *

  Drew watched Sam from across the garage. Dressed in a plaid flannel shirt and blue jeans, she seemed such a contrast from the posh woman she’d held in her arms just a few short nights before. She was just as beautiful with grease streaked across her face as she was the first night Drew saw her in the bar. By the scowl on her face, Drew could see she was having a heated discussion with Brad. After waiting and watching, she decided to interrupt before it got out of hand.

  “Got her all fixed up?” she shouted across the garage.

  Sam held up a finger and glanced over, but didn’t smile. “Don’t take it out yet. I want to show you what I did.”

  Anxious for her turn in the qualifying heats today, Drew leaned up against the number-fifteen car and waited for her stomach to settle. Nerves, envy, jealousy, she didn’t know what it was, but watching Sam interact with Brad had her lunch on the verge of coming up.

  Jade reached into the car, took the helmet from the seat, and tossed it at her. “I sure hope she’s not the one.”

  “Why?” That was a stupid question.

  “Let’s face it, Drew. Like it or not, I know you pretty well, and I can see you’ve got it bad.”

  “She’s a suspect, nothing more.” She was lying.

  “That’s bull. The two of you can’t keep your eyes off each other.”

  Catching Sam’s glance, Drew smiled.

  “I remember that glint in your eye from when you and Kim first got together.”

  “Let it alone, Jade.” Drew pulled her helmet on and slid into the car.

  “You better watch yourself, or you’re going to get us both killed.”

  Drew narrowed her eyes, then fired the engine and raced out of the garage to the track.

  Sam was waiting, body rigid and arms crossed, when Drew pulled back into the garage. Pressing her foot hard on the brake, Drew came to a screeching stop. She could see Sam’s face in heated movement but could only imagine the fury in her voice echoing in the metal building.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Racing.” Giving her a huge smile, Drew hoisted herself out of the car and slid down the side onto the concrete floor.

  The anger flared in Sam’s eyes. “Don’t take the car out again before I tell you what I’ve done to it.” She reached in, popped the hood, and then went around to the front of car. “You could have blown everything I just fixed.”

  “I qualified.” Drew’s grin spread widely. “This girl is starting at number nine.”

  Sam lifted the hood and ducked under it. “What you did out there today was not only dangerous and reckless, but you also showed no regard for any other life on that track. If you think everyone else doesn’t see that, you’re deluding yourself.”

  Drew just stared. She’d expected Sam to be happy she qualified. “Is everything all right?” That was a loaded question. “With the car?” Drew’s voice was low and strong. She was going to hold her ground on this one.

  “Damn it.” Sam slammed the hood down and bolted toward her. She was coming in hot, so Drew braced herself for a battle.

  Sam took Drew’s face in her hands and growled as she kissed her hard. She pulled back momentarily to look into Drew’s eyes. “I have no idea how you do it, but watching you drive does something crazy to me.” Sam sucked her tongue against her teeth, producing an indescribable sound, one that aroused Drew even more than the kiss. “And you did qualify.” Sam grinned. “That’s what’s important,” she said as she jumped into Drew’s arms, wrapped her legs around her waist, and kissed her again.

  This time Sam’s mouth was soft and sweet, inviting Drew in deeper. She held Sam tight against her, taking in the reward
she offered, the taste of the woman who dominated all her thoughts, the taste of victory. Drew immersed herself in all things Sam, her enthusiasm, her taste, her scent. She was lost in her. Sam was rapidly sucking her into this notorious world of fast cars and even faster women.

  Voices just outside the garage seeped through their hazy entanglement, and Sam immediately dropped to her feet and shoved her away. “Sorry,” she whispered, sucking in a ragged breath. “Again, that was inappropriate.” Tracing her lips with her fingers, Sam’s hand shook as she peered up at Drew through her thick auburn lashes.

  “Definitely inappropriate,” Drew said, trying to calm her desire as she stared into her shimmering emerald-green eyes.

  “But well deserved.” Sam caught her lip between her teeth, and her gaze darted away before she swiped her palms on her blue jeans and went to meet Paddy as he entered.

  Many congratulations were being given, with plenty more to come, but all Drew could think about was the beautiful woman she’d just held in her arms. From day one, she’d known this assignment would be a struggle. She had two lifelong devotions—her job and her passion for racing. Now a third factor had entered the equation—Samantha Kelleher, killer or victim. She’d left Drew smoldering, legs shaking and aching for more. Even from across the room she could see Sam was feeling the impact as well.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The door was unlocked when Sam got back to her room. Pushing it open slowly, she peeked in and saw a beautiful black silk dress lying on the bed. She rushed in, picked it up, and held it against her. The thought of an extravagant night out completely washed away all her problems for the day. Brad had acted in typical fashion this afternoon, selfish and indifferent. This was his typical way of making it up to her.

  Lying on the dresser was a beautiful drop-pendant necklace and a note reading, “Seven sharp.” Maybe a night out was exactly what she needed to get Drew out of her head. Sam glanced at the time on her phone, then back at her reflection in the mirror. It was already after six, and she needed a shower desperately. On top of that, it would take her the better part of an hour to tame her terminal mass of curls. Luckily, she had her routine down. After many years of working in the garage, smells and smudges were challenges she’d learned to conquer.


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