The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 7

by Nikki Brown

  Before I could say anything, Yameka sexy ass came walking through the door. My mouth dropped because I was so used to seeing her in her business attire but tonight she was dressed in a short ass purple looking t-shirt dress with some sandals that were flat but laced all the way up her chocolate legs. My dick immediately sprang into action and I guess she saw it because she started laughing when she approached.

  “You are horrible, you know that?” She said as she hugged me and I inhaled her scent. I could smell that Coco Chanel perfume every day.

  “You look and smell so damn good Yameka, why the fuck you out here like that?” I said still holding on to her.

  “Um well you may wanna let me go Jaako, because someone is headed this way and she doesn’t look too happy.” I could sense the humor in her voice so I knew exactly who she was talking about. The smile on her face made what was about to happen a little better.

  “Hey, how are you? I’m Jaako’s girlfriend Krista.” She latched on to my arm and stared at Yameka like she was supposed to be scared, Yameka just laughed.

  “Okay and I’m Yameka, Jaakooooooo—”

  “Soon to be wife.” Kayson said under his breath but I heard exactly what he said and I gave him the evil eye and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “Yameka is a friend,” I paused and looked at her. “And our lawyer.”

  “Ummmhummm.” Krista said. “You know what I don’t feel so well, I’m ready to go.” That shit was music to my ears.

  “Aight I can take you home.” I hurried up and said which caused everyone standing there to laugh.

  “Thanks for the invite Kayson, y’all know Lisa.” Lisa waved at everyone.

  “Yameka, the girls are at the gazebo if you want to go hang out with them.”

  “Yes, I would love that.” She smiled and I knew right then that she is who I wanted to be with. “I’ll see ya later.” She said when she walked by me. I watched as she put an extra swing in her hips.

  “I’m ready to go! NOW!”

  “What the fuck I tell you about that shit Krista,” I yelled and looked at her.

  “Oh shit, look at bruh.” I heard Omari say but I ignored him.

  “Let’s go so I can get you home.” I said and headed toward the gate. “I’ll be back bruh.”

  “What do you mean you’ll be back?” Krista said with a shocked expression. “I said I was ready to go home.”

  “I heard you the first three fucking times you’ve said it. I said that I would take you home and that’s what the fuck I plan to do, but that don’t mean I’m staying at home with yo’ ass.” I said and she furrowed her brows. “Oh shit, that’s what you thought? Fuck no.” I shook my head. “Just because you got threatened because Yameka walked up don’t mean shit to me. I’m good.”

  “Well I’m staying too.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s on you but you ain’t gone sit here and get on my got damn nerves either.” At this point I was being mean in hopes that she would leave, I wanted to spend time with Yameka and I was going to whether she was there or not.

  She just looked at me and went and sat on the patio by herself and pulled her phone out. I shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention to my brothers.

  “Nigga you wild.” Kayson said.

  “What the fuck ever, she gets on my got damn nerves I should have left her ass at home.”

  “I don’t like her sneaky ass.” Omari said like he knew something that I didn’t.

  “Damn bruh is there something I should know?”

  “Nah it’s just something about her that I don’t like.”

  “You don’t like no damn body nigga.” I laughed.

  “True.” He took a sip of his beer and looked over to where the girls were. “I like her pretty ass though.”

  “Nigga I bet you do.” Kayson said.

  “What’s up with you and Jenacia?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “I cut off my last bitch the other day,” I looked at him like he had sprouted twenty heads. “The only one having a hard time is Brayla’s ass, but I knew that shit was gonna happen.”

  “So, you trying to make it right?” He nodded his head.

  “I’ll be damned if I sit back and watch my woman dance off into the sunset with another man.” He sounded serious as hell. “What’s that shit you always saying, life is too short.” I nodded. “Life is too short to be anything but happy and Jenacia’s it for me. I think I’m ready.”

  Damn my brother sounded like he ready to chill out and do right by sis. That nigga growing the fuck up. I told his punk ass a long time ago to get his shit together, but I’m glad he listening to me now.

  “I guess it’s my turn to make my move then, huh?”

  “Nigga, Krista gonna lose her fucking shit you go over there.”

  “Oh well she should have taken her ass home.” I laughed and headed in the direction of where Yameka was sitting with the other girls.

  I knew going over here was probably gonna start some shit, but at this point I didn’t care. Just like Kayson said, “Life is too short to be anything but happy,” Krista wasn’t that for me. Her ass was a got damn headache. The proper thing to do is break up with Krista and then pursue Yameka, but I couldn’t chance that. I knew it was wrong but I just couldn’t be alone.

  “If looks could kill, we would both be two dead niggas out here.” Yameka smirked as I reached where they were sitting.

  “She’ll be okay.”

  “I don’t think so Jaako; if I was her I would be mad too.” Yameka shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t come here to have to beat a bitch’s ass. I got way too much to lose.” She gave me that keep that bitch under control look.

  “You know I wouldn’t let no shit like that happen.”

  I would never put Yameka in a position to jeopardize her career, that was the one thing that I loved about her. She was self-sufficient; she didn’t need me for anything. She had her own shit going for her. Unlike Krista who use to be a dancer before we met, once she got with me all her dreams and aspirations just went away.

  “You’re looking good tonight.” I complimented.

  “You looking damn good yourself.” The smirk on her face let me know that she was thinking the same thing I was thinking. I was damn sure gonna find a way to get the hell away from Krista tonight so I can dive into some of that goodness.

  “Jaako, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this in the what, six or seven years I’ve known you.” Jenacia’s smart ass butted in.

  “Shut up sis and mind ya business.”

  She laughed, “I’m just saying, whatever you doing keep it up I like this on him.” Her and Yameka high fived. “Hell, he been with that thing how long?” I rolled my eyes. “And this is the first time I’ve ever met her and I’m like a permanent fixture in the Barnes Brothers’ life.” She smirked.

  “Yo Kayson!” I yelled.

  “The fuck you want Jaako?”

  “Come get yo' girl, she meddling in grown folks’ business.” I yelled across the yard and him and Omari laughed.

  “Well you should have no business over there to meddle in.” Krista said now heading my direction.

  “Got damn, why don’t she take her aggravating ass home?” I heard Omari say and it caused Krista to stop in her tracks. “You damn sure don’t wanna go there with me.” Omari threatened and the shocked expression on Krista’s face let me know that something wasn’t right and my brother knew about it and his ass was gonna tell me. I wasn’t gonna go into that shit right now, but I was definitely gonna find out what the fuck was going on.

  “Damn y’all just don’t invite me nowhere.” I turned to see Denari walking out of the back door. “I know I fuck up sometimes but got damn, I’m still yo’ brother.” He walked over to where Kayson and Omari stood.

  “Fuck, let me go diffuse this shit.” I looked at Yameka. “Am I seeing you tonight?”

  “I don’t think that’s a question that you should be asking me.” she giggled.

at’s all I needed to hear, I’ll be back.” I heard all of them giggle.

  I walked back over toward the grill, passing a shocked and very uncomfortable Krista. I stopped and looked at her.

  “The fuck going on?”

  “Huh? Nothing, I just wanna know what you over there talking about with that bitch.”

  “Nah, I heard what O said to you and the minute D walked in you got real uncomfortable. Is there something I should know?”

  She gave me that “I can’t believe you would ask me something like that” look. I shook my head and tried to walk off. My gut was telling me that some shady shit was going on. I always trusted my gut, it had gotten me out of some sticky situations. I looked between her and my brother who was standing over there with a smirk on his face.

  “Aye D, you fucking Krista?” I asked flat out because there was no need in beating around the bush.

  “Oh my God, Jaako how dare you do that to me. Just because you out here trying to wife up the next bitch, don’t mean you gotta throw me under the bus. I would never do something like that to you. I love you.” She glared at me. “Can you stop looking at me like that?”

  “Something ain’t right and if I find out you fucking my brother I promise on everything you gonna regret that shit.” I pointed at her. “Why don’t you just go?”

  “I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  “Yeah the hell you are because right now you about to piss me off and I want to have a good time tonight.”

  “All because you think I’m fucking yo’ brother? Come on Jaako, I think it’s just your guilty conscience. I would never do no disloyal shit like that.” I looked at her and walked off. Part of me wanted to believe her but her body language was telling a different story. I wanted to know what was up and I knew Denari wasn’t gone sugarcoat shit.

  “Bruh what’s good.”

  “I’on know, sound like you tripping though. You know I ain’t smashing her aggravating ass.” Denari laughed but the look on Omari’s face told a different story.

  “I’m going to holla at Zemia.” Omari said and walked off.

  “The fuck wrong with him?” Kayson asked oblivious to all the shit going on around him. “Food almost done and we can eat, a nigga about to starve.”

  I looked at Denari and then back over at Krista who was standing in the middle of the yard with her arms folded. I didn’t know what to believe but I notice everything and that shit didn’t sit right with me. If they weren’t fucking some other shit was going on and I was damn sure gonna find out what it was. One thing that I did know was that Omari knew whatever the fuck was brewing and he was gonna tell me whether he liked it or not.

  Chapter Twelve


  Everybody thought I wasn’t paying any attention to what the fuck was going on but I was. I heard what the fuck Omari said and I saw what the fuck happened when Denari came in. I just didn’t want to believe that my brother would be that fucking grimy. I knew he was a fuck up but got damn he wouldn’t do that shit with his brother’s girl, right? I mean we all knew that Jaako was secretly in love with our lawyer, Yameka but still him and Krista lived together.

  “D, tell me you wouldn’t do that?” I said when me and him was alone.

  “Nigga, why y’all always on my case?” He whined like normal.

  “Just answer the question.” I was firm; he knew he could get by with that deflecting shit with the other two but not me.

  “Man, I’m out of here.” He said and walked in the house.

  That right there let me know that it was true. He could lie to Jaako and Omari but he knew I would know which is why he left. How fucked up could you get, it wasn’t like they just met a while ago they been at it for a minute so at that point it’s just disrespectful. I was getting heated just thinking about it. I noticed Krista walking over and I had to get away from her because I wouldn’t be able to hold my tongue.

  “Is the food ready? I’m hungry and ready to go.” Her attitude was the worst and to know that her nasty ass was fucking brothers, just turned my got damn stomach.

  “It will be.” Was all I said because any more conversation would warrant me to cuss her ass out and I didn’t want to do that out of respect for Jaako. I looked around for him and I didn’t see him, he must have gone in the house.

  “You know I love your brother right?” Why couldn’t she just leave well enough alone?

  “Yo get away from me with all that shit.”

  “I didn’t sleep with Denari; Jaako is just trying to justify pining over that woman all night.”

  “I’m a good judge of character usually and I know when someone is lying, just like when I asked Denari was it true and he got mad and left. You are just trying to find someone else to put the spot light on because you’re guilty. I don’t like you and if you are fucking both of my brothers, you are about to be in for a rude awakening.” With that I took the last rib off the grill and walked in the house.

  I let everyone know that the food was done and they could eat. Everyone ate and we chilled for a little and then everyone left, I swear I was ready for everyone to leave. After that whole shit, I wasn’t in the mood to be around anybody. Brayla’s dumb ass kept calling my phone further pissing me off, hell she was calling right now.

  “The fuck you want Brayla?”

  “Why you answering the phone like that Kayson?”

  “Because I don’t know what the fuck you keep calling me for.”

  “So I can’t call you now?”

  “What the fuck.” I took a deep breath. “No, that was the whole point of me coming by your house the other day to tell you that I had somebody in my life and I was trying to make it work with them. What part of that didn’t you understand?”

  “You can still have friends Kayson,” she whined.

  “No Brayla I can’t, not ones I used to fuck.”

  “You are just talking to me like I wasn’t anything to you.” She sounded like she was starting to get teary eyed.

  “You were a nut, the fuck?”

  “We’ve been doing this for over a year and that’s all I was.”

  “Uhhh yeah.” I didn’t know what else to say because she knew already what it was. I didn’t want shit to do with her outside of a good fuck and she was good at that. “You act like I didn’t tell you that I would never be with you.”

  “Yeah yeah because you waiting on that bitch.” She said and I got pissed. I didn’t even notice that Jenacia had come into the kitchen, she leaned over my shoulder. I’m sure she heard what Brayla said because she was on speaker. I just hung up the phone there was no need to keep arguing with her over something that was irrelevant. Either way I would never be with her and I was gonna be with Jen.

  “So, did you mean that?” Jenacia asked me.

  “Are you ready for that?”

  “No Kayson the question is are you ready for that?” She came around from behind me and faced me. “I can’t take being hurt by you again, so if you don’t feel like you can handle this then let’s just keep it how it is.”

  I smiled because her little ass was always trying to boss up on somebody. “I let all my hoes go so I need you to get yo’ shit together so my nigga don’t get lonely.” I nodded toward my dick.

  “Nah nigga we gotta date first.” She smiled.

  “And that’s fine.”

  “So, no fucking for 90 days.”

  “You out yo’ rabbit ass mind if you think I’m waiting 90 days to fuck.” I gave her that nigga please look. “You better be glad if I wait 90 more minutes, I got half the mind to throw yo’ ass on the island and make shit official.” I was serious as fuck and she was laughing.

  “Seriously though, I love you and I always have but my heart can’t take another hit from you.”

  “I’ve thought about this for years. I wanted to make sure that I was ready before I stepped to you, because I knew what was on the line. When you moved in here and seeing you here every day, I swear that shit was confirmation like a mu
thafucka. Like I don’t know what the fuck I would do if you weren’t here with me. It’s like I need you here and that’s some real shit. I ain’t never needed no one but my brothers.” That was from the heart. “I love you Jenacia and I always have. I just wasn’t sure how to show it and I still don’t, but I’m willing to put my all in it.”

  “Like I’ve said before, I don’t want you to be perfect. I know you won’t be and hell I won’t either, but I do want you to be loyal. I ain’t with the community dick, I’m just saying.” She said with her hands on her hips. “Just promise me that I will have all of you, I know I got your heart but I want all of you and I refuse to share.”

  “Selfish ass.”

  “You damn right, hell I earned my position in your life now it’s time for you to earn yours in mine.” She pointed her finger in my chest.

  I stood and picked her little ass up and put her on the island. I opened her legs and stood in between them. I hadn’t been this close to her since that slip up that we had a year or so back. I leaned in and kissed her; she grabbed the back of my head and deepened the kiss. I don’t even know how to explain the feeling it gave me, I just know it felt right. She broke away from me.

  “Please don’t fuck this up.” She said and I could feel the pain that I caused her so many years ago in those five words.

  “Damn Jen, don’t fucking count me out already.” I mugged her playfully. “Give a nigga a chance.”

  “Shut up, you know what I’m saying.”

  “No, you shut up and give ya man a kiss.”

  “My man?” S,he smiled.

  “What the fuck you think this is Jenacia? Some boyfriend girlfriend type shit? We grown as fuck yo.”

  “I hate you sometimes.”

  “Oh yeah show me how much you hate me.” I winked and went back in for a kiss. We were about to consummate this relationship, right here in my got damn kitchen.

  Her ass was trying to be all conservative with the kissing, hell I was a nasty nigga and she knew that shit. I took my tongue and parted her lips with it and got into that shit. I wanted her to feel what she meant to me. I wanted to show her, not just tell her.


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