The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 17

by Nikki Brown

  “Tell me about it.”

  “I used to feel bad about dealing with you while you were with her, but now,” she stopped and tilted her head back so that she could look at me. “Fuck that bitch.” I kissed her on the lips and laughed.

  “My words exactly.”

  “But…” she started.

  “No buts, don’t even think like that.” I already knew what was running through her mind, but that’s not the case at all. “This ain’t no rebound bullshit. I wanted you way before I knew any of this. We been doing this, so stop it.”

  “I just want to make sure that you are done with her.”

  “She fucked my brother; you can’t come back from that.” We both got quiet again until she spoke.

  “Are you upset about the baby?” she asked lowly.

  “I don’t know how to feel about that. In a way it could have been my seed so yeah, but to know that she was out here fucking like it was going out of style makes me okay with it in a sense.”

  “Do you want kids?” she asked out of nowhere. I smiled, because I knew that she did, she had mentioned it more than once.

  “I want kids with you.” I kissed her shoulder blade and she looked up at me and I couldn’t read her expression.

  She turned around and straddled my lap. She grabbed my dick that was already hard and slid down on it.

  “Good, ‘cause I want babies with you too.”

  I grabbed her hips and leaned back and enjoyed the ride that she took me on. This was the start of something amazing and I couldn’t wait to see what we could be.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It had been a month since all that shit went down and I had barely heard from my brother. He was still on that help him with this deal he set up and I didn’t trust it. I hated second guessing that nigga, but he had been on some other shit lately. Unc made him dip away for a little minute, because of all that shit with Krista, and so he could get his mind right, but something was telling me that Denari wasn’t using his time away for that bullshit.

  “So, you just gonna fuck and leave?” Jernisha's aggravating ass asked. I met her through that bitch Brayla that my brother used to fuck with. They were home girls and shit.

  “Don’t I always?” I looked at her ass like she was crazy.

  “I thought we were building something.” She pouted.

  “How in the fuck did you think that? Did I tell you that?”

  “Well no, but you keep coming back so I just thought that—”

  “Thought what? That just because yo’ ass can suck dick and throw the pussy that I was gonna wife you?” I laughed. These hoes were crazy as fuck if they thought that pussy made you eligible to be with a nigga like me. “Nah, to wife you, I would have to have respect for you and I don’t.”

  “Wow you just gonna sit in my house and talk to me like that?”

  “Hell yeah! What, you wanted me to sugar coat it for you?” I looked at her and she actually looked hurt. A part of me wanted to laugh, but now was not the time. I needed to school this bitch. “Every time I call, it’s to fuck and you know that because when I get here you ass naked. When I leave, I drop a stack on the dresser, and not once have I taken you anywhere but to that back bedroom to fuck the shit out of you.” I paused to let that sink in. “Now, where in any of that does it sound like I was interested in anything more?”

  “I thought that’s what you wanted.”

  “What, easy pussy? Hell yeah, what nigga don’t like easy pussy, but if it’s easy for me I can almost bet it’s easy for another nigga.” I waited on a response and never got one, so I laughed. “My point exactly. You don’t even respect yoself shorty, so why should I?”

  “Whatever.” She waved me off and just like normal I went in my pocket and pulled off a band and left it on her nightstand.

  Bitches were crazy as hell, why in the hell would I wife a bitch like that. When I decided to settle down it was gonna be with Zemia, but right now she was on that we need to get to know each other bullshit and a nigga had needs. Shit, I was young as fuck and I wasn’t trying to be sitting around with blue balls waiting on her to spread ‘em. That was a fucked-up way of thinking but who gives a fuck? I was who I was, and I was a pussy man.

  I must say that I did enjoy spending time with Zemia though; she was cool as fuck and knew more about sports than most niggas. I could sit with her and talk about football like I was with one of my brothers. We went to the bar to watch a preseason game and almost got thrown the hell out because of her mouth, that shit turned me on though. Her ass wasn’t lying when she said she couldn’t cook. She was gonna have to work on that, ‘cause a nigga liked to eat, especially when I was high.

  She had been on that take me out on a date shit and that wasn’t my area of expertise. I was gonna try for her though. She deserved that and so much more.

  I was on my way to the warehouse to check some shit out with the vape business. When I came across this shit I didn’t think it would do this good, but I must say the money was rolling in. This risk wasn’t that high because of the way it came, but the shit was potent and gave you a good ass high. I knew that shit because I kept my vape on me and full. Fuck rolling a blunt when I could just fill up my tank and have at it.

  “Nigga, where you been?” Kayson asked as soon as I walked in the warehouse.

  “Fucking with that bitch Jernisha that live off West Boulevard, had to school that hoe.” Kayson laughed. “Hoe tried to hit me with that why I hit and run bullshit.”

  “Man, if Zemia find out you out here living foul and shit she gonna cut yo’ ass off.”

  “She needs to get her head right then shit, how long does she want me to wait around on her?”

  “Nigga with a woman like Zemia, you wait. They don’t come around often and when you get her, you lock that shit down,” Kayson preached. I looked at his ass like he was crazy.

  “Say what now? Because I don’t remember yo’ ass locking sis down.”

  “And you see where that got my ass right?”

  “But you got her ass now though, so it’s all good.”

  “Nigga, that shit ain’t been easy. I did a lot of shit to her and it’s hard for her to trust me. If I had done that shit right the first time, I wouldn’t be going through this.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever I don’t wanna hear that right now.” I waved him off because it wasn’t gonna happen like that for me. “What this money looking like?”

  “I was going over some shit and something didn’t look right.” Kayson said with a perplexed look on his face. “Inventory was fucked up, I know what the fuck I counted last week but the shit is short like ten keys, but the money adds the fuck up. Shit is crazy as fuck and it’s fucking with me, got me thinking I’m crazy and shit.”

  I already knew what the fuck was going on. Denari found somebody to give him the work he was trying to get from me. That nigga found a fucking way to make that shit happen. In a way, I was proud as fuck but then again, I was worried because we don’t know this nigga he moving with.

  “O, nigga, you zoning out and shit, what you thinking?”

  Here I was stuck in another muthafucking situation with my fucking brother. “Shit bruh, I don’t know. If shit adding up, then I don’t see what the problem is. You sure yo’ ass wasn’t fucked up when you counted that shit?”

  “Now you know how careful I am with that shit.”

  That’s true, he was the only nigga that I knew who liked to count money by fucking hand. I knew he didn’t make a mistake, but I couldn’t tell him what was really going on, not until I talked to my brother. I was so tired of being caught in these fucked up situations with him.

  “You right bruh, shit maybe these niggas ain’t signing shit out like they supposed to.”

  “That’s what I thought too, I’ma have to have little meeting with these incompetent ass niggas.”

  “Yeah, looks like it.”

  “I’ll holla at Unc about it and we’ll get that shit together.
I ain’t really worried about it too much because the money adding up. Now if my money was fucked up then I would be acting a damn fool.” He chuckled and so did I because I knew it was true. That nigga got real crazy when it came to the money. “Speaking of money, the vape business is booming.”

  “Fuck yeah and I love that shit.”

  “Me too nigga, Unc bout ready to hand this shit over and I’m glad.”

  “Shit’s good, I just hope it stay that way.”


  I chilled with my brother for a minute and talked about Unc’s upcoming birthday, we wanted to throw him the party of a lifetime. We had called Onyx and we were gonna rent that bitch out for the night and just have a fucking ball. We were still getting shit situated and all that shit, but it was definitely gonna be a good time.

  Once I was done at the warehouse, I headed to my crib to chill. I just wanted to chill and relax a little. I needed to call my brother and see what the fuck his ass is up to. I had a fucking feeling that this shit wasn’t gonna be good.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Everybody thought my ass was still hiding out in them damn sticks and I was okay with it. For what I was trying to accomplish, I needed them to think that. Unc always told us that money fucking talks, and I couldn’t agree more. I got that nigga Joker that was night watch at the warehouse to feed me the product I needed to keep shit going with Perry.

  That nigga hit me up while I was in Cherokee chillin’ with Heaven and told me that if I couldn’t come through in a week’s time that he was moving on to another dealer, and I couldn’t have that. I needed him so I could show them what I could contribute to the family business.

  A nigga had to do what I had to do. I guess Unc told everybody not to fuck with me, because when I first showed up that nigga cussed me out and threatened to tell my brothers what I was asking him to do, but as soon as I showed him the bread it was a wrap and shit was good. I gave him the money up front, the first time from out my own pocket and then I used the money that Perry paid me to reup after that. I didn’t want to do that shit, but I needed to get in with that nigga. Now the streets of South Carolina were eating off me.

  Kayson would never know that I was taking shit out of the warehouse because the money would always come up right for the amount of drugs we had. Shit was a fool proof plan, and I was happy as hell about it. The trial run with that nigga Perry had come to an end, so now he was paying full price for that shit and I was living off the fucking profit.

  I had got me a little crib out in Mooresville, North Carolina, away from everybody. It was cool as fuck out here. It wasn’t Charlotte, but it wasn’t the fucking sticks either. No one knew where I lived but Mama, I didn’t even tell Omari and I was gonna keep it that way until I felt like they should know.

  “Babe, I need pots and stuff to be able to cook.” Heaven walked back in the living room where I was sitting on the couch.

  “Aight, we can go to the store in a minute. I need to go to my condo and pick up some shit anyway.”

  “Good, I need to get out of this house.” She said under her breath and it pissed me off. Hell, I was trying to keep her ass safe. That nigga Ortiz is on some other shit wanting her ass back and shit. I saved her ungrateful ass from that psycho nigga.

  “I mean if yo’ dumb ass feels like that then take yo’ ass back with Ortiz, bitch. I don’t need you here.” I jumped up. All she did was complain about how bored she was just sitting here and shit. It wasn’t my fault her ass was on the run.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Denari.” She looked in my direction with pleading eyes.

  “Don’t be trying to change it around now. You don’t want to be here then get the fuck out.” I pointed to the door. She was in nothing but a nighty seeing as though it was only ten in the morning.

  “Baby please, I don’t want to fight.”

  “That’s all yo’ dumb ass wanna do is fucking start shit.” I walked up on her and mushed her in the fucking face. I knew it was wrong to be putting my hands on her, but she got on my got damn nerves sometimes. I walked in the direction of the room. Her got damn mouth just pissed me off and fucked up my high. I went to my night stand and took out my stash. I did a few lines and then laid back on the bed to let that shit take me to a better place.

  I heard Heaven walk into the room and just stand there. I didn’t feel like dealing with her right now, so I ignored her. I just looked up at the ceiling and enjoyed the high.

  “Can I try it?” she asked softly.

  “Try what?”

  “That,” I rose up to look at her and she was pointing to the dresser where I just took the hit.

  “I’on think you can handle that shit baby girl, real talk.” I chuckled, and she walked over to the dresser and picked up the rolled up one-dollar bill. I just looked at her because I didn’t think that she would actually do it. Whenever she pissed me off she would always try and do something that she thought would impress me. To my surprise, she fixed a line that she had seen me do several times and she bent down and took half a line.

  “Ahhh shit.” she said as the potent powder burned through her nose. I laughed and coached her to hold her head back so that she didn’t waste my shit. She stood there for a minute until she got used to the feeling that it was giving her, then she let go of her nose and looked at me with this goofy fucking look on her face. “Oh my goodness, I feel like I’m flying.”

  I laughed. “Bomb ass high ain’t it?”

  “Damn, this is what I been missing?” She asked and started stripping out of her clothes without taking her eyes off me.

  “Yo, the fuck you doing, Heaven?” I said with a smile on my face.

  “I don’t know, I just feel like taking my clothes off.” She shrugged.

  Once she was naked, she came over to where I was laying and attempted to get me out of the ball shorts that I was wearing. I lifted my hips so that she could get them down. I reached for the hem of my shirt, but got side tracked when I felt my dick hit the back of her throat.

  “Fuck, Heaven ssssss,” I moaned out like a little bitch, but I didn’t even give a damn that shit felt good as fuck. Her mouth was extra wet and warm, I was about to lose my shit.

  “Why does your dick taste so good today?” She asked while licking my head like it was a blow pop or something. She was feeling good as hell, but I know if her high ass fuck around and forget that she on my dick and bite me I’ma fuck her ass up, no questions asked.

  She licked all the way down my shaft and then put both of my balls in her mouth while she jacked me off with precision. I don’t know if I was just that high, but I swear it was like I was having an outer body experience with this shit. She had my whole fucking body shaking. Heaven’s head game had always been A-1 but today she was getting extra nasty with it.

  After she attacked my fucking nuts, she got back in my shit and went to work, slurping all loud and shit. I could feel her spit rolling down my nuts.

  “Got damn Heaven, I’m ‘bout to nut.” I could hear my toes popping and I started shaking and shit. Heaven never swallowed but today she kept at it until I was shooting my load down her muthafucking throat. “Fucccckkkkkkkk!”

  I must fucking say that was the best fucking head I have ever had. I laid there trying to get myself right, but I guess Heaven wasn’t through with me yet. She stuffed my semi hard dick in her mouth and sucked me ‘til I was hard again.

  “What the fuck you trying to do?” I asked still spent.

  “I need to feel what that shit feels like.” She smiled and climbed on top of me and eased down on my now hard dick. “Ummmmm,” she moaned and threw her head back.

  Heaven rode me until we were both screaming out in pleasure. Once she was done she collapsed on my chest and just laid there while she got herself together. I wasn’t used to this emotional cuddling shit, but for some reason I wanted to touch her in that moment, so I did. I wrapped my arms around her.

  I cared for Heaven, she was the only
person who knew everything about me and didn’t judge me. She accepted me for me, no matter how many times I fucked up. I needed to work on being a better person for her. As soon as I get enough leverage with the Perry nigga, I’m gonna let my Unc and brothers know what the deal is, that way we can work on expanding more.

  “I love you Denari, I don’t need you to say it back because I know what you’ve been through. I just wanted you to know how I feel. I’m here for you and I’m riding ‘til the wheels fall off.”

  I didn’t say anything because the love stuff just wasn’t in me, but I did care a lot about Heaven and I believed every word she just said. Hopefully in time I would be able to be that man for her, but right now I was just gonna be Denari. It felt good to know that she was gonna be there for me regardless though. We laid there in that position and dozed off; we would handle that other stuff later.

  We ended up sleeping damn near six hours after that session and would have still been sleep had my brother not been blowing me the fuck up. I didn’t feel like dealing with his ass, so I told him to meet me at my old apartment in an hour. I needed to get my shit out of there and get it on the market anyway; I could kill two birds with one stone.

  We both did a line before we left the house, so Heaven was over in the passenger seat in her own little world. Every now and then she would look over at me and bite her lip. I think this was the happiest I had ever seen her, and it was damn sure the most I ever heard her talk. I thought it was cute and funny at the same time. I didn’t want her to get hooked on this shit or anything like that, but we could damn sure use it to have a good time.

  “I’m hot.” Heaven said and unbuttoned the little ass shorts she had on. It was late August, so the weather was a little humid.

  “Keep ya damn clothes on girl.” She laughed and proceeded to taking them off.

  “I can’t believe that shit is making me this horny, are you sure it’s just coke in there?” she laughed.


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