Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 3

by Jamie Knight

  Her eyes were almost purple; they were so blue and florid. She had brown freckles scattered over her nose and cheek. And the slightest dimple played at the corner of her mouth. Her hair covered her head much like a halo would. It suited her angelic appearance perfectly.

  Knock it off, I thought to myself, shaking my head like I was trying to dismiss those thoughts, thoughts that I fucking knew better than to even begin entertaining. I had very compelling reasons not to even glance toward the intersection that led down that road.

  This girl was barely half my age and barely even of legal age for that matter. Then, there was the fact that James was the best friend that I had at the moment. Even though we hadn't been exceptionally close, he did think enough of me to open up his home to me. He was helping me out in my biggest time of need. That meant a lot to a man, and I didn't want to tarnish our friendship.

  Plus, I was positive that James didn't want some pervy old man chasing after his young daughter, and that’s exactly what I would seem like if I were to give into my basic instincts and do what I truly wanted—which was to bend her over this kitchen table and slide my cock into her undoubtedly tight little pussy.

  “Why are you late? And why do you look like a cat who got its tail stuck in an electric outlet?” said James.

  He had a glint in his eyes that said that he was half-joking. I could tell that he was trying to make light of things, but the furrowed brow revealed his concern.

  “Ugh!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in disgust. “Today has been the day from hell. I took my car in for an oil change...”

  James jumped up like a cartoon character in panic. “Heavens to Betsy! You?” he gasped.

  “Dad…,” she said, voice grating, showing her irritation. “This is no time for jokes. I’m being serious here.”

  She rolled her pretty eyes before continuing. “Anyway, after I picked my car back up, it started overheating. So, I pulled over to see what was going on. Of course, a big cloud of black smoke comes up from under the hood. I couldn't see anything. I tried calling the mechanic, but they were already closed. I tried calling you, but for some reason you didn’t pick up.”

  I shifted uncomfortably and so did James. I had been on his phone a little while ago, calling around to potential jobs, and was probably on a call when she tried to get through. There were two more days until my new phone was to be delivered. I immediately felt bad now for using James’s, now that I knew she had been needing help.

  “That was my fault,” I volunteered. “Sorry about that.”

  “It's okay,” she continued. “I ended up just calling an Uber and coming home. But, now I have to figure out what I'm going to do about my stupid car. I left it, just sitting on the side of the road—anything could happen to it.”

  James stood up from the table and started pacing and thinking aloud. He was always very pragmatic.

  “Well, this timing might mean I can’t be of much help,” he said. “I have a long flight out in the morning and there's no way that I can change it. To square away your car, you can call a tow truck and have them bring it here. I'll leave you my credit card so you can pay for it. And I'll take a cab to the airport in the morning. I'll make sure that I leave you the keys to the convertible so that you can get around to wherever you need to. Am I forgetting anything?”

  He paused, looking up at both of us. I shrugged, not quite sure if he really was asking me.

  Natalie piped up, offering, “I can take you to the airport in the morning. It's the least that I can do since you're leaving me your baby to drive around.”

  He laughed and told his daughter, “You're my only baby. That dream machine of a vehicle there… that is a lady.”

  They shared a laugh. Suddenly, I felt like an intruder, like I was an uninvited guest who was just privy to some inside joke between them. I wanted to offer my help in any way that I could.

  “I'll be around tomorrow,” I said. “If you want, Natalia, I can help you to get your car situated. That way, you don't have to worry about it alone.”

  She looked at me and smiled appreciatively.

  “Thank you so much for the offer,” she said. “But, I think that I'll be able to manage on my own, with the help of the tow truck. I would hate for you to hurt yourself out there on my account.”

  She nodded toward the cane that rested on the back of my chair. I winced at the reminder of my injury. Sometimes, I still forgot that I had been injured and that other people noticed. But, I knew that it was hard to ignore the big cane that I had to carry around with me everywhere. I was slightly embarrassed, but tried not to show it.

  Plus, the way that she said it was different than the way that others had mentioned it. Most times, people would have a sorrowful look on their faces, one that screamed pity. They treated me like an invalid, like there was nothing left for me to do but to check myself into a nursing home.

  But, Natalia didn't make me feel that way. In fact, the way that she said it made me feel like her statement came from a place of true concern and compassion, as well as just plain honesty. That made me want to help her even more.

  “Thanks for the concern,” I said, pushing on with the assured confidence of a well-traveled military man. “But, I'm more than capable of helping with something like that. After all, I’m an airplane mechanic by trade but I spent years working on cars, so I could probably do it with both arms and legs tied behind my back. And besides, it will give me something to do, rather than sitting around here twiddling my thumbs. If you're up for it, I'd love to see what I can do to get your car running.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I'm not sure how much help I'll be, though. But, I can try.”

  “Good,” I said. “Then, it's settled. Tomorrow, we will go and get your car back on the road. Make sure you wear something that you don't mind getting dirty.”

  Her face scrunched up at my last statement like I’d suggested we eat a raw snail for dinner. I had to hold back laughter.

  “You mean, I'll probably get all icky and greasy?” she said, looking truly concerned.

  I chuckled, not able to hold it in any longer.

  “Maybe a little,” I said, thoroughly amused. “But don’t worry. I'll make sure that I do most of the dirty work.”

  I tried hard not to think of all the dirty stuff I really wanted to do… to her. If her dad found out, he would probably kick me out.

  Natalia smiled at me warmly. I couldn’t help but think she was flirting with me.

  “Dad, your friend is okay by me,” she said.

  “Good,” said James. “Then, it's settled. If you need anything from me, you have my cell phone and, most importantly, my credit card.”

  He walked over and kissed her on the forehead before retiring to his room to pack.

  Well, isn’t this something. He was about to be going out of town and leaving me with his innocent daughter. But, was she really that innocent? It seemed to me from the way she batted her long eyelashes at me that she knew what I wanted to do to her and wanted it just as badly as I did.

  But maybe it was just my imagination. Hopefully, for the wellbeing of my future stay at this house, I wouldn’t have to find out.

  Chapter 5 - Bradley

  “Are you sure that you'll be okay to work on the car?” Natalia asked me once we were alone, her eyes shifting about the room.

  “Yeah, I'll be fine,” I said, brushing back my hair with my hand. “This thing looks a lot worse than it actually is,” I said as I pointed at my leg.

  “Okay, if you say so,” she said. “If not, we can just do like my dad said and have it towed. I was kind of hoping for the chance to drive his car around, anyway.”

  She clapped eagerly, looking around the corner as if to make sure that her father wasn't nearby listening.

  “We can always get your car working and still drive the convertible,” I said, playfully. “That way, you can have your choice of cars. And if something happens to one of them, then
you will have another one on backup. How's that for a plan?”

  “You would really be okay keeping a secret like that from my dad?” she asked, amused.

  I blushed. I felt like I had crossed some sort of line with her that I didn't mean to cross. I couldn't think of anything to say to follow up that question.

  “Aw, c’mon, be serious,” I stammered. It was the best I could do.

  I felt a little uncomfortable sitting there with her in the kitchen. Her hair started to stick to her neck, making little rivulets of curls. She fanned herself, causing her hair to blow around her. I could feel myself beginning to get hot, so I excused myself. Summer was just around the corner, surely, that was why my pulse was racing. Or at least that’s what I fucking told myself.

  Once I got to my room, I closed the door and exhaled a sigh of relief. I hoped that she didn't think too much into the silly statement that I’d made. I only meant to joke, but I would hate for her to tell her dad what I said and then have to deal with him being angry with me and risking us getting into a fight. Or worse—him asking me to leave.

  “I've got to get my shit together,” I said aloud to no one in particular.

  I knew that I needed to put my mind on something else. Once I started feeling self-conscious or worried, my thoughts were starting to get locked in a circle of nervousness. This had never really happened to me before, when I was healthy. I could use my ability to focus on my work, not on my personal failings, or pondering the mysteries of what other people thought.

  I walked over to the desk and sat down in front of the computer. I started clicking around until I fell upon a dating website.

  Maybe that's what I need, I thought. A date to help me keep my mind off everything that’s going on.

  I glanced through a few profiles. There were a few girls that I found attractive, their eager faces smiling from their profile pictures. I clicked on a few of them. But no one seemed to be able to hold a candle to Natalia.

  The women who came up either looked desperate, unattractive or not into things that I found stimulating—what the hell is a keto diet, anyway? And why is a diet considered a hobby?

  I was just bored with the whole affair. Dejectedly, I closed the screen.

  It was useless. I wasn't going to find anyone online that would keep my interest in the way that I wanted them to. And once I became completely honest with myself, I realized that it was because of one thing: I was distracted by Natalia. Even though that wasn’t close to being cool, or decent, or even remotely acceptable, it was the fucking truth.

  I pulled up the search engine and went to a porn site. I thought that instead of trying to find someone to date, I would find someone that I could imagine fucking. That was sure to take my mind off Natalia, I thought… or should I say I hoped.

  I came across an image of a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a pouty mouth. She wore a bikini that barely covered her, exposing what seemed like miles of skin. I clicked on her picture and it opened up another screen.

  She was being fucked by a muscular man doggy style. She moaned and panted, looking straight into the camera. It was like she was begging me to put my dick in her mouth, but all I could think about was Natalia in the same position, wanting me to fill her every hole. I watched the video for a few minutes, watching her plump breasts swing back and forth in rhythm with the man thrusting his dick in and out of her.

  I turned off the monitor and decided to jump in the shower. I let the hot water run over me as I tried to think about the sexy woman in the video. But still, all I could think of was Natalia. I imagined ramming my hard cock in her wet mouth and letting her suck up and down the length of my shaft.

  I rubbed my dick, pretending that my hand was her mouth. It felt so good. I rubbed faster and faster, imagining that I was standing behind Natalia, penetrating her soft, tight pussy with my iron cock, letting her wrap her warmth around me. I could feel my dick growing harder in my hand. I could feel my excitement growing as I stroked my dick and up and down. I was about to cum.

  Right as I was cumming, the image in my head of Natalia turned so vivid I could barely stand it. I came hard. It was like I was cumming deep inside of her.

  “Fuck!” I yelled, as the hot, slippery cum oozed out of my dick and onto my hand. The frothy whiteness rinsed off in the steaming hot water and went down the drain.

  Down the drain—I felt like it was a symbol of what would happen to my friendship with James if he knew what had just gone on in my mind, and what I wished could go on in real life between Natalia and me.

  I got out of the shower, got dressed, and laid down in the bed. I told myself that I couldn't have any more thoughts like that, of her, or else I would be in some serious trouble.

  I drifted off to sleep with hopes that the thoughts would somehow just float out of my head.

  Somehow, though, I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be all that easy. I would be fighting this very strong attraction to my new best friend’s daughter—and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to win.

  Chapter 6 - Natalia

  “We'll be there in about twenty minutes,” said the tow truck driver, his raspy voice loud on the other end of the phone.

  “Thanks,” I said, pulling my phone away from my ear, glad to be done talking to him.

  I finished getting dressed, lacing up my long black boots and throwing a sweater on over my tank top. I was grateful to be getting my car back on the road, especially after the crazy day that I'd had the day before.

  It was one of those days where one crazy thing happened right after the other. I was hanging out with my best friend Grace at her house and her mom came in and started talking the way that she always does.

  This time, Grace’s mom started out by saying, “What else are you going to do with yourself, other than sit around here all day? You need to be thinking about your future, not rotting your brain on TV and sugar all day.”

  She would drone on and on. She did that a lot, lately. Usually, we would just tune her out, almost make her invisible, the imaginary character in our haze.

  But, that day, I noticed Grace getting agitated. She just kept talking about life after high school and trying to put together a plan. I just listened like I always did.

  “Don't you think that we should have some sort of plan? I mean, maybe not have it all figured out, but a general plan?” she asked. I thought that it was a rhetorical question until she turned to me and yelled in frustration.

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “Don't you get it? Don't you care about any of it? You just walk around like you don't have a care in the world. Like we all don't have cares. Our world is about to change completely. Don't you think that we should start figuring things out?”

  I opened my mouth and tried to speak, but no words came out. I stood there, opening and closing my mouth for a while.

  Grace laughed.

  “I sound like my mother,” she said, the words sliding out of her mouth like toxic waste. We both laughed loudly at that. She really did sound just like her mother.

  We laughed, but I couldn't forget the worried way that Grace had asked me the question. Up until that point, I really hadn't given much thought as to what I wanted to do with my adult life. There was nothing that really struck my fancy.

  My father was very traditional and believed that I should do womanly things. His idea of being new-aged in his thinking was that I should at least go to college. In that way, I could be self-sufficient, if I chose to be. I think being with my mother all of those years made him realize how important it was for a woman to be able to take care of herself.

  I grew up a military brat. My dad was always gone. He traveled all the time. So, most days, it was just me, and my mom. We would always find other people, military or otherwise, to hang out with, take trips with, and do other activities with, but in the end, it was always me and my mom in some way, shape or form.

  And she was the best mom. No matter where w
e were or what we were doing, I always remember her smiling. She always challenged me to use my imagination and have fun doing whatever it was that I was doing.

  I remember a particularly hard doctor's visit that I'd had as a child. I needed shots. I walked into the office and my knees were knocking, I was shaking so badly. My mom told me that we were on an adventure and were superheroes. She even used a gown from the doctor and made a cape. She ran around the office, claiming to be Doctor Woman.

  As usual, she was such a riot. She had all of the staff and everyone in the waiting room bowled over with laughter. And I laughed the hardest. I was her biggest fan.

  In fact, that was what she called me. She would tell me that I was the president of her fan club and she would make little jokes about it all the time.

  “Be sure to get this new picture printed out and sent to all the fan club members,” she would say, while showing me a picture of herself that she had just taken and that she was particularly proud of.

  I laughed with my mother so much that my cheeks would hurt.

  “Mama, I have to lay down,” I would say. “My belly hurts from laughing so much.”

  Those were happy times. And I remembered when the laughter stopped.

  It didn't happen all at once. It was more of a slow process, much like the setting of the sun. You couldn't quite see it happening if you stared at it, but the fading light let you in on the secret that soon, you would be standing in complete darkness.

  We knew that the darkness was coming, but we tried to pretend that we would forever be living in the light. Until the one day I couldn’t deny that the end was near. I knew that things were serious when my dad came home from duty.

  It was like meeting a stranger that you'd heard about your whole life. I knew that he was my dad. I saw pictures of him all of time. We talked on the phone. But, he wasn't someone that I could say that I knew, not in the same way that I knew my mom. I knew what she liked to eat for lunch. I knew what colors she liked to wear. I knew her pet peeves.


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