Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 104

by Jamie Knight

  “I love you so much,” I said before I knew what I was saying.

  “I love you, too. For real. I mean, I know we're already dating for real, but it is more than that. I want… I want it all. Everything we talked about when we were just making things up. The house, the kids. We don't have to get married if you don't want to, but I do want to be with you. For the rest of my life.”

  I put my arm around my love pulling her close and kissing her on the forehead. I wanted to tell her I felt the same, that I loved her with all my heart. That I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life but didn't know if I could. I was just so overcome with emotion.

  “I love you so much. And I'm happy about the baby,” I whispered in her ear.

  “You are?”

  “Of course. I think we're going to be great parents. You might have to work a bit less for a while, but I think I make enough to support us all while you're on maternity leave.”

  “Where would we live?”

  “Well, a house as soon as we can start looking,” I explained. “Any house you want.”

  “And until then?”

  “We would have to move in together. Either into one of the apartments we already have or a different, slightly bigger place.”

  “I'm not sure I want to be here anymore,” Shae admitted.

  “I get that, I think. So, my apartment?”

  “Seems best. We'll share rent, of course. At least until I have to take time off to have the baby.”

  “I wouldn't have it any other way,” I admitted, hugging her close.

  “Sex?” Shae asked out of nowhere.

  “Yes, please!”

  “No, I mean, we would still have sex, right? When I'm pregnant?”

  “Sound to me like we already have.”

  “Yeah, sorry for lying and all,” she mumbled, looking at the floor.

  “You're forgiven, my love.”

  “Seriously, do you think you'll still —”

  “Of course. Not to be vulgar, but I can’t really think of very many scenarios in which I wouldn't want to have sex with you.”

  “Wow, you really know how to flatter a girl,” Shae said, giggling again.

  “I'm serious.”

  “I know.”

  “Your place?” she asked, standing.


  We had put the sleeping Jeepers in a carrier to bring him with us, Shae somewhat paranoid about leaving him alone again. The elevator was taking a bit too long, so I swooped Shae up into my arms — baby, Jeepers, and all — and carried them up the stairs to my apartment. Dropping Jeepers off on the couch, we continued into the bedroom.

  I could hardly get Shae’s clothes off fast enough. Luckily, she was wearing her scrubs, so they came off rather easily. Her sneakers were still on when I started licking her pussy, Shae moaning loudly, running her fingers through my hair. I licked her to a screaming, shaking, beautiful orgasm, getting her ready for what was coming next.

  Leaving her in basically the same position — the edge of the bed being our favorite kind of sex, I put her legs over my arms, knees flush with my elbows, and stroked the head of my cock against her precious pussy. Stoking her up even more than she already was. When she was literally trembling with anticipation, I eased in the first few inches of my long cock, basking in the lovely feeling of her luscious pussy closing around it.

  When I was in as far as I could go, I started to move gently inside her, leaning down and kissing her passionately as I did so. Shae moved her hips as best she could, trying to keep pace with my thrusts. It wasn't close to the first sex we'd had, but it really was the best. All the stress and concern so present during the other times was now completely gone, leaving nothing but us and our love. We were entirely present for the moment and feeling better than when we had ever dared imagine.

  Thrusting softly into Shae, I lovingly worked her tender pussy, pressing at different angles and at different speeds. With each stroke, we kissed or looked into each other’s eyes, making our connection deeper. It truly felt like we were one. Our love was manifesting into the movements we made. I had never felt so close to someone before. It was awesome. The near Zen look on Shae’s face was filling me with a warm joy.

  As we moved and writhed together, the friction between our bodies increased. Her pussy, such a perfect fit, got hotter and tighter. My dick was straining.

  Here was my love. My life. And she was carrying my baby. Life had never been so perfect before.

  Shae gasped. She threw her head back, breaking our connected gaze, but thrust her body towards me. I felt the beginnings of an orgasm in her. Her pussy quivered. It heated and gripped me hard. I couldn’t stand it, letting go and unleashing all of my seed into her waiting womb. As my dick squirted, her pussy released and pulsed around me. We came together, breathlessly.

  I held her tight, not ready to let go. I never would be prepared to let go.

  Epilogue - Shae

  A great acting teacher once said, there are no small parts, only small actors. I wondered if the same logic applied to art galleries. The space was undoubtedly small, but it was also centrally located in Vegas, and Dixie seemed happy as a clam just to be there. She was smiling and mingling as though the opening were being held at the Guggenheim.

  This could have had something to do with the fact that the vast majority of her work had SOLD stickers on them. And the prices on the tags next to the hanging art were not modest by any stretch of the imagination. I had wondered how Dixie had managed to afford all the adventures she had gone on with grandpa's pension. Suddenly I had a much better idea of how she lived.

  The critics agreed with the buyer's enthusiasm, most of them raving about Dixie's technique and her honest and insightful perspective on the trials and joys of aging. Though, honestly, all I saw was a lot of naked old people.

  As we continued to browse the paintings, Chris by my side and little Bridgit kicking away in my belly, my love suddenly stooped, getting an odd look on his face. I could tell he wanted to swear but didn't seem quite able to settle on one a word bad enough.

  “What's wrong?”

  “She actually did it.”

  Indeed, Dixie had. Among the usual cadre of naked people was the paining Grandma did of Chris. She had somehow expanded it to three feet of canvas, and he was indeed entirely nude. Fortunately, Dixie had hidden his manly bits behind a tastefully placed, and relatively large, bowl of fruit.

  It really was difficult not to giggle, his expression just so stricken. “Look on the bright side,” I said between giggles.

  “What might that be?”

  “She made you so ridiculously muscular no one is going to believe that it's you.”

  “That really doesn't help,” Chris said with a cringe.

  I braced myself as Dixie and Stan, Dixie's new beau and even younger than Victor at fifty, came toward us.

  “Darlin'!” Dixie said, giving me a big hug.

  “Hey, Grandma Dixie.”

  “What do you think?”

  “It's very creative,” I ventured.

  “Yes, it did take quite a lot of imagination. Chris didn't give me a lot to work with.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Stan quipped, making everyone but Chris laugh.

  “At least you didn't imagine too much,” Chris said.

  “I think he means his penis,” I clarified.

  “I would never do a full nude of the man who is going to marry my granddaughter. You have proposed, right?”

  There was a minute of silence as Dixie and Chris stared at one another.

  “What's going on?” I asked.

  “Might as well tell her now, darlin'.”

  “I met Dixie for lunch last week to see about getting her ring to propose with.”

  “You wha —”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful old engagement ring that looked like it cost a lot more than two month's salary. I nearly gasped when he then got down on one knee right there in the gallery.
  “I had reservations for a fancy restaurant, but at least we'll have somewhere to go when we're done.”

  I was far too overcome with sweet emotion and deep amusement to care about any of that. Chris was going to propose, and I was so ready.

  “This feels pretty perfect to me. Friends and family all around us.”

  “Shae Garrison, will you marry me?”

  “Yes! Now get up and kiss me, you fool!”

  “That's pretty much what I said too,” Dixie hummed, beaming.

  Chris slid the ring onto my finger and stood up, kissing me tenderly. Everyone in the assembled crowd burst out into spontaneous applause.

  We spent another hour at the gallery, looking at the paintings and chatting with our parents and Aden, Camilla, and Cooper, who had come down to show support. Camilla actually gasped when I showed her the ring.

  Staying a respectable amount of time, we drove like crazy back to our apartment. I hadn't worn underwear under my little black dress, a bit of naughty rebellion that had made me feel sexy when I had thought of it and suddenly served a very functional purpose. Chris got me stripped down and bent over the couch in about two seconds flat.

  Kneeling behind me, he buried his tongue in my pussy, putting some recently learned techniques to the test, and making me feel weak in the knees. It seemed impossible, but somehow, the sex had gotten even better after we finally admitted how we felt about each other and what we wanted. No more secrets. No more lies. No more fear. Everyone we cared about knew about us and wholeheartedly approved. It felt amazing.

  Quickly switching places, I took his cock as far into my mouth as I could actually getting it past my gag reflex and sucked him as hard as I dared, lest he cum too soon. It was the first time I had managed to get him in that far and wanted to enjoy it as long as possible. Eventually Chris came, dumping his load down my throat.

  My pussy well and truly prepared, I lay down on my back and spread my legs wide. Chris instantly took me by the ankles, sliding the huge, warm head of his cock inside me. The sheer, beautiful size of him still able to make me gasp with both surprise and delight. I moved with him, gently bucking my hips as he lovingly pumped me, tenderly working his cock in my tight little pussy.

  “Harder,” I whispered, really wanting to feel him.

  Chris started thrusting faster, bringing on a brief bit of pain followed by an unbelievable joy, making me cry out to the heavens.

  I could feel him about to come. He had actually started to move to pull out when I reached down, grabbing him firmly by the base of his cock.


  “I want you to cum in me,” I said firmly.

  Without another word, he kept right on pumping, maintaining his previous intensity, until he filled me with his cum and with it a transcendental sense of comfort and joy. I knew I had found the man of my dreams, and we were going to have a perfect life together. Now that we were engaged, everything felt perfect.


  My Ex-Boyfriend’s Secret Baby

  Copyright © 2020 Jamie Knight Romance

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Chapter One - Jinx

  It was a bad luck kind of day. I could see the storm clouds. Well, one actually. Micro-sized and deepest black, it was hanging over just me, firing bolts of misfortune and rage directly at my head. My nickname, Jinx, became more appropriate with each passing second. Most of my days were difficult. This one was shaping up to be one of the worst. There was some sort of ill omen in the air. An omen I should have stopped and listened to.

  The morning rush hour traffic in Las Vegas did not do much to improve my disposition. It was already hot in the desert, a fact emphasized by my air-conditioning refusing to work. As sweat dripped down my neck, possibly ruining my best silk shirt, I wondered again if this was really a new Porsche or if, yet another, salesman had screwed me over.

  The only consolation was the first edition of Change Today? unspooling in the tape-deck I had specially installed into my car. It had taken nearly twenty minutes to explain to the kid at the garage what it was I wanted. Then another two weeks for them to get one and work out how to put it in. It was worth it, though. I was a sucker for authenticity, and there were precious few ‘80s So-Cal Punk bands who released on CD, and a turn-table was just a bit too unwieldy to carry in the car. I did my best to relax and just let the harsh vocals of “Flowers by the Door” put me in a better headspace as the mini storm raged just under the roof of the car.

  The elevator at Sure Thing Graphics was out of commission. Of course, it was. I slapped my hands against my already sweaty face, dragging them down with frustration. The day had been such shit so far why break up the theme by actually having something go right? I was beginning to develop an absurdist sense of detachment about the whole thing — almost able to see the situation as funny, for its sheer ridiculousness if nothing else.

  Four flights of stairs shouldn’t have been a problem. However, someone left a literal banana peel on the last step before the third-floor landing. The comic hijinks of my foot hitting the peel, the squish of the rotten interior, and the slide of the skin was not the same as in the movies. I didn’t slip. I jumped. My shoe got stuck in sticky goo, and the result was my foot coming out, throwing me off balance, and a direct fall to the landing below. Slamming my shin into concrete stung more than I cared to express in words, but when I punched the railing in rage, I figured out that was not the way to express myself either.

  Hand aching, shin burning, I crawled up the last few stairs, nearly forgetting just how high the office was. I hauled my sorry carcass to its feet and limped through the stairwell door.

  “Jinx!” Camilla shouted, standing up from behind the reception desk. “Are you okay?”

  “Not particularly, darling,” I said, trying to keep things light, despite the state of me.

  “What happened?”

  “Oh, nothing much just took a little tumble,” I explained.

  “Down a mountain?”

  “Down the stairs,” I corrected.

  “O-oh, my God! I…is that —” She pointed at my left shin.

  I shrugged, looking down. My new slacks were ripped and stained beyond repair. “Blood? Probably. Be an absolute love and fetch me a bandage, or ten?”

  Camilla marched me into the break room — thank goodness the couch was black leather — and had her fiancé, Aden, utilizing his military field medic training to fix me up as much as possible. Our Art Director, Chris, watched from a distance to made sure there wasn’t a death on his watch. It was quite a spectacle. Though it was nice to know that I still had some allies left upon this planet.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Cooper, the manager, asked in his usual, blunt way as he came across me hobbling to the cubical that served as my office. As Sure Thing’s only copywriter, my cubical was set as far back in the office as possible, seeing as I had a tendency to try out my work orally.

  “What do you mean?” I asked innocently, blinking at him.

  Coop rolled his eyes. “I can only assume it was some kind of bizarre suicide attempted, falling down the stairs like that.”

  “Far from it,” I said when I had finished laughing. “Just another in a grime parade of misfortune’s visited upon my accursed head this grave and damnable morn.”

  “Settle down MacDuff, it can’t be that bad,” he argued, following me into my office and perching on the corner of my desk with his arms folded across his chest. He looked like a big, annoyed eagle.

  I turned to him and pointed at my leg, which was doing an excellent impression of an Egyptian mummy. “You’ve seen the bandages, right?”

  “Well, yeah but —”

  “And heard the screaming as my shoulder was popped back into place?” I asked.

  “Okay, but still, for every door—”

  “There is a window?” I asked.


  “Curious metaphor, considering you just suspected me of attempting suicide.”

  I sunk into my leather desk chair, turning so I could face my accuser. Couldn’t have him thinking he was in a position of power. Particularly considering how every fight he ever started turned out. If it wasn’t for Aden, Cooper would have likely been beaten to death years ago.

  The manager sighed and rubbed his head. “What happened anyway?”

  “Besides the stairs incident?” I asked.

  “Of course.”

  His concern didn’t surprise me, Cooper was a good friend. His question did, however, bring to light all the trouble I was going through. My shoulders, which I had kept straight all morning, dropped as reality seeped in.

  “I’m losing my apartment and my best friend.”

  Coop jumped up. “Oh no, what happened to Lucky?” He asked, referring to the most special thing in my life, Lucky Duck, my dog. People might laugh, but that pup had gotten me out of a bad place.

  “Nothing yet. But the overlords at my apartment complex decided to change on a dime to a no pet policy so Lucky and I have two months to find somewhere else to live because there is no way in hell I am giving him up now. Even though finding a place in my price range near the office and away from the strip that allowed pets in the first place was challenging.”

  It wasn’t that Sure Thing Graphics didn’t pay well. As the premier advertising agency to the Las Vegas Casinos, our firm was pulling in plenty of money. My coworkers were sitting pretty with condos or houses of their own. I was compensated significantly for my work and valued, but my past had left me a lot of debts. The local rehab took more than half my paycheck to pay for my numerous check-ins. Gambling addiction was hard to fight, and the things I turned to keep my mind off the tables had been devils of their own.


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