Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 119

by Jamie Knight

  “You did it to help your family. You did what you needed to do. It’s not your fault the system is so fucked up.”

  I knew from her tone that she really meant it. That Sarah wasn’t just trying to make me feel better. She had gone through her own fall from grace and could probably understand a bit of what I was going through. The shame. The Guilt. The judgment and stigma, even though, as my mom said, she didn’t really have anything to do with it either. We had both acted on our own but within situations that were beyond us. Taking what seemed like the best option at the time. There was no pride in it, but there was undoubtedly no shame either.

  “You’re right,” I said, pulling myself together.

  “Of course, I am,” my love teased.

  I kissed her, and she kissed me back. The love cracking between us was like a force all its own.

  “I think I know a way around the case if you’ll let me do it.”

  “What’s that?” I inquired.

  “The fact that his wife was using teenage prostitutes looks bad for Anderson. The fact that one of them is the defendant in the case is grounds for Ivanov to find another lawyer. If not for the case to be thrown out for conflict of interest. At the very least, Ivanov will have to find another lawyer, probably one who isn’t such a shark. I won’t do it without your permission, though.”

  “I’ll have to think about that.”

  “No pressure, it is just an idea.”

  Sarah stood up and stretched, her outfit getting even tighter on her beautiful body. Bending over in such a way that I got a very generous view of her ass. I still wasn’t in the right headspace for sex, but I couldn’t help but feel her natural allure.

  “Come on,” she said, returning from the kitchen.

  Taking me in hand, she led me to the bedroom. I was about to object when she silenced me, touching her finger to my lips. I obeyed her and cooperated as much as I could as she took off my clothes, stopping me down to my boxers. She did the same, getting down to her bra and panties, both of them black and silk.

  Getting us both into the bed, Sarah wrapped my arms around her like she was the world’s biggest, warmest teddy bear and let me spoon her. Laying together in blissful silence until I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen - Sarah

  I was up before the alarm. Something that seemed to be happening a lot. I clicked the switch to turn it off entirely and looked over at Cooper. He was still deeply asleep. Looking peaceful and even happy.

  Sliding gently from his embrace so I wouldn’t wake him up, I replaced the blankets and kissed him lightly on the cheek. My tits were hurting like the dickens, so I decided to forgo a bra when I got out of the shower. Squeezing into my favorite suit, I went out into the kitchen to start breakfast. Everything was great up until the fifth or sixths bite—the omelet, which I usually loved, lurching in my tummy, making me feel pretty nauseated. There were a lot of foods that had started to make me feel sick. I thought back to what Sequoia said about me giving her grandkids and wondered if there might be something to it. Cooper and I had been pretty careful, but there was that first time when he took my virginity and came in me. I needed to know for sure.

  Cooper was still deeply asleep when I’m checked on him the second time. It wasn’t really a surprise. He had been pretty emotionally drained the night before. Massive catharsis will do that to you.

  A new feeling came over me—one of protectiveness and love. I wanted to do everything I could for him. Starting with making the lawsuit resolve as quickly as possible. He already had enough to deal with, particularly if it turned out I was having his baby. Though that could also be a real issue in terms of the lawsuit. It had conflict of interest written all over it.

  Finding my shoes, I went to a nearby drugstore. Wending my way through the endless aisles, illuminated by the brightest neon lights known to humanity, I searched. Just a bit too embarrassed to ask for help in finding what I was looking for. Finally, finding it in the second last aisle.

  Eating some red licorice I had picked up as an impulse by on my way out, I waited for the test to turn. Realizing it was probably like watching a kettle, I went to get a drink. Opting for milk instead of coffee, just in case, I drank two glasses full before returning to the bathroom.


  It was the right thing to do. I had to remove myself from the case. I was far too involved with my client, not only fucking him on a regular basis but also carrying the fruits of that love. It was clear and straightforward. I had to step back and let Cooper fight the case himself. Except I wasn’t going to. Anderson didn’t have to step aside either. I could take him. I could have anyway. They really had no case, except perhaps around the breach of contract though there were ways around that too. I also felt a new sense of purpose. I was going to fight hard for the man I loved and our baby, even if I did have to keep it secret for the moment.

  I had a sudden urge to eat again, so I went to make brunch. I figured Cooper would probably want to eat when he woke up, which was probably going to be pretty soon. I was right though not in quite the way I had imagined.

  I didn’t even hear him coming. His footsteps light and easy. I felt him, though—his breath on the back of my neck, his arms around me. I had changed out of my suit when I got back from the store. I was wearing nothing but panties and a robe. Soon enough, the gown was open, hanging loosely from my shoulders, and Cooper’s soft, strong hand was nestled in the front of my panties. Stroking me in the most wonderful way. I turned off the skillet just ask he scooped me up and carried me Tarzan-style back to the room.

  Slipping my panties down, my feet at the edge of the bed, Cooper got to his knees between my thighs and buried his face into my pussy. Eating me out like a starving man. I stroked his hair as I moaned, his beautiful tongue stroking my pussy until I wanted to scream.

  When I had recovered from his luscious tongue lashing, Cooper put on a condom and stroked the head of his cock against my ready pussy. After a bit of teasing that had me squirming with anticipation, he slipped inside, leaning down to kiss me as he did so, his huge cock filling me up so deep I could feel him when I breathed.

  “Gentle, okay?” I managed to say as he started to pump.

  I was a bit worried about the baby, if Coop fucked me too hard that was, and I was also getting a bit tender down there. He did as I asked. My sweet man moved gently inside me, rocking his massive cock in and out of my tight pussy, working me up to a beautiful, bone-shaking orgasm.

  Getting us both dressed again, Cooper helped me finish cooking brunch, and we sat down together like a real couple on a regular morning. It was beginning to feel more like that all the time and not just because I had met his mom and was carrying his baby. Though it certainly helped.

  “I’m feeling a lot better now, thank you.”

  “Hey, what are girlfriends for?” I asked.

  “Girlfriend?” Cooper asked, not seeming averse to the idea.

  “Yeah, kind of slipped out.”

  He didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to push him, particularly after what he had gone through last night, but his smile spoke to some hidden thought process. I got the feeling maybe he wasn’t ready for that right yet but might be soon.

  “Would you like to do something physical?” he asked.

  “What did we just do?”

  “I meant in public. Like an outing,” Cooper said, I figured he’d meant a date but resisted the urge to tease him.

  “Sure. I have some chores to do, but I think you should spend some time with Sequoia while she is in town.”

  “She could come along. If that wouldn’t be too weird.”

  “A triple date with your mom. Oh, no, mot weird at all,” I teased, “of course I don’t mind. I like Sequoia.”

  Thus started the great phone-tag. Instead of going out and doing something fun, Cooper hung around my place, trying to call his mom, always getting her voicemail. Leaving a message just in case.

>   “You dying or something?” I heard her say when she finally picked up early in the evening.

  “No, but I was wondering if you were,” Cooper snarked back.

  It seemed a bit mean at first, but I soon realized that this was just their dynamic. I had seen him do the same with Camilla before.

  “I’m fine, little one. I won’t be here tonight if you want to bring Sarah over.”

  “Why not—actually don’t answer that.”

  “Your mother has a lover,” I laughed as he hung up.

  “I never knew you had such a dark side,” he whined.

  “It’s what makes me such a good lawyer. I could be quite the rich bitch when I was younger. Come to the bedroom, and I’ll show you my other side.”

  Chapter Fifteen - Cooper

  It was a wonderful week, despite the less than ideal circumstances. I was spending a lot of time with Sarah both in the bedroom as well as out of it, and we were really getting to know each other as people. I never really bought into the idea that all it takes to change a man is the love of a good woman, but it certainly did help. I barely heard the anger drums at all anymore, and most of the time, the burning turned out to just be acid reflux. I spent a lot of time with my mom to which was something we hadn’t done in a while. Not since she moved to New Mexico, telling me to take care of Camilla before she left. To be fair, that was nearly a decade ago when Camilla was only seventeen.

  Most of the time with Sarah outside the bedroom was going over the case, but there was some fun stuff, too, like cooking together and cuddling on the couch watching movies. Particularly bad movies. Turned out she loved to hate-watch Troma flicks as much as I did. It became a nearly nightly ritual. It almost started to feel like we were an actual couple. I did a lot of the same thing with my friends, back when I had them, though not combined with sex, which added a whole new dimension. I also thought there was something to the idea of the most suited lovers also being friends. It was kind of hard to spend time with someone, let alone a lifetime, if you have little to nothing in common. I started to realize that friends with benefits really was the best way to describe our dynamic. At least at the beginning.

  I pinpointed the point when things started to change to the first time we ate breakfast together—a new experience for both of us from what I could tell and a significant change in our overall dynamic. I hadn’t even flinched when Sarah referred to herself, off-handedly, as my girlfriend. I actually sort of liked the idea. But I wasn’t quite ready to say it out loud.

  The day to hash out the case had come. After a few arguments, mostly for strategic advantage, a place for the meeting had been chosen. Sarah looked amazing. Powerful and commanding. Even Lars Ivanov would have to be impressed.

  “You can use my past if you need to,” I offered.

  “Shouldn’t be necessary,” Sarah said, keeping up her power-march of a walk, “Anderson doesn’t have to remove himself. I can take him. No one is going to hurt my baby.”

  “Sweet, but I’m pretty sure that should be my mother’s line,” I chuckled.

  Speak of the devil. We both stopped cold as we entered the conference room. Sitting at the head of the table like the queen of the universe, with Ivanov and Anderson on either side of her, was none other than Sequoia Camilla Jones herself.

  “We should go inside,” Sarah said, clearly rattled herself.

  Taking her at the letter of her word, if not the spirit, I burst into the conference room like a freight train.

  “What the hell is this?” I demanded.

  “Cooper, so good of you to join us,” Mom beamed.

  “What the heck is going on?” Sarah repeated, coming in behind me.

  “The attorneys should handle the decision,” Anderson pointed out.

  “Stuff it, Glen,” Mom ordered.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Sarah nearly laughed at this show of force. I was far to shocked to feel anything close to amusement.

  “I’m still waiting for an explanation,” I said, wondering what treachery was afoot.

  “I tracked down Lars here,” Mom said, indicating Ivanov, “to sort out this mess and ended up spending a lot of time with him.”

  “He’s a gangster, you know,” I said coldly. The drums rearing up for a rousing rendition of Zulu Dawn. Fantasies of Aden with his bloodied baseball bat dancing in my head.

  “Associated and not anymore,” Ivanov explained.

  “Tell him the other thing,” Mom prodded in that unique way of hers.

  “I-I’ve always been really impressed with you, Jones. Cooper.”

  “Mr. Jones is fine,” I said sharply.

  “Your work really is top stuff. That’s why I wanted you to work on the account. I really did think you would do a good job. It was my honor to support your career. M-my son died. Killed when my wife drove drunk. You reminded me a bit of the man I thought Seth would become if he’d had a chance to grow up.”

  “And the threats and the bomb and what you said about Camilla?”

  “I have no excuse for the last. I was wrong, that’s all there is to it. I was just trying to get to you, and I sincerely apologize.”

  “Damn right, you do,” Mom chided.

  “The bomb wasn’t me. Or any of my former associates as far as I know. And the threats, well.”

  “Tell him, Lars,” Mom prompted.

  “I want to drop the whole thing,” Ivanov continued.

  I was in shock. It was evident that Ivanov was obsessed with me, but I thought it was for revenge. I’d had it all wrong, and the reason was a lot more benign, even touching when viewed from a particular perspective. I had really misjudged him. No wonder her had sounded so terrified when I went berserker on his car window.

  “I did drop the contract early, and I’m willing to settle on that.”

  “Nine grand,” Anderson tried.

  “Lower,” Ivanov said firmly.

  “I’m not just friendly with Lars,” mom said, out of nowhere, “he has proposed, and I said yes.”

  The world spun in a most disconcerting way. I grabbed onto the edges of the table to keep from going down, sweet Sarah taking hold of me from behind.

  “A-aren’t you moving a little fast?” I asked.

  “I had a vision, dear. I know we are going to be very happy together like I knew with your father.”

  “Dad walked out on us, mom.”

  “We were happy before that, honey. I know you will adjust. You always do. Remember that I knew you needed me. Another one of my predictions also came true.”

  “Do you believe this?” I asked Ivanov.

  “I do,” he said, seeming genuine.

  I couldn’t tell if he was nuts or just nuts about my mom. Though he did seem to really believe it. It did honestly seem genuine. I could almost see the sparks flying between them. I still didn’t believe in psychics but did think they would be happy together. It might be tough having Ivanov for a stepfather, but I could deal if it made my mom happy.

  “Tell him the other news,” Mom prompted.

  “I’ve decided to sell the casino and move to Santa Fe with Sequoia.”

  “That’s great,” I enthused, meaning every syllable, particularly in terms of Ivanov moving out of state. It was going to be so much easier to get along with him when he was living hundreds of miles away.

  Chapter Sixteen - Sarah

  We left the conference room hand in hand, a new pride swelling within me. Cooper had seemed to handle it all really well. Especially how wrong he had been about Ivanov. He was still pretty creepy, but not in the way we had both thought. It also went a ways in explaining why he had been so annoyed when I said I was Cooper’s lawyer. The suit apparently some kind of ruse so he could get close to Cooper. Talk to him, maybe. Turns out, my brilliant strategy wasn’t much help at all. The situation had been a lot different than either of us had thought.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked as we walked out on to the street

  “I’m okay,” he said, it sounding sincere.

  “Do you really think Sequoia is moving too fast?”

  “No,” Coop said after a while, “he seems like he would be perfect for her.”

  “Because of the psychic thing?”

  “Absolutely not. I agree with her, in terms of her opinion, at least, and I am definitely not psychic.”

  “How do you think Sequoia will feel when you tell her that I’m the one for you?”

  It was a lovely sort of torture, Cooper starting to tickle me, knowing how tickle sensitive I was. Soon enough, the tickling tuned to kissing and might well have gone further were we not in public.

  “I’m falling in love with you.”

  “You’ve said,” I pointed out.

  “No, I mean really. I love you, and I am falling in love with you. Like I want to actually call you my girlfriend, like, properly.”

  “You know I can’t resist it when you talk like a Valley Girl.”

  “You’re going to pay for that.”

  “Oooh, are you going to spank me, daddy?” I teased.

  “For starters,” he said, sounding deadly serious.

  “Your place or mine?”

  It was his — the living room, to be exact. To that point, we had only ever really messed around in bed, and it was a new experience for me. New but exciting. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one in a state of excitement.

  Cooper wasted no time, taking me straight to his big chair and putting me over his lap. I could feel his hard cock pressing against me, as he slowly lifted my skirt, revealing my silk-clad ass.

  “Won’t be needing these,” he said, taking my panties down and then off.

  I was already dripping with arousal, and he hadn’t even touched me yet, anticipation accounting for much of it. It only got more so as Cooper massaged my bare ass in large, gentle circles. Lulling me into a false sense of security.

  The first strike was hard and sharp, almost making me scream with pain and surprise. He did it again with much the same response before returning to stoking me again. He did this for a while, mixing hard and gentle spanks with strokes, occasionally dipping down between my thighs to stroke my pussy.


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