Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 155

by Jamie Knight

  I undressed Hazel slowly, and she laid on the bed, looking up at me. I climbed on top of her. We were both wet, so my cock slid quickly inside of her. How I had missed this!

  I felt her soft body bounce beneath me with each thrust. I couldn't control myself; I had missed her for so long. Desperate to have her come on my cock, I thrust faster and faster as I reached down and rubbed her clit. Hazel came hard, her pussy squeezing me until I came inside her.

  Afterward, I lay next to her, playing with her hair. We enjoyed the blissful silence of each other's company.

  Chapter Fifteen - Hazel

  It had been a few weeks since Alex and I had renewed our relationship. We spent every moment together. My book was already finished so I spent my time motivating him to finish his novel. As we sat in his hotel room and worked together, he would frequently pause in his writing to ask for my feedback on each piece. This was something he had never done before. Since his return, I had definitely noticed a change in him, and I couldn't have been happier about it.

  After a few more days of work, Alex completed his book when I stepped out to get us lunch. “I'm finally finished!” he announced proudly when I returned to the room.

  I was so excited that I almost dropped the food as I ran to hug him. “Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!” I said excitedly.

  After our hug, we sat down to eat. We had already made plans to fly home together once the retreat was over, then we would divide our time between our places. We were both happy, and our relationship had never been better.

  Our last day at the writers’ retreat was spent packing. I felt a little nostalgic. I had gotten to know some of the other writers that had been here with us and would miss their company once I left. I stood in my room. My luggage was already packed next to me on the floor. I thought about the few memories and friends I had made in my short time here.

  A knock on my door startled me from my thoughts. I opened it and smiled happily when I saw Alex standing there.

  “Ready to go?” he asked as he smiled at me from the doorway. I nodded and turned to grab my bags. “I'll help you,” he said as he walked into my room. He grabbed my bags and carried them easily along with his own.

  We walked side by side as we left the room and went to the elevators. “It’s weird leaving here,” Alex admitted once we were by ourselves in the elevator. I had to nod in agreement because he was right.

  “We spent so much time here that so much has happened to us,” I murmured with a sigh.

  Alex looked at me, curiously, but I avoided his gaze. We were quiet for the rest of the elevator ride. We reached the lobby and were walking to turn in our room keys. As we walked through the lobby, I saw Jay talking to someone across the room.

  “I'll be right back,” I said to Alex before leaving his side.

  I walked over to Jay and tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Hey!” he said happily when he turned around and saw me.

  “I just wanted to tell you that Alex and I are leaving. I couldn't leave without saying good-bye.” I admitted.

  Jay glared at Alex over my shoulder, but I ignored that. “Well, I'm sad to see you go,” Jay pouted as he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back. I was sad to leave him too. He had quickly become one of my best friends.

  “I'll miss you too. Thank you for everything,” I said, trying not to sound emotional.

  “Anytime. Just please be careful with him,” he cautioned me after our hug.

  “I will, and I'll stay in touch,” I promised Jay before I walked back to Alex's side.

  “Everything okay?” Alex asked me out of concern.

  I nodded yes before giving him my happiest smile. “Never better,” I replied truthfully.

  He smiled back at me, and we turned in our keys together. Once again, Alex picked up all of our luggage, and we walked outside to the cab that was already waiting for us. We climbed into the cab together, and Alex put his arm around me. I snuggled into his side. The whole ride to the airport, we were quiet. I actually had something on my mind, which was making it difficult to focus on being close to Alex right now.

  As we pulled up outside the airport, I looked at Alex. “Can I talk to you about an idea I had?” I asked him.

  He grabbed our bags while I paid the cab driver. “Sure!” he replied enthusiastically as we walked into the airport together.

  We took our bags to be checked, grabbed our tickets, and sat down to wait for our flight. When we were seated, I turned to Alex and told him my idea. “What if we wrote a trilogy together now that our books are finished?” I asked him.

  He smiled at me immediately. “I like that idea. It seems like we always work better when we are together,” my love replied happily.

  I reached over and hugged him. I was overjoyed by how much he liked my idea. We talked more about it in the short plane ride back to Kansas.

  Once we landed at the airport back home, I asked Alex, “We go back to our places, right?”

  Alex nodded. “Yes, so we can get settled in and check on things. I'll call you later tonight then bring dinner over so we can get started on our project,” he promised.

  “Sounds good to me,” I replied.

  We parted ways with a kiss. We left in separate cars and went to our homes.

  A few weeks later, Alex and I were as happy as could be. Our trilogy was finished, and we had both moved into his place. We were inseparable.

  One day I had walked outside to check the mail like I usually did. As I was walking back inside the house, a letter in the pile caught my eye. It was a thick envelope, very important looking. I opened it and read it with curiosity.

  I gasped in excitement and disbelief. I ran back inside the house and yelled, “Alex!”

  He ran out of the kitchen in a panic. “What's wrong?” he asked in alarm.

  “The best thing just happened to us!” I exclaimed in response.

  He looked at me in relief. “I thought something was wrong,” he explained with a laugh.

  “No! We got an offer!” I cheered.

  He looked at me in confusion. “What are you talking about?” Alex asked.

  “I mean, they want to publish our trilogy!” I explained happily.

  His eyes widened and he looked at me in shock. “That's wonderful!” he exclaimed. He picked me up and hugged me to him. I laughed in excitement.

  Alex put me down and said, “I have some news of my own.”

  I looked at him curiously. My heart started to pound in my chest as I saw him kneel down in front of me. Our eyes locked as he pulled a ring out of his shirt pocket.

  “Hazel, in my continuous effort to keep things right between us, will you marry me?” he asked as he took my hand in his.

  “Oh, yes, Alex!” I cried out with tears in my eyes.

  He slipped the ring on my finger, and we both hugged and kissed.

  After I spent a few minutes admiring the ring, I turned to Alex and said, “The publishing contract isn't the only news I have…”

  He looked at me curiously. “Do tell,” he said with interest.

  I took a deep breath before looking at him and announcing, “We're pregnant.” He stared blankly at me for a few minutes. “Alex? Did you hear me?” I asked.

  “Yes! This is the best news ever!” Alex cheered. He hugged me tightly. I laughed as he picked me up in his arms.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as he carried me upstairs.

  “To celebrate!” he replied happily.

  I was in such a good mood. My fiancé lay me gently on the bed like I was a queen. He spent a long time kissing me and caressing me. It was like he was going out of his way to spoil me and pleasure me.

  I asked him about it, and he replied, “You are my queen. I need to satisfy you and keep you happy.” I felt so happy and loved.

  When I was ready, we pulled off our clothes, and Alex moved on top of me. “I want you so bad,” I whispered.

  It wa
s true. All his gentle touching had gotten me very wet. I shivered as his hard cock slid into my pussy, and he started sliding in and out. I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled him closer, and he knew what I wanted. He trusted deeper and deeper. I cried out each time in delight. This was the most passionate we had ever been with each other. Alex trusted harder and harder. We both moaned, our bodies glistened with sweat. We tried to make each moment last, but we couldn’t hold on any longer. We came together and lay in each other's arms, in a world of bliss.

  Chapter Sixteen - Alex

  Six months later, I looked proudly at Hazel as she answered questions about her novel. At over eight months pregnant, she looked radiant. I couldn't be happier. I was engaged to the love of my life, and she was carrying my child. We were at a book conference talking about both of our individual books as well as the trilogy we had written together. Gibson was with us. He sat in the front row, and Hazel sat on my right at the writers’ table. They both turned to look at me as someone in the crowd directed a question at me.

  “Alex, would you care to elaborate on the dedication in your latest book?” the woman in the crowd asked me.

  “Yes, I would be happy to,” I replied. I looked over at Gibson as I started to explain. “For those who don't know, I dedicated my latest book to my best friend Gibson, who is here with us today.” I paused so Gibson could give the crowd a little wave, then continued my explanation. “The reason I dedicated my most recent book to Gibson is that he has always been a friend that I can rely on for advice. He has helped me through many situations since high school. I'm very grateful for his constant wisdom, support, and friendship.” As I finished speaking, there was light applause from the crowd. Gibson looked a bit embarrassed. Hazel gave us both an affectionate smile.

  The next question was for Hazel. The rest of the day continued like that as we alternated between questions about our books and our trilogy. We read selected samples from each book and ended the evening with a book signing and a few photo ops.

  After the day was over, Gibson treated us to dinner. We talked about how successful the day was and about the conference we had planned for tomorrow.

  After dinner, we all went back to our hotel rooms. Hazel was very pregnant, so we spent the night relaxing in front of the tv before she fell asleep. I stayed awake a little while longer, thinking about everything, and watching the love of my life sleep. I couldn’t believe how much our lives had changed for the better.

  After a while of meditating and thinking, I finally felt ready enough to sleep. “Today was an awesome day!” I said to myself as I got ready for bed. The crowds really seemed to like us and our books. Neither Hazel nor I expected to have this large of a fan base.

  It was her idea to invite Gibson to the conferences with us, and I had to admit it was a great idea. We, or I should say I, owed Gibson a lot. He was the whole reason Hazel and I ended up together. If it wasn't for him talking sense into me and convincing me to go back to the retreat, none of this would have happened.

  Once I'm in my pajamas, I climb into bed next to Hazel. I suddenly realized how exhausted I am. I put my arms around my girl and fall asleep.

  A few hours later, I'm shaken awake. “What's wrong? What's happening?” I gasp as I look around in confusion.

  “Alex!” Hazel shouts. I turn to look at her in my half-asleep state. “Alex!” she yelled again.

  I shook my head and was finally able to focus on her. “Are you okay?” I asked her.

  “No, I think my water just broke,” she explained.

  I stare at her for a few seconds. “What?” I ask, even though I heard her.

  “My water broke. The baby is coming,” she almost yelled.

  “Oh my gosh, okay, don't panic,” I replied as I hurried out of bed.

  “I'm not, but I am in pain,” she told me in between breaths.

  I rushed to throw some clothes on then hurried to pack a bag before I called Gibson and told him the news. Afterward, I helped Hazel out of bed.

  “Gibson should be here. He will drive us,” I explained. I helped Hazel quickly dress and put on her shoes.

  Gibson urgently pounded on our door. “The car is ready downstairs,” he shouted.

  After making sure we had everything, I led Hazel down into the hall. We followed Gibson all the way out to the car. We strap Hazel into the front seat. I sit in the back while Gibson speeds away. We drive quickly to the hospital. I hold Hazel's hand and keep her calm as she does her breathing exercises she learned in class. We arrive at the hospital, and I help her inside.

  “I'll be in the waiting room. Best of luck to you both,” Gibson tells us.

  We go our separate ways as the nurse leads Hazel and me upstairs to the delivery room. Hazel is ready, and the baby is on his way out. I'm so filled with emotions as they prep us.

  I stand beside Hazel as her coach. “You can do this,” I tell her with a kiss. She smiles at me.

  The doctor comes in and announces, “It’s time.”

  Hazel starts to push the baby out. My body fills with tension as I realize that in just a few moments, our child will be here.

  A short while later, Hazel gives birth to a happy baby boy. They wrap him, then place him in her arms, and I wrap my arms around them both.

  “I can't believe it,” I say in amazement. The moment is so emotionally overwhelming I'm at a loss for words.

  “He’s so precious, isn't he?” Hazel asks. I can only nod in agreement.

  “Have you decided on a name?” One of the nurses asks curiously.

  I just stare blankly. Hazel answers for both of us. “Yes. We want to name him Gary,” she says happily.

  I look at her with a smile. “That's perfect!” I reply.

  She smiles up at me. “I thought you'd like it.”

  We sit there happily in silence as Baby Gary coos. I didn't think my world could feel more perfect, but the birth of our son changed my opinion on that, in the best way.

  Epilogue - Hazel

  A year later

  It has been a pretty eventful year for all of us. I spent every moment by baby Gary’s side. Alex noticed that and praised me by calling me a wonderful and devoted mother. I had beamed with pride at his compliment. We both took time off from promoting our books to be with the baby, but Alex started writing a new project. In between caring for the baby and sleeping, he would run his ideas by me.

  Life continued in that fashion for a while. We adjusted to it pretty quickly that first year. We also had a surprise when Gibson came to visit us. We hadn't seen him since Gary was born. Alex was so excited. It warmed my heart to see the bond that those two shared.

  I was in the living room feeding Gary as Alex opened the door for Gibson. “There's the happy family!” Gibson said as he walked in. He greeted us all with hugs.

  Gary cooed happily and adjusted to Gibson right away. They adored each other. “You have to let me babysit him. He is adorable!” Gibson said cheerfully as he made Gary laugh.

  Alex and I just looked at each other. “Hazel never goes anywhere without the baby,” Alex explained with a smile. I looked away in embarrassment.

  Gibson looked at us both in shock. “Never? You mean you two haven't any time to yourselves?” he asked in disbelief.

  “Not since before Gary was born,” Alex replied.

  Gibson cradled Gary in his arms. They both looked very natural like that. “That's it. I'm babysitting tonight. You both need a night for yourselves,” he announced.

  Alex and I just looked at each other and laughed.

  “I'm serious,” Gibson insisted.

  We stopped laughing and stood there talking about it. “Okay, we'll go, only if you are absolutely sure about this?” Alex asked his friend.

  Gibson replied, “Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't. Now go and get ready.”

  Alex and I looked at each other, then ran upstairs. Thirty minutes later we were by the front door ready for a date

  “Don't worry about anything. Gary is safe with me,” he assured us.

  We both smiled as we said goodbye to Gary. “I know he is. We'll try not to stay out too late,” Alex said.

  “Just focus on having fun,” Gibson told us before closing the door.

  We got in the car and drove off. “I don't know about this. I was excited at first, but now I regret leaving Gary at home,” I said sadly.

  “Relax. He’s perfectly safe with Gibson. You and I are going to have a magical night out,” Alex said, trying to comfort me.

  We lapsed into silence. I tried to distract myself from feeling sad, so I told him, “I went to the doctor the other day. They said everything has healed up nicely so I can have sex again.”

  I laughed as Alex grinned with happiness. “Well, I know what we are doing tonight,” he cheered.

  We drove in the direction of a fancy hotel nearby. We parked, and Alex got us a room for the night. We giggled as we took the elevator upstairs then walked into our fancy suite. Alex headed for the phone and immediately called Gibson.

  “Hey, buddy. Just wanted to check in and let you know that Hazel and I are going to be out later than we thought.”

  As I sat on the bed, I could hear Gibson say, “No worries. We are perfect here. Take your time and have fun.”

  They both hung up the phone, and Alex turned to look at me. “I'm going to fuck you all night long,” he growled playfully.

  I leaned back against the pillows. “I don't know about that. You've been a bad boy,” I teased.

  Alex looked at me for a second then started pulling my clothes off. Soon I was laying on the bed completely naked as he used his fingers to massage my clit. It felt so good. I hadn't been touched that way since before Gary was born. It was incredible, but I wanted more.

  After a few more moments of fingering me and teasing me, Alex climbed on top of me. We spent a while kissing and touching each other until I reached down and stroked his hard cock through the fabric of his pants. The harder he got; the more desperate Alex became.


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