by Roy Glenn
“Hello,” she answered.
“What are you doing?”
“Honestly, I was waiting for you to call me.”
“Is that why you didn’t hit me back?”
“That’s exactly why.”
He paused. “I like that, Barbara. I like a woman that has standards and stands by them.”
Barbara smiled. “So, what’s up?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“Okay. What you want to talk about?” she asked like her time was valuable and she had none to waste.
“Seeing that I like talking face-to-face, especially when it’s a pretty face like yours,” Ram paused to see if Barbara would say anything to that, but she didn’t. “I called to see if you wanted to go out with me sometime.”
Barbara wanted to jump for joy, but instead she remained cool. “When we talking about?”
“How about tomorrow?”
She paused. “I’m free then.”
“Cool. Where you want me to scoop you up from?”
“Uhhhh, it might be best if I meet you somewhere.”
Ram laughed. “You right … you right. What about this then, meet me at my spot at six thirty.”
“You mean the house I met you?” Barbara asked tentatively, but she was thinking, oh hell no.
After what happened with Jolina, she didn’t want to be a victim. Barbara thought about the fact that Jolina wanted it.
But still …
“I am not Jolina, so I hope you’re not thinking anything like that is gonna happen. If it is, we can just end this conversation right now,” Barbara told Ram.
“Naw, it’s not like that at all. I wanna get to know you, Barbara, so I’ma take you someplace nice to have dinner.”
“Really?” she questioned calmly, but Barbara was excited that he wanted to get to know her and not just use her like his boys used Jolina.
“Yeah, really. So, wear something real pretty.”
“Okay,” she said with a sense of relief. But she knew that she would still have to be on guard. Fact was, Barbara didn’t really know Ram or anything about him other than she thought he was fine. But he was older than her; older than anyone that she had ever gone out with and his expectations of her might be more than she was ready for.
“And Barbara?”
“I’m kinda excited about spending some time with you alone.”
“Me too. Bye, Ram.”
Barbara was floating on cloud nine after they hung up the phone. She immediately began thinking about what she was going to wear for her date. After spending two hours trying on countless outfits, Barbara decided that she was going to wear her red Michael Kors mock neck dress and hoped that Pam wouldn’t be anywhere around when it was time for her to leave the house. The last thing that she wanted was for her mother to see her and say, “Where do you think you’re going dressed like that, young lady?”
When the time came for her to leave to meet Ram, as fate would have it, Pam was in the living room watching television.
Barbara went back upstairs and went into the room of her thirteen-year-old twin sisters, Brenda and Bonita.
“Where you going dressed like that?” Brenda asked.
“I’m going out. But I need a favor.”
“What’s that?” Bonita asked.
“I need you to call mommy up here,” Barbara said.
“Why?” both twins asked at the same time and giggled.
“You gonna do it or not?”
“What’s in it for us?” Bonita asked.
Barbara exhaled and glanced at her watch. She opened her purse, pulled out a twenty and handed it to Bonita. When she did, Brenda just looked at her for a second or two and then she held out her hand. “Where’s mine?”
“Y’all can’t split that?”
“Really, Barbie?” Brenda said.
“What we gonna be able to get with ten measly dollars?” Bonita added.
Her eyes narrowed, but Barbara, once again, reached in her purse and handed her other sister a twenty.
“Thank you. Now, what you want us to tell her?” Bonita asked Barbara and she shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t know, make something up.”
“No, Barbie. You want us to come up with something, that’s gonna cost you extra,” Brenda said.
“Ask her to take you to the movies, and tell her that you have money,” a now frustrated Barbara said and thought back to the days when she would shake down RJ in much the same manner.
Both Bonita and Brenda held out their hands.
“Movie money,” both twins said at the same time and giggled.
Barbara gave them both ten more dollars. “And don’t even think about asking me for money for food, ’cause it ain’t happening.”
Now that the twins had their money, Barbara went back to her room and waited until she heard Brenda call Pam. Barbara listened carefully as Pam made her way up the steps and then she watched her go in the twins’ room. She very quickly and quietly went down the stairs and when she got to the door, Barbara yelled, “I’m gone, Mommy!” and was out the door before Pam could say anything.
Now that she was out of the house, Barbara walked down the block and got in the Uber she had waiting, and the driver took her to the spot where she was to meet Ram. When she got there, she saw that Ram was outside waiting for her. He was leaning on a sweet midnight blue Lexus.
When Barbara got out of her Uber and walked to the car, Ram looked her up and down, and then he smiled at her like she was to be his next meal.
“You look real nice, Barbara. Now let’s go before I kiss you,” he said before taking her hand and helping her into the passenger side of his car.
Now she was nervous.
Not because she didn’t want him to kiss her, but because she knew that Ram was just a bit out of her league. So, Barbara was quiet during the ride to wherever he was taking her, and Ram didn’t try to force her to talk, choosing to listen to music instead, until they arrived at their destination.
It was then that she received confirmation that going out with him was going to be a whole new world for her when he pulled up to Neptune’s Steak & Seafood Restaurant for dinner. It was a major step up from eating at Fat Larry’s with her girls.
Inside the restaurant, he chose to sit beside her inside their booth instead of across from her.
“It’s more intimate this way,” he said, and she was now even more nervous than before, and Barbara became uncharacteristically shy. Smiling and giggling at just about everything he said as they dined on steak and lobster and sipped the champagne that he ordered. Barbara felt like a woman, until she felt his hand stroking her thigh beneath the table while they were talking. Suddenly, she was a nervous girl out on her first date with a man.
Since it wasn’t the first time that she’d had her thigh stroked, after a while, she calmed down and relaxed as they talked about what she planned to do after high school and what he saw himself doing other than hustling. She was surprised that he had well-thought-out goals.
But she would have been lying if she didn’t admit that she wanted him to pay the check and leave so he could kiss her like he threatened to do earlier. With him so close to her, she was feeling things she had never felt from a boy, and that was because he was no boy. He was a man.
He paid the bill and then Ram held Barbara’s hand as they walked to the car. Once they were in the car, he suggested they go back to his spot. “So, we can burn one, talk and have a drink or whatever.”
“You’re spot?” Barbara asked, thinking about her fears of becoming a victim. Which would make him the victim.
“My apartment,” Ram laughed at the terrified look on her face. “Not the dope spot.”
Ram opened the door to his small one-bedroom apartment, which was really more like an efficiency, and Barbara stepped inside. The place may have been small, but it was laid, and it was cle
“Have a seat, make yourself comfortable. I’m gonna get us something to drink.” Ram went into the kitchen. “You can roll us one if you want to.”
While he made them drinks, Ram watched Barbara while she rolled. Looking all beautiful and sexy as fuck and knew that he wanted her. But it went a little further than just wanting to fuck her.
’Cause she sexy as fuck. But I like her.
Ram liked talking to Barbara. She was smart, and she wasn’t ghetto, and her hands don’t look like cups. He met those women all the time and could fuck any one of them anytime he wanted to, so getting pussy wasn’t a problem.
Ram finished making the drinks and sat down next to Barbara. He handed her a glass and she handed him the blunt.
“Yes, same as we were drinking at the restaurant,” Ram said and lit the blunt and they talked, and once again, he enjoyed talking to her. Barbara wasn’t only smart, she was funny. And she sexy as fuck. He wanted to fuck her badly. But in the back of his mind was Tenikka’s voice.
I guess I don’t need to remind you that she is my underage sister, or that our father is Bobby Ray, or that she calls Mike Black, Uncle Mike. I’d hate for our Daddy and Uncle Mike to have to kill you over her. And they will kill you over her.
That wasn’t a reality check, it was a warning.
One that he took seriously.
Because my life depends on it.
So, it was decision time. Ram figured that if she was there, and despite what she said, that she knew what was up.
I mean her girl took Azibo and Dequain like a champ.
But was it worth risking his life for?
Barbara had been talking and laughing, smoking good weed, and drinking champagne. She was having a good time, but when Ram took the glass from her hand, she knew what was up. Especially with that hungry look in his eye.
Ram leaned into her, crowding her with his body heat and his presence and he kissed Barbara. His gentle kiss to her lips had her feeling hazy; or was it the weed and the champagne that had her head spinning. Barbara didn’t know, and she wasn’t spending any time trying to figure it out. She just knew that it felt good.
Barbara’s hands stayed on her lap as his hands cupped her face. Slowly, his hands began to explore. Then Ram unfolded her hands and leaned into their kiss until he had her pinned against the back of the couch. So, when he started to pull up her dress, she didn’t protest. His kiss became more inflamed and Barbara returned his passion.
Ram’s hand traveled between her thighs, and he started to pull her dress down from the top with the other, revealing her skin to his lips. She was intoxicated, not just on the champagne and weed, but on him. But when their lips separated, Barbara backed away a little and he sat back.
“You ready to go?” Ram asked, and Barbara nodded her head. He wasn’t about to try and take this any further then she was willing to, because a nigga’s life depends on it. He liked Barbara and he wanted to see her again.
When they got to the spot where Uber was picking her up, she was giddy and relaxed. He kissed her until the car came and made sure she was gone before he pulled off.
His lips and his fingers were wonderful, but now she wondered about the whole thing and whether she should have let him go all the way. Barbara settled into her seat and knew that she did the right thing.
Chapter Twenty-one
It was close to midnight when Rain touched down at Grand Bahama International Airport. Napoleon was there to pick them up, so he could take them to the house. When they got there, everybody was asleep, so they said that they would talk in the morning, said good night and went to bed.
For the Black Family, moving to Freeport didn’t change their morning routine. Shy drags herself out of bed to get the children ready, M makes breakfast, while Joanne makes their lunch. Once the children are dressed and ready, they sit down to have a good family breakfast. That morning’s routine was shattered when Michelle yelled, “Aunt Rain!”
The second Easy heard that, he jumped up from the table and ran off. After a while, Rain came in the kitchen with Easy and Michelle.
“Good morning, everybody,” Rain said and hugged Joanne and then Shy.
“Hey, girl.” Shy hugged Rain again. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” Rain said as M looked on with her hands on her hips.
Rain looked at her. “Hey, Ms. Black.”
“Come here, Lorraine.”
“Yes, ma’am,” she said and went to her as M stretched out her arms. Rain had lost her mother when she was very young, some say at the hands of her father, so she felt close to M since the first time she met her.
“Give me a hug, Lorraine,” she said, and hugged her. M looked at Rain the same way that she did Shy and Wanda, she loved her like a daughter. “I missed you too.”
As they ate, Michelle and Easy competed to tell Rain everything that had been going on in their lives since the last time they saw their favorite Aunt Rain. She loved the children like she loved her own niece and nephew, but Rain had no maternal instincts whatsoever, so like with her own niece and nephew, she could pour out all the love she had for them until it was time for her to go.
After breakfast, Rain rode with Shy to take the children to school. Once they got back to the house, Rain told Shy that she was still tired and was going back to bed. When she did, Shy went in her bedroom to get back in bed as she always did after she dropped off her children. As soon as she got undressed and slid under the covers, Black began to stir.
“Good morning,” Shy kissed him on the cheek.
“Why didn’t you tell me that Rain was here?”
“Rain’s here.”
“I mean when you got in bed last night?”
“We were busy.”
“Oh, yeah,” Shy said, because she had it wet and ready for him when he came through the door. She was pregnant, and despite what some women said about not feeling sexy or not being in the mood for sex, she was always ready. In fact, she loved the way she looked as her body changed before her eyes and the way he made her feel was cherished, desired, and like his woman. This all contributed to her wanting him all the time and he was more than willing to please her.
Because pregnant pussy is bomb, he thought.
For Shy, their already incredible sex was much more intense, richer now. Yes, it was uncomfortable at times, because she could already feel and see the baby bump and having him on top didn’t work well, but when he slid in behind her and lifted her leg just enough to push inside of her, it felt like heaven.
This man, moving in and out of her, was the father of the child growing in her womb, he was the one that filled her so perfectly, his length was the one that she felt every inch of due to her sensitive, engorged flesh. He was the one that made her more sticky, wet and warm with his thrusts.
Definitely more intense.
She was more aggressive in bed, and her orgasms were out of this world. They involved her whole body. It was like her whole being seized upon the pleasure and wrapped around him and when it burst, it was much more powerful knowing that it was with the life they created together right there between them. And this reality, combined with her already heightened emotions from pregnancy hormones, made her cry. He asked if she was okay, looking concerned. But she nodded and begged him not to stop, to stay inside of her. And of course, he didn’t deny her.
It was a big day for Mr. and Mrs. Black because they were traveling to New York to see her obstetrician to have an ultrasound. Shy told Black that she didn’t really care for the doctor she was seeing in Freeport and wanted to see her own doctor. They had a good relationship when she was pregnant with Michelle. But the truth was something entirely different.
It was the same story.
“Girl, it is boring as hell down here sometimes,” Shy told Rain on the way back from dropping off the children.
“You told me that this was what you wanted,” Rain said.
“I know what I said. And I meant it when I said it, but that was me trying to do what is right for the children.”
“And you were right. With everything going on in The Family, they are much safer down here,” Rain said.
“True. But I’m a New York City girl and I miss being in the city. Michael and the children, M and my mother all love it here. They think I’m crazy for wanting to go back.”
“They’re right, you are crazy. You live on an island paradise. Warm weather, beautiful beaches … but my ass would be bored as fuck down here too,” Rain said, and Shy gave her a high five.
“I mean, I have my business and I travel for that, and then I come back here to this rock.”
“So, what you gonna do?”
“Go to New York to see the doctor and then we’ll see what happens from there.”
Rain laughed. “But you ain’t coming back to this island,” Rain said as Shy parked and they went inside laughing.
When evening rolled around, it was time to leave for New York. Once the plane was loaded and everybody was on board and had their seatbelts on, Shy made an observation.
“Where’s Rain?”
“In the cockpit with Jake.”
“She like the view from up there?” Shy asked.
“No. She likes to fly the jet.”
“Oh.” Shy thought for a second. “Wait a second, she’s flying the plane?” she asked as the Cesena began to taxi down the runway.
“Does she have a pilot’s license?”
“Rain doesn’t have a driver’s license,” Black laughed, as they began to pick up speed.
“Do you know how to fly her?”
“Of course, I can. What’s the point of owning a jet if you can’t fly it?”
“Is she a good pilot?” Shy needed to know because she was both curious and concerned.
“Landings are her weak spot, but she’s getting better.”
“I wanna learn to fly the jet too,” Shy said in her pouty voice.