The Reign of Rain Robinson

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The Reign of Rain Robinson Page 40

by Roy Glenn

  “Get Venus,” RJ said to Marvin and he quickly escorted her to the car. Then RJ raised the bat. “Come on with it.”

  Sterling rushed at RJ and their bats collided with a pop. They struggled against each other for a few seconds, each trying to gauge the other’s strength and gain an advantage at the same time. When none was gained, Sterling brought the bat back and swung it at RJ. He ducked, and it missed him.

  Sterling kept swinging away, and RJ kept ducking and jumping back out of the way of each swing. Finally, Sterling connected with a blow to the back. RJ screamed out in pain and stumbled forward a little, regaining his balance before Sterling could hit him with another blow. He swung the bat and RJ blocked it.

  Sterling swung again and missed, but this time it hit the hood of a car. His next swing and miss shattered the windshield, but Sterling kept swinging that bat and RJ kept moving to avoid it. When he swung and missed the next time, it made contact with the hood of another car. RJ hit him in the back and kicked Sterling in the stomach. He quickly brought the bat down on Sterling’s back and he went down, dropping the bat on impact.

  RJ stood over him with the bat raised, and then he dropped it. “Come on!” RJ shouted.

  Sterling bounced to his feet, rushed at RJ, and took him to the ground. He hit RJ with blow after blow, until he got a shot in and Sterling rolled off him. Both men got to their feet, stood before the other and exchanged blows. Lefts and rights to the face and body of their opponent until Sterling went down. Seeing a bat nearby, he rolled to it, and once he had it in his hand, he got to his feet and ran at RJ swinging.

  When Sterling raised his arm to swing again, RJ grabbed his hands and was able to wrestle the bat from his hands. RJ swung the bat and it hit Sterling in the arm. It knocked him off balance for a second, but before he could steady himself, RJ was on him and caught Sterling with a shot to the head. Blood splattered everywhere as RJ swung again; and once again, he hit Sterling in the head.

  As his own blood cascaded down his face from the blows he had taken, Sterling wandered around the roof of the parking deck dazed. Thinking that Sterling was beaten, and it was over, RJ dropped the bat and started backing toward the car, as Sterling continued stumbling toward the barrier.

  “Look out man!” Barnes shouted and began running toward him. RJ, Marvin and Venus watched as Sterling tripped on a parking space stop, and before Barnes could get to him, Sterling stumbled over the concrete barrier to his death.

  Barnes turned to RJ as he continued toward the car.

  “This ain’t over mutha fucka!” Barnes shouted.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Rona King sat in the back of her limousine with white calla lilies on her lap as they passed through the gates of Woodlawn Cemetery. She was there to lay the flowers at the graves of her father and twin brother. When the driver brought the vehicle to a stop, he got out and opened the door for her.

  “Thank you, Garon.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No, Garon, I won’t be long today,” she said and started walking through the grass. There were days when she would bring along a blanket or a chair and talk to them, but not today. Today she had things to do and plans to set in motion.

  Rona stood in front of the headstones that she had bought for them and then she laid flowers on each. She was away at college completing her last semester in the Berkeley MBA Program when she got the call that her father, Robert King had been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder, and her brother, Ronnie was murdered.

  When Rona returned home to bury her brother and get a lawyer for Robert, she wanted to know what they were involved in that one was arrested, and the other was murdered on the same day.

  “Your daddy was making a push to take over the entire drug market,” AD began. His name was Andrew Davion, and he had worked with Robert for years. “And somehow, Ronnie got hooked up with Rain Robinson.”

  “Rain Robinson?”

  Rona had known Rain for a long time. She, Rain and Analicia Chaves used to hang out at the clubs together. They were friends until Rain got involved with Ronnie, and that ended their friendship.

  “I know you’re not trying to tell me that crazy bitch killed my brother.”

  “She ain’t the same Rain Robinson you remember.” AD paused. “She’s down with Mike Black and them now.”

  That gave Rona pause, and she sat back. “Black got something to do with this?”

  AD nodded his head. “I don’t know any of the details; your daddy and Ronnie kept that to themselves, but they hired some nigga out of Cleveland, and he fucked around and killed Black’s baby mama. Next day, they arrested your father and Ronnie rolled up dead.”

  And then, shortly after she buried her brother, Rona received the news about her father.

  “I’m sorry to inform you that your father was murdered by another inmate,” Detective Kirkland told her, and she knew without question that it was on Mike Black’s order.

  Once she buried her father alongside her brother, Rona spent the years since rebuilding her father’s legitimate businesses. His illegitimate businesses, those were another matter. On the order of Wanda Moore and under Rain Robinson’s supervision, they had taken over everything Robert had built. Rona opened new spots and began rebuilding from the ground up.


  And Rona watched from a distance what was going on with the people responsible for the murder of her father and brother, Mike Black and Rain Robinson, and she waited.

  Waited until she had her money right, she was strong enough and had a plan that didn’t involve her people getting in shoot-outs every other day.

  “That day is here.”

  And then she turned around and walked slowly back to her limousine. Garon saw her coming and had the door open for her. Once she was settled and they drove off, Rona made a promise to herself.

  “I will have my revenge.”

  The Reign of Rain Robinson continues in:


  One more thing you need to know …

  Michelle and Easy sat on the couch next to their father, waiting patiently for Shy to come downstairs so they could leave for dinner. A little over an hour ago, she was running behind them, trying to get them ready.

  “Mike Black, Junior, you need to stop playing around in that water and get out of there, so you can get dressed,” Shy yelled as she passed the bathroom and heard the water slashing. “Don’t make me come in there.”

  Then she stopped in front of Michelle’s door. “And what do you think you’re doing?” Shy asked when she saw that Michelle was lying across her bed still wearing the jeans and Black Panther hoodie she’d had on all day.

  “I don’t want to go,” Michelle said.

  “Oh, but you are going.” Shy pointed at her daughter. “You know what, I am not even going to have this conversation with you.” Shy turned and walked down the hall to their bedroom.

  Black heard her coming, so he quickly got up and put on his pants.


  “Yes, baby.”

  “You need to go in there and talk to your daughter before I have to kill her. Talking about she don’t wanna go. She is getting so defiant.”

  “I’ll talk to her.” Black hugged his wife. “But you need to relax, everything is going to be fine.”

  “I know, but it isn’t every day that we get invited to dinner and I want everything to be perfect.”

  That night, Black, Shy and the children were having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Big Tony Collette, the boss of The Curcio Family.

  When Shy came downstairs, she looked radiant in the Shoshanna wrap neck dress with three-quarter length bell sleeves that she was wearing. The Stuart Weitzman spike sandals she wore made her already amazing legs look extraordinary.

  “You ready?” she asked when she came in the living room.

  Black stood up. “Just waiting on you.”

  When they arrived at the Collette’s house, Felìcita, Big Tony’s wife
, answered the door personally and she looked at Black with her hands on her hips.

  “About time you get here, Mikey. Dinner was just about to be ruined,” she said and stepped aside to let them pass.

  Felicita looked at Shy with a smile and opened her arms. “You must be Cassandra.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Shy said and hugged her. “And these are our children, Michelle and Michael, Junior. Say hello to Mrs. Collette children.”

  “Hello,” Michelle said.

  “Hello, Mrs. Collette, you can call me Easy,” he said politely, extended his hand and Michelle rolled her eyes.

  “Such a handsome little gentleman,” Felicita said and escorted them into the living room.

  “Thank you so much for inviting us, Mrs. Collette,” Shy said as she walked alongside her with Black and the children following behind.

  “You’re welcome. Mikey talks about you all the time, so I’ve been dying to meet you for years now. And it’s Felicita.”

  Big Tony stood when they came in the room. “There she is, the famous Shy; the woman that won’t die,” he said, and Easy looked at Michelle. She mouthed the words; I’ll explain later. Unlike their cousins, Barbara, Bonita and Brenda, Michelle knew about The Family and even though he didn’t really understand, Easy did too. They had always been their father’s constant companions, so Michelle knew that her father was a very powerful man and knew that what they did wasn’t quite legal.

  “Hello, Uncle Tony.” Black hugged him and then turned to his family. “I am honored to introduce you to my wife, Cassandra.”

  “It’s an honor to meet you, sir,” Shy said.

  “The honor and pleasure are all mine. And I’m your Uncle Tony too, just like Mikey.”

  Shy put her hand on her chest and smiled. “It would be my honor and privilege to call you Uncle Tony.”

  “And this is my daughter, Michelle and my son, Easy.” He stooped down in front of them. “This is your Uncle Tony. You can trust him, understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Easy said, looking up at Big Tony.

  “I understand, Daddy,” Michelle said and nodded her head.

  “Good,” Black said and stood up.

  “You have a beautiful family here, Mikey. I’m proud of you.” Big Tony laughed. “But I’ve always been proud of you, Mikey.” He put his beefy arm around Black’s shoulder. “Now come on, let’s eat.”

  They were served an elaborate meal consisting of roman wedge salad, butternut squash risotto and asparagus in a garlic tomato sauce. There was Italian fish chowder, lobster sambuca over fettuccini, Italian-style meatballs, and Chicken alla Boscaiola, all prepared to make your mouth water.

  After dinner, while Felicita fussed over Shy and the children, Black and Big Tony retired to his study to have a glass of brandy and talk.

  “I need you to do something for me, Mikey.”

  “Anything, just ask.”

  “I need you to kill Crazy Nicky for me.”

  “Do you need me to do it myself, or do you just want him dead?”

  “That’s why I love you, Mikey. No fuckin’ questions, just how you want it done.” Big Tony laughed and then sipped his brandy. “Just kill the bastard for me, Mikey. I don’t give a fuck how.”

  The end of Retaliation

  The Reign of Rain Robinson continues in:




  Roy Glenn

  Escapism Entertainment

  © Copyright 2018 Roy Glenn

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  Mike Black

  “I need you to do something for me, Mikey.”

  “Anything, just ask.”

  “I need you to kill Crazy Nicky for me.”

  “Do you need me to do it myself, or do you just want him dead?”

  “That’s why I love you, Mikey. No fuckin’ questions, just how you want it done.” Uncle Tony laughed and then sipped his brandy. “Just kill the bastard for me. I don’t give a fuck how.”

  “You want me to kill Johnny Boy too?” I asked.

  “No, Mikey. You leave Johnny Boy alone,” Uncle Tony said and from that I knew that he had made a deal with Johnny Boy to kill Nicky and I was to be the executioner. I was good with that. I never liked Crazy Nicky or Johnny Boy for that matter, so I was happy to do Uncle Tony this service.

  I took a second to think, why me? I mean, other than the fact that I owed him, why did they need me to hit Crazy Nicky, when both of them had plenty of button men that would be glad to do it.

  I started to ask, why me? But then it came to me. The Commission hadn’t sanctioned the hit, so they had to go outside the house, and since I owed him for taking Nicky and Johnny Boy off my neck, I was the logical, if not the only choice and like I said, I was good with that.

  For the next hour, I sat in Uncle Tony’s study sipping brandy and having a good time talking and laughing my ass off about nothing. After a while, Easy came into the study with us. Despite being the serious mama’s boy and loving being around women, after a while, he always drifts away from them, and he joins the men. Bobby asked him about it once.

  “What’s the matter, Easy, you get tired of being around all those women?”

  “They get on my nerves after a while, Uncle Bobby,” my boy said like it was a matter of fact and all me and Bobby could do was laugh at his answer.

  It didn’t take long after Easy came in that Michelle was at the door telling me that Cassandra was ready to leave. I got the children ready, said good night to our hosts, and thanked them for a lovely evening.

  “It was our pleasure,” Uncle Tony said.

  “You have a lovely family here, Mikey,” Felicita said and then she hugged Cassandra. “Make sure this isn’t the last time we see you.”

  “Don’t worry, it won’t be,” Cassandra said, and we went home.

  Once I said good night to Michelle and Easy, I went to our room to get ready for bed. I heard Cassandra say good night to Easy and then she went to Michelle’s room and I waited to see if there would be what was becoming the customary exchange of words. There wasn’t, and it wasn’t long before Cassandra came in the room with me.

  As I sat up to watch the woman who I still consider the most beautiful in the world, pregnant or otherwise get undressed slowly because she knew that I was watching, I thought about my girls and what was going on between them. My mother tells me that the reason they are bumping heads is because they are so much alike, and Michelle is just at that age. Normal or no, I was still going to talk to Michelle about it.

  “I see somebody is glad that his wife came to bed with him,” Cassandra said when she pulled back the covers and slid in bed next to me.

  “What tipped you off?” I asked and gently pulled her to me. Cassandra rolled on her side, lifted her leg slightly and took my dick in her hand.

  “This hard dick,” she said and guided it inside her.

  I love, cherish, and crave Cassandra and I am, and always have been more than willing to do whatever it took to satisfy her every desire, no matter what it was.

  Fact was, our already incredible sex was now extraordinary, because pregnant pussy is bomb. But, it was more than that. As I eased in and out of her, the mother of the life we created growing inside her, I felt as if we were one. That thought, and the sensation of Cassandra wrapped around me and the feeling of her skin against mine, was mind-blowing.

  The following morning when I woke up, I got out of bed and went in the other room to call Wanda.

  “You’re not in jail, are you?”

  “No, not in jail.”
br />   “Good. Anytime you call me this early in the morning, I think you’re in jail.”

  “Except the one morning that I was in jail. That morning, you didn’t ask.”

  “Sure didn’t. So, you in jail?”

  “No, Wanda. I’m not in jail. But I do need you to meet me at Bobby’s house.”

  “That’s even worse.”

  I laughed. “Why is that?”

  “Because if you want to talk to me and Bobby at this hour, it must be something bad.” When I had no comment, Wanda said, “I’m on my way.”

  I ended the call and turned to see Cassandra standing there smiling. “What did he want?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Uncle Tony. What did he want?”

  I smiled. “He wanted to meet you.”

  Cassandra smiled and sat down next to me. “And it was so nice meeting him and Felicita, but I’m talking about the what he wanted that’s got you up early and wanting to talk to Bobby and Wanda about it.”

  “He needs me to return a big favor that he did for me a long time ago,” I said and put my arm around her. Like so many things about those days, I never told her about it and being the wife that she is, Cassandra kissed me on the cheek.

  “Be careful.”

  A couple of hours later when I got to Bobby’s house, Wanda was there waiting for me. The three of us retreated to his basement and I laid it out for them.

  “You knew this day was coming,” Bobby said.

  “Only fitting that he wants you to do it,” Wanda said.

  “If they gotta go outside the house, I am the logical choice,” I said and thought back to those early days when Crazy Nicky and Johnny Boy were looking to take over our gambling operations and Uncle Tony intervened and made that shit go away.

  “He want you to do it yourself?” Bobby asked.


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