by Roy Glenn
She meant nothing to me, Glenda. I promise that nothing like this will ever happen again.
But this time, his declaration would not be enough. Glenda was done and began planning for a future that did not include being married to Perry. To celebrate her decision and her declaration of independence, Glenda went to Impressions and that was the night that she met Carter Garrison. He was everything that Perry wasn’t, and soon grudge-fucking Carter turned to her falling in love with him.
“What’s the name of this place?” Jordina asked as they got in the car.
“Romans,” Glenda said, knowing that Carter was running his crew from there. Like everybody else, she had heard that Mileena had broken up with Carter again.
That’s where his head was when they met that night. Mileena had told him the night before that she was tired of being last on his list and Glenda knew how brokenhearted he was about it. That was where they found their bond, sharing their pain and releasing their anger, tension and frustration in bed. The sex they had was powerful. She was getting closer to him and felt that Carter was pulling further away from Mileena and getting closer to her, but that was when Carter went to jail.
Glenda knew that if Mileena had left him again, that Carter was heartbroken, and she wanted to be the one to ease his pain as she did all those years ago.
As Glenda expected, Carter was in his office at Roman’s, talking to Hassan about a problem that he was having with one of his men that had been coming up short for weeks. To that point, Carter had been understanding about it. After all, everybody has a bad run and Benny Jones was no different. But he was now into his fourth week and had begun ducking Hassan.
“I’ve run out of patients with this guy, Carter.”
“You have my blessing to handle this fuck any way you see fit,” Carter said and pointed at Hassan. “And make an example of him. Make sure everybody knows that coming up short is bad for your health.”
Hassan stood up. “I’m on it,” he said as there was a knock at the door.
“Come!” Carter shouted, and Geno stuck his head in.
After recovering from his wounds, Geno tried to get his old life back on track. When he was released from his doctor’s care, he attempted to go back to work. Geno was told that since he had missed work for three days prior to his calling in, their company policy considered that abandonment of position and he was terminated.
Then, to add insult to injury, he was informed that since abandonment of position constitutes misconduct, an employee who is declared to have abandoned a position was not entitled to severance pay. With few options available to him, Geno turned to Carter and he was glad to put him on, so he could earn. To Carter, Geno was a hustler and having somebody on the team that knew how to get money was priceless.
“You have a guest,” Geno said.
“Glenda Dukes.”
Carter may have shaken his head, but he wasn’t at all surprised that Glenda was there. “Show her in,” Carter said, and Hassan left the office with Geno.
It may have been a minute or two later when there was a light tap on the door before it opened, and Glenda walked in wearing tight jeans that showed off her wide hips and thick thighs. Carter stood up and admired Glenda’s perfectly rounded breasts pressing against the crop top that revealed a hint of her stomach. Glenda was sexy, there was no doubt about that, and her presence in his office could only mean one thing.
“Hello, Carter.”
“Glenda, how are you?” Carter asked and gave her what amounted to a polite hug and a peck on her cheek. But Glenda was having none of that. She pulled Carter closer, pressed her body against his and their lips met. It wasn’t the frenzied exchange of lips and tongues as their kisses had been in the past. For Glenda, it was more of a let’s see if we can’t find our way back to where we once were kiss.
For Carter, it was confirmation that she wasn’t just in the old neighborhood and dropped in to get a slice. She was there to get something started between them and Carter had to decide if that was something that he was still interested in. They were good together for the short time they had, but that was years ago. He slowly broke their embrace and took a little step back.
“That was more like it,” Glenda said, and Carter answered by extending his hand toward the chair in front of his desk.
“How’s it going?” Carter asked.
“I know that you probably don’t know this, but I went back to med school and now I am doing my residency at Westchester Medical Center Hospital.”
“No,” Carter smiled. “I did not know that. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
“What made you finally make the move?” Carter asked, remembering that it was one of the things that Glenda used to talk about all the time.
“Finally got fed up with his shit and decided to take your advice and start living for me.”
“Well, I’m glad you did.”
“Better late than never, right?” Glenda said.
“So how have you been, Carter?” Glenda asked and hoped he would want to open up and talk to her about his breakup with Mileena.
Carter shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve been better.”
“Anything I can do to make you feel better?” Glenda flirted.
And just like that, she set it out. Carter smiled and considered her offer. “What brings you here?”
“My friends and I were talking about getting pizza and I told them that this was the best pizza in the city.”
Carter just looked at Glenda.
“And I wanted to see you. I heard that you and Mileena … hmm,” Glenda paused and searched for the right way to put it.
“Are done. Me and Mileena are done … for good this time.” Carter paused and looked into Glenda’s soft eyes. “I can’t keep letting her jerk me like this,” Carter said angrily and wondered did he actually mean it this time. Or could Mileena simply show up at his door and they’d be right back together? “So, we’re done,” Carter said flatly but the answer was yes. Yes, Mileena could call him right now and he would leave Glenda sitting there without saying a word.
“I understand. I know how much she meant to you and for her to keep doing you like that,” Glenda shook her head. “It’s just not right.” Glenda stood up and came around the desk. Carter turned in his chair to face her.
“I just want you to know that I am here for you, just like I was before. Just like you were there for me when I needed you so badly.”
“You’re gonna make me feel better?” Carter asked.
“If you let me,” Glenda said.
“Better would be a good thing.”
Glenda smiled and wasted no time dropping to her knees and unbuckling his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down in one fluid move.
“That’s my girl.”
Glenda looked up into his eyes. “All yours.”
Her next move was to take his thick dick to the back of her throat. Glenda’s head was bobbing, and she was licking, sucking and slobbering all over it, relaxing her muscles so she could take more of him deep in her throat. Carter Garrison brought out the beast in her. Just the sight of him made her want to do things that she would never do with any other man.
Carter grabbed her head with both hands and began to pump it to her slowly because he knew how much Glenda liked him to face fuck her. The sensation of her soft lips and tongue sliding up and down on his shaft felt amazing. He grabbed her jaws.
“Take it. Take all this dick. That’s what you came here for, ain’t it, Glenda.”
“Hmm umm,” she said as best she could with her mouth full of dick.
“Let me fuck your hot, soft, wet mouth before I get that fat juicy pussy.”
Carter’s words stimulated Glenda and she increased her pace, pulling Carter deeper in her throat. The feelings the she was making him feel felt so good that he began thrusting his dick harder, forcing the head to hit her tonsils and that made her gag.
Since she had it nice and slippery, Glenda stroked his length up and down until she caught her breath. She kissed the head and then kissed it again.
“I missed you,” Glenda said, cradling his dick in her hand. She lowered her head again and slid her tongue along the length of it. Gliding her soft tongue back and forth, paying special attention to not only his bulbous head but the underside of his shaft where she remembered he was especially sensitive.
Then Glenda remembered that Carter loved looking into her eyes while she worked. She looked up into his intense eyes, they were locked on her and she couldn’t look away, she couldn’t even blink. All Glenda could do was take Carter to the back of her throat and watch him nod his head in sheer delight. And when she could feel him swelling in her mouth, she pulled away.
“Please fuck me now. Don’t make me beg you.”
Carter helped her get out of her shoes and jeans and bent her over the desk as he used his knee to push her legs apart. He was balls deep inside of clenching wetness in the next breath.
“Fuck!” she cried out. “Your dick feels so good in me, Carter!”
“That’s … why … you … sashayed … your … sexy… fuckin’ … ass … in … here … ain’t … it … Glenda,” Carter said, punctuating each word with a hard and deep thrust.
“Yes! Nobody … fucks … me … the … way … you … do.”
When he swiveled his hips to the left and hit her with the death stroke, she fell apart, cumming on his dick and her milking pussy pulled him over along with her.
After Glenda left the office, Carter didn’t feel any better. In fact, he was mad. Mad at himself for what he had just done with Glenda. Not mad that he fucked her.
No man should ever feel bad about getting some pussy. Especially when it’s that fuckin’ good.
He was mad at himself because of why he did it. He was still mad at and hurt by Mileena and he took out all that rage on Glenda’s body. Carter laughed to himself.
And what was so wrong with that?
The problem was that he really didn’t want Glenda, she was an available vessel for his rage. All that Carter really wanted was to be back with Mileena and fucking Glenda was not the way to make that happen. He got up from his desk and went out into the pizza shop. Hassan was still there.
“You going to take care of that thing?”
“I was about to get on that now,” Hassan said.
“I’m going with you,” Carter said and started for the door. “Geno.”
“You’re with me,” Carter barked and looked back at Hassan. “You coming?”
Hassan drained the beer he was drinking and put the bottle down on the table. “Coming right now, Skipper.”
While Hassan drove, Carter sat in the backseat and looked out the window. Fucking Glenda was still on his mind. Although he was mad with himself for doing it, that shit was good, and he wanted to fuck her again and he was forced to wonder if it was because he wanted to fuck her or was it all still about Mileena? The answer, of course, was that it was still all about Mileena and it angered him that she had so much power over him. He thought back to some old player logic that he had heard years ago.
The only way to get over losing pussy, is to get some new pussy. Mileena was his world. I lost a lot, so I’m gonna need a lot of new pussy.
Chapter Eighteen
As they drove to see Benny Jones, Geno’s phone began to ring. He looked at the display and didn’t recognize the number but decided to answer it anyway. Then he turned to Carter.
“It’s Jackie,” he said and handed Carter the phone.
“What’s up, Shooter,” Carter laughed.
He thought calling her the killing captain was sacrilege because that was what they used to call Howard Owens. I’ll just call you Shooter, he told her one night. Jackie completely understood and admitted to Carter that although she accepted the title because it was high praise, it made her uncomfortable at times because she had deep respect for Howard and his place in The Family.
“You into something right now?” Jackie asked.
“About to be. What’s up?”
“I got some talk for you. But handle your business and we’ll talk later.”
“Where you at?”
“I’m on my way to Jimmy’s to talk to Chet Brightman,” Jackie said.
“We’re not far from there. I’ll ride by there and we can talk.”
“Thought you were about to get into something?”
“He’ll keep. See you in a while,” Carter said and ended the call. “Head for Jimmy’s.”
“You want me to put somebody on Benny in case he moves?” Geno asked.
“Make that happen,” Carter said and went back to thinking about Mileena and how he was going to get over her.
For real this time.
Chet Brightman was a loan shark who had been with Jackie since Black let her form her own crew. Chet Bright, as they called him on the streets, was brutal when there was money, his money, involved. He was one of Jackie’s best earners but during her absence, Baby Chris kept getting reports from different people in his crew that Chet was slippin’ and had been for months.
Since the money was always right, and that’s ‘cause all Jackie care’s about is gettin’ her respect and gettin’ her money, it had gone unnoticed, Baby Chris was told. But the people closest to Chet Bright were covering the shortages before Jackie came and killed them all.
‘Cause all that bitch care about is gettin’ her fuckin’ respect and gettin’ her fuckin’ money.
When Jackie got to Jimmy’s with Baby Chris, Chet Bright was at the bar with a woman named Rynnelle and they were in each other’s faces. Going at it and getting loud with it, but it was Jimmy’s and there was always somebody getting loud, so it was no big deal. When Jackie walked in, Baby Chris went to find them a table. When none was available, he made some people get out of a booth, so Jackie could sit and talk to Chet Bright.
Baby Chris went to the bar and tapped Chet Bright on the shoulder. “Jackie is here,” Baby Chris said when Chet Bright turned his way.
“I’ll be right there,” Chet Bright said and then he got right back in her face.
Baby Chris shook his head and went to sit down at the table with Jackie to wait. A server came, took their drink orders and had returned with the drinks and Chet Bright and his female companion were still at the bar going back and forth with each other. Jackie looked at Chet Bright and then to Baby Chris. He got up, went back to the bar and stepped between the two combatants.
“Are you really gonna keep your captain waiting?”
“I said I’ll be right there.”
Baby Chris leaned forward and got in his ear. “I like you Chet, so don’t make me put a gun to your head and walk you over there.”
“Right,” Chet Bright said.
“After you,” Baby Chris said, extending his hand toward the table where Jackie was waiting. Chet Bright walked away and then Baby Chris turned and looked at Rynnelle. “He’s gonna be a while.”
“And I’ll be right here,” she said quietly to the back of Baby Chris’s head as he walked away. Chet Bright sat down at the table with Jackie and Baby Chris sat down next to her.
“What’s up, Jackie?” Chet Bright asked.
“You tell me what’s up?”
“Ain’t nothing up.”
“That’s not the way I hear it. Talk is that you’ve been slippin’ and your crew’s had your back.”
“And I said, ain’t nothing up,” Chet Bright said angrily. “Just got some snitchin’ ass cowards runnin’ behind my back tellin’ this pretty nigga some bullshit.” He looked at Baby Chris and pointed. “And if you ever think about puttin’ a gun in my face, I will kill you.”
“I hear you,” Baby Chris said.
Chet Bright looked toward the bar and signaled to Rynnelle. She picked up the briefcase at her feet and brought it to the table. When she placed it on the table in front of Jackie, Chet Bright told her to open it. �
�That’s the hundred grand them snitches say I was short.”
“You don’t owe that to me. They the ones that covered you, you should be handing them that money.” Jackie closed the case and pushed it toward Chet Bright.
“No, I don’t owe you. This money is my way of sayin’ to you that I’m straight. Ain’t nothing wrong with me or my program,” he said and pushed it back.
“Gratefully accepted.” Jackie pushed the case toward Baby Chris. “What about your crew?”
“You leave them snitchin’ ass niggas to me.”
“Baby Chris was just doing his job. Keeping me up on shit, just like Flex does for you,” Jackie reminded, and Chet Bright smiled.
“Flex the one that put me on to them snitchin’ ass niggas running behind my back,” Chet Bright said and extended his hand toward Baby Chris. “We good?”
Baby Chris shook his hand. “We good.”
“But I meant what I said about killing you.”
“I took you seriously when you said it,” Baby Chris said as Carter came in Jimmy’s with Hassan and Geno.
“I need to talk to Carter,” Jackie said and both Baby Chris and Chet Bright got up and left the table. When they did, Carter sat down.
“What’s up?” he asked Jackie.
“I wanted to talk to you about Rain.”
“What about her?”
“Me and her hit some drug dealers for Gavin Caldwell,” Jackie said.
“She got me in on the same shit.”
“I don’t think that anybody recognized us,” Jackie laughed. “We had on wigs and shit, but that ain’t the point. She’s draggin’ us into a drug war.”
“I know,” Carter said, but he wasn’t worried. He trusted that Rain knew what she was doing. He laughed. “You know what’s up with that, right?”