Milton's Hero

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Milton's Hero Page 5

by Drew Hunt


  JJ shut his eyes. “You can help this guy, only I don’t think you like him, at least not like, like him.” Damn! JJ opened his eyes again. “Look, Steve, what I’m saying is I’m—”

  The rest of JJ’s words were cut off by Steve’s mouth descending on his and delivering a passionate upside down kiss. JJ was so surprised, he opened his mouth wider, Steve taking that as his cue to stick his tongue in JJ’s mouth.

  * * * *

  “He did what?” Maggie asked through her laughter.

  “Kissed me. Jeez, what is it with the guys at our school? Is everyone frickin’ gay?”

  “Oh, God.” Maggie pulled a scatter cushion from the sofa and bent forward, laughter bubbling forth. “You really are a fag stag.”

  JJ paced Maggie’s living room. “I’m gonna get T-shirts printed with JJ IS NOT GAY in big bold capitals across the front.”

  Maggie shook her head. “Oh, God. It could only happen to you.”

  “If you get any more matchmaking ideas,” JJ stopped pacing, turned to face Maggie, and put his fists on his hips, “keep ’em to yourself. I’m through sticking my nose into other people’s love lives.”

  Maggie stopped laughing. “It was actually your idea if you remember.”

  “Yeah,” JJ eventually conceded, “but I’d kinda changed my mind and wouldn’t have said anything if you hadn’t insisted me and Steve go to the gym. ‘You’ve put on a couple extra pounds.’ And, ‘You need to get your pitching arm in shape,’” JJ mimicked her.

  “It wasn’t one of my most subtle moves.” Maggie dipped her head. “But at least you know now that Steve is gay.”

  JJ stared at his girlfriend. “What do you mean, I know now?”

  Maggie shrugged. “I’ve known for years, or at least strongly suspected.”


  “Come on. It’s obvious. At least to me. You haven’t seen the longing looks Steve sends your way when he thinks no one is looking. And the number of times he checks out your ass when—”

  “My ass?”

  Maggie giggled. “It’s a fine ass.”

  “Huh. But that isn’t the point. We shouldn’t have forced Steve out of the closet like that.”

  “We didn’t force him. He kissed you, remember?”

  JJ had to admit that Steve had pretty much outed himself.

  “So what do we do now?” Maggie asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Milton. Can we rely on Steve to make friends with him, or better still, make mad, passionate, sweaty, man-on-man love to him?”

  JJ shook his head.

  “You did mention Milton to Steve, right? Or were you too busy swapping spit?”

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Yes, eventually I did get around to telling Steve why you were so keen on the two of us visiting the gym.”


  “I don’t know. He’s scared of anyone else finding out he’s gay. We’ll have to take it real slow. He’s agreed to come over to my place Sunday as usual. Hopefully he’ll be comfortable enough to talk to my dads about it.”

  “It’ll be just like you taking Milton home.”

  JJ nodded. He’d seen the similarities, too.

  “Need me to kiss you some more to take away the taste of boy cooties?” Maggie teased.

  JJ grinned. “Please.”

  The two spent a few minutes kissing, touching, and JJ just had his hand inside Maggie’s blouse when his cell rang. It was his dad’s ringtone, and as he didn’t get calls from him very often, he felt compelled to answer.

  Though it turned out his dad had just called to ask him if he wanted to have dinner at their favorite Thai place because Calvin had been unexpectedly drafted into a series of meetings that were expected to run into the evening. Calvin didn’t like Thai, so Brock and JJ rarely had it.

  “Uh, sure, dad. When?” JJ looked over at Maggie, who had buttoned her blouse and was straightening her hair. Obviously she’d decided they weren’t about to pick up where they’d left off.

  “Say about an hour? Give me a chance to get home, jump in the shower, and put on a change of clothes.”

  JJ thought about asking Maggie if she wanted to join them, but he decided he needed some alone time with his dad. Even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to talk to him about Steve. “Okay, see you at home in an hour.”

  Because he had the time, and he needed to mull over the events of earlier, JJ decided to walk the ten blocks home.

  As he walked, collar turned up against the wind that had come up, he could see the funny side of things now, but at the time it’d been embarrassing, awkward and painful. The last more so for Steve, who’d been mortified when he’d realized JJ wasn’t coming out…or on to him.

  * * * *

  It took JJ a good ten minutes to reassure his friend that he wasn’t mad, but rather flattered, if anything. And, JJ added, as far as he was concerned, Steve being gay didn’t change what he felt, the guy was still his best friend.

  Steve took some convincing, all the while apologizing, and begging JJ not to say anything to anyone at school.

  JJ said it would be their secret, except he’d have to tell Maggie. But he assured Steve she’d be okay about it.

  Steve eventually agreed, and they went to the locker room to shower, JJ sensing a definite awkwardness from his friend.

  “What the fuck you doing all the way over there?” JJ asked when Steve started a showerhead at the other end of the room. He reached two nozzles over from his own and turned it on. “Get your butt over here. Like I said, nothing has changed.”

  “You’re so frickin’ awesome. God, I’ve waited years to say that.”

  JJ chose to believe the water coursing down his friend’s face was from the shower.

  As they continued to shower, JJ explained that he’d been trying to ask Steve to befriend Milton, because the guy needed friends, and he was pretty amazing when you got to know him.

  At first Steve rejected the idea, not wanting anyone else to know he was gay.

  “Just be his friend. Honestly, he’s a great guy, really funny.”

  “But everyone’ll think I’m gay ’cause I’ll be hanging with him.”

  “Bullshit!” JJ threw the soap at Steve. “I hang with him and people don’t think I’m gay. I’ve got two gay dads and people don’t think I’m gay.”

  “I did,” Steve said softly, “or at least that’s what I hoped.”

  “How long you, uh…”

  “Since the first time I saw you. God, JJ,” Steve turned away. “Everything about you is perfect, amazing, sexy, and…” His shoulders dropped and started to shake. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t, man.” Despite the two of them being wet and naked, JJ didn’t think twice about going over to his friend and giving him a hug.

  “You see?” Steve sniffed. “This is what I meant. Even though you know I’m a fag, you ain’t afraid to hug me.”

  JJ rubbed Steve’s back. “Don’t say that word. You’re gay, just gay. But you’re still Steve, my best friend and the best catcher in this school.”

  Steve sniffed a couple more times before letting go of JJ. “Shit, the first time I get to hug you naked has to be when I’m this upset and can’t enjoy it properly.”

  JJ smiled. “Come on, let’s get dressed. I said I’d meet Maggie later. Her folks are out for the evening and…” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “You know,” Steve said, turning off his shower nozzle, “I’d give anything to be in Maggie’s place. She’s one lucky lady.”

  “Yeah,” JJ smirked, trying to lighten the mood, “That’s what I keep telling her. But she doesn’t listen.”

  “Well,” Steve attempted a smile, “If you ever need to, uh, release some pressure, I’m here.”

  JJ shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m just not made that way. And you deserve someone who can return your feelings and like you for the awesome guy you are.”

  “Someone like Milton?”

  JJ shrugged. “Y
ou could do worse.”

  “I’m not ready.”

  JJ nodded.

  They got dressed and were about to head out when Steve put a hand on JJ’s shoulder to stop him.

  “I got one more confession to make.”

  JJ raised his eyebrows.

  “You probably don’t, but do you remember you once owned a pair of black boxer briefs with white trim?”

  “Huh?” Talk about coming out of left field. “I sort of remember. I figured the laundromat had lost them or something.”

  Steve dipped and shook his head. “Nope, they’re at the bottom of my closet. I took them one night when I slept over at your place.”

  JJ opened his mouth to say something, but didn’t know what.

  “Sorry, I’ll give you them back if—”

  “It’s okay, keep ’em.”

  They shared a final hug before leaving the locker room.

  * * * *

  “Sit here next to me.” Maggie pulled JJ toward her.

  “But that’ll mean Steve and Milton will have to sit together.”


  “We shouldn’t match make. Or at least not more than we have already. Steve says he isn’t ready for a boyfriend. And Milton will get hurt if—”

  “Sit down,” she pointed to the bench next to her, “and let me do the talking when they get here.”

  “Yes, dear.” JJ crossed his arms over his chest and pretended to pout.

  It had taken some arm twisting, but finally JJ had convinced Steve and Milton to meet each other at JJ and Maggie’s favorite diner. JJ had had to reassure Steve several times that he hadn’t told Milton he was gay, nor had he mentioned it to his dads either. However, when Steve had come over the previous weekend for their usual pro game TV afternoon, Calvin had sensed Steve’s anxiety and, after a small amount of gentle probing, Steve had come out to JJ’s folks.

  Three hours later Steve had left, feeling much happier about himself, Calvin reminding him that the coming out process was a gradual one, and Steve should take it at whatever pace he needed to.

  After Steve had left, Brock confessed he’d been surprised at Steve’s news. Calvin had smiled and said he’d suspected all along that Steve was “family.”

  JJ had marveled that someone else had picked up on Steve’s gayness, whereas he, Steve’s best friend, was clueless.

  “That’s because you’re straight,” had been Calvin’s immediate reply.

  “Here’s Milton,” Maggie said, snapping JJ back to the present. She stood and began to wave. “Over here.”

  Milton approached their booth. “Hi. Sorry if I’m late.”

  “You’re not late.” Maggie smiled and gestured to the bench opposite. “And Steve isn’t here yet anyway.”

  She smiled again at Milton, took a drink from her water glass, and then picked up her menu and began to scan its contents. JJ didn’t know why she was bothering because they’d eaten at the Starlight many times, and the menu hadn’t changed. And beside, she almost always ordered scrambled egg whites on rye toast with a side order of turkey bacon.

  “I’m sure Steve will be here soon.” JJ looked at his watch. It was unusual for his friend to be late.

  Milton smiled nervously and began to play with his napkin.

  “Have you eaten here before?” Maggie asked, setting down her menu.

  Milton shook his head.

  “Everything’s good.” She leaned forward and opened Milton’s menu for him.

  “I’ll, uh, just have a soda,” Milton said, closing the menu.

  JJ wondered if Milton didn’t want anything because he was nervous, not hungry, or because he didn’t have enough cash. He worried about how to handle the situation without hurting Milton’s pride. The day after they’d first eaten together in the school lunchroom Milton had made a point of paying JJ back for the apple he was unable to get on his lunch plan.

  Maggie tapped Milton’s menu. “Order whatever you want. He’s paying.” She pointed to JJ, who nodded and smiled.

  “Oh, uh, thanks. But shouldn’t we wait for Steve?” Milton asked.

  “I’ll order him the breakfast special,” Maggie said.

  JJ sent a sideways glance at his girlfriend, surprised at how take-charge she was being. He had to admit, however, it turned him on.

  They chatted a few more minutes while Milton looked over the menu. He eventually chose the scrambled egg white on rye, but in a burst of independence that made JJ smile to himself, asked for a side order of link sausage rather than the turkey bacon that Maggie favored.

  Once the waiter had taken their order, JJ looked at his wristwatch yet again.

  “Didn’t you replace the battery?” Maggie asked.

  “Yeah. What time do you have?”

  “Ten after ten.”

  Milton confirmed that his watch said the same.

  JJ looked up then and saw Steve coming through the door. He was about to call to him when Maggie beat him to it.

  “Sorry I’m late. My mom wanted me to clean my room before the maid came.”

  JJ snickered. Steve’s mom was a bit of a snob, she made sure their apartment was clean before the maid arrived because she didn’t want the maid to gossip about how untidy they were.

  Steve regarded the seating arrangements before shooting a look at Maggie, who just flipped her bangs out of her eyes and ignored him.

  Milton scooted over to allow Steve to sit down, Steve nodding his thanks.

  JJ hoped Steve would remember what he’d said about how Milton was shy around people he didn’t know. This didn’t prove to be an issue because Steve pretty much ignored Milton.

  “I ordered you the special,” Maggie said.

  Steve nodded his thanks, but hailed the waiter and asked for a cup of coffee.

  As they waited for their food to arrive, conversation was stilted. Milton seemed intimidated by Steve’s size, Steve’s eyes kept darting around, no doubt checking to see if there was anyone present who knew him and would see him sitting next to Milton.

  JJ tried to get the two to talk, but the best he got was single word answers. The only question Steve asked Milton directly was about sports, and Milton admitted he didn’t play any.

  It was a relief when the food arrived.

  “So,” Maggie said to Steve after crunching on a piece of bacon, “Milton likes comics.”

  Steve shrugged. “Okay.”

  JJ wanted to break in, but decided to let his girlfriend handle it.

  “You like comics, too,” she persisted.

  “Some.” Steve forked half a link sausage to his mouth and began to chew.

  “What types of comics do you like, Milton?” Maggie asked.

  “X-Men mainly, but I follow a few online comics, too.”

  Steve continued to chew, his attention on his plate.

  “Milton also draws his own comic strip,” Maggie persisted.

  “Oh?” Steve looked briefly to his side before concentrating on his plate once again.

  It was obvious to JJ that Maggie’s attempts to get Milton and Steve talking were just as unsuccessful as his had been. And Milton was starting to get antsy.

  “I haven’t seen any of your work,” JJ put in when the conversation died yet again.

  Milton looked alarmed, JJ could have kicked himself, hadn’t Maggie said his superhero character was based on him?

  “Is your comic based on the X-Men?” Steve asked Milton.

  JJ hoped the ice was starting to thaw.

  “Sort of.”

  Steve cut into a pancake. “Does your hero have a mutant power?”

  Milton nodded, but didn’t answer.

  Maggie asked, “What is it? You never said.”

  “I haven’t fully worked it out yet, but he has this force field of light that he can throw around people…it sort of protects them and makes everybody feel happy and…” He dried up and found something fascinating under one of the pieces of toast.

  “Interesting,” Steve said.

  Milton shook his head. “No it isn’t. It’s crap.” He laid down his fork and crossed his arms over his chest. “Sorry, I’m not very hungry.”

  “It isn’t crap,” JJ said.

  “Come on,” Maggie pointed her fork at Milton’s plate. “You never eat enough.”

  Milton blushed. “You sound like my aunt Miriam. She’s always at me to clean my plate, because there are people starving in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, or whatever third world country the Discovery channel last visited.”

  Steve laughed. “That’s funny.”

  “Thanks,” Milton said quietly.

  Maggie nodded at Milton’s plate. “Come on, try a bit more.”

  Milton took hold of his fork and scooped up some eggs.

  The fork was halfway to Milton’s mouth when Steve asked, “So, your hero. Does he have a name? Did you base him on anyone?”

  The fork clattered back to the plate, spilling its contents on the tabletop.

  JJ winced.

  “It’s okay.” Steve opened his napkin and wiped away the mess. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that. Sometimes a little mystery is a good thing.” He looked over at JJ.

  The four ate in silence for a while, JJ sensing both Milton and Steve had retreated back into themselves.

  “Milton, would you draw a few cells of your cartoon strip? I have paper and pencils in my purse.” Maggie unsnapped the catch and delved inside.

  Did she put drawing materials in there just in case? JJ asked himself. He wouldn’t have put it past her.

  “Let the guy finish his breakfast first,” Steve told her. “An artist can’t work on an empty stomach, eh, Milton?”

  The conversation flowed a little more freely, Maggie doing her best to ensure both Steve and Milton participated. But once they’d finished—except for Milton who still left half his eggs—Maggie dug into her purse and produced a pad and pencils.

  “Isn’t there a comic book convention thing going on this weekend?” Maggie asked.

  Steve nodded. “At the Javits Center. I thought I might check it out tomorrow.”

  JJ watched Milton pick up a pencil.

  “Don’t people who go to these things go in costume?” Maggie asked.

  “Sometimes,” Steve admitted.

  “You should go as Clark Kent. It was a hit at Halloween,” Maggie said.


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