Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 21

by Kirsty Moseley

  I awoke in the morning in Sean's familiar embrace, I rolled over gently to look at him. He was still asleep, he looked like an angel, his perfect face relaxed and his mouth had a tiny smile at the edges, looking at his beautiful mouth made me want to kiss him. I gently leaned my head closer until my lips were a few millimetres from his, then I stopped, he smelled amazing, like home, I smiled and breathed him in deeply. "Don't tease me Tyler" he said as he closed the tiny gap and put his lips to mine.

  The familiar warmth and fire spread through my body, he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling my naked body tight against his. He nibbled on my bottom lip but I didn't open my mouth, it was like physical pain not to but I pulled my head back instead. "Tyler" he whined trying to kiss me again but I needed to talk to him, after he had made love to me last night I'd fallen asleep so I hadn't gotten any answers. I pushed myself back leaving a space between our bodies, I couldn't concentrate when he was that close to me.

  "Where were you really Sean?" I asked, a pained look crossed his face, I could tell he didn't want to tell me, he was trying to keep something from me. Maybe he thought he couldn't trust me, the thought made me feel sick. The look on his face vanished almost immediately, "What do you mean baby? I was in New York helping my Dad" he said trying to look honest but his eyes were twitching slightly, he was nervous I could feel it through our link.

  I shook my head, "You need to tell me the truth" I said looking at him sternly, he needed to know I was his partner even if I wasn't a shifter. "I know you're keeping something from me, and is Ryce too, but I need you to know, I'm not some stupid fragile little girl, I know I'm not a shifter but I promise I can be your partner, I may not be able to fight with you but you need to be able to tell me the truth and be able to trust me" I said my voice breaking slightly at the end as I started to cry.

  He wrapped his arms around me pulling me back to him as he kissed my forehead. "I trust you, it's not that I promise, I just don't want to hurt you" he said kissing my tears away, hurt me? Oh God he was with someone else, he didn't want me anymore! My heart felt like it was breaking I started to sob uncontrollably. "Tyler calm down please, it's ok" he cooed in my ear, I shook my head

  " were with s....someone else, d....d.....don't want me anymore" I wailed, he clutched me impossibly tighter shaking his head fiercely. "What? Never! Tyler you are my life, please understand this, I will never want anyone else, ever, our bond makes it impossible, I will always love and want you please don't ever doubt me, how could you doubt my love for you?" he whispered, hurt was radiating through the bond, he was upset.

  I looked into his eyes "Because I'm not good enough for you, sooner or later your going to realise that" I said touching his face, he kissed me fiercely rolling me onto my back as he rolled on top of me. "I'm the one that's not good enough for you Tyler, I've done some terrible things, I'm scared that if you know about them you may not want to be with me" he said gently. "Now you're doubting me"

  I told him cupping his face in my hands. He looked at me for the longest time then he rolled back off me onto his side propping himself on his elbow looking at my face. "Ok Tyler, I wasn't in New York" he said, I swallowed loudly and clenched my jaw preparing for the worst.

  "I went to LA, I was looking for" he stopped and took a deep breath, "I was looking for your stepfather" he said quietly. I gasped and started to shake, "Why?" I whispered, "So I could kill him"

  he said simply never once taking his eyes from mine. "Sean, that's stupid! How the hell could you do that? You could have been hurt, thank God you didn't find him! Jeez what were you thinking you stupid boy" I ranted and grabbed his face. "Don't you ever do anything like that again! You hear me Sean Houston? I absolutely forbid it" I shouted. Not that I thought he would listen to me but hey, I could forbid it if I wanted, he wouldn't listen to me anyway. But God my stepfather is evil, if Sean had found him I couldn't even bear to think of it, I shuddered and took in a shaky breath, this whole speech had been made using one breath so now I was panting a little.

  I closed my eyes, I could feel his feelings he was shocked probably at my stupid attempt to tell him what to do, he was also sad and a little angry. I opened my eyes to look into his beautiful bright blue eyes, they were showing worry and more importantly love. Suddenly I started to feel guilty, he had only done it because in his mind that would make me safe, he was trying to protect me and I called him stupid, nice one Tyler.

  "I'm so sorry Sean, I didn't mean that, you're not stupid, I know you were just trying to protect me, it's just the thought of you being near him, and him hurting you, ever since that dream I can't stop thinking about....." I trailed off I couldn't finish, I looked away from him. "That's ok baby I know, but you don't need to worry anymore ok, it's over" he said quietly, my head snapped up, what the hell does that mean, he won't go after him again? "You won't ever do that again? Please promise me you will never go after him again, please promise me" I begged tears rolling again.

  "No I mean it's over, all of it, I found him, he won't ever hurt you again, just like I promised" he said kissing my forehead, he found him, he killed him, he's dead, I'm safe, I won't ever have to move again, Sean and I can live out our lives happily. Thoughts were flashing through my head so fast I couldn't even register them all, suddenly I thought back to yesterday, Sean WAS hurt I felt it.

  I reached out and traced my hands on his chest there were no marks, no cuts nothing but the pain had been so extreme. "Y...You got hurt didn't you" I said slowly my voice not even sounding like mine, my hands on his chest were shaking like crazy. "Yes, I got shot, it was just like your dream, I got shot six times in the chest, I died, they checked me, I was dead but I heard them talking about you and I came back, I couldn't leave you" he said. My whole body was shaking now I couldn't breathe, I was so cold, my eye's were blurry. Sean was shot. Sean was shot. Sean was shot. Sean was shot. Sean was shot. From somewhere far away I heard Sean shout, "RYCE!"


  "I'm so sorry Sean, I didn't mean that, your not stupid, I know you were just trying to protect me, it's just the thought of you being near him, and him hurting you, ever since that dream I can't stop thinking about....." she trailed off she looked so pale, God I had put her through so much, I would never make her hurt again. She looked away I could feel her guilt, she thought she had hurt my feelings, jeez this girl is incredible. "That's ok baby I know, but you don't need to worry anymore ok, it's over" I said quietly trying to ease the tension she felt, her head snapped up, she looked a little relieved, her eyes lost the hard edge.

  Oh God please let her forgive me, please let her still love a murderer! "You won't ever do that again? Please promise me you will never go after him again, please promise me" she begged. She was crying again and her tears were tearing me apart, but she didn't understand what I meant, she doesn't realise he's dead, she thinks I couldn't find him, I needed to say the words.

  "No I mean it's over all of it, I found him, he won't ever hurt you again, just like I promised" I said, I couldn't look in her eyes so I bent my head and kissed her forehead. She was silent, I couldn't speak, this is where she's going to tell me she doesn't want to be with a murderer and she'll realise I'm not good enough for her and leave me. I held my breath waiting for her to say the words that would kill me, and this time I wouldn't be able to come back, I knew that for sure.

  She silently reached out and started running her delicate hands over my chest sending the fire through my body but I pushed it away. "Y...You got hurt didn't you" she said slowly her voice sounding deep and husky through her tears. Ok I was not expecting it to start like that, I needed to tell her the truth, I would never lie to her again. "Yes, I got shot, it was just like your dream, I got shot six times in the chest, I died, they checked me, I was dead but I heard them talking about you and I came back, I couldn't leave you" I told her honestly.

  Her whole body started shaking, colour drained from her face, her eyes got a far away look in like she wasn't seeing me anymore
. I started to panic, what the hell is wrong with her? I shook her slightly but she didn't even blink, "Tyler?" I called, I tried to call her in her head too but nothing.

  Shit she's in shock or something. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the door throwing it open, I didn't know what to do, how to help her, "RYCE!" I shouted at the top of my voice. I heard him scramble about in his bedroom I knew he heard me, I ran back to Tyler throwing on my boxers that I found on the floor.

  "She's in shock! What the hell do I do?" I asked Ryce desperately as he ran into the room. "What?

  What happened?" he cried coming beside me to look at Tyler who was now sweating and shaking from head to toe. "I......I.....told her, she asked, I couldn't lie to her, she asked, I had to, please, please help her" I begged. "Sean if she's in shock there is not much we can do but keep her comfortable and warm until she snaps out of it" he said slowly looking at her and taking her pulse.

  "You need to calm her down Sean, talk to her, hold her, she's always calm and relaxed when you're there" he said pointing to her shaking frame. "I can't, she's like this because of me, she won't want me near her she knows I'm a murderer" I shouted raising my hands and pulling roughly on my hair.

  "Sean, get a grip, she loves you, you're bonded, she's always gonna want you near her, no matter what" he said pushing me onto the bed.

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to my chest, murmuring in her ear that I loved her, that I was here, that I wasn't ever going to leave her, she was safe. I kissed her repeatedly on her face, her nose, slowly her breathing slowed and she stopped shaking and looked at me. "Tyler, it's ok baby, I wont hurt you, I promise" I told her trying to get out of the bed to give her some space from me, she grabbed me roughly and buried her face in my chest.

  After what seemed like forever she raised her head to look at me. "I love you Sean, please don't ever leave me, please" she begged. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, "I won't ever leave you I swear, as long as you want me I'll be here" I told her honestly. "You nearly left me! You can't ever do anything like that again, you got shot for Christ sake, you died" she sobbed into my chest. She still loved me, she wanted me. I felt my heart mend itself, I was flying. I nodded, "I did, but It's over now, it's done" I told her kissing her nose.

  She looked at me then her eyes full of wonder, her heart radiating with love for me, I swallowed back a moan at the sight of her love. " really killed him?" she asked in a whisper, I nodded slightly never breaking eye contact "He'll never be able to hurt you again" I said simply. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with such passion that the house could have been on fire and we wouldn't have noticed. "I'm gonna, Um, yeah" I heard Ryce mutter as he left the room closing the door behind him.

  She pulled out of the kiss, too soon for my liking so I kissed her again making her chuckle. She pulled back again and looked at me seriously. "Tell me, tell me everything" she said looking deep into my eyes. I took a deep breath and told her the whole truth, how I found him, being given the drugs, waking up in the room just like the dream she had, waking up after being shot, how I had to kill some other people before I could kill Symons.

  She didn't speak the whole time, she just looked in my eyes with love shining out to me. After she wrapped her arms around me and just held me close, "Thank you Sean, but you shouldn't have done it, you could have been hurt, well you did get hurt, what would I have done if those shots had killed you? Did you think of that? What would I do if you died?" she asked quietly, I know everything she is saying is true, but I did it for her, I just don't know how to explain it to her to make her understand.

  "Tyler, I know and I did think of you I promise, but my job is to protect you, he was a danger to you, I had to make you safe, I'm sorry baby really I am, but I needed to do what I did, the thought of him being near you it was killing me. I'm sorry for the worry and pain that I caused you but I would do it again in a heart beat, your life is more important to me than mine" I said giving her a smile.

  She shook her head, "That's what I'm trying to say Sean, I don't want a life without you" she said simply kissing me again. I knew I hadn't promised her I wouldn't do anything like that again, I deflected her promise with another answer because I knew that if another situation came along where my angel was in trouble I would do anything and everything to keep her safe.


  Later that day two men from witness protection called in to the house wanting to speak to Tyler and her mother. Luckily her mother was home and relatively sober. We were all sat on the couches in the living room, Tyler had pressed herself as close to me as possible trying to melt into my side. I was dreading this, I'd told her that I'd killed five of his bodyguards as well but I didn't give her any specific details, and I hoped that they didn't either. They walked in and greeted Ryce, they must have known each other, they handed him a file and as he read through it his eyes were wide with shock. He didn't look at me just kept his eye's in the file, and when he had finished reading he looked at the floor. Oh God please don't show Tyler that file!

  "Mrs Morgan, Tyler, I have some news for you, in the early hours of this morning we were called to a house in LA by some cleaning staff. When we arrived there we found six dead bodies, one of which was your husband Mrs Morgan, Peter Simons, the others were members of his organisation, we believe that they were taken out by a rival organisation, the hits were professional we believe, very precise" one of the officers said.

  Tyler's mom went crazy, wailing for her lost husband the paedophile, murdering drug dealer, anger started to boil in my chest. I looked at Tyler she hadn't said anything she was just looking at the officer with a blank expression. "He's definitely dead? Do you know who did it?" she asked, I winced and she squeezed herself tighter to me, the officer shook his head. "He's definitely dead Tyler, we don't have any leads at the moment but like I said we have reason to believe it was a rival organisation due to the nature of the injuries and wounds inflicted, to be honest we won't investigate much, if you ask me whoever did it did everyone a favour, we've been after Symons for a long time" he said with a small sympathetic smile.

  She looked towards Ryce, "You have photo's in there?" she asked nodding at his file he was holding, he went slightly pale and I stiffened beside her. "Yes but you're not going to see them"

  Ryce said putting an end to the conversation, I let out a sigh of relief. "Tell me how he died" she asked Tyler's mom started to wail again, she looked at Tyler with hate in her eyes, "You little fucking bitch! How dare you ask that? You're the reason I haven't been able to see him for the last two years and now he's gone I'll never be able to see him again!" she spat at Tyler.

  I can believe she just said that to her daughter! I turned to her, "Don't you dare talk to her like that" I almost screamed at her. Tyler gripped my hand tightly and turned back to the officer, ignoring the rant her mother was now screaming at Tyler and I. "I need to know, please" she said quietly to him.

  He shook his head "Tyler, you don't need that information, it'll give you nightmares" he said in a small voice. She laughed lightly but it held no humour, "Mr Thorn, no offence but I wake up every night having nightmares about that man, there's nothing in there that will scare me, maybe it will put an end to my nightmares" she said holding out her hand for the file.

  Ryce looked at me, I took a deep breath, she was right I guess nothing could be worse than what she'd already been through and maybe this would give her the end that she needs. I nodded and he handed her the file.

  From where I was sitting I could see the file, she thumbed it nervously before she took a deep breath and flicked it open, the first couple of pages were reports and witness statements, she ignored these and carried on going. On the next page there was a photo of Peter Symons naked battered and shot body sitting in the chair. She took in a shaky breath and I held mine waiting for her breakdown but it didn't happen, she just nodded and close
d the file handing it back to Ryce. "Ok, thank you"

  was all she said.

  They stayed for a few more minutes talking about that she would no longer be under witness protection but they would continue to live here in this house and they would always be entitled to help, and officers were only a phone call away. Through all of this she just held my hand tightly gripping on for dear life not saying anything. Her mother continued with her rant, throwing Tyler the worst hateful glances I've ever seen, then she stormed out of the house with something that sounded like 'going to drown my sorrows and have a drink to the man I loved'

  Once we were alone Tyler turned to me and hugged me tight. "You really are scary you know" she joked kissing my cheek, I gave her a small smile, "He suffered a lot didn't he" she said emotionless, I nodded, she nodded back. "I'm going to go take a bath, I love you Sean" she said getting up and kissing the top of my head.

  I didn't follow her I just let her have some time on her own, I figured that if she wanted me there or needed me she would have called me. It scared the hell out of me that she didn't confide in me but I needed to give her space, when she wanted me she would call me, until then I would just have to wait.

  Chapter 21: Premonitions


  I awoke in the middle of the night cold, I turned over to bury my head in Sean's chest but her wasn't there. I looked at the clock it was 2:37am. What the hell is he doing at this time of the night? Well morning I guess, rolling my eyes I climbed out of the bed. Opening my door I could hear the TV on downstairs, I crept down as quietly as I could and was surprised just how stealthy I could be, I literally didn't make a sound.


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