Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 23

by Kirsty Moseley

  I felt Sean move behind me and I was just about to turn my head to look at him, but before I could even move and inch he'd moved the length of the room and had hold of Dan's shirt and had pushed him against the wall his face inches from Dan's. Dan had gone completely pale, "Say that about her again" Sean growled in his face, "Sean stop it, please" I begged stepping forward and putting my hand on his arm.

  I saw Jack move from the corner of my eye he reached out a hand to pull me back away from Sean, but quick as lightning Sean twisted around wrapping his arms around me and turning me away from his dad protectively shielding me with his body. "Sean what the hell? Calm down damn it, you're scaring me" I said, his arms wound tighter around me as he buried his face in my neck taking deep breaths, his body instantly relaxed.

  "I....I'm sorry Dan, I shouldn't have done that" he said. Letting go of me and turning back to face his brother, Dan just shook his head and smiled "No it was my fault, we haven't had a good fight for ages" he said with a smirk, "But Tyler you'll definitely have to teach me how you do that" he said winking at me. I looked at Sean confused, he reached out and took my hand smiling apologetically,

  "What was that?" I cried trying to pull my hand away from his but he just gripped it tighter. "I'm sorry" he whispered, I could feel regret and sorrow through the link, I stepped into him wrapping my free arm around his waist. "What was that?" I asked again, he just shook his head and didn't speak.

  "Sometimes male shifters have to fight for dominance, Dan is younger than Sean and even though Sean is technically higher rank in some sense Dan likes to challenge his authority, he never learns"

  Jack said shaking his head at Dan. "Hey you can't blame a guy for trying" Dan said with a smirk,

  "So, what sometimes you guys just start fighting for no reason?" I asked shocked and a little scared.

  Sean wrapped his arms around me tighter, "I'm sorry but when I get in the zone I can't get out" he said quietly as if he were ashamed to admit it. "Well that's not true Sean you didn't even shift" Kate said helpfully "And you young man are grounded! You need to learn hormones or not that you can't keep challenging your brother like that" Kate said shaking her finger at Dan. "Especially now that he has his bond mate, you can't just insult her like that, you're lucky he didn't rip your head off"

  Jack said with a smile. "Tyler wouldn't let him hurt me" Dan said with another smirk, "Dan babe you keep winding him up like that and I won't be able to stop him trust me" I said giving him a warning glare.

  "That was awesome though right? Did you see Dad? How he just stopped straight away as soon as she touched him, it was like a switch went off, and man, how quick he moved! That was friggin scary" Dan said looking at Sean in awe. "I know that was pretty amazing, how did you even see me move Sean?" Jack asked looking at him with the same awe as Dan was. Sean just shrugged and continued to look at me still not talking. I knew I needed to get him out of there. "I'm gonna go upstairs and draw for a bit, want to come with me?" I asked quietly he nodded and let me go, I grabbed his hand as we walked upstairs to his room.

  "So that was a challenge?" I asked him, we were now laying on his bed I had my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "Yeah, Dan's going through the final part of his transformation into a adult shifter, so he has hormones bouncing all over the place at the moment, he went through a stage where he was challenging me every day but I haven't spent as much time here lately so" he said with a small shrug, he was still upset I could feel it.

  "Tell me why you're so sad" I said lifting my head to look at his face, "I scared you" he said simply running his fingers along my back. "That wasn't your fault, can I ask you something though?" I asked lifting my head to look at him. He smiled a small smile "You can ask me anything you want Tyler" he said playing with my hair, "What do you mean he challenged you? I didn't see anything" I said still a bit confused by the whole thing.

  "Like I said he has hormones all over the place, when you want to challenge for authority you release an excess of testosterone, other shifters can smell it, I tried to ignore it honest I did, but when he said about you giving him a go that was the final straw, I couldn't take it, I'm so sorry" he said through gritted teeth. I reached up and touched his face he smiled his breathtaking smile at me making my heart melt. We just laid next to each other staring into each others eyes until Kate called us down to dinner.

  Chapter 22: Arrangements


  After dinner we went back to Tyler's place. I still can't believe I lost it like that in front of her, well almost lost it I was still in good control of my wolf when I felt her touch me, but I should have just ignored Dan in the first place. Tyler had told me not to worry about it and Dan had apologised repeatedly but I still felt like shit. And my Mom, damn all she kept going on about through dinner was babies and grandchildren. I could feel Tyler getting more and more nervous as dinner went on.

  God its not like we have to have kids now. I mean if she wanted kids now I would too, but if she never wanted them then that would be ok too, I'll do whatever she wants. I need to talk to her about the future really, we've only been together for three weeks but there was a lot to talk about, the wedding, college, a place to live, God I was getting nervous just at the thought.

  "Tyler can we talk for a bit?" I asked her pulling her towards the couch.

  "Sure lover boy what's up?" she said smiling her beautiful smile, I love it when she calls me lover boy. I tried not to let her close proximity get me ar0used.

  "Nothing's up, I just wanted to talk to you about college and stuff" I said taking her hand and playing with her engagement ring, "You know that I've been accepted at West Hampton for September right? Well I was thinking" I started but she cut me off.

  "I know it's fine, I mean we better start looking at schools in Bristol then right?" she said giving my hand a squeeze, what is she talking about?

  "What?" I said totally confused I will never be able to figure out the workings of this girls mind I swear to God.

  "Well I don't want to be away from you while you're at college and I'm assuming that you feel the same right?" she asked timidly. I nodded of course I didn't want to be away from her that's just a silly thing to ask. "Well then, I need to find a school in Bristol for my senior year and we'll need to find a place and stuff" she said raising her eyebrows.

  She would move all the way there for me and leave all of her friends? I lent forwards and kissed her beautiful full lips just once. She really in incredible. "That's a nice idea but I was thinking of something else actually" I said stroking her face.

  "What then lover boy?" she asked frowning.

  "Well, what do you want to do when you leave school? You want to go to college or something?

  What do you want to do?" I asked, I needed to know the answer to this, I would follow her anywhere, my wants and needs were secondary to making my angel happy.

  "I haven't really thought about it, I never really thought much of the future you know in case I was moving around a lot, I just always thought I would get a job in a clothes shop or something" she said with a small laugh.

  God that asshole even took her future from her too I thought getting angry, I pushed the feeling away quickly, I had a plan to give Tyler her dream and I wanted to know if she would go for it. "Ok well I was thinking, West Hampton actually has a really good Art department. I've been looking into it online, they hold a range of art courses that I thought you would love" I said giving her my most persuasive smile.

  "Me go to college? Umm I don't know Sean, I don't really like to show people my art" she said looking down at her hands, she was still embarrassed of her drawings? Jeez they are the best damn things I have ever seen.

  "Tyler, it's just a thought, I thought that I could put off college for a year and get a job here, then next year we could go to West Hampton together or a different college if you want I don't mind where we go as long as I'm with you" I told her cupping her face with my hands so I could look into her eyes.

re thinking of not going to college this year?" she cried almost shouting.

  I shook my head "No baby whatever happens I'm gonna defer for a year so that you can finish high school, maybe you don't even want to go to college, we could go travelling instead" I said with a hopeful glint in my eye thinking of travelling around the world seeing all the sights with my angel.

  "Sean, you want to be a doctor so you need to go to college, don't talk crazy" she said with a small laugh.

  "That's not important to me anymore, I just need you to be happy" I told her honestly.

  "It's still important to me" she said in a whisper looking at me intently.

  "Ok, so what college do you want to go to then next year?" I asked her, I would go wherever she wanted to go.

  "Well, like I said I never thought about it but I don't think I would get into West Hampton" she said with a grimace.

  "Tyler baby, with your talent you could get into any college you wanted, your art is amazing and I think you need to be doing something with it, I've seen how happy it makes you when your drawing and painting" I said kissing her cheek.

  "Well, when I was a little girl, before my Dad died I always wanted to go to art school" she said timidly as if she was admitting to something terrible.

  I smiled, "Ok, well how about I defer for a year to give you a chance to finish high school then next year we'll find a college that teaches both medicine and has a good art department" I said ecstatic that she had made a choice and that it was something I could give her.

  She nodded and gave a little laugh, "Ok" she said.

  "Ok that's that settled then, on to issue number two" I said smiling nervously.

  She grimaced again making me laugh, "There's something else serious we need to talk about?" she asked frowning.

  I lent in and kissed her lightly on her beautiful lips, "We need to talk about when you'd like to marry me" I said kissing her again teasingly.

  She raised an eyebrow, "How about right now?" she asked playfully, Now? Shit! Was she serious?

  Not that I mind marrying her now I would have married her the first second that I met her but damn my mom is gonna kill me if we ride off and get married without her. Tyler just started to laugh,

  "You should have seen your face, wow that was a picture" she said laughing harder. Mmmm she's laughing at me, well I can change that I thought as I pushed her back down onto the sofa and laid on top of her.

  "I do want to marry you now, the sooner the better, actually I was just worried about my mom freaking out if she wasn't there that's all" I said kissing down her neck. I could smell that she was getting ar0used and it was driving me crazy. I slowly kissed down to her mark "Actually what I meant was, how do you feel about a summer wedding?" I whispered against her skin.

  "This summer?" she asked slightly shocked, I licked her mark and my mouth was immediately attacked by her beautiful taste making it water.

  "Mmm Hmm" I said as I kissed along the v of her top licking in-between her breasts making her gasp.

  "I....I....I" she stammered but seemed to have forgotten what we were talking about.

  I smiled as I pulled up her top to expose her flat stomach and red lacy bra. I unclasped the front opening of her bra and slid it to the sides making sure I trailed my fingers across her breasts as teasingly as I could. She moaned and pushed her hips up grinding into me making me harder if that was possible. Damn, will I ever have enough of this girl? I can't get close enough to her and no matter how much I have her I just want more and more. It was hard to remember sometimes that she was human and needed to rest. I could make love to her all day everyday.

  I sucked her nipple into my mouth and massaged her other perfect breast with my hand. She was moaning louder now and the sound was sending my body into a frenzy, I loved making her feel like this, but I still needed my answer. "Tyler?" I asked as I slowly trailed kisses along her stomach and started to undo her buttons on her jeans.

  "Yes?" she whispered clearly enjoying what I was doing.

  "What do you think about marrying me this summer?" I asked as I tugged her jeans and red lacy panties down completely, and dropping them on the floor.

  "You want to marry me this......." she started but stopped to moan as I slid my hand up the inside of her thigh to her moist core. I could feel how ar0used she was and it made my body shiver with pleasure as I slid two fingers into her and brought my head back up to her breasts again.

  "Yes, I want to marry you this summer" I told her biting gently on her nipple whilst pumping my fingers. I twisted my hand round so that I could massage her with my thumb at the same time, making her gasp and grip her hand tighter into my hair.

  I kissed up to her mouth and slipped my tongue in tasting her, her taste exploded into my mouth sending shockwaves through my body making me groan. Calm down Sean you still need an answer, I told myself and proceeded to kiss along her jaw to her ear. "Will you marry me this summer? I want you to finish high school as Mrs Tyler Houston" I whispered nibbling on her ear lobe.

  I could feel her pleasure through our link, her body was close. I kissed my way quickly down and put my tongue between her legs massaging in small circles sucking and biting gently whilst continuing to pump my fingers. The taste of her was out of this world, it made my body scream with excitement. She was squirming around, moving her hips as she moaned, God she was so close, her pleasure was building up inside me from our link and I almost felt like it would make me cl*max. Suddenly she cl*maxed, her whole body shaking and convulsing. I continued to pump my fingers slowly, making her 0rgasm last longer. I could feel the intense pleasure that I was causing her, making me smile as she gasped for breath and called my name in her beautiful husky voice.

  I pulled my fingers out and licked them savouring the taste of her. I kissed my way back up to her face and looked into her eyes they were bright with excitement. She reached down and caught hold of my top and was just about to pull it off when I stopped her, "No, that was just for you not me" I told her kissing her.

  "Are you telling me that you don't want me to touch you at all?" she said seductively biting gently on my chin, mmm now that I think of it I would love her to touch me I couldn't help but shiver of desire.

  She trailed her hands down to my erecti0n and started rubbing me through my jeans. Oh crap! I need to stop her before it was too late and I wouldn't be able to. I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. "That's what I'm saying baby" I told her pushing my body slightly harder against her whist still being careful with my weight. "I'm still waiting for my answer" I told her looking deep into her eyes, tuning myself into her feelings making sure that I wasn't gonna rush her into anything.

  "Yes lover boy, I'll marry you this summer" she said simply, the happiness that was radiating out of her almost knocked me sideways.

  I laughed, "Thank you" I told her kissing her again, she squirmed her arms trying to get free of my grip so that she could attack me again but I just held them tight until she calmed herself down, now if only I could do the same to myself I thought.

  After she was dressed again and I was relatively calm she sat and did her homework that Chase had dropped off for her from the classes that she missed last week when she was off with Ryce. Her Mom came home whist we were sitting up the table, I stiffened ready to protect Tyler if I needed to.

  She walked up to Tyler and hugged her, actually hugged her. Tyler didn't really know what to do so she sort of awkwardly hugged her back, confusion radiating through our bond, Tyler's Mom kissed her on the forehead and smiled at her.

  "Tyler, who's your friend?" she asked looking at me. I smiled timidly at her, the last few times I had met this woman she had practically tried to jump me there and then.

  "Err, Mom this is Sean Houston, he's my..... Well he's my fiancée" she said rubbing the back of her neck I could feel how uncomfortable she was.

  "Fiancée? Your engaged?" she asked her with wide eyes, Tyler just nodded and smiled her beautiful smile.

  I stuck out my h
and "It's nice to meet you Mrs Morgan" I said politely, even if she didn't remember our last meetings its still nice to be polite!

  "Oh don't call me that it makes me feel old! You can call me Sarah" she said taking my hand and shaking it firmly. The weird thing was that I couldn't smell any alcohol coming from her, was she sober?

  "Ok Sarah it's nice to meet you, I love your daughter very much and I promise I'll take good care of her" I told her honestly. She smiled, when she smiled I could see some of her beauty come back to her face, she actually looked a bit like Tyler.

  Tyler smiled the biggest smile I think I have ever seen, it melted my heart. "Hey I got a good idea, how about we make some cookies or something?" Sarah asked clearly excited looking at Tyler.

  "Ok Mom that'd be great, do you think Sean could stay over tonight mom?" Tyler asked, I stiffened, Shit! What if she said no? I guess I'll have to sleep in the car outside so that I could be close if she needed me.

  "Err ok sure" Sarah said giving Tyler a sly wink. I decided to leave them too it and give them some privacy, Tyler was clearly ecstatic to have her mother back.

  "I really need to do some work on the computer for my science project, Tyler do you think I could use the connection in your room?" I asked giving her a smile. 'I'll be upstairs giving you some privacy with your mom ok?' I sent into her head after.

  "Sure Sean" she said with a wink. I smiled at her mom and went and sat at the top of the stairs so I could listen if anything got rough. I know, I know I'm an eavesdropper.


  "So what kind of cookies shall we make? White chocolate or milk?" mom asked, I smiled I cann't believe this. She has even been to the shop and bought the ingredients and everything!

  "Err, how about we make a batch of both? Sean eats a lot" I said with a little chuckle. I knew Sean wouldn't be far away, probably sitting at the top of the stairs listening to make sure I'm safe I bet. I could feel his concern through our link.


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