Words From the Heart

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Words From the Heart Page 5

by L C Taylor

  Nodding, barely above a whisper, “I just left her.”

  “What? Sweetheart, you’re not making sense.”

  “Isabelle. I just left her – ran for greener grass and now she’s dead.”

  “You read more letters I presume? Delilah, that woman loved you.”

  “Doesn’t change the fact I left and not once came back or called. I let John take me from her and now… now she’s gone!” Delilah jumped from his hold, “I’m a monster.”

  She paced, breathing deeply, “I don’t deserve any of this,” she waved her hands around, “She should have left it to you. You were here with her… you were more family to her than I was. FUCK!”

  “Whoa… whoa, hold on a second.” Parker stood, “Isabelle loved you. Do you hear me? She was so damn proud of you – so don’t stand there and tell me you don’t deserve this.” He reached out and grabbed her arms, “You deserve everything.”

  “No. I don’t.”

  Parker pulled her closer, his lips a breath away from hers, “You’re worth everything.” He pressed his mouth to hers. Delilah stiffened, resisting at first, but Parker pressed in deeper, pulling her flush against him. When he broke apart, “She loved you…I love you.”

  Delilah gasped, looking at the man in front of her. “How can you possibly love me? We’ve only known each other a month, Parker. That’s ridiculous… this is ridiculous.”

  Parker was about speak, but the sound of someone knocking drew their attention away from the moment, leaving Delilah unable to respond.

  “Who the hell is here?”

  Chapter 12

  Delilah was pissed. John stood on the other side of the door, a smug look on his face.

  “What in the fuck are you doing here?”

  “You thought I’d just mail your stuff? Come on Del’s… we were together too long for me to just send you your things. I wanted to see you. I deserve a chance to talk to you – face to face.” He pushed passed her, “Can’t you give me that?”

  Parker stood, anger rolling off him in waves, “Delilah?” he glanced to her.

  “John, this is Parker. Parker, this is my cheating ex-fiancé, John. He is under the impression he deserves to see me.”

  “Hello,” John stuck his hand out to shake, but Parker just stared at his empty palm and glanced back to Delilah.


  “I didn’t know he was coming. I asked him to mail some of my things… I guess he took that as ‘come visit’,” she motioned with air quotes.

  “Am I interrupting something?” John looked between the two of them, sensing something off.

  “No,” “Yes,” they spoke at the same time.

  “Parker, can you give us a minute.” Delilah smiled, “It’ll be fine. John won’t be here long.”

  “You sure?”

  Delilah nodded, watching as Parker headed towards the back deck, “I’ll be just out back if you need something.”

  As soon as the backdoor closed, Delilah spun on her feet, glaring at John. “What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Here.” She gritted out each word.

  John reached out to take Delilah’s hand. She snatched it from him. She stormed passed him, spinning on her heel. “You have some nerve coming here.”

  “Delilah, I wanted to see you. I deserve a chance to tell you what happened.”

  “Tell me what happened? That’s rich, John. You were fucking another woman in our bed. What do you need to tell me that I didn’t already learn from that?”

  “It was a mistake. Can’t you give me another chance?”

  Delilah stopped, appraising the man in front of her. She didn’t feel an ounce of love for him, like she’d worried she might if she met him in person. “No… no, I don’t think so.”

  “It’s that guy, isn’t it?” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “Are you serious right now? No, John, it’s not that guy. And he has a name you know, Parker. His name is Parker.”

  “Whatever, Delilah. If it’s not him, then why won’t you give me a chance. We had something good.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. You had something good. I had nothing. I put my career on hold so you could become something great. And the whole time, you were cheating on me.”

  “No… It only happened recently. I wasn’t cheating on you long.”

  “Wow. John,” Delilah walked towards the door, “You wasted your time coming out here. Now you need to go.” She pulled the door open. “Please leave.”

  “You’re making a mistake, Delilah. No one will ever love you. I hope you’re happy being alone. Because that’s how you will be. Alone.” John stormed out the door, Delilah slammed it shut behind him. She covered her face with her hands, anger and sadness washed over her. She hadn’t even heard Parker come inside. It was his arms wrapping around her waist that broke her from her deep thoughts.

  “Parker.” She whispered as she turned to face him.

  “Delilah, are you ok?” Parker watched as the light he’d seen in her flicker behind her eyes.

  “Parker. I need to be alone.” Delilah pulled from his arms. “Please.”

  She grabbed the wooden box from the end table and stormed up the stairs, slamming her door. Flopping down on the bed, she pressed her face into her pillow and screamed. John showing up made her mad. It also confused her. She didn’t feel an ounce of love for him, yet – when she looked at Parker, a man she only knew for a month, her heart screamed for him. She drifted off to sleep, tears spilling onto her pillow as she gave into the exhaustion that fought to consume her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Parker pulled the front door closed and headed out. He wanted to talk to Delilah, but knew he needed to give her space. Hell, space is all he’d given her the last two weeks. Telling her that he loved her might have been the stupidest thing he’d ever done. But he did. He loved her. Somewhere over that last few weeks his heart and mind had come to the agreement that she was the one. Now he just needed to get her on board with the idea. He knew she loved him too, she was just afraid to let herself believe it. And then that tool John had shown up. Fuck. It took everything inside of Parker not to pummel his face. A woman like Delilah deserved to be loved and cherished. Not be cheated on and treated like a commodity.

  Parker went home and changed, he was due into work in a few hours, but seeing as Delilah shut him out, he decided to go in a little early to get his mind off things. He needed to focus on something else for a while, or he might just explode with the rage building inside him.

  Chapter 13

  Delilah knew she’d hurt Parker, but she needed time to understand what was happening. She’d only been in town for six weeks, so the feelings she was trying to make sense of scared the crap out of her. Part of her was still struggling with guilt. Guilt for not visiting Momma Belle… Guilt for wanting a man so soon after walking out on her engagement… Guilt for not having any idea what she was supposed to do now.

  After running some errands in town, Delilah sat at the kitchen table staring at the wooden box. What would the next one say? Would it be happy words or more disappointment? Snatching the next one out, Delilah tore through the envelope.


  I am not sure what to say. Everything you have done, from the time you were born until now, has made me proud. But I received news today that you were engaged. I presume to that useless man John. I know you think you’re in love, but I think you want to believe it’s love. Maybe it’s because you never had a father in your life, lord knows I tried to be both parents the best I could. I know you had questions about who your dad was, but your mom never told me who he was and then she was gone. I tried so many times to find out, but I came up short. Regardless, I am digressing. You are a remarkable woman, a woman who deserves so much more than what John gives you. You can’t see it, why would you. You’re blinded by false love. That man treats you as though you are beneath him. Forcing you to put your career on pause so he can find his own first. What kind of man does that? Not someone w
ho is in love.

  I know it doesn’t matter what I think. But I KNOW there is someone better for you. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. But you must learn this on your own. Just know, I’ll be here to catch you when you fall. Because I know he will break your heart. It’s only a matter of when. I hope it’s before you get married. Would make things so much easier for you. Either way, I’ll be here waiting for you. Until then, I love you baby girl.

  All my love,

  Momma Belle

  p.s. Don’t shy away from something good when the time comes. You deserve the best, Delilah.

  Momma Belle had known all along John wasn’t right for her. Delilah folded the paper up and tucked it back into the box. She laid her head down on the table, the tears flowing like a broken faucet. She wished Momma Belle was here now so she could ask her what to do. Delilah had no friends here anymore. Hell, she had no friends anywhere. John had truly isolated her from everyone and until now, she hadn’t realized it. Done feeling sorry for herself, she decided to go out. After a nice hot shower, she pulled on a pair of jeans and a cropped top. Slipping into her worn boots, Delilah grabbed her keys and headed out.

  A smile stretched across her face as she pulled into a parking spot. Downtown Florence was a picture frozen in time. The old buildings reminded her of something from decades ago. Slipping her phone and wallet into her back pocket, she headed towards AlaBrew – a local bar most of the college kids hung out at, but it would serve her purpose tonight. Because all she wanted to do was drink away her sadness.

  She’d been at the bar for a bit when a young man approached her. “Hello, I’m Jackson. I don’t recognize you, are you new to town?”

  Delilah turned to the handsome man propped against the bar next to her. He was attractive, but she didn’t feel the least bit interested. “Newish. I’m Delilah Greyson. My grandmother lived in St. Florian, I grew up here, but left after college.”

  “Ah, I see. Well, can I buy you a drink?”

  “Look, I’m not interested, but I appreciate the offer.” Delilah turned back towards the bartender. She’d drank quite a bit already, making the drive home a problem.

  “Who say’s I’m looking for something serious?” He brushed her hair off her shoulder.

  “Look,” Delilah jerked from his touch, “I said I wasn’t interested.”

  Chapter 14

  Parker had just finished assisting Florence PD on a call and was walking back towards his SUV. They’d rounded up about a dozen drunk frat boys and carted them off to jail after they decided it would be a good idea to streak through downtown. Parker wasn’t ready for what he saw inside AlaBrew. There, at the bar, was Delilah. And she looked as though she was having a hard time getting rid of a creep. Jerking the door open, Parker stormed passed the hostess.

  “Is there a problem here?” the anger in his voice made Delilah jump.

  “Parker.” She smiled, “No, Jackson was just telling me goodnight. Isn’t that right?”

  Jackson looked from her to Parker, “Um, yeah. Good night.” He bolted around Parker, bumping his shoulder as he did. Parker reached out and grabbed him by the arm.

  “I don’t want to see you around here harassing women again. Or you’ll be spending the night in a cell. You got me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Delilah couldn’t help the giggle that escaped. Parker had gone all alpha male on her. “Geez, Parker. I think he might have pissed himself. Why are you here anyway?”

  Parker pressed his hand to her cheek, “You’re drunk.”

  “Nah – just a bit buzzied.”

  “Buzzied? Delilah, you can’t drive. How’d you get here?”

  “I drove, duh.” She started to stand, tripping and falling into his hard chest. “Why do you have to be so damn sexy?” She pushed away from him, “God. I can’t think when you’re around.” Trying to walk pass him, Parker grabbed ahold of her wrist.

  “Wait. Let me take you home.”

  “No. I can get an Uber.”

  “Um… you do remember where you are right? An Uber isn’t going to take you all the way home from here. Hell, I don’t even know if Uber is out here.”

  “Fine.” Delilah stormed out of the bar, stopping on the sidewalk. “But I am not riding in the back.”

  Parker shook his head, “I wouldn’t dream of sticking you in the backseat. Come on,” he tugged her hand into his, “I’m parked over here.” Parker radioed into dispatch, telling them he would be tied up for a couple of hours. He opened the passenger door and helped her inside. Shutting the door, he rested his head against the cool metal frame. This woman was going to be the death of him.

  “Why’d you come out to get drunk, Delilah?” He steered the car towards her house, watching her out of the corner of his eye as he drove.

  “Momma Belle knew my engagement would fail.”

  “What?” Parker turned to look at her, “What do you mean she knew?”

  “Don’t play stupid, Parker. I know you and she were close. I am sure she told you all about how she was disappointed in me for being with John.”

  “Delilah, your grandmother loved you. All she ever talked about was how proud she was of you, and how she wished you’d see how much more you deserved. Hell, her admiration and love are what made me fall for you so easily.”

  “I’m a screw up, Parker. You deserve someone who has their shit together.”

  “Nah… I know what I want. And you do have your shit together. Maybe you need to use your time to write again. Isn’t that what you wanted – before John stole your passion?”

  Delilah let his word soak in. Maybe he was right. Perhaps she just needed to start somewhere. And with all the money Momma Belle had left her, she didn’t need to work. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

  They pulled into the driveway, Parker parked and hopped out before Delilah could say anything. He pulled her door open and helped her out.

  “Thanks for the ride. I guess you need to get back to work.”

  “Not yet, I told them I’d be out of service for an hour. Let me help you inside.”

  Delilah hurried up the steps, pushing the door open and rushing inside. Parker closed the door behind them, “Why don’t you sit down and let me get you some water. You need to hydrate after drinking alcohol.”

  “Geez, it’s not like I’m drunk. You’re the one who insisted I let you drive me home, but I'm ok, Parker.”

  She flopped down on the couch and watched as Parker removed his gun belt and set it on the table. He filled a glass with water and carried it to her.

  “Thanks,” she pressed the glass to her lips, watching him over the edge as she drank. The cool liquid slid down her throat, barley dampening the burning desire she felt in her chest. She set the glass down and stood, pressing her hand to his shoulder, “Parker.” Pressing her lips to his, she melded into his body. His hands wound around her waist, holding her still and he gave into the kiss.

  “Wait,” he pushed back, “Delilah, you’ve had too much to drink. I should go.” He stepped around her, grabbing his gun belt from the table and put it on.

  “You’re leaving?” Delilah watched in confusion.

  “Yes. Look, I want you. But I want you to be sure you want this – me. So sober up and call me tomorrow. I’ll take you to get your car.”

  Delilah stood, unsure what to say as he walked out of her house. She was sure he wanted her, and sure, she’d been drinking, but she wasn’t drunk. Angry at herself, she ran upstairs and threw herself onto the bed. How in the hell had her life taken such a fucked-up turn? Between the alcohol and tears, Delilah gave into sleep.

  Chapter 15

  Parker was pissed. Delilah didn’t understand how much he wanted her – and not for just a night either. He parked his SUV at the station and got out. He was going to avoid her at all costs. She needed to get her head on straight and decide if she was willing to give him a chance… a real one.

  “Parker.” The chief called out to him.

  “Yeah, Chief?” />
  “Can you work over?”

  “Sure. I can stay as long as you need. I’m off tonight anyway.” Parker was relieved to have something to take his mind off Delilah. He needed to stay busy or he would drive over there and make an ass of himself.

  Parker headed towards the locker room. He needed a shower to cool his body down. His nerves were still on fire from their encounter. It had taken everything in him to shut her down and walk away from that kiss. God, he wanted her. But it was more than want… he was sure he was in love with her. And until she pulled her head out of her ass, he was going to stay away.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Delilah woke with a pounding headache. She didn’t drink that much, but it was enough to leave her regretting her actions. The memory of kissing Parker, him pushing her away and storming out, flashed in her eyes. Slowly she stood and padded to the shower. She needed to figure out how she was going to get her car. Too embarrassed to call Parker, she texted him. Only to have him text back saying he’d have Jed get her car and bring it to her. Disappointment filled her gut, he was mad and obviously avoiding her now.

  After her shower, she found herself wandering the house. Glancing out at the barn she decided to get Ed out and take him for a ride. It’d been weeks since she’d saddled him or spent any time with him. Part of her was still mourning the fact he was the only animal left on the farm.

  “Hey, old boy.” Delilah patted his snout, running her fingers through his brown mane. She slipped his saddle on and led him out of the barn by his bridle. Slipping her foot into the stirrup, she slung her leg over his back and settled into the leather seat. “Alright, fella. How about we take a ride.” She kicked his side, spurring him into action. She guided him towards the path that would take them along Shoal Creek. There was only a short distance where she could safely ride him close to the water, then they’d head into the woods. She only hoped the path was still passable, otherwise this was going to be a hell of a ride. They made it to the water’s edge without any issue, Delilah relished in the feel of the suns warmth, a smile on her face for what felt like the first time in weeks. Her mind wandered to Parker. He was everything she imagined Momma Belle would want for her, yet she was terrified of letting another man in, especially so soon after ending her relationship with John. Once they reached the end of the riverbank, Delilah guided him towards the path. Ed began running faster, making Delilah nervous. Even though they were still on her property, she knew they’d traveled far from the house. “Whoa, boy. We aren’t in a race.” Delilah pulled on the reins, trying to slow him down, but something had spooked him, causing him to rear back. Delilah tried to hold on, but he was frantic and bounced her from the saddle. She fell to the ground with a thud, landing on her arm. “Shit! ED!” He took off, leaving her in pain on the worn path.


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