Ravishing Royals Box Set: Books 1 - 5

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Ravishing Royals Box Set: Books 1 - 5 Page 87

by Holly Rayner

  “Mom’s turning into a girl,” David said.

  When Ashley turned and looked up at Matteo, fireworks ignited in his chest.

  “Oh, come on now. I’ve always been a girl,” Ashley said, doing that thing where she brushed her hair behind her ear. He noticed that she did that when she was nervous, and a part of him liked making her nervous. It meant that somewhere in her, in a place she hadn’t yet fully shown him, she cared what he thought.

  “You look lovely,” he said.

  “Thank you, Matteo,” Ashley said, casting a pointed look at her son. “See? That is how you compliment someone.”

  “You look lovely,” David said, using Matteo’s tone and inflection.

  Ashley and Matteo laughed as Ashley held out her hand, and David took it before bowing.

  “Aren’t you a prince!” she said.

  “I wish!” David said.

  The silence that followed was as loaded as ever. Matteo brushed past it and held open the door.

  “Shall we?” he asked.

  The three of them made their way down the hall to the driveway, where a black car with tinted windows waited, the driver ready with the door held open. They all slid inside and enjoyed the quick drive to a beautiful gilded amphitheater.

  “The gold is replaced every few years, to keep the shine,” Matteo said.

  He loved watching Ashley and David marvel at the world he knew so well. It felt good to share it with someone that could truly appreciate it in a way he and his family really couldn’t. To them this had been normal, and it took Matteo quite a while to realize that his life was, in fact, very unusual indeed.

  The car stopped alongside the building, and the driver opened the door for them once again. Matteo led the way inside, where he kept a steady eye on Ashley as she took in the golden statues that surrounded the theater, which was filled with row upon row of cushioned red seats.

  “This is awesome!” David said. He took off down the row and ran between each length of seating as Ashley and Matteo headed toward the front.

  “How about here?” Matteo asked, gesturing to the front row, right in the middle.

  “Looks good to me,” Ashley said.

  They sat side by side, her leg gently resting against his. The red curtains opened and a gorgeous woman nodded to them before the music started, and she belted out a beautiful tune. Transfixed, David picked a seat and watched her with fascination. Matteo glanced over at Ashley and, feeling bold, he reached over and took her hand in his. She glanced at him in surprise, but she didn’t remove her hand from his.

  Silvio’s words echoed through his head. He didn’t want Ashley and David to be some dirty little secret. He didn’t want to keep sneaking around with them to hide from the press. He wanted Ashley to be discovered on his arm, so he could show her off to the entire world.

  He leaned close enough to whisper in her ear.

  “There is a royal ball scheduled for tomorrow evening,” he murmured.

  “That sounds fun,” she said, gazing up at him.

  He dove into the depths of her eyes, his hand still laced with hers.

  “Come with me. As my date.”

  She searched his gaze, and he saw the wheels turning in her mind. Ashley was no fool. She knew the implications of a public appearance, and what it would mean. It would effectively change her life forever, and he was asking her to take a leap.

  With him.

  “Yes. I would like that very much,” she whispered back.

  His heart soared at her words, and he grinned. He nearly grasped her face and kissed her then and there, but with David so close by, he couldn’t without confusing the boy and possibly upsetting him. Just then, David ran back to them and plopped into the seat next to Matteo, who gently removed his hand from Ashley’s.

  “She’s really good,” David stage-whispered.

  The singer on stage, a very famous local performer, was being a good sport about their conversation while she sang. When she finished, the three of them clapped voraciously, and she bowed, her dress swooping beneath her in an elegant sweep.

  “Oh my, that reminds me,” Ashley said. When she looked up at him, her eyes were filled with concern.

  “I don’t think I packed a dress that would be suitable for a royal ball. I might need to do some shopping with Carlotta tomorrow. She’s been giving me some pretty amazing fashion advice.”

  Matteo fought the urge to reach for her hand again, instead leaning back in his chair a bit.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. We’ll make sure that you’re covered.”

  “Covered in what?” David asked.

  “Shh, she’s about to start again,” Ashley said.

  David listened as he turned his little face up toward the stage. The singer started a new song, and Matteo watched David carefully as the boy recognized the operatic version of one of his favorite songs.

  “That’s from my favorite show!” he said. “It sounds so much better this way!”

  He sang quietly along, and Matteo stretched his arms around the seats on either side, wrapping Ashley and David as close as he dared.

  Soon enough he could ask her to dance, and he very much looked forward to holding her in his arms.

  Chapter 17


  Ashley sat in front of a mirror as a makeup artist carefully worked on her eyeliner. Behind her, a stylist was twisting a curling iron, pinning up her hair into romantic curls as she sipped on a glass of water.

  David ran out from his room and sighed.

  “Are you still doing your makeup?” he asked, plopping down on a sofa near the makeshift beauty salon.

  Ashley turned her head to look at him, only to have it replaced by the stylist with a firm twist. She met his gaze in the mirror instead.

  “It takes time for a woman to prepare for a royal event,” she said. It was certainly something she never thought she’d say, but at that point it felt as though anything was possible.

  David sulked a little deeper into the sofa.

  “I wish I could go,” he mumbled, crossing his arms.

  “Oh, come now. David, come here,” she said, holding out her hand.

  He stood and placed his hand in hers.

  “You would be so bored at this event. It’s just a bunch of stuffy grown-ups eating food you probably wouldn’t like anyway,” she said, hoping that she was downplaying it enough. For her part, she’d never been more excited to do anything in her entire life.

  “What are you going to be eating?” he asked.

  “Snails,” the stylist said in a thick accent.

  David’s nose scrunched as he considered that, and he released Ashley’s hand.

  “I think I’ll stick with pizza, thanks.”

  The door opened, and a woman peered inside. The sporadic streaks of gray in her dark hair indicated that she was a bit older, though she was devoid of wrinkles, so not that old.

  “Hello, is this the party room?” she asked.

  “No,” David said. “This is the getting ready room.”

  “Oh,” the lady said with a confused frown. “I suppose you won’t want this, then?”

  She stepped in and pulled the door wide open behind her. Two men wheeled in an entire cart full of games. Every classic game Ashley had played as a child had to be on the cart, and she glanced over at David as he took in the sight.

  “Also, where should we bring these decorations?” the lady asked.

  Two more men walked in with handfuls of balloons. One of them handed a note to David, who looked at it for a moment before he walked over to his mother, handing it to her. Ashley opened the note and read it aloud.

  “Dear David, please accept my apologies for borrowing your mother for the evening. In exchange, I hope I can make it up to you by providing a nice friend named Mrs. Lioni and all the games and pizza you could possibly desire. I hope this can keep you busy while we are away. Your friend, Matteo,” Ashley read.

  “Matteo’s the best!” David said. He ran over
to the cart of games as the woman who initially knocked joined Ashley at her mirror.

  “I am Mrs. Lioni,” she said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I have been a nanny for many years, on top of raising my own children, and it is my greatest joy. I would be happy to watch over David this evening, if it suits you.”

  “Thank you very much,” Ashley said, beaming. Matteo really was thoughtful, wasn’t he? And handsome, and kind, and intelligent, and so kissable…

  “It is no trouble. I will be happy to play games with young David for the evening, and I would love to know his bedtime routine, to stay consistent.”

  “I appreciate that,” Ashley said. “He’s in bed by eight at the latest, seven if you can get him in, but I have a feeling tonight will be a little special.”

  “As you wish. I will make sure his teeth are brushed and his hands are clean,” Mrs. Lioni said.

  Ashley repressed a grin at her seriousness. It seemed strange when paired with a cart of games and loads of balloons…like a frowning circus clown.

  “Thank you,” Ashley said.

  Mrs. Lioni nodded and walked over to join David, inviting him to play one of the games. As the two of them sat down at a table to set up, the makeup artist removed the cape from Ashley’s neck.

  “You are ready to be dressed now, miss,” she said.

  Ashley turned her head to admire the makeup and hair. It was hard to recognize herself, though she still managed to seem somewhat normal in her jeans and button-down shirt. The stylist led the way to her bedroom, where the makeup artist had placed a box she brought with her earlier that day. Ashley hadn’t had a chance to open it until now.

  She reached down and pulled at a delicate lace bow, tugging it off the long white box. As she pulled the lid off, she gasped.

  She’d never seen anything like it.

  The dress was a deep red color, with one sleeve and a scooped neckline that was sure to display her bosom just a little bit. It wasn’t indecent, though. The dress was floor-length, and as she held it up the bottom swished against the floor.

  How could Matteo know so much about women’s fashion?

  “Princess Carlotta was a big help, I was told,” the stylist said, reading Ashley’s expression. She helped Ashley out of her clothing and into the gown, zipping it up from the back. Outside her window, the sun was sinking fast behind the horizon, casting a golden glow all around the room. When Ashley stepped in front of her full-length mirror, she could hardly believe this was her life.

  She looked like a princess.

  All that was missing was…

  “And the final touch,” the stylist said, delicately placing a golden ringlet of flowers on Ashley’s head.

  It was the perfect final touch. Ashley turned and grasped the hand of her makeup artist and the stylist.

  “Thank you both so much,” she said.

  They nodded, smiling with approval at their work.

  “Have a lovely evening, miss. We can’t wait to see the pictures.”

  With that, they walked out and began packing up their mobile fashion station. Ashley turned and met her gaze in the mirror again.

  Matteo had asked her to be his date to a royal ball. Could that mean that maybe he was interested in being more than a co-parent? As much as Ashley felt a connection between them, she couldn’t shake the fear that his kindness toward her was a courtesy, done for his son’s happiness, as he did so many other things for David.

  She inhaled and grabbed at her skirts, stepping into a pair of matching heels before she clicked back out into the sitting room. David and Mrs. Lioni were deep into a game of battleship, and David barely glanced up as she approached.

  “Hi, Mom. I’m going to win,” he said.

  “I’m sure you will,” she said, amused. She could be wearing a potato sack, and David would hardly notice. She liked that about him—he loved her for who she was, and nothing else mattered.

  A gentle knock at the door stole her attention, but when no one came in after, she went to the portal and opened it. Matteo stood in the hall, dressed in a sleek black and white tuxedo, which was decorated with several colorful pins. His sea-green eyes took her in from head to foot, then back again as he met her gaze, speechless.

  Now that reaction was more like it.

  “Ashley, you look…”

  She waited for him to elaborate. When he didn’t seem able to find the words, she lifted up onto her toes and pressed a delicate kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you for the gown, and for making sure David has entertainment for the evening.”

  “Of course,” he said, clearing his throat. “I hope he liked my delivery?”

  “Come see for yourself,” Ashley said, gesturing inside.

  Matteo peeked in, where David was dancing from his recent victory. The pair walked over to the sitting area and Matteo grinned.

  “I’m glad you’re having a nice time. Mrs. Lioni is a wonderful person, and she will make sure you’re all set for the night while I steal your mother away,” Matteo said.

  David glanced up at the two of them.

  “I think my night is going to be a little better than yours. I don’t have to eat snails.”

  Matteo cast a curious glance at Ashley.


  “Yeah,” she said. “We’re eating snails while David gets to eat pizza. Isn’t that a bummer for us?”

  “Ah, yes,” Matteo said, catching on. “Well, we’ll leave you to it.”

  “Bye! Don’t bring any snails back here!” David said.

  Ashley and Matteo chuckled as he reached for her hand and wrapped it around his arm, closing the door behind them. The hallway was suddenly very quiet as the two of them walked side by side. In fact, Matteo was unusually quiet, which made Ashley feel nervous. She bit her lip as she glanced up at him.

  “I hope…” she began, not sure how to finish her statement.

  He glanced down and squeezed her hand with his.

  “What is it that you hope?” he asked.

  “I hope that you don’t regret asking me to join you this evening,” she said.

  His eyes widened and he pulled her a little closer.

  “Absolutely not. I always feel a bit nervous walking into these things, if I’m honest. I’m not quite certain I’ll ever be able to fill my father’s shoes, in the eyes of these people.”

  He was nervous. Ashley couldn’t believe it. When it came to matters of state, Matteo always seemed so capable, so collected. Every time Silvio or another advisor approached him with an issue, he dealt with it decisively. To think that he was just as nervous as she was…well. It made him that much more human.

  That much more lovable.

  She held tight to his arm as he walked down a part of the palace she hadn’t yet visited. The long hallway led to a doorway, and Ashley could hear instrumental music playing on the other side. Matteo stopped just outside the door, where a man in uniform informed them it would be just a moment.

  Whatever that meant.

  The music behind the door stopped, and Ashley heard what sounded like many chairs scraping against the floor. Her stomach fluttered, and Matteo gripped her hand a little tighter. At least they could rely on one another. It was an unusual feeling for Ashley, but as she spent more time with Matteo, she had certainly learned to enjoy having a partner to lean on.

  “His Majesty, Matteo Endrizzi, King of Golina!”

  The announcement was muffled from behind the door, which swiftly opened, and Ashley blinked in the light of the enormous ballroom. Crystal chandeliers lit the massive space, which was furnished with many round tables, all of them completely filled with finely dressed people. A small stage held the quintet, which was still silent as Matteo stepped into the room and nodded magnanimously at those they passed.

  “Julio, good to see you,” he said to a young man that nodded as they passed.

  “Liza, hello. Thank you so much for coming,” he said.

  A lovely woman with striking blond hair nodded
to him, then cast Ashley a curious glance. In fact, many people were staring at her, their gazes boring into her from every angle as Matteo led the way to a pair of empty seats at a table near the front of the room. Carlotta was already seated there, along with a group of others Ashley hadn’t met before. Matteo stood behind his chair, waved to the room, and then took a seat.

  Everyone else in the ballroom followed suit.

  It became a little less uncomfortable after that. The music began to play, and Ashley noticed that Matteo’s shoulders relaxed a bit now that the full attention of everyone present wasn’t on him.

  Carlotta spoke up first. “Ashley, this is my date, Gio Fiore. He’s a big-name designer here in Golina. If you want, we can all get together sometime and talk fashion,” she said.

  Ashley shook hands with the eloquently dressed designer, then looked back at Carlotta.

  “I hear you’re to thank for my own fashion tonight,” she said, casting a sideways glance at Matteo. His expression was unreadable as he gazed down at her, and she wondered what was going on inside his mind. Their conversation usually flowed so easily, and yet tonight it was as though he struggled to put two words together.

  “Actually, that piece in particular is one of Gio’s,” Carlotta said, gesturing to her date, who nodded.

  “Yes, I believe the neckline and the shoulder are a perfect match for your body. It wears on you quite nicely,” Gio said, and Ashley was pretty sure it was a compliment.

  “What do you think, brother? He did have some say in the dress selection, but I’m glad we were there to help out,” Carlotta said with a small grin.

  “I think I am always happy to trust my sister when it comes to style of any kind,” Matteo said.

  A line of waiters appeared and set a delectable scented soup before each guest. Conversation dwindled a bit as the food came in several different courses. The soup was followed by a delicious salad, and, contrary to what Ashley had told her son, they were not served snails, but rather a delicate quail dish. The meat was juicy and succulent, perfectly seasoned, and Ashley did her best not to scarf it down like she would have in her living room. Instead she used her fork to lift each bite to her lips, occasionally catching Matteo’s eye and smiling at him with as much encouragement as she could muster.


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