Eli (Devil's Flame MC Book 3)

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Eli (Devil's Flame MC Book 3) Page 8

by Romi Hart

  * * *

  Aurora turned into the parking lot at the Devil’s Flames clubhouse, having come straight from the gym dressed in her typical yoga wardrobe. Her nails glinted beautifully as she sauntered toward the entrance, making her feel unusually feminine. She loved dressing like a wild child, but some days, she just needed the softer side, and she hoped it wasn’t a turn off , especially to one man in particular.

  Stepping inside, she glanced around the room, finding it empty except for a bartender she didn’t recognize, and Rocky and Harrison sitting at the opposite end of the bar. She waved and started toward them, feeling more welcome than usual by Rocky’s broad, boyish grin and Harrison’s nod. She had the feeling Harrison didn’t approve of just any chick who walked through the door.

  “Hey, dollface,” Rocky greeted.

  “Have either of you seen Eli?” Rory asked. Harrison nodded again, quirking a brow, but it was Rocky who spoke.

  “Yeah, he’s been at the strip joint a lot lately,” he commented. Rory’s heart stuttered, and she struggled to maintain her cool. The strip club?

  “Oh? What club?” she asked, keeping her voice level despite her inner panic. Was that the kind of women Eli wanted? Feeling disgusted that she’d let him touch her, she waited for an answer.

  Rocky opened his mouth, but Harrison kicked him and shot him a warning look. “You might want check his bunk room,” Harrison told her.

  “Why is that?” she asked, glancing at the bartender, who slid a shot of whiskey in front of her with a silent nod. She lifted the glass and shot it quickly, placing it back down. She glanced back and forth between the two bikers she knew, but they weren’t going to say anything. Rocky looked distressed, and Harrison maintained that stoic, unreadable expression he typically had but wouldn’t meet her eyes. Flustered, Rory turned toward the corridor and Eli’s bunk. Approaching the door, she raised her fist timidly, hesitating a moment before she knocked, a little heavier and more insistently than she meant to, calling through the barrier, “Eli?”

  “Yeah?” he replied, shadows flickering through the small crack between the door and the floor. She heard footsteps and stepped back, waiting apprehensively.

  The door swung open, and Eli’s bright eyes met with Rory’s, but movement drew her gaze away, past him to the two scantily clad women lying on his mattress behind him,

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, stepping out and closing the door behind him, the two gawking redhead twins straining their necks to stare until it clicked shut

  Rory tried to maintain her cool, but she could add, and one plus two equaled one hell of a kinky sex life. “What the hell were you doing in there?” she asked, pointing at the door, anger consuming her along with rabid jealousy that she couldn’t control.

  “You’re not supposed to be here, Rory. Who let you back here?” Eli demanded.

  “Excuse me? You welcomed me back here yourself just a couple of days ago. Now, you’re going to ask about who allowed me back here? Obviously, I bought into your little song and dance about not having time for a relationship and just wanting to keep it casual. Well, I can clearly see what’s got you so tied up!” Rory blurted out, stepping back as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You know these rooms are off limits to everyone except the club members and their old ladies, don’t you? And last I checked, you’re neither,” pointed out. The words stung, especially as he completely ignored what she had to say. He motioned up and down the hall, continuing, “All of these rooms are reserved for club business and affairs and you might be a friend of the club, but that doesn’t give you VIP access to come bursting in whenever the hell you feel like it, Rory.”

  Rory scoffed. “Bullshit, you lying dick! You’re going to tell me that’s club business going on in there? Not unless you’re paying those whores with club money! You just don’t want to admit that you’re fucking around with whatever you can lay your hands on. You didn’t want me to interfere. You just wanted to add me to your laundry list of fuck buddies, and it was a bonus that I offered the sex for free. What I can’t believe is that I fell for it. Why the hell should I expect any different when you acted like a complete asshole from the moment I met you!” Her blood boiled from humiliation, and her head spun with anger and indignation. Eli closed his eyes squeezed the bridge of his nose, his jaw muscle twitching.

  “I don’t have the time for this shit. Who let you back here?” he asked again. “I gave implicit instructions not to interrupt my meeting.”

  Meeting. That was rich. “Who the hell do you think sent me back here, Eli? You’ve got three guesses, since there are only three people here. I came looking for you because we hadn’t called each other in days. Which, I can see now why you didn’t bother to call me. I mean, what’s the point? You’ve clearly got your hands full with those two sluts just waiting to take a ride on your dick.”

  “I specifically told you that we weren’t together and not to have expectations. I tried to let you down nicely, but you didn’t listen, did you? I knew you were going to be a problem for me. I haven’t called because I’ve been fucking busy. With shit you couldn’t even begin to understand, shit even Leigh doesn’t understand. You think this life is just chrome and leather and sex, but you’re wrong. We run a business, and that business is our lives. There’s a lot more at stake than your delicate sensitivities or misconceptions. And a hell of a lot more than petty arguments.”

  “Oh, come on! Do you sell that script to every bitch who looks your way? I don’t buy it. It’s just another excuse to go getting your rocks off wherever the hell you want with whomever the hell you want, whenever the fancy strikes. Just like every other jerkoff who goes through women like tissue paper.” She was seething now. “Have fun with your twins. I’m out of here.”

  She stomped off, heading straight for the club’s front door. As she made way through the bar she waved at Harrison and called, “Thanks for the head’s up, Harrison.” She opened the door, stepping out into the night, wishing it was cooler. Her rage had her body on fire, and she at least would have appreciated a breeze to help calm her.

  She shook her head in disbelief as she yanked her car door open. So much for luck being on her side. She’d been so stupid all this time, chasing after Eli when he didn’t want anything to do with her and then letting him take advantage of her. And she’d even bought into his bullshit about casual sex and not having time for more. All she wanted to do now was get as far away from the Devil’s Flames’ clubhouse as possible

  And hopefully never lay eyes on that son of a bitch Eli ever again.


  Eli slammed the door shut behind him, glancing back at Ginger and Scarlett with a scowl, running his hands through his hair in exasperation. “I think you two should probably head on out. I’ve got something else to deal with.” He pointed toward the door. “The Ravens aren’t going to get anywhere near you before we make a move. I’m going to beef up security at the strip club, and if you two need sanctuary, we’ll get you and the kids to a safehouse till this is over. For now, just go about business as usual. I’ll have the prospects keep tabs on you if it makes you feel safer.” Eli rushed through the explanation of why he’d brought them back, anxious to get them out of the bunk room and on their way.

  “Who was that?” Scarlett asked, eyes narrowed. She’d obviously heard the exchange outside the door, and Eli was surprised that neither she nor Ginger had anything to say about the names Rory had called them.

  “Just a friend who needs some help. It’s nothing, trust me.” He tried to brush off the question, hoping they wouldn’t ask anymore and would just get out, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he realized Rory was probably a lost cause. He knew what this looked like, and he had been so flustered he hadn’t explained the situation. Which was stupid. And this was exactly why he didn’t want to get involved with anyone in the first place.

  Damn it, the girl had managed to get under his skin.

  “Okay, if you need us you know where to
find us,” Ginger offered, pulling Scarlett up from the mattress and moving swiftly toward the door. “For the record, Eli, if you’re seeing someone, and helping us is gonna be an issue, we can find new muscle?”

  “No, don’t do that. You have the entire MC at your disposal, and that’s not changing. I’ve kept you safe for a while now. Do you think I’m just going to give up?” he asked.

  “Come on, Ginger. Let’s just mind our own business,” Scarlett stated. “And let’s clear out of here so Eli can handle his.”

  Eli jogged out of the clubhouse, his shoulders sagging as he watched Rory’s car flying down the road, coming up on the curve nearly half a mile away already. He couldn’t believe what had just happened, and worse, the way he’d reacted to the situation. Rory now thought the worst of him, that he was a womanizing, lying bastard, and it was all Harrison’s fault. Turning on his heel, Eli stormed back into the bar,

  “Harrison!” he hollered, fuming as he stomped toward his club brother, ready to roll heads. “What the fuck were you doing, sending Rory back to my bunk without my permission?”

  “She asked for you. And you seemed perfectly happy to entertain her in your bunk last time she was here.” Harrison pinned him with a challenging expression, which only fueled the fire growing inside him.

  “You bastard, you knew I was in a meeting, dealing with the shit at the strip club, and sending Aurora back there while the strippers were here was bound to be a disaster. If you ever stick your nose in my god damned business again, Devil’s Flames or not, I’m going to beat your pretty boy face to a bloody pulp. Do you get me?” Eli roared.

  “Whoa, that’s enough boys,” Rafe stated, hopping from his stool and stepping between the two of them, “Harrison, you know better than that. You stir things up all the time, seem to get off on the drama you create. You knew exactly what would happen.”

  “Oh, hell, Rafe! Eli and Rory have been causing drama for the past couple of weeks. Eli’s been a jackass to her, and she still came hunting him down. And he finally caved the other night. You should have been here, the noise keeping us all awake. So, here she comes asking for him, and I couldn’t help it. It was a wake up call. Eli should have kept Rory on a tight leash. She’s worth far more than some dumb ruby headed pole ornament.”

  “I just told you.” Eli hissed through clenched teeth, balling up his fist as he willfully stepped back. Turning to his VP, he gritting out, “Rafe, tell him to mind his business and watch his tongue.”

  Rafe placed his left palm flat against Eli’s chest with a patient look, then glanced at Harrison and pointed to the door. “Harrison, you and Rocky go for a ride. Head out to Chapel Hill, where Eli saw those Ravens. See if you find anything. Now.”

  Rocky jumped up and headed toward the door, taking the hint and not needing to be told twice. He came over to Harrison, putting a hand gently on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “Come on, bro, we’ve got better shit to do than fight amongst ourselves.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Harrison muttered, still glaring at Eli before turning and walking past Rafe.

  Once he was out the door, Rafe stepped out of the way and waved Eli toward a table at the back. “Come on, we need to talk.”

  Eli shook his head. “It’s gonna have to wait until later, bro. I need to catch up to Rory before she does something stupid,” Eli muttered.

  “Do I detect a little guilt?” Rafe asked.

  Eli grunted and sighed. “No, but Harrison just set me up to look like a total player, like I get my rocks off all the time with random women. And I guarantee Rory thinks I’m hiring hookers to entertain,” Eli ranted, pissed that she had gotten the wrong impression and kicking his own ass for not doing anything to show her otherwise.

  “If you don’t really like her why does it even matter?” Rafe asked, quirking a brow at him.

  “Because I don’t appreciate the betrayal! And I don’t want anyone screwing around with my reputation. What’s that say about Harrison? How can we expect his loyalty if he’s willing to make anyone look shitty for a good laugh? Now, Rory thinks I’m a creep, and she’s going to tell Leigh, who’s going to talk to Zeke, and they’re all going to be on my ass when I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You know Harrison’s not a traitor, Eli. Come on, chill out,” Rafe told him.

  “Maybe not, but he knew damn well what I was doing back there, and he knew I didn’t want to be interrupted at all. He sent Rory back there to poke the bull,” Eli insisted.

  “Is that the real reason you’re angry, Eli? Because Harrison played a joke that turned into a disaster? Or is it the disaster itself that has you so riled up? I mean, Rory’s hot. If I was still single, like Harrison, I might make a play for her. And the best way to start is to put a wedge between the two of you,” Rafe mused.

  Eli didn’t like it. “She’s not into Harrison. Or anyone else.” He shook his head. “I just can’t believe Harrison pulled this shit. I don’t know how I’m going to fix this in time for Zeke’s ceremony.”

  “If you say so, Eli.” Rafe released a long breath as he began to walk away. “Be careful riding, and let us know if you see anything out of place while you’re out tonight.”

  “Sure,” Eli groused, frustrated. He was overwhelmed with aggravation and guilt. This was why he didn’t deal with women anymore. If you gave them an inch, they took a mile. Every single time. They got all twisted up and thought they had a claim on you, so they got jealous over nothing.

  Mounting his bike, fingers gripping the handlebars tightly, he revved the engine to life. What was he going to say to Rory when he finally caught up to her? Would it even make a difference if he did? And both Rafe and Harrison had asked the million dollar question. Why did he care so much what Rory thought of him?

  He flexed his hands, still beating himself up for not explaining the circumstances. He wasn’t sure of anything, but he knew that leaving the clubhouse right now was the best choice, or else Harrison might have ended up with his teeth on the floor, scattered after Eli did a little dental work on him. Harrison deserved it. Everyone knew he took business with the strip club seriously, and that was the reason they’d all agreed that he was the best man in the club to handle it.

  He wasn’t the one who kept company with sex workers on the regular, had never paid for a sex act in his life. And besides, these were strippers, not prostitutes. He didn’t know about some of the other girls, but Ginger and Scarlett danced. They didn’t have a side hustle, turning tricks. With a swallow to stop the scream of frustration and rage that was building inside, he took off, leaving a trail of dust behind him.

  * * *

  He rode for hours, his bike taking a turn with the slightest drift as he flew through the Chicane. If there was one thing he truly appreciated, it was a nice brisk night ride. The feeling of the wind blowing across his face and through his hair was meditative, cleared his mind and eased his soul like nothing else. Tonight, it dawned on him that maybe that was why Rory wanted a ride or die so desperately. It did seem like that aspect might appeal to a woman who, from what he knew, was obsessed with all the metaphysical and energy that were a part of the universe which was often ignored or misunderstood.

  Eli felt like one of the misguided people who hadn’t learned these things. He’d never really understood the whole purpose of yoga other than believing it was a combination of exercise and meditation. Or something like that. Considering the muddled melee in Rory’s apartment, he thought maybe he’d failed to give her the benefit of the doubt and had made snap judgments.

  He had turned around without thinking about it, almost on autopilot, and found himself rolling onto Aurora’s street. It was late, but as he pulled into her parking lot and gazed up at her apartment, the light was on. Hopefully, that meant she was still awake. “I guess it’s showtime.”

  He parked the bike at an angle in a space just in front of her building and shut it down, resting it on the kickstand and dismounting. He sighed heavily, trying to clear his mind of all
the negative thoughts that kept flashing through it. Climbing the stairs toward Rory’s front door, a strange sensation crawled over him, sending a shiver down his spine. Shaking it off, he stepped up and sucked in a quick breath, knocked on the door, and waited.

  The door cracked open, and one eye peered out at him. He could see the door chain was still fastened as her eyes met with his and instantly registered disgust. “What the fuck are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?”

  Eli nodded. “It’s after midnight, I know. And I’m sorry. But what I need to talk to you about doesn’t operate on normal hours. You’re awake, so it can’t wait.”

  “Whatever it is, I don’t need to hear it. Any of it,” she retorted.

  “Maybe not, but I came over to talk to you because you’ve got it all wrong. And I was just as much of a horse’s ass as ever for hammering you instead of explaining. Can I please come in?” he asked. Rory groaned, and for a minute, as the door closed, he thought she was going to send him away. Then, he heard the lock chain open, and she opened the door wide enough for him to enter.

  “Don’t expect any Southern Hospitality.” She waited for him to walk into the house. Eli strode in and headed for the kitchen table, deigning it the most appropriate place for a conversation. Not too intimate but forcing rapt attention. This was going to be a long discussion that neither of them really wanted to have, and he felt the table would be the most comfortable spot to get through the grueling process. He sat down and waited for Rory to follow, tapping his fingertips against the wooden top as he waited.

  “What was so crucial you had to come knocking on my door this late at night?” Rory asked as she placed her hand on her hip and looked down at him.

  “First of all, Harrison shouldn’t have sent you back to the bunkrooms alone, without an escort. That aside, what you saw was not what you accused me of. I don’t hire hookers, and I don’t sleep around. You’re the first woman I’ve touched in a very long time.” She scoffed and started to interrupt him, but he held up a hand to stop her. “I’m not finished.”


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