His Candy Cane

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His Candy Cane Page 3

by S. E. Law

“We’re going to do some stretching because before you work out, you should always stretch. Otherwise, the risk of injury is higher, and you could seriously pull a muscle.”

  I can feel her temperature skyrocket as those large breasts quiver.

  “Oh yes, of course,” she babbles a little. “Stretching. Definitely.”

  With that, she pulls one knee up to her chest, squashing her generous bosom with the back of one thigh. I almost groan and my hardness twitches as her creamy white flesh bulges from the side of her sports bra. Holy shit, this woman is bursting out of her clothes, and I’ve never wanted to see a woman nude as badly as I want to see Maisie. She must look like a goddess: wanton, fleshy and fertile.

  After all, I’m done with hardbodies. They come into my gym, with their stiff-as-rock muscles and eight-pack abs. But the thing is that women who look like that don’t appeal to me because they almost resemble men. I like females who are curvy and plush, with moist bits and giggly laughs. I like them soft and generous, with sweet smiles and a welcoming look in their eyes. By contrast, the alpha females who work out at Mr. P’s often have low voices from testosterone shots and bronzed muscles that feel like soda cans when you touch them.

  That doesn’t mean that they’re not women though. They still book me for personal training sessions, but I’m always very deferential and courteous during those sessions. I call them “Ma’am” or “Mrs. So-and-So” and avert my eyes whenever we do exercises involving the chest or groin. I also wear loose t-shirts and basketball shorts when working with my other female clients because I don’t want to give them the wrong idea.

  But somehow, I knew that Maisie was going to be different. When her mother called, I had a feeling deep in my gut that this curvy girl was going to be right up my alley, and sure enough, she is. I need to stay focused and professional, but unfortunately, the snake in my pants has a mind of its own. It’s stiffening and hardening, and goddamnit, but I think it’s already beginning to leak. Hopefully, the wet spot isn’t showing, otherwise my sweet customer is going to go running for the hills.

  “Mr. P, am I doing this right?” Maisie asks while lifting her knee to her chest and squeezing it tight. “Should I do the same thing with my other leg?”

  I shake my head.

  “Let me help you get a better stretch,” I say, taking her calf in one hand. “Now extend your leg, and let me press it over your shoulder.”

  We get into a very close position where we’re almost face to face despite the fact that I have her outstretched left leg in both of my hands. Slowly, I press it backwards, and she moans at the delicious stretch.

  “Oooh, I can feel that in the area behind me knee,” she squeals. “It’s tight!”

  “It is,” I growl. “One. Two. Three. Hooooold. Now relax.”

  With that, I let go of her leg, and slowly bring it back down to rest on the mat. Then I pick up her other leg.

  “Same thing on this side,” I rumble. “Ready?”

  She nods, and gently, I push back on the leg until that one too is high up behind her ear. We’re face to face again, albeit with one curvy thigh between us, and I can see her nostrils flaring gently with my proximity.

  “That feels good,” she manages in a slightly strangled voice. “I didn’t even know my leg could go so far back.”

  “It can,” I say with a slight smirk while letting her appendage drift slowly back to the floor. “I’m here to push you to new heights so that your body can do things you never imagined. Now, let’s get both legs stretched at once.”

  Maisie nods.

  “What should I do?”

  “Hold your legs out wide,” I command. “Like you’re doing the air splits, with each big toe pointed at different corners of the room.”

  Her eyes widen because it’s going to be a dirty position. In fact, she’ll basically be baring her sweetness to me, even though it’s covered with fabric at the moment.

  “Oh my gosh,” she whispers. “Really?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I nod. “If you can’t do the splits, I’ll help you.”

  “I can’t do them,” she confirms. “I’ve never been that flexible, not even when I was a kid.”

  I nod.

  “No worries. Just give it a try, and we’ll see how it goes.”

  Slowly, Maisie nods and takes a deep breath before stretching her legs apart and lifting them up with a hand under each thigh. Her breasts strain at her sports bra as her legs split wider and wider, each meaty thigh making my already-stiff rod harden even more. She strains and pulls, her brown curls tumbling in a mass around her shoulders as her legs form a beautiful vee, and that’s when I catch a glimpse of what I’ve been waiting for. Because the curvy girl is aroused and it shows. There’s a wet spot right at the crotch of her leggings, and I know it’s not sweat. Instead, a glorious female musk permeates the air, and as I sniff the delicious scent, my manhood leaps to full power. Maisie wants this just as much as I do, and I’m the man to show her the full power of my candy cane staff.



  Patrick’s blue eyes flare as he takes in my position.

  “You look gorgeous like this,” he growls.

  I flush.

  “I do? Oh my gosh, it feels good.”

  After all, I can hardly believe this is happening. I’m all alone with a handsome man, and I’m lying on the floor before him with my legs split wide. In fact, I’m parting my legs for him, as if baring my most sensitive spot while cupping my breasts as if in offering. But of course, that’s not true because I’m clothed. Maybe my gym outfit is tight and revealing, but it’s still real fabric preventing his eyes from seeing the lush curves and moist folds that crave his touch.

  But then, Patrick surprises me. He kneels between my legs, and those broad shoulders are so wide that they almost block out the light from above.

  “May I, sweetheart?”

  I’m not sure what he’s going to do, but it certainly seems promising. I nod, breathing shallowly, and a grin spreads over that handsome face.

  “Good,” he growls. One big hand goes to the inside of my thigh and gently squeezes it before pressing it wider. I moan melodiously and gasp again as his other hand seizes my other thigh, caressing the thickness of my muscle.

  “You’re so curvy,” he groans beneath his breath. “I have to—”

  But before he can finish the sentence, the impossible happens. I wear a brand called LovelyCurves. The company makes gym clothes especially for bigger girls, and everything is supposed to be double-reinforced and super-strong in order to hold everything in.

  But evidently, they’ve never met Mr. P’s CrossFit before because right when Patrick’s about to do something delicious, the seam at my crotch bursts. And it doesn’t just rip a little, leaving a tiny hole at my sensitive spot. Instead, the entire groin portion seems to come apart with a loud rrrrip! Suddenly, my entire pussy is bare and just inches from Patrick’s face.

  “Oh my god!” I scream, immediately trying to bring my thighs together. My knees reflexively attempt to jerk shut, but the problem is that Patrick’s got one hand on each of my thighs, pressing them apart. They stay wide, and my steamy pussy literally pulses below his hungry gaze, my pink hole winking. “Oh my god!” I scream again.

  But my hunky personal trainer isn’t bothered in the least. If anything, those blue eyes flare and a muscle twitches in his jaw.

  “You’re so beautiful, Maisie,” he rasps in a hoarse voice. “Oh shit, I have to kiss it.”

  Before I can move, he dips his head and lets his tongue trace all the way from my sweetly sopping slit to my nub. I let out a shrill scream of pleasure, my back bucking up and coming halfway off the mat with ecstasy.

  “Oh my god!” is my helpless shriek. “Unnh! Fuck!”

  The gorgeous man doesn’t even look up. If anything, he bends his head lower and really gets in there, massaging the bottom of my clit with his tongue before sucking it tight between his lips. Hot pulses jolt through my pussy and I scream aga
in as nectar flows out, coating his chin.

  “Unnh!” is my delirious mewl. “Oh god, oh god, yes!”

  Patrick merely grunts before letting his tongue trail down to my hole, and then with a sly smile, he gently eases it into my tight, wet canal.

  “Oh fuck baby, you taste so good,” is his moan. “Shit, I’ve never had a woman as sweet as you.”

  To my mixed horror and delight, he begins thrusting into my tight spot, slipping and sliding his tongue deep into my pulsing cavern. Hot flashes begin to sparkle through my frame and my breasts tremble. Desperately, I let go of my thighs and pull them from the sports bra so that they lush mounds are out and in the open. Then I lift one to my mouth and suckle at the nipple as Patrick thrusts his tongue again and again into my sopping slit.

  “Unnh!” I squeal. “Oh god, yes!”

  It happens then. I’ve never been with a man before, and as a result, this dirty scenario is too much for my senses. Before I can warn him, my body reaches its peak and bursts. My eyes roll up into the back of my head, showing the whites, as my femininity spasms and pulses, clenching on his tongue.

  “Eeee!” is my delighted squeal as I take another pull from my breast. “Oh god yes!”

  Patrick doesn’t even hesitate. He continues to drink at the fountain between my legs, stroking my trembling flesh while swallowing gulp after gulp of hot, sweet nectar. I moan and thrash against his mouth as electrical pulses run through my sweetest spot, stars flying before my eyes as this man eats me up in the best way possible.

  When it’s finally over, I manage to re-orient myself, breathing hard while staring at the handsome man.

  “What just happened?” I pant. “Did I black out?”

  He smirks a bit, those blue eyes flaring.

  “No, sweetheart, you didn’t black out. But you’re going to when you get a load from my tool because are you ready, Maisie? It’s time for the good stuff.”

  With that, I gasp because Patrick’s pulled out that enormous candy cane, and he’s already seeping from the tip. It’s huge, hard, and my mouth waters just seeing the gift coming my way. Suddenly, I can’t wait to become a woman in full with my handsome personal trainer.



  Holy shit, is this really happening? I have a lush, nude woman before me on the gym mat who’s panting and heaving from the rush of her climax. In fact, there’s a delicious pool of fluid right below her kitty from when she came, and a dirty part of me wants to lean down and lick it up.

  But I won’t because it’s clear that Maisie is an innocent. She came from me kissing and licking her sensitive folds while tugging lightly at her nub. And when I pushed my tongue into her hole, my tool jerked because I came up against a barrier that only sweet virgins have: a hymen.

  It seems impossible because these days, women lose their hymen in their teens if not earlier. Regular exertion can do it: a vigorous game of volleyball for example, or maybe some jumping up and down on a trampoline. But in this case, I have a sweet, curvy, twenty-five-year old virgin on my hands, whom by all accounts I should leave alone. Her mom’s not paying me to have fun with her nubile daughter, and yet my staff’s already out and ready, pointing straight at the curvy girl.

  But to my surprise, she doesn’t pull away in fear at my huge size. Of course, Maisie’s eyes widen and she gasps a bit, her cheeks flushing. But then she gives into her true nature and leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip. A smear of white graces her lips when she pulls away and I groan, my blue eyes flashing.

  “You can suck it if you want.”

  She giggles a bit, worming out of her sports bra. By now, I’ve ripped off the entirety of her leggings so that she’s wholly nude before me, and the sight is entrancing. She’s pink and white all over, with a sopping slit between her legs that I can’t wait to taste again and huge Double Ds that sway with every movement. But right now, Maisie gets on her knees before me like a good girl and cups my balls in one tiny palm.

  “Can I have a taste of your candy cane, Daddy?”

  I groan again.

  “You sure can, honey. Suck it tight, and lick as much as you want.”

  She giggles again before leaning forward delicately and taking the head between those plush lips. The top of my skull almost pops off because it feels so good but I manage to keep myself in check by stroking through those brown curls.

  “That a girl,” I groan hoarsely. “Shit, you look beautiful doing that.”

  Her eyes flicker up at me, and a sweet smile crosses her lips even as she sucks harder. Her cheeks hollow from the suction and a bit of male seed jets into her mouth, which Maisie swallows hungrily.

  “Mmm,” she moans. “Daddy’s candy cane is so tasty. I love it.”

  Involuntarily, I spurt again.

  “Keep this up, sweetheart, and Daddy will have more than a few mouthfuls of the good stuff for you,” I growl.

  She giggles again and gets back to sucking, gently tracing her tongue along the vein in my shaft before going at it full force. My balls raise high and tight, and I feel a surge in my groin. Holy shit, I’m going to lose control, which is uncommon given that I’m usually always in perfect control of my body.

  But with a haste that’s unlike me, I pull from Maisie’s lips, the huge sucker reappearing from between that pink pout. A trail of saliva connects the tip to her lips and she smiles sweetly before breaking it with a quick swipe of her tongue. Of course, I’m enormous and glistening, which is perfect for what I want to do next.

  “Sweetheart, I told you we were going to get you stretched out, right? Well now, I’m going to stretch out a very special part of you.”

  Maisie nods eagerly, still on her knees while massaging her heavenly Double Ds before corkscrewing off one tip with a finger. A ringing pop sounds out as she moans melodically.

  “Yes, Daddy, of course. I exist to be stretched by you.”

  With that, I nudge her back down so that she’s on her hands and knees, that huge bottom in the air. It looks amazing because her cheeks are a pure, snowy white, ready to be defiled by an alpha male like myself. Then I line my rod up in back of her and gently use the tip to stroke through her swollen folds.

  “Feel this?” I rasp. “This is what’s going in you.”

  Her lashes fall shut even as those big breasts sway in anticipation below her narrow torso.

  “I know. I’m ready, Mr. P,” she whispers.

  With that, I press my enormous glans against her tiny hole. She’s moist and wet, but still so small. Maisie lets out a long, low, throaty moan, lowering her head so that her cheek rests against the mat.

  “Oohhh, you’re so big,” she cries out.

  “I know,” is my rasp. “But you can take it sweetheart.”

  With that, I begin pushing my shaft deeper into her honey, and to her credit, she stretches and juices more, her sweet nether lips tight like rubber bands around my hardness.

  “Oooooh!” she squeals. “Oh god!”

  “We’re almost there,” I grunt under my breath. “You feel so good, baby girl.”

  My hands seize her hips, digging into the fleshiness, and then suddenly I come to a complete stop because it’s there. There’s a barrier, soft and spongy, inside my girl, and I take a deep breath, bracing for the inevitable pain. With a quick thrust of my hips it’s done, and I’m through and fully embedded inside.

  Maisie jolts and her eyes fly open as she lets out a squeak.

  “Oooh!” is her surprised cry. “Unnnh!”

  The curvy girl’s been lifted up by my pole, as if skewered on the huge stick and she flails a bit, her ring gripping me reflexively.

  “Keep breathing, slow and easy,” I growl. “It’ll feel really good soon enough. Just relax, Maisie.”

  She squeals again but listens, trying to inhale before exhaling once more. Stroking a large hand down her back, I soothe the girl like a nervous filly.

  “It’s going to feel good now, I promise.”

  She pants and lets
her head hang, still trying to adjust to the thickness within her sweetest spot.

  “I know, Mr. P,” she moans. “I can take it now.”

  With that, I withdraw slowly, watching with avid eyes as my enormous rod reappears from her glistening slit. Then I push back in, almost exploding with pleasure.

  The curvy girl moans and sighs, her eyes drifting shut once more as she enjoys a man’s hard shaft for the first time in her life.

  “Oh god, I had no idea it could be like this!” she sighs with bliss. “Unnnh, it feels good.”

  “It does,” I growl. “Now get ready for a deep pound sweetheart, because I can’t hold back anymore.”

  With that, I ease my shaft back into her tiny hole, before slipping out and pushing back in. The rhythm gets faster and faster, but Maisie takes my large size like a professional. She moans and squeals, her fingers gripping the mat as her tiny slit is violated again and again. And then it comes. Both of us reach our climaxes and we burst into the heavens, stars exploding before our eyes as hot pulses run down my shaft to splash her fertile fields with seed.

  “Oh!” is her delighted cry, hot clenches pulling my virility in deeper to seed her ovaries. “Mmmm!”

  “Fuck!” is my growly response. “Unnnh. FUCK!”

  I pound vigorously, unable to stop myself while expelling hot reams of jism which the curvy girl soaks up like the stuff of Heaven. She mewls and clamps around me, her curves shaking with pleasure even as her kitty juices flood my rod and drip down my balls. God, how did she get so responsive? I’ve never had a woman take my enormous length so well on the first try.

  Finally, the quaking subsides a bit, and we both float gently down to earth. I pull out and lie back flat on the mat before jumping to my feet and rushing to the restroom. When I return, it’s to find Maisie still lying on the mat with a confused expression on her face.

  “Where did you go?” she mewls, lifting her head to look at me. “Why did you disappear like that? I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”


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