DIRTY SWAPS: Hardcore Gender Swap Bundle

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DIRTY SWAPS: Hardcore Gender Swap Bundle Page 1

by Tina Majors


  Hardcore Gender Swap Bundle


  Tina Majors

  Perfect10 Books

  All rights reserved with the author, Tina Majors (2019-)


  This 85,000+ word bundle contains the wildest, most supremely explicit body swap and gender feminization stories imaginable.

  Regular guys go from Average Jo to super-hot bimbos as they experience transformations that change them into supremely feminine women, curves in all the right places, super horny and ready to please all the alpha males who now lust after them and don’t like taking no for an answer.

  These stories are for adults only. Guaranteed to make you horny and keep you that way, they contain lots of bimbos and alphas having taboo fun with first time feminization, MMF ménage, BDSM, facials, anal, every kind of humiliation and degradation imaginable.

  Now, what are you waiting for…


  1) Become The Bimbo

  2) Hotel Bimbo

  3) Campus Nerd To Babe

  4) Gym Gains

  5) Bikini Sales Bimbo

  6) Swap Spa

  7) Swapped: Now Twerk For The Men

  8) Ready To Serve

  9) Transformation Airlines

  10) Feminized By The Bikers

  11) Author Page & More!

  Sign Up to Tina’s Mailing List HERE





  Tina Majors

  Perfect10 Books

  All rights reserved with the author, Tina Majors (2019-)

  Now before we hit that steamy, seductive, and super hot transformation, let’s have a little peak at what’s to come…

  I knew it would be a bad idea to not comply with the instructions.

  I felt a flutter in my heart, a real mix of emotions, as I began to remove my tight-fit secretarial blouse. My soft, large breasts bounced and jiggled a little as I struggled to get my arms out of the tight garment.

  I guess I was still getting used to women’s clothes!

  My heartrate went into overdrive as I began to pull down my short pencil skirt. As with the blouse, I had an awkward moment when I needed to step out of the skirt as it rested at my feet.

  I almost tumbled over trying to navigate my heels out at the bottom, but luckily regained my composure. I then went to remove my heels but the voice returned.


  Nervous, somehow totally compliant to this unseen overlord, I stood there perfectly still in nothing but a black, lowcut bra, extremely high cut black panties with a thong back, and, of course, the sleek high heeled business shoes.

  I was the absolute image of a slutty secretary, one who was ready to get down to work for her boss, if you follow my meaning.

  The thing was, this was closer to the truth than I imagined.

  Then, music began to play.

  It was loud, a big beat, the kind of hip-hop track you could expect to hear on the radio or in the club. Of course, in the music video you would see curvy babes dancing, shaking their bodies, all for the pleasure of the big ballers in the club.


  I wasn’t expected to…

  Was I….?


  The voice sounded just as serious as it had previously. I knew I had no option. But, I had never really been a dancer before. My old male body really never coordinated itself to move to the beat, let alone whip and twerk in a way that would drive members of the opposite sex crazy.

  I was nervous, it was like I was auditioning for my job… and the criteria was the ability to get my boss hard!


  That was the clearest cue I could get. I had to start. Slowly at first, I began to sway my hips a little. Like I say, I had never been a good dancer.


  That was as a man.

  This was different. I found my body, my entire body, was picking up the beat naturally and totally. Within seconds I was really working myself up into a sweat, grinding my hips, dropping down so low my substantial ass cheeks were practically touching the floor.

  I couldn’t deny it.

  This felt incredible.

  I was using my new femininity to express myself, my new-found sexual urges-

  -end of preview-





  Tina Majors

  Perfect10 Books

  All rights reserved with the author, Tina Majors (2019-)

  So the office carpark was kind of normal, exactly what you would expect for an out of town business development new-build project. Plenty of spaces, a decent amount of space allowed for each car.

  So, yeah, no room for too many complaints when all is said and done.

  I did notice that there were electric charge-points. Now, this did impress me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an environmental extremist, the kind of person who would recycle a used teabag until it disintegrated.

  No, but, I do care about the planet that we live on.

  On that basis, I think my personal ground zero is that I want the best possible environment for mine and future generations.

  Anyway, back to the charge points.

  Sure, I had seen these at gas stations and of course outside people’s houses or in their garages, but in a work place car park?

  This was new, and suggested to me a forward thinking company, which could only be a good thing.

  Couldn’t it?

  Well, there were a few of these charge points, all of them currently unused but I am sure they would be filled up, so to speak, as the day progressed and people arrived.

  I was nice and early, determined to make a good impression on my first day on this job. Sure, it was a temporary assignment but I had been told that there was a strong possibility of it developing into something long term.

  Now this I could get on board with.

  I had been kind of aimless in my career for too long, not really making use of my pretty decent degree, not taking the steps to build some long term security.

  Well, this could be a turning point and I was actually looking forward to getting started, not that I knew too much about the company, other than they were relatively new, were involved in corporate services, and had an apparently progressive attitude, which could only be good.

  All in all, I was happy with the situation, feeling the most upbeat I had in a while.

  Not that I was on a downer before, I wasn’t really prone to that kind of thing in all truth.

  Sure, we all have our ups and downs.

  Who doesn’t?

  But generally speaking, I was a relatively happy person who despite issues over my non-career, was pretty regular and happy.

  But, as I say, this job opportunity had actually come at a good time when perhaps my morale needed a bit of a pick-me-up.

  Maybe you’re thinking I shouldn’t be placing so much of my happiness into a career? After all, isn’t it the smaller things in life that truly help us achieve the mythical state of true joy?

  You know, preparing an eating a nice meal, right? But how do we pay for that food?

  That’s it, you got it.

  Work and career.

  I guess I figured I would always prioritise my happiness, but it sure would help if I could have a career that satisfied some needs and brought in some money. Something told me this would be a prominent point of view in this new job.

  Just a hunch, one of those st
range kinda feelings that just won’t quit.

  So here I was, right.

  Feeling upbeat, ready to go in, all signs pointing in the direction of a positive future.



  I wasn’t going in, was I?

  I remained seated in my mid-price, seven year old saloon car that while neat had certainly seen better days. I guess, no – I knew, that this showed I had some kind of nagging doubt in my head.

  You know what they say about following your instincts and most of the time they will be prove correct?

  No? Look it up, it’s a real saying.

  Well, in this situation my instincts were so far all over the place I really did not know what to do. I honestly did not know whether to get up and show up early at this new temporary job, or put my safety belt back into position, turn the engine back on, and leave the car park, never to return again.

  But why?

  What was causing this tremor in my internal force?

  I couldn’t put my finger on it no matter how hard I racked my brain. So I decided to try a handy little mindfulness exercise I had developed from scratch, albeit based on some techniques I had heard in passing as I snoozed my way through a mindfulness course I had been forced to attend at my old job, the one before the one before last if you follow me.

  I used to be very cynical when it came to this kind of fuzzy, cuddly approach.

  Got a problem?

  You do your own math and get tough on that thing is what I used to think.

  But having attended this course, I picked up some interesting ideas and worldviews – that’s when I wasn’t half asleep, dreaming of holidays, premium cars, and of course the hot women who would come with all that.

  Well, back to my plan.

  In order to focus, get calm, and make the right choice I began a breathing exercise I had devised.





  Slow and steady.

  Imagine a cool breeze, a beach, waves, see the future you wish to live.

  This is what I was repeating to myself. I think they call it a mantra, but I don’t remember.

  Well, it certainly did seem to be working to some extent because I felt like I was beginning to work out what was up. It was nothing but a simple case of first day nerves.

  Yes, that was it, I thought.

  Well, with that processed I now had no reason not to get out of my car, and walk in to my new workplace, ready to make a positive impression.

  No more nagging doubts, all I needed to do was act cool, show respect but not suck up, try and get everything as perfect as I could.

  What could possibly go wrong?

  Well, a lot actually, but I wasn’t going to entertain that kind of negative thinking.

  Not again.

  Not this time.

  Well, here goes, I thought.

  I managed to summon the will to get out of the car and then calmly shut the door behind me.

  There was no going back now, and I knew it.

  It was strange, because I definitely sensed that this was different, that this feeling was not quite the same as other first day nerves.

  Well, rather than endlessly try and process an unknown and opaque feeling, I thought the best course of action was to proceed through the car park and towards the office building. Heck, someone might be on the reception and I could have a little discussion with them to see how the land would lie in this place?

  Well, why not, I thought.

  For an early start it was clear that it was going to be a warm day, the heat from the sun actually kind of hot, certainly hotter than one would expect for this time of year, and based on the forecast I had heard on local radio as I drove in. I could almost feel myself sweating, and then suddenly: oh hell no.

  Had I forgotten to put on deodorant this morning?

  I stopped dead in my tracks and very subtly make a move to smell my armpits to check.

  What was the verdict?

  Well, I actually had little reason to panic because in actual fact I had applied my deodorant, albeit less than normal.

  Who said this day was doomed to end in disaster?

  In a weird kind of way this actually gave me the confidence to approach the ensuing day with no fear. I had had an early wobble, but that was a false alarm, so I felt logically like the rest of the day would be easy sailing. Yet, there was still that strange feeling, a feeling that only got stronger as I approached the large, glass faced building.

  It was almost as if an energy was emanating from the glistening walls.

  I stepped over a small lawned bit of grass as I couldn’t be bothered to walk all the way round on the official pathway.

  No big deal, I thought.

  It’s just a bit of grass and there will surely be no consequences to this minor infraction, I continued on in my internal monologue.

  At that point I heard the sound of a large bird, somewhere over head in the pale blue sky. If this was a movie, you might have taken that kind of thing as an omen.

  But this very definitely was not a movie, this was reality, and furthermore the realness of the situation dictated that I needed to be making the best impression and getting settled in to my position ASAP.

  I approached the large, heavy double doors, and was pleasantly surprised as they opened up and allowed me to enter and walk towards the reception desks. I was conscious of the soles of my shoes clicking on the polished marble, a repetitive sound that echoed around the empty, high ceilinged atrium area.

  Certainly, it was difficult to not be impressed by this contemporary and clean design.


  “Yes, can I help you?” The young lady sitting behind the reception desk asked.

  First things first, she was an absolute world class stunner. I mean, serious model material. Perfectly made up, stunning facial features. Her clothing was classy, contemporary, office casual.

  What else did I expect?

  “I’m new today, on a temporary contract from Career Swaps and More Inc,” I replied.

  At this point, the demeanour of the receptionist clearly changed. A sly smile came over her face, not unfriendly, maybe more mischievous than anything. Certainly, while it wasn’t exactly threatening, and probably more friendly than anything else, it did give me pause for thought.

  Oh well, probably just my nerves, not point in over analysing, I thought.

  “Okay, if you just sign here I’ll take you through now,” She said. “Everyone is all ready for you, so it’s good that you have arrived nice and early.”

  “Okay…?” I replied, showing my nerves.

  “Oh no, nothing to worry about, it’ll all go just fine, you seem perfect for this,” She said, confidently but with a hint of enigmatic mystery that I couldn’t quite get a hold on.

  I duly signed the paperwork, not bothering to read any of it of course.

  I mean, come on, small-print is for losers isn’t it?

  Just a load of irrelevant legal jargon and contractual theoretical that will in no way have any kind of impact on your practical, day to day, work situation.

  Well, that is what I thought.

  As I followed the receptionist towards the elevator I couldn’t help but check out her quite incredible body. She was at leat five ten, maybe more. Her legs were long, well defined, leading up to a pert, juicy ass that really was super emphasised by her tight, form fitting pinstripe cropped trousers.

  I guess perhaps she sensed me looking, and in truth she was probably all too used to men drooling over her, because she turned around and gave me a knowing look.

  “Well, it’s definitely a good sign that you seem to approve of the uniform,” She said.

  What the hell did that mean?

  Friendly banter? Maybe even a come-on?

  I wasn’t going to rule anything out.

  I started to feel quite confident that this workplace was going to be more than just a job for me, that there were opportunities
here that I wouldn’t normally get the chance to experience.

  It soon became apparent that I was not wrong in my instincts.

  As we stood in the futuristic glass elevator and made our way up to the ninth floor, I noticed that it was actually the receptionist that was doing most of the checking out.

  Maybe she really was into me?

  “I’m just wondering exactly what they’ll do with you?” She said. “O’m definitely thinking eager to please, a bit slutty, something of an airhead.”

  Wait, what?

  “Excuse me?” I said. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  The receptionist stared back at me. Her initial confusion soon changed into a kind of realisation, then ultimately I guess she just found something very funny.

  She laughed, looking me up and down, slightly in disbelief.

  “So I guess they haven’t told you? At the agency?” She said. “Well, for what it’s worth, I think you’ll do great. Just go with it.”

  I had no idea what was going on. I genuinely did not know what the actual hell she was going on about.

  Do great with what exactly?

  An airhead?

  A bit slutty?

  What did this all mean?

  “What the-“ I said, attempting a question.

  “Listen darling,” She said, “We’re here now, and it’s probably better that I leave it to them to explain to you. You know, you have signed a contract now, so it’s definitely better to just embrace it, unless that is you feel like having your ass sued into the next century.”

  This was starting to sound serious.

  What the hell had I let myself in for?

  Before I could begin to process anything, the elevator stopped and its doors opened smoothly and silently.


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