Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2) Page 14

by Regina J. Robinson

  I know Killian and Galen are trying to say something, yet I can’t seem to focus on them as I listen to the hateful words leaving the man before me.

  “You asked me so many times why I do what I do. You really want to know why I hate you so much? Why I relentlessly pursue and torture you?” Pausing for a moment, his lip turns up into a sinister snarl which usually looks so familiar, but now appears completely different paired with Branor’s green eyes. “It’s because of you I’m like this. I am cursed within this body. Never being able to rest. I want to fucking rest in peace. But I can’t because of you. I. Hate. You!” he spits with so much malice and conviction it feels like shards of glass are piercing my heart.

  “No. I don’t believe you. Branor would never say or think that.” I refuse to believe all this time it was Branor hurting me and not Vemnos. I have to. “But as you said, you loved me once. I tried to save you, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t strong enough. I couldn’t get my healing powers to work. I’m sorry. Please believe me. I loved you. I could still love you, if you’d just let me help. If it’s really you, then let me help you,” I cry out, tears streaking my cheeks at the thought Branor might still be in there and I was really going to hurt him.

  “I don’t need your help. I need you to suffer,” he shouts out, “I need to watch you bleed out and die like you did to me. You watched me die in your arms and did nothing. Do you fucking hear me? Nothing. Then you left me in the cave for Vemnos to use. How do you think I feel being made to live for centuries chained up like an animal, while you swan around fucking anything that moves?”

  “I never did that.” I haven’t been a saint, but it took me hundreds of years before I let anyone touch me like that. It always made me feel sick after, but I craved a connection like I had with him so much I kept trying to find someone, although I never did. Not until Killian. “I mourned you. I missed you, every day. I still do. The day you died a part of me did too.”

  “Ha, a likely story. Why don’t you just admit it, you never truly cared for me, did you Little Bird?”

  “What? What did you call me?” My mind seems to clear a little as I focus on the nickname...

  “Birdy. That was my nickname for you. Or don’t you remember? Did anything we share mean something to you?”

  “No. No you didn’t say Birdy, you said Little Bird. Only Vemnos has ever called me that. You’re not Branor, are you?” I step back and start hearing Killian’s and Galen’s warnings more clearly. Telling me I was being cast under a spell without my knowledge.

  The man’s eyes flash back to red with an eye roll. “You always have to ruin my fun, don’t you? Of course, I’m not your fucking boyfriend. But I had you going for a moment, didn’t I? If I had known it would’ve been this easy to trick you, I would have done it ag—” He stops talking and stares down at my hands which are now engulfed in my flames.

  Meeting my gaze again, he raises a skeptical eyebrow. “And what are you going to do with that Little Bird, hmm?” He shakes his head with another eye roll and I notice the purple mist surrounding him. I’m not going to let him run this time. I’m about to run forward to grab him when I see confusion and panic fill his features.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, maggot? Let me go, right fucking NOW!” Vemnos angered shouts fill the air. He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment but then opens them and all I can see is hatred and anger staring back at me.


  “I’m warning you maggot let me move or I’ll fucking kill you.” Vemnos’ angered voice fills my mind as I use everything I have to hold him in place. It hurts so much yet I don’t care. It feels like my head is being drilled open. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to bear it, but I need to. I need to give Alina a fighting chance against this asshole. He’s done so much to both Alina and me over the years. I just had to grin and bear it the best way I could. But making her believe it was really me hurting her all these years was the last straw. The asshole looked into my mind and took out pieces he found he could use against her. If it hadn’t been for Vemnos’ slip up with the nickname, she would have probably walked over to me, then Vemnos would have grabbed her and disappeared. So, I decided it was too much. Over the years I have tried millions of times to get rid of him and control myself again, yet every time I do it always ends in immense pain. I try not to think anymore as the pressure in my head becomes too much. It feels like it will explode at any moment.

  A scream rips through me and actually leaves my mouth. Forcing my eyes open a little, I can see Alina before me, only a subtle purple haze clouds my vision now.

  “Let me go! You can’t hold me forever!” Vemnos snarls in my mind. It feels like his talons are digging into my brain, peeling it apart from the inside.

  “No. I’ve had enough. I’m never going to let you go until you’re dead.” I shout back, my own anger rising.

  “You do realize if she flames this body it’ll only be you that dies. I’ll live and I’ll come back and start all over again. Maybe I’ll claim farm boy’s body next. What do you think? It sounds like lots of fun to me.” His whispers in my head nearly distract me, yet I know what I need to do.

  “Really? Because, I remember when the unicorn stabbed me it hurt you too. See, I pay attention where it’s needed. She may not be able to kill you when the flames strike me, but you will be wounded enough for her to finish the job next time she sees you.” Damn it feels good to finally talk back to this asshole. For centuries I’ve had to listen to him, feel him cut into my skin, and watch, powerless, as I was made to carve into my beautiful Alina. This is my payback. I’ve had enough. “If I have to die, I would rather do it on my terms. I will happily give my life for Alina. Anything to keep her safe.” Even as the words leave my lips, I know I’m gradually getting weaker. The pain becoming unbearable.

  I can feel Vemnos’ anger echoing throughout my mind. The overwhelming pain is almost too much to bear. My entire body feels like it’s on fire, sparks of pain are coursing through me and Alina hasn’t even touched me with her flames yet.

  Gathering every last bit of strength I have, I focus on expelling Vemnos as quickly as I can. If I can get him out of my head, he’ll have no other option but to come here in person if he really wants her. I’m certain she’s a lot tougher and stronger than she was in the cave all those years ago. With one more shove I’ll be able to rid myself of this monster.

  Forgetting about the extreme pain and nausea I’m feeling, I let a thunderous roar rip from my throat just before I black out.



  I’m not sure what’s going on. Vemnos is twitching his head from side to side in what appears to be a silent conversation I cannot hear. I notice small tremors in his hands which seem to follow through his arms. Soon after, his legs are shaking too until his entire body is a trembling mess.

  “What’s happening?” I take my eyes away from Vemnos to glance back at Killian and Galen whose eyes are just as wide and confused as mine.

  “I have no idea. Just stay back. That goes for both of you. I don’t know what’s going on so please keep away. Keep your fire on standby until we know what’s happening.” Galen’s voice sounds almost as confused as mine. Killian gives an unsure nod as I turn back to the spectacle in front of us.

  Purple wisps surround Vemnos, but not like before where they would wrap and dance around him like it did before he escaped last time. It appears to be leaking out of his body, creeping out of his eyes, ears, and mouth. What the fuck is going on?

  The purple smoke spreads across his body and flares out in a blinding light. His eyes shoot open and staring back at me are Branor’s green eyes full of shock, and when he opens his mouth, the voice is the one I remember from centuries ago, “My sweet Birdy.” With those three words I feel in my heart he is truly Branor.

  What do I do?

  I don’t even get a moment to consider what is going on before his eyes roll back in his head as he slumps to the floor with a crash.

What just happened?” Killian stands next to me, brushing his fingertips against mine.

  “I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think Branor was still in there and he’s managed to expel Vemnos’ control over him. Wait a minute. I can sense him properly now. I can’t feel anything of Vemnos anymore. It’s really your Branor.” He pauses for a moment as I suck in a shocked breath, and I hear Killian gasp beside me. “And he’s dying. He must have used a lot of energy to push Vemnos out.”

  “Dying? What? No.” I’m about to rush forward until a surge of flashbacks of every way Vemnos had tortured me using Branor crashes through my mind.

  “Sparky? Are you going to heal him, or should I?” Galen’s concerned tone makes me look at him with tears brimming in my eyes. The flames engulfing my hands dies down as I stare at Branor lying unconscious on the floor.

  “Please. Please help him. I don’t know if I can.” The plea leaves my trembling lips as Killian laces his fingers with mine. “I’ll do it, Sparky. Don’t worry.” Galen trots past me to where Branor is lying in a crumpled heap. I wait with bated breath as blue swirls begin to emanate from his horn down toward Branor and dance across his skin.

  “Is…Is it working?” I’m too afraid to get any closer in case I mess something up.

  “Yes. It’s very slow going, but it is working. It may take me a while. Try not to worry though, I got this Sparky.” Galen continues concentrating on Branor, and I lean into Killian’s arms as he wraps them around me.

  “What is it with you fucking little shits always ruining my fun?” My head whips round to see a face that has haunted my nightmares. There standing before me as himself is Vemnos. His dark red skin contrasts against his black hair and horns. He’s more muscular than I remember, taller too. Still, his eyes reveal who he truly is. The monster who destroyed my happiness centuries ago and for what I still don’t know.

  I move out of Killian’s arms and push him behind me. Walking forward, I stand in front of Galen, who is still healing Branor so that I am forming a buffer between Vemnos and them. Shaking my head clear of the shock coursing through me, I offer my bravest smile.

  “Well, wonders never cease to amaze me. Vemnos. I would say it’s a pleasure seeing you again but we both know that’s not true.” I surprise myself by how confident my voice sounds.

  He folds his large arms in front of him and glares with a disgusted sneer. “I could say the same about you, Little Bird. My little maggot didn’t want to play anymore. So, he basically destroyed his mind to get me out of his head. Stupid fool. I see he’s not doing very well. Pity.” Vemnos peers over my shoulder to look at Branor and Galen, before his eyes lock with Killian’s.

  “My, my, my, don’t you look perfectly edible. I have to say the neck scar is a nice addition, perhaps I could carve some more pretty lines into you. What do you think Alina?” I turn away from Killian’s shocked pale face to glare at Vemnos.

  “Don’t you dare fucking touch him. Do you hear me? You will not harm anyone.” I feel my anger brewing again, although this time I hold back my flames. I do not wish to unleash them as long as Killian is standing behind me.

  “Oh really? And what do you think you can do exactly? I mean how many times have you been in my presence and then not been able to do anything? Ah yes, more times than I can count.” I know he’s goading me. I’m still hesitant to move though, I prefer to be standing in the way of him doing any damage.

  He begins slowly pacing back and forth, never taking his eyes away from mine. He stops, tilting his head to one side and focuses on me. “Alina, Alina, Alina, when will you ever learn? You are never going to win.”


  I am fucking fuming. That little maggot, the worm, the cretin. He couldn’t fucking do as he was told and now I’ve lost my toy. What makes it worse is the little pony is healing him. Healing? Him? How is there anything left to heal? I’ve carved into him so many times I don’t think one spec of his skin is original. I hope the shithead dies. And once he’s finally dead, I’ll kill the pony, then the farm boy. I’ll make them die slowly and painfully and let Alina watch as she once again fails. All these ideas are running rampant in my head. I want to get started now. I want to maim and kill, then get the fuck out of here before anything happens to me.

  “What is there to win exactly? To live? Is that all I’m fighting for, a chance to live? Who decided to make you the boss on who lives and who dies? Last time I checked you weren’t the god of the underworld or death for that matter. All you are plain and simple is a trickster. Nothing more.” That fucking bitch. How dare she.

  “Fucking hell. Do you ever shut up? No wonder the maggot decided to off himself, it was probably from all your yacking.” I rub my hand against my head, this bitch is giving me a migraine. I need to trap her again. Until I can find a way to get what I want, I will need to shackle her. I just won’t let her die this time. She can’t escape if she’s alive.

  “No. No, I will not shut up. For centuries I have done nothing but bite my tongue and put up with everything you have ever thrown at me. Well enough is enough. This needs to end.”

  My eyes fall to her hands where flames are beginning to lick around her fingers. “And what exactly do you intend to do with that, hmm?” With a smirk I wave my hand in the air and snap my fingers, causing streaks of silver and purple to shoot out and coat the inside of the barn.

  Alina looks up to where the silver and purple haze shimmers everywhere around us. “What did you do?” I can tell she is slightly panicked by her tone, as her eyes dart around.

  Waving her concerns away, I smile. “Oh, nothing much. Only a little bit of barrier magic. Call it a precaution if you will. Those little shimmers you see are a barrier charm. See if you decide to use your flames on me, everyone in this building will die. Everyone that is except you. So, you better think carefully before you try anything.”

  She briefly glances back over her shoulder to where the maggot and pony are. She appears to be having a silent conversation with the pony. Plotting, maybe? I shouldn’t care what they are planning, yet I do. What if they know something I don’t?

  I distract her from her musings when I belt out a menacing laugh. “Are you that starved for conversation that you need to talk to a horse?” I raise a skeptical eyebrow and watch Alina glare back at me with utter hatred. I know she can probably hear him. It pisses me off that I can’t as well. What are they saying? I fucking hate not being in control. This sucks. I’ve had enough.

  “Stop fucking ignoring me bitch! Do you think I was joking when I said I would gut you and everyone you care about? Or are you too much of a selfish bitch to even give a shit? Is that it, you can’t die so fuck everyone else?”

  Farm boy looks like he wants to rip my face off when he tries to go for me. He doesn’t get far though as Alina throws her arms out and pushes him back so he’s next to the horse and maggot. All her favorites clustered together. If I can just get over to them, I’m sure I could create one hell of a bloodbath.

  “If I wish to ignore you, then I will. And no, I don’t think you were joking when you said those things. I’ve experienced them first hand. But I’ve changed since the cave. I’m not the naïve, scared girl I was back then. If you want to try to go up against me for real, then feel free. I’m here ready and waiting. Take your fucking shot,” she growls back at me standing upright. No fire that I can see. Maybe if I scare her enough, she will forget to use it. The fleeting idea I could run passes through my head, but I’ve had enough of not being in control. I’ve had enough of my toys not doing as they are told. I have had enough. Let’s see how she likes this. Time to have some fun.

  Curling my lips up in a sinister snarl, I reveal my sharp teeth. “With fucking pleasure.”


  I don’t get a chance to think, before Vemnos rushes head first at me. I’m about to side step him when I remember the people I care about are directly behind me.

  Instead I stand my ground and take the brunt force of his attack stumbling ba
ck. I stay upright and grab Vemnos by his horns and land a massive headbutt to his nose, making him fall back clutching it. I can sense Killian wanting to step in. I can’t let him do that. I can’t risk losing him again. Quickly looking to him, I shout out, “Don’t you dare move. Stay there with Galen and Branor. This is my fight.” His brow is furrowed in concern and anger. “I mean it Killian. Please.” I manage to catch his nod and he steps back, crouching down beside Galen, who is still trying to heal Branor judging by the blue swirls still emanating from his horn.

  I’m not quick enough to turn back before Vemnos rams into me again, catching me in the arm with one of his horns. I let out a grunt of pain as I swivel to get out of his grip, bringing my knee up into his face. When he rights himself his nose is bleeding. The dark trail of his blood against his already red skin is barely noticeable but, it feels so fucking satisfying to know I caused that. I can feel my lip turn up at the corner in a smile which Vemnos witnesses.

  “What the fuck are you smiling at whore?” He glares at me, bringing his hand up to wipe it against his nose. Looking down, he smiles before running his tongue along it. “Ah, Little Bird, didn’t know you had it in you. Is this what you’re smiling at? Well laugh it up bitch because it’s the last hit you’ll get on me.” With his other hand he reaches back into his pocket to bring out his dagger with a smirk.

  My heart jumps a little and I struggle to swallow when I see the glint of the blade held within his red fingers. He looks down at it then back up to me. “What’s wrong, Little Bird? Oh, you remember this bad boy, don’t you? How about we have a little fun with it, shall we?”


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