Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2) Page 16

by Regina J. Robinson

  There’s so much sincerity in those words that I feel another cautious layer fall. “I understand it wasn’t your fault, it’s just going to take some getting used to. Give us all time, especially Alina. I’m sure it will all be okay eventually.” I offer him a faint smile which he returns, leaning back against my pillow.

  “Thank you. I hope I can make this right. I really want to make it up to Alina and you when I can.” His voice has turned sleepy, his eyelids drooping even more.

  “We’ll talk about this once you’re feeling a bit better. As for now, get some sleep. I’ll check on you soon.”

  Branor nods in response and as he’s getting himself comfy, I walk over to my wardrobe to grab the largest pair of sweatpants and t-shirt I can find. I noticed Galen hadn’t followed me up to the house, maybe because of his lack of clothing potentially making him cold if he left the barn. Luckily, I have one or two items of clothing which I bought in the wrong size. I hope they’ll be big enough for Galen to wear. After I’ve grabbed what I need, I take one last look at Branor who has already fallen asleep. I quietly creep out of my room, closing the door gently behind me. With my arms full of clothes, I head back down to the barn.

  I can’t see Alina anywhere as I reach the door. I take one last look around into the darkening night before exhaling and walking through the door.

  Galen is standing with his back to me with only my shirt wrapped around his waist. I take a moment to admire the muscles on his back and arms. They are thick with bulging veins and I’m slightly ashamed to say they make my mouth water a little. I’ve never been shy about my love of both men and women, it’s just the fact that I was only with Alina last night which causes a small shred of guilt to fill me.

  Clearing my throat causes Galen to look at me over his shoulder with a smile. When he turns around, I can’t stop myself from staring at him. Thick black hair and full beard with the most mesmerizing blue eyes I have ever seen greet me. Yet it’s the smile that nearly has me undone. The man before me is pure muscle. The well-defined shapes he had as a horse still stay with him as a man. I try my hardest not to let my eyes dip any lower than his abs, but I can’t stop myself from taking a quick peek before my eyes shoot up to a clearly smirking Galen.

  I hesitantly walk over to him, offering out the clothes I had brought with me, which he takes with a smile. “I thought you may want these.”

  “Why? It seemed like you were enjoying the free show.” He winks back as my cheeks start burning like crazy. Not good. Fuck. I focus my energy on trying to conceal my thoughts from Galen. I would never hear the end of it if he knew. Turning away from his penetrative gaze, I glance back toward the door. “Do you think Alina is okay?”

  “Knowing Sparky, she probably just needs a moment to calm down. A shit load has happened recently and she needs some time to process it all.” Galen sounds so sure, although I can’t help thinking there must be something else I can do. Fully turning, I start heading toward the door. Maybe I can find her. I don’t make it very far before Galen steps in front of me placing his large hand on my chest stopping me from advancing. I’m startled, then I look up and see Galen’s concerned expression. “Don’t. Let her come back when she’s ready. There’s no need to pressure her.”

  I know Galen is right. I look down to where he still has his hand against my chest. I can feel the warmth radiating out from his fingers where they are placed over my heart. He can probably feel it pounding against his hand. I swallow and slowly lift my eyes to meet his. He’s staring back with such intensity I feel like I’m burning from the inside out.

  Galen’s hand slowly moves up my chest until he reaches to lightly grip the side of my neck. When his thumb grazes against my stubbled jaw, I have to close my eyes from the sensation as my heart beats loudly between us. I can just about make out the sound of his too. My thoughts drift back to Alina. What would she think if she knew I was letting Galen touch me like this?

  “I would hope she would be okay with it, seeing how her eyes lit up when I kissed you earlier.” Galen’s voice is quiet in my mind. Damn. I forgot to conceal my thoughts.

  One thought keeps playing over and over in my mind that I just need to ask. “Why did you kiss me? I know why you did with Alina, but why me?”

  I stare back into his sapphire eyes, a mixture of heat and something else I’m not sure of swirls in their depths. His gaze roves over my face, to his fingers gently gripping my neck, then back to meet my eyes again. His thumb moves across my stubble to stroke across my bottom lip, tugging it down a little. “Why wouldn’t I? Alina isn’t the only one I care about Killian.” My name rolls off his tongue with purpose. Looking into his eyes I see he means every word. He cares about me?

  “Damn right, I care about you, you fool. How could I not?”

  I take in a shaky breath with the way he’s looking at me. I swear my poor heart stops for a minute as I return his stare. His breathing appears labored too as his eyes flick all over my face. I honestly don’t know what to do, or think right now. I lo…I care about Alina, but I can’t seem to resist the pull I have to Galen. The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone. Before he changed, we only talked about the possibility of sharing. Now the idea feels too real. Would Alina really be okay with this? I close my eyes a moment to try to control myself but when I open them and see apprehension flicker in his eyes, I know I need to follow my heart. It led me to Alina, but it’s pulling to Galen too. Do I listen to it though?



  My heart pounds at a crazy rhythm as I wait for Killian’s response. I know this is a bold move on my part. I’m just worried if I don’t make my feelings known to both of them, I’ll be pushed away and forgotten. It’s happened so many times in the past, how could I not think this time it would be the same. I want nothing more than to move forward and kiss the shit out of him, yet he needs to make the next move. I know Alina would be okay with this as we already spoke about it in passing, but unless Killian wants me that way, then I will not pursue him.

  What if he doesn’t want me like that? What if what I think is passion staring back at me turns to disgust at the mere idea of accepting me into his life?

  I don’t want to be rejected. I don’t think I would survive.

  Please want me too.

  I watch Killian carefully as uncertainty crosses his face before he closes his eyes and takes a breath. When he opens them again, I see something I never believed I would see another person look at me with.


  I’m about to say something when he leans forward and captures my lips with his. There’s force behind it. Purpose. He really wants me? Fuck, I forgot to conceal my thoughts. Killian leaves my lips and I feel the loss deep in my soul. The fire hasn’t left his eyes and then he smiles.

  “Of course, I want you. Now who’s the fool?” His smile turns into a cheeky grin.

  “I look forward to wiping that smug look off your lips.” I smirk back.

  His smile doesn’t disappear as his eyebrow raises in question. “Really? I’d like to see you try.” The little fucker bites his lip, returning a smirk in challenge.

  Fuck yeah. Game on.

  I move forward attacking his lips with mine, nipping and biting at his bottom one. My hand which had been lightly gripping his chin moves to the back of his head to firmly grab a large handful of his wavy hair. His hands are placed on my chest as if he doesn’t know where to put them, yet he kisses me back with almost as much force as I push into him.

  And fuck can this guy kiss.

  If he used this much force on Alina, no wonder she melted into a puddle every time she was around him. I will not melt though. No. I’ll have him melting in no time at all. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s this.

  I release him until his hands are still against my chest and he’s looking at me panting. He can probably feel my heart matching his rhythm, yet I know I have more control over myself than he has. Although centuries of practice still doesn’t seem enough to stop me
when I’m with him. And I know for a fact they won’t stop me around Alina. I want her as much as I want Killian. All I know is that I need to claim what is mine. And that is what they are. Mine.

  I bring my other hand up to stroke his cheek, desperately trying to convey how much he means to me in one simple touch. He leans into it closing his eyes and I take a moment to study his face. How could someone so handsome, kind and caring want an asshole like me? I begin to feel the tug of my own self doubts creeping in again. Fuck. Why can’t I just be happy? I want this, all of this, yet my thoughts and doubts always seem to want to bring me down.

  No. Not this time. Clearing my mind, I place a tender kiss on Killian’s forehead. He moves against me to wrap his arms around my waist. It feels like my skin is burning underneath his touch and he abruptly stills against me when his hip accidentally grazes against my shirt covered cock. His shirt. The idea shouldn’t fill me with as much emotion as it does, but I can’t help it. Fuck it, when did I become a sentimental mess?

  He moves to pull back a little and I notice a flicker of concern fill his eyes.

  “Are you alright Sweetcheeks?” I’m hoping my playful nickname for him helps him to relax, yet it seems not to have affected him.

  “Uh, what? Huh? Uh, yeah, I’m good.” His hands rest on my hips where the shirt has slipped a little to reveal more of my naked skin. His eyes briefly dart down between us and then back again. The blush which colors his cheeks fills me with something akin to pride. If I didn’t know any better, I would say he was slightly embarrassed about the effect he has on me. I glance down to see a noticeable bulge between his legs. Looks like I’m not the only one excited about this.

  Slowly lifting my gaze to meet his, I offer him a smug smile. “What’s wrong? I thought you said you had a boyfriend before. You shouldn’t be shy about the effect you have on me.” I didn’t think his blush could be any brighter, it appears I was wrong. The poor guys cheeks have turned flaming red.

  “Well…Uh, we…Well we didn’t get that far.” He tries to look everywhere except at me as my mind swims with what he’s trying to tell me.

  “What do you mean Sweetcheeks?” I have a vague idea of what he means but I need to hear it from him.

  He removes his hands from my hips and takes a few steps back as my hands fall to my sides. He finally looks at me from under his lashes with adorable puppy eyes. Fuck, the things I want to do to him.

  He starts rubbing his hands together. I know he’s not cold, which means he must be nervous. I need to be patient with him if this conversation is going where I think it is.

  “Uh…well…We kissed and, well, you know stuff like that. But we never went any further before we broke up. I…I’ve never done…Uh, well anything like this before. It’s all new to me.” He looks away again, scratching the back of his neck. The poor guy is embarrassed he hasn’t done anything sexual with a guy before. Fuck, if that doesn’t fill me with a flash of pride, I don’t know what would. To be someone’s first anything is a big deal. Unfortunately, my first experience wasn’t a very pleasant one. I will have to go slow and make this as perfect as I can. Ha. No pressure.

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind. If you don’t want to go any further, we don’t have to. Just tell me what you want.” It’s difficult to maintain a slow and steady pace when I am standing here with nothing but a shirt covering me, especially when Killian’s gaze drops to my barely covered cock for a moment. It twitches under his gaze when he licks his lips. Fuckkk.

  He takes a hesitant step toward me. Meeting my eyes once more, I can see heat glaring back at me. Oh yeah, Sweetcheeks wants this.

  “I don’t know what to do. I want to try though.” He reaches out and places his hand on my chest, giving the muscle a firm squeeze.

  “You sure about this?” I have to give him another chance to opt out. Once he nods he’s sure I move forward and smash my mouth against his, claiming him. My hands move to hold either side of his neck and I rub my thumbs along the back of it. Killian’s hands are caged between us until I lean away a little to run my fingers down from his neck to his shirt. I firmly grab the collar and break away from his lips enough to pull the shirt over his head.

  When I glance down, I see a lean muscular chest with just enough hair for my liking. My eyes meet Killian’s again. He’s staring at me in question as if he’s worried what I’ll think about him. Fuck it, we can’t both be insecure assholes. I move my head down to place my lips against his neck and begin sucking and lightly biting the curve of his jaw and throat.

  A deep moan leaves his parted lips and it proves to be my undoing.

  I carefully push him down onto the floor until he’s lay before me. He looks at me with apprehension, and I offer him a warm smile in return. The worry creasing his brow seems to disappear as he smiles back.

  Crouching down onto my knees, I carefully study him, looking for any sign of regret or hesitation. When he reaches his arms out for me, I crawl forward and place my hands either side of his head on the floor, hovering above him. Using my knees, I push his legs up so I’m between them and the backs of his thighs rest on top of the front of mine. I’m nestled right between his legs and his covered cock grazes against my barely concealed one.

  I lean down to claim his mouth again as I slip my arms under his. He brings one hand up to grip the back of my neck and the other behind him on the floor to steady himself. I slide my hands down his back as he pushes himself up more until I am resting my ass on my feet. Using the hand on my neck he pulls himself up until he’s sat on my lap.

  My heart is beating out of control as he continues kissing me, I slowly move my fingers down until I can grab a handful of his tight ass. Wanting him to remember who is in charge, I give it a firm slap which appears to excite him as his tongue enters my mouth. I suck it in with enough force to make him gasp. When he pulls back, I see his abused lips and lust filled gaze. They both fill me with pride knowing I am the reason for it.

  I keep one hand firmly holding onto his lower back, and run the other down his upper thigh and back up again before grazing it over his hard nipple. Sliding my hand around to his back just under his arm, I lean down to capture his nipple in my mouth, gently grazing my teeth over it. I move my head back up and give a few quick kisses. My fingers caress his cheek as I smile at him between pecks.

  Killian begins rocking himself in my lap rubbing his cock along mine and I swear I see stars. Enough of this. I need to get him naked now.

  With my hands on his upper back, I slowly push him backwards until he’s lying down on the hay with me between his legs once more. I gently push against them until they are up on his chest as I rub myself against him. He responds by wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me again. I rock with him, enjoying the friction it causes, which Killian seems to enjoy too when he lets out a deep breathy moan.

  I sit upright, much to Killian’s shock, and stare down at him. He’s flustered as fuck, chest heaving in and out with tousled hair. I haven’t even done anything to him yet and he already looks like he’s been fucked. I take a few steadying breaths before I lean down and place open mouthed kisses and licks against his chest. As I am doing that, my fingers fumble with the laces on his sleep pants as Killian runs his through my hair.

  When I finally get the bastard things undone, I push myself up to slowly slide them down along with his boxers. When his hard dick springs free, my mouth waters. Fuck yeah, I can do a lot with that bad boy. I’m not usually the one offering the pleasure, more often than not I’m the one in charge and on the receiving end. However, with it being Killian’s first sexual encounter with another guy I want to make it as special as possible for him. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to please him. The intense thought should scare me, but all it does is spur me on. I help Killian shrug off the material until he’s completely naked in front of me. I sit back on my heels and take a brief moment to admire every curve and angle of this delicious man.

  Watching his face for any reaction, I gently w
rap my fingers around his cock and give it a little tug which makes a drop of precum leak out. I can’t help myself when I lean down to lap it up. He fucking tastes exquisite and the moan which leaves his lips makes me leak too.

  Making sure there is no sign of worry or panic, I begin to slowly move my hand up and down. He shudders underneath my touch. I keep my eyes locked with his as I lean down again to carefully swipe my tongue over him. Opening my mouth, I suck him in past my lips until he touches the back of my throat and keeps going. Fuck he’s a big boy.

  When I bring my mouth back up, I wrap my hand around the base of his cock. I continue sucking and licking, moving in different directions and rotating my hands to give him the most pleasure. I watch in satisfaction as his eyes roll in his head and he tilts his head back as more moans and breathy exhales leave his lips.

  He reaches up and places one hand on my shoulder and the other braced behind him. I see sweat dripping into every rivet of his lean muscles. I pick up the pace when I see his legs start to quiver either side of me. His grip turns almost painful against my shoulder, yet I can’t seem to take my eyes away from him. I don’t want to miss a second of this.

  After several more deep sucks and shaky breathes, he comes with a deep passionate grunt down the back of my throat and I swallow every last delectable drop.

  Killian finally releases my shoulder and falls back to the ground in a slump, breathing heavily. My poor cock is crying for attention but I’m not going to rush anything with Killian. This was his first sexual act with a guy and I don’t want to push him too much. No matter how much I want that, this is all about him.

  With a smug smile I watch him as he tries to calm down.

  Killian opens his eyes to reveal the beautiful molten chocolate color, and damn it he’s blushing again. “Wow. That was amazing. Tha…Thank you.” He offers me a sleepy smile which I return. “What do we do now? What would you like me to do?” Fuck. My filthy mind runs rampant with images of various things we could get up to.


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