Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2) Page 19

by Regina J. Robinson

  I spy Neris over by the wall facing away from me and I walk over to her.

  “Neris. You called for me. Is Alina okay? Vemnos hasn’t caught her again, has he? Do I need to retrieve her?”

  Neris turns holding her hand up. “Will you calm down for one moment. How am I meant to get even one word out if you’re throwing endless questions at me? And what have I told you about using the phoenix’s name? You can’t get attached to her, she’s not yours.” She rolls her eyes. I shut my mouth and wait patiently. I know she’s right. Alina isn’t mine no matter how much I wish otherwise.

  “With regards to why I called you here, it has nothing to do with being needed. As a matter of fact, it’s unlikely you will be needing to move the phoenix again.” I’m about to open my mouth to ask why when she holds her hand up again. “Before you start bombarding me with questions again, it’s because she has killed Vemnos.”

  “What? She did it? How do you know?” I’m completely taken aback. I’ve always known how powerful she is, I bear the scars to prove it. But to think after all this time she has finally defeated him, leaves me with a sense of pride and awe for the amazing woman.

  “Child, I’m the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. I know everything.”

  “If what you said about Vemnos’ death is true, then that means I can go to her now. Maybe she’ll accept me.” Excitement courses through my veins at the idea of being with the woman I’ve grown to care for. My fingers twitch at my side at the idea of being able to tell her everything and to hold her in my arms without the fear of being burned. It feels so long ago since I first held her that way. I feel lightheaded at the idea, and I completely forgot Neris is standing in front of me or the fact she’s trying to talk to me. When my dreaminess begins to subside, I can just about make out Neris’ voice and unfortunately what I hear shatters all of my hopes.

  “You can’t do that. You can’t go to her.”

  I thought at first she must be joking but the stern look she’s giving me says otherwise.

  “What? Why not? If Vemnos’ terrorization of her has finished then what would prevent me from going? You must know how I feel about her.” My pleading is probably falling on deaf ears, but I need to at least try.

  “Yes, I do know how you feel about her. I swear you have been smitten with that creature since the moment you first laid eyes on her. Look, just before Vemnos was defeated Branor managed to break free from his control and he’s alive. She has him back. Not forgetting the farm boy and my Galen are smitten with her too. Do you not think she has enough on her plate at the moment without adding you to the mix as well?” She raises a perfectly groomed eyebrow at me in warning, which I know I should heed, yet all I can think about is the beautiful, fiery woman I crave.

  “Dhysysus, I know what you are thinking and no matter how much you wish to be with her, now is not the time. You have been patient this long, a little longer will not kill you.”

  I know she’s right although it doesn’t hurt any less. “So, you acknowledge the fact I wish to be with her?”

  She lets out a deep sigh, shaking her head at me. “I can see the allure she has if that’s what you mean. Although at the moment your thoughts and feelings don’t matter. Your time will come. I’ve already foreseen it, as I see everything.” She reaches up to touch my cheek as her bangles clang together. “Patience child, all things happen when and how they should. Have I not been telling you this for centuries?” She rubs her thumb against my cheek as I reluctantly nod in reply.

  Footsteps behind me have us both turning to see Idnera briskly walking toward us. “Ids? Is everything alright? Where’s my sister?” I see how much her brow is furrowed and know instantly something’s not right.

  “The last I saw her she was storming over to Ebris’ room again. I swear I tried to stop her, but a rumor has got out that the phoenix has defeated Vemnos and Dray is going to tell Ebris. I couldn’t stop her so I came to get you.” She keeps glancing back as if Dray will walk through the archway at any moment.

  “Didn’t you say that Ebris demanded she leave last time and she ran to you in tears?” I need to find out everything I can before I go running after my sister. One thing I have learned over time is that Dray is extremely stubborn, and Vemnos’ mind altering magic wasn't helping matters. Wait a minute. “Ids, didn’t you say Dray’s mental state deteriorated because of Vemnos’ spells? If that was the case, shouldn’t her mind be repairing itself now he is dead?”

  “So it is true? Vemnos is really gone. Wow. I never thought I would see the day. I’m not sure how his magic worked. All I know is Dray seems even more deranged than normal. As I was trying to talk to her, she kept flinching and stuttering. Something is wrong and I’m not sure what to do.” I can see tears gathering in her eyes as she talks. I know how much she cares for my sister, probably in the same way I care for Alina.

  “Sometimes when a curse is cast if the caster is lost or has died then the magic can linger on for a while after. If this is the case, I’m not sure how long Draythys will be affected. All I know is that someone should go get her from Ebris before something bad happens.” Neris warns, looking at us both.

  “He wouldn’t hurt her though would he? For goodness sakes he had sex with her on more than one occasion.” Idnera looks at me in concern, probably panicking that she let Dray go to him. I watch as she glances back over her shoulder then back to me.

  “Ids, he’s capable of anything. He’s the God of Death and Destruction. I know my sister is strong and more than capable of standing up to him, but as long as the curse is still affecting her it will tamper with her judgment. As for Ebris, he doesn’t care about anyone.” I watch as she bites at her lip, her eyes fill with worry.

  “Dhysysus is right. Idnera you should go to her and stop anything before it escalates. I’ll go with you to see if I may offer help to. Dhysysus you must either stay here or go somewhere else. We don’t need Ebris seeing you and raising questions about your scars. The less he knows about your involvement the better.” Neris looks at us both sternly and all I wish to do is to go with them too.

  “She’s my sister. If she’s in danger, then maybe she’ll listen to me.”

  “No. Under no circumstances are you allowed to go anywhere near Ebris. What do you think would happen if he works out you’re the reason the phoenix got away from Vemnos every time? I don’t care what anyone else thinks. There is more going on here than what appears. The less Ebris knows the better. Don’t worry Dhysysus. I will go with Idnera and retrieve your sister.” The trepidation lining my gut doesn’t seem to settle, no matter how true I know Neris’ words to be. I know I should heed her warning although I really dislike not being able to help.

  Letting out a deep sigh, I nod and watch as Neris grabs Idnera’s hand and drags her along, heading toward the archway to get my sister. I just hope they can get to her before something bad happens. I hate not being able to help. My eyes trail after them until they are out of sight and I turn back to look over the edge to the roaring water cascading below me.


  He’s finally gone.

  The phoenix has actually done it. I still can’t fully believe it. For centuries I have waited for the asshole to be ended and now it’s finally happened.

  I can still feel the lingering fog of his magic clouding my brain, causing me to forget the simplest of actions. It will get better soon. It just has to.

  I’m practically skipping down the halls toward Ebris chambers. I know for certain now that Vemnos is gone his curse should have been lifted too. Ebris must remember his feelings for me now. I know deep in my soul this must be true, yet there still seems to be a quiet voice in my head trying to remind me of something I’m forgetting. I had thought once Vemnos was defeated then my mind would be how it should be. I can’t quite describe it but I know there’s something lingering at the back of my mind trying to force me to remember. As I walk along the halls, I begin tapping at my head. Little taps turn into knuckles drumming against my temp
le. Why can’t I shift this weird feeling?

  Reaching Ebris’ room, I give a quick series of raps against the wood and hear Ebris call out from within. I push the door open and walk in. Ebris with his back to me looking over his desk. I swiftly stroll forward and wrap my arms around his waist causing a questioning grunt to leave his mouth.

  “What the…” He grabs my hand and turns around glaring at me. “What do you think you are doing? I thought I already told you to clear off. What, were my threats to rip your heart out not enough of a warning for you?” The grip he has on my wrist turns extremely painful as he squeezes hard.

  I let out a startled yelp, trying to pry his fingers off of me to no use. “Ebris, let go. You’re hurting me.”

  He brings my wrist up pulling me forward so we are face to face. “I warned you, little blue. I don’t need your clinginess. If you want me to carve into you, I’m more than happy to oblige. But if you are here to try to declare your insane love for me, I will not hesitate in causing you as much pain as a god can take.” His teeth seem to elongate the longer he talks, and for a brief moment I feel a genuine sense of fear.

  “Ebris please stop. I have news.” He twists once more as I let out a little whimper. “It’s about Vemnos.”

  Ebris loosens his grip a little, yet not enough to release me. “What about him? I haven’t seen him for a while and he was meant to be here ages ago.”

  Pushing aside the jealousy about knowing he was waiting for Vemnos and not me, I manage to gleefully begin to tell him the news. “Haven’t you heard? It’s been all around the realm.”

  “Will you just fucking spit it out.”

  “He’s dead. The phoenix did it. Last I heard he was burned to a crisp and floated away with the breeze.” I couldn’t hide my happiness even if I wanted to. Ignoring the way Ebris begins to grip my wrist again, I lift my other hand up to touch his cold cheek. “Don’t you understand what this means my love? It means he’s no longer around to play tricks on our minds. We can finally be together.”

  His brow furrows as his jaw goes slack. Confusion swirls in his eyes as they dart back and forth. “What? No.” He looks to me in shock as I begin stroking his cheek.

  Without warning, he grabs hold of my arm and pushes me away with so much force I stumble back until I trip over and land on the floor with a bump. He steps forward, leaning over me. Where there was confusion before, now there is only anger. “You’re fucking lying. The whole point of his stupid possession plan was that he wouldn’t be touched. What fucking happened?”

  I place my hands behind me as I try to scurry away from his hateful glare until I bump against the wall. He stalks forward and crouches down in front of me, then reaches his hand out to wrap it around my throat. “You better start explaining or I swear I will hurt you.”

  Choking from the pressure around my throat, I managed to croak out a quick explanation of what I had heard. Everything from the boy escaping Vemnos’ control to him confronting her. Every word which leaves my lips appears to make him angrier, his breath comes in short rapid bursts.

  “That stupid fool. If he had just fucking stuck to the plan, then none of this would have happened.” I tremble against his hand as I watch his other clench and unclench, veins protruding from the pressure. “Are you absolutely sure he’s dead?” His yellow eyes fix on me and for a split second I feel a sense of revulsion at their jaundice appearance.

  “What do you mean?” Each word is a struggle as I try to croak out the words from my bruised throat, swallowing in between.

  His eyes narrow as he presses his face closer to me. He releases my throat a little to allow me to speak “As I fucking said. Are you sure he is definitely dead?”

  “Of course. I heard the phoenix turned him to ash in front of her.”

  “And who told you this?”

  “I heard it in passing around the palace. Now everyone is talking about it. No one has heard of a god dying, not since—” The force from Ebris’ grip tightening once more around my throat has me clawing my fingers against his. I feel lightheaded and nauseous as his sinister gaze fixes on mine.

  “Do. Not. Fucking. Say. Anything. More. I refuse to believe this stupid nonsense. The pathetic rumors of lesser creatures mean nothing to me. I will find out for myself and then gut the idiotic creature who started this rumor.” Standing upright with his hand still clasped around my throat, he looks poised and in control once more. “As for you. You are despicable, pathetic and weak. You are not even worth my spit on the ground.” He pulls me away from the wall by my throat and pierces me with his terrifying gaze. “I do not have time for your stupid mind games. Get out of my sight and if I ever see you again, I will cause you so much pain you will be begging for your death. Now leave.” The last words are spoken quietly and are more sinister than his shouts. I have never once felt fear in Ebris’ presence, yet now all I want to do is get as far away from him as possible.

  He drops me to the floor in a heap as I press my hands against the cold tile, choking and gasping for breath. Staring up as he towers over me, I see him for the monster he truly is.

  My stomach drops as cold dread seeps in and settles within my bones. I shakily push myself up onto my feet and desperately run for the door.

  Not because of fear.

  Because I remember.



  That stupid creature. How many fucking times have I told him to watch his back?

  He had one simple job and he managed to fuck that up. Now look at him. Incinerated to dust by the hands of a bird. I feel my eyes roll so far into the back of my head I swear for a minute they may remain stuck there.

  Centuries of careful planning out the damn window because he has an ego problem. All he had to do was to prevent the bird getting any stronger and not fucking die. Oh look, he’s dead. Well, that’s just fucking great. Looks like I’ll have to get my hands dirty after all.

  Watching the color drain from Dray’s face when I threatened her was perfect. I have waited for that for so long. It is such a relief to know she will no longer be trying to gain my affections. Can I help it if every now and then I want the body of a woman in my bed? At first, she was so pliant and willing. So eager to please me, who was I to say no when she repeatedly wanted in my bed? Unfortunately, over time she became too clingy for my liking, under the absurd notion that I actually care for her. Bile begins to collect in my throat at the thought of anything to do with those pathetic types of emotions. A full body shudder flows through me as I try to dismiss the disgusting thoughts.

  Seeing as my fuck toy has been destroyed, I need to take it upon myself to halt the bird’s progress. Chances are if she was strong enough to dispose of Vemnos, then she has already become quite strong. Until I can find a way to drain her powers I will need to contain her. Even to this day I’m not sure why Vemnos insisted on killing her each time. I told him on multiple occasions he was allowed to play, but only enough to subdue her. Now because of his carelessness I need to take on the task. How she managed to escape each time she perished is still beyond my knowledge. I guess I won’t let her die then.

  Storming out of my room, I rush down the halls to gather the necessary ingredients to make me materialize near the bird. One of the disadvantages of being the god of death and destruction means I cannot produce my own teleportation magic. I have to rely on spells and potions. Although, I haven’t needed to travel anywhere in a long time, seeing as I had everything I needed here.

  As I continue thinking over the stupidity of my fuck toy, I’m not watching where I am going and I collide with something, or rather someone, heavy. Anger boils within me at the very idea that someone would dare touch me without my say so.

  I can’t make out who this worthless piece of shit is because of the thick hooded cloak shrouding their face. Pushing the despicable creature back, I yank off the hood to reveal who I presume is Dhysysus. Angry looking scars cover his face and the exposed skin on his neck.

  “Ebris. I…I am so sorr
y. I did not see you there. I…I’ll just be leaving.” The stutters leaving his mouth mean nothing to me as I gaze closer at the marks etched into his skin. As my eyes focus, I can see how much they resemble burns. Narrowing my eyes at him, I grab one of his arms before he can turn away from me. Pulling his arm toward me, I stare down at his palm which also bears multiple burn marks. He trembles beneath my grip as the clues begin to click into place within my mind.

  I know for a fact each time the bird dies she is reborn from ash, yet she disappears before Vemnos had ever witnessed it. Disappearance. Burns. Magic.

  Lifting my gaze toward Dhysysus, I realize I haven’t seen him in centuries. In fact, no one has, except for his sister, Idnera and most certainly Neris. She can never seem to keep her nose out of anything.

  “You. It was you who moved the bird. All this time it was you aiding the creature, allowing her to escape.” Spittle flies out of my mouth and lands on his cheek.

  “I…I don’t know what you mean. Bird? I know nothing of any bird.” The words leaving his lips are definitely lies as I can smell the fear seeping off him,

  “Ah. See I think you know exactly what I mean. Well this time you won’t be able to help her, mark my words.” I forcibly grip his hand and drag him behind me as I continue my walk. I just need to make one pit stop first. He pulls and pushes against my hand but I hold firm.

  “Where are you taking me?” he quickly rambles out as I turn in the opposite direction to where I was first heading. Glancing back over my shoulder, I smirk at him with glee as he tries to shrink away from me. “Somewhere you will never be found.”


  Deciding to head back into the house is probably one of the scariest decisions I’ve ever had to make, yet I know it’s the right one. I’m fed up with always running and never being able to settle. Well, for once I am going to take what I want. Universe and fate be damned.


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