Baron: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Sacred Oath Series Book 3)

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Baron: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Sacred Oath Series Book 3) Page 16

by Plum Pascal

“Did we or did we not agree that Eilish is to be cloaked in the mantle of a scullery maid?” Cambion asks with irritation.

  “Right,” I say with a quick nod.

  “Hurry,” Dragan adds.

  Cambion faces me and narrows his eyes as he holds his hands up, palms facing me. Then he closes his eyes and his lips move as he weaves an enchantment around me that feels like armies of ants marching up and down my skin. It’s maybe another few seconds until he opens his eyes and drops his hands. When I glance down at myself, I notice I’m now dressed in a light blue and white frock with an attached apron and white stockings. I feel my hair and realize it’s pulled back into a bun at the nape of my neck and there’s a peculiar little hat perched on my head.

  “Carry on,” Cambion says as he glances at me and then nods at the wall.

  I grip the stones on the wall and pull myself up, one brick at a time. Dragan climbs behind me. His arm brushes my thigh and my knees buckle as the Succubus rears up again. Really, she’s becoming exhausting. He grips my leg with one hand and pushes me back up.

  “Get ahold of yourself,” he snaps.

  “I’m sorry,” I answer and then flush.

  “We can’t afford for you to lose control now,” he continues.

  “I… I need to feed,” I answer, hoping he’ll understand how tough this is on me—how it’s affecting me on every level. As it is, I feel so exhausted, I can barely move. And the thought of having to climb the rest of this wall is something I don’t want to think about, let alone do.

  The feeling of his palm against my leg is almost too much. “Move, Eilish. Now.”

  He pushes me up a bit and I scramble to find security on the stones. Cambion reaches the top first and then clears his throat as his eyes find Dragan and me. He watches us both with interest, although I’m not sure why. I’m nearly at the top when I glance up and see Baron leaning over the top of the wall and offering me a helping hand. I accept it and he pulls me up the rest of the way. My arms burn from exertion.

  “You need to feed,” he says with a curt nod. “You won’t last much longer.”

  I nod because he’s right. He squeezes my hand and I glance down at his. Just feeling his hand on my wrists causes a moan that gets stuck in my throat.

  “I feel dizzy,” I say as I take a deep breath.

  “If we survive this, you do what you need to,” Baron says and then he glances over at Cambion who glares at us both.

  I don’t really understand what Baron means but I choose not to ask. Baron tightens his hold around my wrist and I’m instantly reminded of the way he handles me when he’s inside me—his determination and his dominance. I moan. I can’t help it.

  “Eilish,” he warns.

  But, he’s not able to say anything else when we hear the sound of footsteps. All of us turn as one as we spot one of the guards along the far end of the wall as he walks around a corner and faces us. Dragan barely has time to knock him unconscious before the soldier shouts out, warning his comrades.

  “Revenant,” I whisper, because something is coming over me—a feeling I can barely control. And I feel dizzy and exhausted. Baron groans low in his throat and sinks his fangs into my wrist.

  Cambion curses quietly as my orgasm rushes over me like a hurricane. My scent grows stronger as Baron’s bite takes the edge off my hunger and his. That familiar darkness coils between us. He pulls away from me with a devilish look in his eyes.

  “Make her stop,” Dragan says as he closes his eyes and shakes his head.

  “I have no control over her,” Baron responds. “She needs to feed or it’s going to get worse.”

  “We don’t have time,” Cambion says as he faces me. “For fuck’s sake!” He walks right in between Baron and me, then grips me by the hands and upper thighs and forces me over his shoulders. He carries me to the far side of the wall and glances over the side. The downwards jump to the street below is maybe ten feet.

  Using the magic inherent in his species, Cambion mumbles something unintelligible and then jumps off the wall. When we land on the street below, it feels as if there’s little to no impact at all—as if Cambion simply hopped off a step and not a wall.

  He puts me down in the dirty road and makes sure there’s some distance between us, but I see the outline of his erection in his pants. He isn’t as indifferent towards me as he likes to pretend. Even so, I look away to give him some time to get control of himself. The last thing I want to do is embarrass him, as I’m more than aware of doing so won’t do me any favors.

  “You need to get yourself under control,” he announces.

  “I was going to say the same thing to you,” I retort, before I can stop myself.

  He frowns and inhales deeply. “Being near you when you’re… giving off what you are… isn’t easy.”

  It’s similar to what Dragan said. “I’m sorry,” I answer. “I haven’t fed and the Succubus is doing everything in her power to make that happen.”

  “You need to do everything in your power to control her,” he barks at me.

  “You have no idea how difficult that is,” I argue.

  If he would just give in, if he’d just fuck me… I think to myself.

  As if hearing my inward thoughts, he marches away as the others land on the dirt street just beside me. Together, we peep down the length of the alley. The scent of baked bread and roasted meat blend with the aromas of Variant’s flower garden that isn’t far from our current location.

  “Alright, here’s the plan,” Dragan begins, snapping me out of my daze. “We need to get off the streets and somewhere safe while we wait for Pyre to do whatever it is he was going to do. Those damn guards are going to wake up any minute now and they’ll be looking for us.”

  “Agreed,” Cambion says and he seems annoyed that Dragan took the lead when Cambion clearly thinks of himself as the leader.

  Dragan doesn’t seem to notice though and moves ahead of the group. I flinch when he suddenly takes my hand, but I take comfort in his hold, even though I know it’s foolish. Comfort is a word that will soon be meaningless.



  The Castle in the Sky

  I don’t know why I grabbed Eilish, but the action is beyond my control. Seeing Cambion hold her when he scaled down the wall only added to the irritation that Revenant caused by biting her like a fucking animal. But Eilish’s eyelids grew heavy and she looked as though she was enjoying it. The sheer strength of her pheromones is exhausting, to say the least. Each pull of air into my lungs is flavored with her arousal. My boots pound against the cobblestone, matching the rhythm of my heart as the heat of her palm seeps into my flesh.

  I can’t help but think of Lamia and the way her dark seduction overcame me. Eilish is not that different that I can look beyond her nature. Her Succubus side grows stronger every day and her need to feed along with it. It’s only a matter of time before we’re forced to serve her. Revenant has already proven he’s willing, but Eilish seems insatiable. It’s becoming fairly obvious that she desires all of us.

  It wasn’t unheard of, back before the Succubae were extinct, that her kind would take multiple pleasure slaves. Queens especially would have a harem of male concubines to use as they pleased. In fact, there had been many gargoyles who left my command to willingly serve their Succubae mistresses.

  Revenant stops. He lifts a hand to stall our advance before pressing a finger to his lips. The vampire leans back against the wall and slowly eases around the corner. Three guards stand side by side, smoking from a pipe that sends coils of blue smoke from the bowl. Revenant straightens and walks over to them with an air of confidence that I hesitantly admire. He says nothing as he draws nearer. The soldiers stand at attention, dropping the pipe, entirely unaware of what danger lurks in their presence. As far as they’re concerned, Revenant is a soldier to Variant, just like they are.

  They ignore him and I watch in rapt fascination as Revenant grabs one of the soldier’s heads with lightning-quick reflexes
and twists it at an awkward angle. Before I can blink, he uses his dagger to sever another soldier’s throat and then bashes the skull of the final guard against the brick. A scarlet river of lifeblood flows down the wall as Revenant sheathes his dagger without as much as a change in posture. He waves us over as though he’s bored by the lack of challenge. We hustle to his side, creeping through the alley, and moving closer to the castle.



  The Castle in the Sky

  We take a turn ‘round a corner an’ I near swallow my tongue when that freaky ass necromancer be standin’ right there, lookin’ at me all scary-like with hims mask over his face. I stand up as tall as I can soze he don’t thinks I’m scared or nothin’.

  “Everything is in place for you to make your entrance into the castle,” he say. “But, first, there is something I ask you to do.”

  “Something?” Vamp-Bat ask.

  “Before you reach the castle, proper, I wish for you to take shelter within a dilapidated structure that was once a library. Wait there until sunset.”

  “Why?” Pretty ask an’ I be thinkin’ it be a good question.

  “It will be easier to break into the castle with shadows on your side,” Masky answer.

  “And what is the purpose of us waiting until sunset in the library? Why shouldn’t we just wait in the Veil, where it’s safe?” Cambion asks.

  “There is something within the library I believe you should all see,” Masky answer.

  “Okay,” Dragan say as he face Masky. “And how will we know what it is you want us to see? Or are you going to tell us?”

  “You’ll know when you find it,” Masky answer real secret like. “And once you do, you can carry on with your task.” He take hisself a big breath. “You’ll see flashes of red light. When you do, move toward the light and move as fast as you can or else you risk getting caught in the spell, yourselves.”

  “What kind o’ spell is it?” I demands, crossin’ me arms against me chest as I shakes me head. “I ain’t goin’ nowheres lest I know.”

  “It’s a spell similar to the possession wards surrounding the palace, but much much stronger.”

  “Much strongers how?”

  Masky face me with them glowin’ white eyes an’ it’s alls I can do ta keep lookin’ right backs at him.

  “The spell will trap the guards in their minds and they’ll be motionless for about an hour. Get as close to the far end of the castle as you can before the spell wears off. Once inside, move towards the North Tower. Get in and get out as quickly as you can.”

  “The spell will trap all the guards’ minds?” Cambion ask.

  Masky cock his head to one side like he ain’t sure what his answer should be. “There are those creatures who are more susceptible to magic and those who are less,” he say.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Do the best with what you’ve been given,” he say, pretty grumpy like.

  “And when we finish our task, you’ll be ready to see us back out again?” the vamp ask, studying Masky with this weird sort of awed look on his face. I ain’t never seen that expression on the vamp befores.

  Masky hand him a weird lookin’ ball er orb er somethin’. It be small’s enough ta fit inside Vampy’s palm.

  “Crush the Oluri and it will open a rift to the Veil,” Masky explain.

  “The Oluri?” Pretty repeat.

  “This globe,” Masky correct hisself an’ then he look down at it likes he’s introducin’ it ta all of us.

  “Where will the rift take us?” Pretty ask an’ she gots that same expression ridin’ on her face—like Vampy and Pretty both got theyselves a crush on Masky-man.

  “To my home in the Veil. The rift will close less than a minute after it opens.” The necromancer’s hands be shakin’ like he a damn junky, lookin’ sorta like the vamp when he were in love with that fuckin’ rock. Masky grab onto Vampy and say, “Be very careful with the Oluri. It is very dark and forbidden magic even for a necromancer like me.”

  “What the fucks is that globe thing?” I ask, my voice all high and squeaky ‘cause I don’t wants to get captured again or blown the hell up by that glowin’ ball thing.

  “It’s a piece of my soul that’s tethered to the Veil,” Masky answer like his answer make sense. It don’t make no sense to me though.

  I hear Pretty gasp over my shoulder. She move closer to Masky and touch hims arm. Gargoyle and the others don’t seem to likes that much. Actually, neither does Masky ‘cause he take hisself a step back.

  “Casting the first spell to get us into the castle already drained your magic,” Pretty say in a real concerned voice. “And you’ve already severed a piece of your soul… Pyre...”

  “I don’t want your concern,” the necromancer answer real tight-lipped like.

  Pretty nod, but the concern still be there on her face, all the same. “Thank you. For everything, thank you.”

  Masky nod as he looks at her. “This might be our only chance to free the Midnight Queen. This is a necessary risk, but one that comes at a very high price.” Masky look up at the rest of us. “Just make sure it was worth my sacrifice.” He face Pretty again befores he look at the others. “And keep her safe.”

  “We will,” Cambion answer, like Masky was just talkin’ to him. That elf got him a real self-importance problem.

  Masky walk over to Gargoyle who be all broody. Then Masky whisper somethin’ in hims ear that make the Shadow King frown at his boots like they interestin’ all o’ a sudden. I flys up to the table where the elf sittin’ an tap him on the shoulder real quiet like.

  “You gots a plan if this fuckin’ thing go sideways? I ain’t too keen on gettin’ my ass roasted over an open fire for Variant’s supper. Hear he like hims sprite nice an plump like me.”

  Elf, he roll his eyes like I don’t know nuthin’. “Variant doesn’t eat sprites, you fucking moron.”

  I pull my shirt down where it rode up my belly an’ grab me crossbow. I think I’ll call her “Tilly” ‘cause I can’t remember what the fuck’s Noni named the damn thing. Yeah, I like Tilly.



  The Castle in the Sky

  Instantly the smell of old books hits me in the face when I step inside the old and forgotten library.

  Cambion slips through the door to the dilapidated hovel which was once a three-story, beautiful library. I remember this library—it was the location of the most important books—those that categorized the history of all things. Once upon a time, to enter this library was a privilege and there were those who would have put their lives on the line to protect the tomes herein.

  Actually, they did put their lives on the line and in turn, they lost them…

  Over time and due to neglect, the walls have eroded and the shelves are all busted or missing. Books litter the floor and piles of them take up the corners—all left here to rot. The second floor above our heads is intact in two places, and the stained glass panels high above us are broken and jagged.

  Cambion scouts ahead, searching for any possible threats. He emerges from behind a broken wall a moment later, giving his nod of approval. “So long as we stay away from the parts of the floor where time has rotted the wood, it looks safe.”

  “I wonder what Pyre wants us to find?” Eilish asks as she trails a slender finger along the spines of five books that still hold their place on the shelf before her. She moves on from them, being careful where she steps. Flumph plucks a large tome about Fae creatures from a pile and sits down beside me uninvited. His legs swing as he flips through the pages.

  “Why ain’t you in here?” Flumph asks.

  “In where?”

  “In my butt,” he responds and then rolls his eyes. “In this fuckin’ book!”

  I shrug. “Gargoyles aren’t Fae.”

  “What is they, then? Butt ugly, pig-faced flyin’ monkeys?” the little reptile asks. “‘Cause that how they looks to me. All grumpy-like with they little black e
yes and snarly lips.”

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll vacate your spot,” I growl at the annoying thing. It flits away, joining Cambion in the back room.

  It hits me then that not much is known about my kind. We exist like all the rest, but most of our lore was lost or distorted through the ages. Some thought of us as guardian angels while others believed we were made to serve the Fae kings. No one knows for certain how or where the gargoyle originated.

  In some ways, I’m as much an enigma as Eilish and Revenant. The only one of our ragtag group of misfits that actually belongs anywhere is Cambion. He retains his name, his royal crest, his lineage, his home, his owl, and his faeries to look after, and a place in the Fae realm once all of this is over. If we stand victorious against Variant, I don’t know where I will come home to. The Shadow Realm, of course, but not the Gorge. The Gorge only represents a prison to me and one I have no interest to return to.

  And where would Eilish return? I think to myself. At least I have the Gorge. She has nothing.

  “Hey, Stone King,” the sprite continues as it appears from behind a somewhat intact bookshelf. “Fairy-boy want to show you somethin’,” he says and then motions me into the back room.

  “Shut up, pest.” I turn and try to tune out the nagging little voice.

  “Dragan!” Cambion calls, further shattering my mood.

  “Son of a,” I start as I run my hand through my hair and try not to trip over the books on my way to the back room. “What?” I thunder at him.

  “Come take a look at this,” he says as he holds up a leather bound edition and I lean forward to read the title.

  “The Conquests of King Variant?” I repeat.

  “It’s a historical account, if that’s what you want to call it,” Cambion begins as he flips through the pages with a mixture of angry hostility and curiosity. “About the Great War and written by someone with inside knowledge of what happened. Inside as in… the author was clearly hired by Variant to write a historical account according to Variant’s perspective.”


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