“Only person I heard about is Cara, or maybe Grace Story,” Russell said.
“Story,” Duchess Golad said and made a sour face. “I bet they were salivating thinking they were going to get you into their family.”
“They tried again,” Jonathan replied. “I started receiving nice gifts from Grace and even had a date with one of her cousins.”
“What happened?” Farrah asked. Jonathan knew she wouldn’t be able to contain herself for much longer.
“The date was pleasant,” Jonathan admitted. “I had fun and got to meet Grace’s new husband Carlin. He was actually pretty pleasant as well.”
“What happened then?” Farrah asked. “I mean why are you not with this girl?”
“She wanted to start having children right away and it was only our first date,” Jonathan said and blushed. “It was straight forward and she even tried putting the moves on me.”
“Of course she would,” Duchess Golad said. “So desperate for mage blood they are willing to prostitute themselves. What do you know of the new whores in the Tower, Jonathan? I heard from good sources that you have been oogling at least one of them.”
“They are pretty,” Jonathan replied. “I am almost certain one has mountain blood and she is tall with big green eyes and the deepest dimples you have ever seen. She is a bit thin but it fits her well. Better than that, she is one of the strongest mages in the Kingdom. The other one keeps to herself but I hear she is the smartest mage in the Tower. She is also pretty and has beaten a few of senior class nobles. Nothing wrong with eyeing strong beautiful women.”
“They are whores, Jonathan,” Duchess Golad said. “You are one of the strongest mages in the Kingdom, you shouldn’t be saddled up with a whore. Jonathan I want you to meet my younger cousins. They are both mages even if they refuse to look like proper ones. Cadence and Aldin this is Jonathan Thunder.”
Jonathan smiled at both of them, they must have favored their father. They looked nothing like Xalen or the Queen, Jonathan thought they did look like nobles though. Something about their outfits or the way they sat straight up and down. The girl had thin dark brown hair. It was tied up in an intricate braid and Jonathan thought she looked uncomfortable sitting. Jonathan wasn’t sure if that was just her posture or if she was uncomfortable. Her brother’s hair was a little lighter and he had the same stiff posture. Both had thin angular faces and the bodies to match.
“The Queen’s Champion?” Aldin asked.
“Same lad,” Jonathan replied.
“Did you really kill a dragon?” Aldin said as he lifted an eyebrow.
“Roasted him good along with the Dragonknight on his back,” Jonathan replied.
“You are the one who fought the Donalians?” Cadence asked.
“I see you both have heard of me,” Jonathan replied.
“I have seen some of the plays about you,” Aldin said. “I think anyone who is a fan of the arts has.”
“I need to see one myself,” Jonathan replied. “I never knew they were a thing until my friend Ronica told me.”
“Ronica?” Russell asked.
“She is a little girl,” Jonathan replied. “The one I partnered with against the Initiates. I didn’t know you were both fans. I have my mostly finished biography along with a book detailing all of the battles I have been in. It should be worth a read but I am no storyteller.”
“I would love to,” Cadence said and gave him a warm smile.
“Are you worried about the Downey?” Aldin asked.
“I am nervous and excited at the same time,” Jonathan replied. “This could be the final thing I need to become Archmage. I need to make sure I don’t leave any doubt about who the best person for the job is. Maybe I will give the bards and playwrights some more material.”
“Still with that foolish dream,” Duchess Golad said. “I am going to start having get togethers here staring tomorrow. Jonathan you left me looking foolish the last time. You will make sure you stay and meet some of the splendid people of the mountain. Aiden I have some people for you to meet as well. As for the rest of you, if you find someone, let me know. I may have to lessen your sentence or make new arrangements since your future mate would not like to be married to a criminal.”
“Oh you are playing big,” Duke Golad said. “Hanging freedom out there to get what you want? Glad I never made an enemy out of you Daisy, you just don’t play fair.”
“Our job is to help the Queen find our next protectors,” Duchess Golad said. “It is the reason I have my younger cousins. They should be trying to find someone they can stand to be around and who would give them the strongest chance at having strong mages. Since it seems our son and my first choice are not compatible, I need to find Cadence someone feasible.”
“Have you been through the Tower?” Jonathan asked Aldin.
“Not yet,” Aldin replied. “I know most go at sixteen but we have until twenty one. My sister and I are nineteen, maybe next year we will see what the fuss is about. We have had private tutors since we could speak. I don’t think there is much for us to learn there.”
“The Tower is something that has to be experienced,” Jonathan said. “It will leave you with either a better appreciation for mage culture or make you want to turn it on its ear.”
“Well what did you think of it?” Aldin asked.
“I think my experience was unique,” Jonathan replied. “The things that I went through, I doubt you would go through because of your noble blood. You may end up liking it there, some people think it was one of the best times of their lives.”
“You don’t sound like Jonathan Thunder at all,” Russell said. “Here was your chance to discredit the Tower.”
“One of my mentors work there,” Jonathan replied. “And the Tower isn’t so bad anymore. I along with Tobin cleaned up a lot of it. I can't say the last time someone got their hair and face burned off or people sat and watched others get tortured.”
“Never liked that about the place,” Duke Golad said. “I like shutting fat mouths as much as anyone but torturing commoners was never something I got off on. Sure I have smacked a few of them around that asked for it, but not much more than that.”
“Well I can say the Tower has taught me how to dance,” Jonathan said. “That program they had going for the mundane women was deemed a big success since practically every young lady ended up with her a mage. I deemed it a big success because it made me a dancer. It is a skill I always wanted but never had until then. They should bring that program back.”
“Never,” Duchess Golad said. “The Storys want to use it as their own personal line to mage blood.”
“Well I like to dance,” Aldin said. “So does my sister. I think it is a true art, we spend most of our free time dancing. It is a passion of mine now, something we both picked up from my father.”
“I cannot dance as much as I want to,” Cadence said. “I like having a partner but it seems like they always have ulterior motives instead of just enjoying the music and movement.”
“Must be difficult for a mage woman,” Jonathan said.
“You have no idea,” Flossy said as she joined the conversation. “I am a known criminal and I still get harassed nightly by people who want to sneak in to see if I need anything. I would like to see how you mage boys would react if there were twenty mage girls to every one of you or if you were practically guaranteed to birth mages.”
“I don’t I would like that at all,” Jonathan said. “Maybe you just need to get the stare down.”
“A staredown?” Cadence asked.
“Most people think I am a murderer,” Jonathan said. “My dark hair and these dark eyes complete with a scowl sends most people away.”
“Really?” Flossy said. “I would think it would entice a lady. There are many who love the bad boys, myself included.”
“He is not your type,” Duchess Golad snapped.
“Of course not Your Grace,” Flossy said. “But if I were still out there like that, I think
I would give him a once over and so would any girl who is being honest with herself. I think during your parties Your Grace, that many ladies will want to know about him even without his reputation.”
“I think that is one of the nicest compliments I have ever heard,” Jonathan replied. “But you may be full of it. Most girls have to get poked just to come up to me. I guess we will see once whatever this is starts. I have no idea how people dance in the mountain, is it hard?”
“I don’t dance,” Flossy said.
“I can get you a tutor if you really need one,” Duchess Golad said.
Dance Dance
Jonathan breathed heavily as he walked outside and floated up to the third story of the keep. He was out of breath and it seemed every young lady there wanted to dance with him. Jonathan thought this had to be the first time he had gotten more looks than Russell, but Russell’s sour demeanor had something to do with it. Russell refused to dance with anyone, since it was not polite for a lady to ask, none did. Russell wouldn’t have danced with one if they had, he had no intentions of dancing with a mundane. Jonathan just saw the looks the girls were giving him and asked one. Once he was done with her it seemed another was always in his face looking shy and he hadn’t sat down for two hours. He was lucky to make it outside where he could at least hide.
“You want some ale boy?” came a deep voice. Jonathan turned around to see a stout man holding an axe.
“Baronet Auber?” Jonathan asked. Jonathan had remembered the man from his first time in the keep. He had threatened Jonathan because he thought Jonathan would try to put the moves on his sister Freyja.
“You remember me,” Baronet Auber said. “You are a good lad, you can just call me Olaf. Why you up here hiding?”
“Why are you up here hiding?” Jonathan asked.
“Because the Duchess has taken interest in me now that I am a Baronet and wants me with a mage girl,” Olaf said. “She has been pushing hard for that Flossy girl but has some in the Tower she wants me to take a look at.”
“Well I am just tired of dancing,” Jonathan replied.
“Then stop,” Olaf said.
“Can't do that,” Jonathan replied. “Then I would have to sit and talk to whoever. Flossy aint bad, she is just a little rougher than most women I have talked to.”
“What about the skinny one that is down there?” Olaf said.
“Cadence is fun to be around,” Jonathan replied. “We have danced a few times but Duchess Golad made it clear that there will be none of that. She likes dancing, if you do, you will find her a willing partner.”
“I’ll pass for now,” Olaf said. “I had Duke Golad get a barrel hauled up here. There are some tankards over there on the ledge for you to get your own ale.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jonathan said as he grabbed a tankard.
“You meet my sister yet?” Olaf asked. “Pretty girl wearing yellow?”
“I have,” Jonathan replied. “I have danced with her three times now. She was the last person I danced with. Honestly, what is wrong with you mountain lads? Plenty of women here, you should all be dancing.”
“Not this bunch,” Olaf said. “Everyone is someone. May not have magic but are overall important people or people who will become important. Many Jarls or future Jarls are here, think something similar to your Lord Mayors you have in the Kingdom. All are busy trying to look important and set up their own families for success. Nothing will happen at this first celebration or even the one tomorrow. It normally takes until day five when people make their connections.”
“You are going to let all of these beautiful women get away by trying to look cool?” Jonathan asked.
“I know you outsiders see our women and think you have it made,” Olaf said. “But to us, they are just women. Some prettier than others but nothing to go crazy about like you outsiders do. Just think about the other women in the kingdom, you are not going crazy over an average looking girl. That is how we see them here, they are just people.”
“Makes sense,” Jonathan replied. “But they are fun to dance with if a little too grabby. They dance pretty close to you. Kind of hard to keep my attention focused.”
“Ah,” Olaf said. “You better not be dancing all close with my Freyja. That is the way a mountain woman determines if you want her or the female that was before her.”
“Well this robe is a life saver,” Jonathan said. “Loose and bulky and some places. Hard to tell unless someone does something indecent.”
“Look lively,” Olaf said. “I think we have been spotted.”
“Here you are,” Aldin said out of breath. “How dare you leave me down there.”
“You seemed to be having a good go of it,” Jonathan laughed.
“I said I liked to dance,” Aldin said. “Not that I want to dance myself into exhaustion.”
“Aldin meet Baronet Auber,” Jonathan said.
“Call me Olaf,” Olaf said. “Ale and a tankard are behind you.”
“I will take you up on that,” Aldin said. “Other than me you were the only man out there getting down. I felt kind of creepy rubbing my erection on so many ladies but it is like they demanded it. I know this is more information than any of you would like to hear but I am glad my tunic goes down to my thighs or I would be embarrassed right now.”
“That’s just mountain women for you,” Olaf said. “You find one you like?”
“Maybe,” Aldin said. “Real pretty girl who was not too forceful. I swear her eyes can see to your soul. She is wearing one of the prettiest yellow dresses I have ever seen.”
“Easy!” Jonathan said as he stepped in front of Aldin and looked at Olaf. “It was just a dance.”
“You make sure it is just a dance,” Olaf said.
“Did I do something wrong?” Aldin asked.
“You are describing his sister,” Jonathan said.
“And if you are liking her then I better not see you rubbing up on any of the others,” Olaf said. “Either make yourself known or leave her alone, no other way.”
“I can't present myself to a girl like that,” Aldin said. “Why would she even take me serious? As is I was surprised she even agreed to dance with me.”
“Your call,” Olaf said. “Either get real or leave her alone. I don’t play the games the rest play. Freyja is all I have left of my parents.”
“I guess I will leave her alone then,” Aldin said. “I am not looking for enemies, especially when I will be leaving in a month or two.”
“Well now that is handled,” Jonathan said. “It is nice to have a breather.”
“I think I am going to back in there and make sure that beautiful girl knows her brother told me to leave her alone,” Aldin said. “I do not want her thinking I am some cad on the off chance she is interested.”
“You keep my name out of it,” Olaf said.
“Your name is in it, because you put it in it,” Aldin said.
“Then you also make sure you put in the part where I told you to stop playing games and you decided to run instead,” Olaf said.
“He has you there,” Jonathan said. “He didn’t exactly tell you to back away, he said make your stance known.”
“But she is taller than I am and a natural blonde!” Aldin said. “Why would she be interested in someone like me?”
“Well you are willing to tell her why you cannot dance with her,” Jonathan said. “Now why don’t you just take that courage and tell a pretty woman that you are interested. No one is telling you to marry the woman, just let her know you are interested. All her brother is asking is for you not to lead her on.”
“Lead who on?” Russell said as a door opened up. “Why are you all up here?”
“Why does it matter?” Aldin asked. “You are just hanging in a corner.”
“Your absence is more noticeable than mine,” Russell said. “You are the ones who said you love to dance and there are many people looking for you.”
“Well they would ra
ther have and ale with me,” Olaf said. “Your Ma will be okay. There are other men out there for her to fix up.”
“Why aren’t you aren’t there?” Russell asked.
“Why aren’t you there?” Olaf asked. “You are the most eligible bachelor out there. You are using us as a reason to hide.”
“I do not hide,” Russell said. “Except from this. I have to leave tomorrow and I do not want to give anyone the wrong idea. How about we all just go down stairs?”
“And give up my favorite ale?” Jonathan asked.
“This is your favorite ale?” Olaf asked.
“It is a commoner joke,” Russell said. “It is his favorite ale because it is free.”
“Ha!” Olaf said. “That is my favorite flavor as well. Especially since His Grace always has a sizable amount on hand.”
“You all realize that if my mother finds you up here instead of down there where you could be doing the exact same thing…,” Russell said and let his statement hang.
“Well I am getting a full tankard and taking the long way down,” Jonathan said.
Jonathan thought the company was good as they laughed on the way down the stairs. Jonathan thought the trip ended too soon. When he walked into where the dance was being held, there were ladies on the floor but most were dancing with each other. The men all stood along the wall in various conversations but Jonathan knew a few of them were sneaking glances at the women on the floor. Jonathan found Charles who was talking to a stunning woman. She reminded Jonathan of a slightly less stunning version of Wendy. Jonathan walked over and gave the woman a smile.
“So this is the Lady Piper who everyone says must be blind to marry you?” Jonathan asked.
“Sod off,” Charles said then started smiling. “Piper this is Jonathan.”
“Nice to meet you,” Jonathan said.
“I have heard about you,” Piper said.
“Hopefully nothing too bad,” Jonathan replied.
“Not really,” Piper said. “They say you killed a dragon.”
The Archmage Page 42