The Undisputed Series

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The Undisputed Series Page 20

by Teague, A. S.

I glance back. The flurry of activity has doubled.

  “Now, what’s her number? I’ll dial it for you.”

  I can’t think clearly enough to tell her number, so I take the handset and, with shaky hands, punch the number in. My gut rolls with each ring, and I worry that I’m going to be sick again.

  When her voicemail clicks on, I have to swallow bile. After hanging the phone up, I try again. The phone goes to voicemail for a second time, and I turn to Margaret.

  “She didn't answer. She didn't answer,” I repeat despairingly. I dial one last time, and she picks up.

  “Hello?” she says cheerfully.

  My mouth is suddenly so dry that, when I try to formulate words, nothing comes out. I open and close my mouth several times to no avail.

  Annoyed, she snaps, “Hello? Is anyone there?”

  “Ab,” I manage to choke out.

  Margaret stretches her arm out, offering to put me out of my misery, but I have to tell her myself. Besides, nothing short of being shot would ease the pain I’m feeling.

  Shaking my head at her, I clear my throat. My stomach threatens to revolt again, but I finally choke out the words.

  “Abby. You have—” I break off, swallowing. “You have to come to the hospital.” Then I sink to my knees, thankful the cord is long enough to stretch to the floor. “It’s Connor. Something’s happened.”

  I hear a strangled cry on the other end, and then the line goes dead.

  Closing my eyes, I drop the handset to the floor and put my head to my knees. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I rock back and forth.

  A hand rubs circles on my back, but it does nothing to comfort me.

  All around me, people are shouting and rushing around. I can hear their words, but my mind doesn’t register what they’re saying. I can’t stop replaying the scene in my mind. If only I hadn’t been watching TV. If I had continued to talk to Connor instead of crying like I vowed not to. What if I hadn’t taken my phone out to text Breccan? I could have done something sooner. I could have noticed that his lips were blue. I should have called the nurse about his breathing. I should have done something. Anything.

  It was just an infection. How could this be happening?

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Mark finishes taping my hands and asks, “Do you remember the game plan?”

  “Of course I remember the plan,” I snap, my mind on Sidney.

  I got the good luck texts she’d sent earlier today, but I haven’t heard anything from her in the last few hours. I called her multiple times, but her phone kept going to voicemail. Trying Abby’s phone, I discovered that hers was turned off as well. I can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong.

  My fight’s coming up next, but before we leave the locker room, I get Tripp’s attention.

  “Hey, man. Think you can try to get ahold of Sid for me? I’ve been calling for the last few hours and can’t get her.”

  He nods and immediately pulls his phone out. Security sticks his head in the door and announces that its time to make my way to the cage. I look back at Tripp, and he waves me on, so I trudge out behind Mark. Shaking my head, I tell myself I’m overreacting. Knowing her history with phone chargers, she’s probably somewhere without one.

  My entrance music is blaring, and I smile to myself when I hear Johnny Cash’s soulful voice over the loud speaker. I’m singing along with the lyrics when Sidney’s face pops in to my head, and memories of that day in the kitchen come flooding back.

  Mark comes to a halt in front of me, and I step up to the referee. After we have done the prefight inspections, I climb the steps and take a few laps around the octagon, my arms stretched in the air.

  The crowd’s going crazy, chanting my name, but it doesn’t give me the rush it once did. Stopping in front of my corner, Mark leans over the fence and starts his usual pep talk, reminding me to follow the game plan and not showboat too much.

  I tune him out, instead looking over at Rebecca in the front row. Beside her are three empty chairs, still marked reserved.

  My stomach sinks at the sight.

  Sidney, Abby, and Connor should be in those seats, cheering me on.

  A moment later, the announcer calls us to the center. Reluctantly, I tear my gaze away from the empty seats and meet Hawke. The ref instructs us to touch gloves, but Hawke refuses and backs away, a smug smile on his face.

  “Fuck you,” I spit at him as I walk backward to my corner. Plastering a fake smile on my face, I wink at him right as the bell rings.

  Hawke comes flying out of his corner, and I go on autopilot, ducking and dodging his punches. I land a few good shots, but none of them have any power behind them. We continue to dance around the mat, each doing a good job at avoiding the other’s blows, until the bell rings again, ending the first round.

  As I jog back to my corner, Mark screams, “What the fuck was that? You asshole, you didn’t follow the plan at all!”

  I sit on the stool, ignoring him while Tripp massages my shoulders with an ice pack.

  “You’re dropping your arms,” Tripp says calmly. “You’re gonna let him knock you out.”

  I make eye contact with him in silent question, and he shakes his head. Still nothing from Sidney. The knot that’s been in the pit of my stomach grows, but I ignore it and try to focus on Mark’s instructions.

  He’s still bitching about not following his plan, so I jump to my feet and shove him out of my way. Bouncing on my toes, I await the start of the second round.

  The bell sounds, and I rush Hawke. He’s caught off guard, and I’m able to land a shot that buckles his knees. Jumping on the opportunity, I follow him down and continue delivering punishing blows.

  I glance up at the clock. I only have another minute before the round is over. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the ref take a step forward to intervene, and I smile. I may not need to make it that long.

  Momentarily distracted, Hawke manages to catch me with an elbow that snaps my head to the left.

  I’m dazed, and I’m shaking my head to clear it when I see Rebecca in the front row.

  I can see her mouth moving, but I can’t make out what she’s saying. All I can focus on are those fucking empty seats. My mind fills with concern about Sidney.

  Why the fuck can’t anyone reach her?

  My resolve fractures.

  The bell sounds, and I leap to my feet and rush over to where Mark and Tripp are waiting.

  Ignoring Mark completely, I growl, “Have you heard from her?”

  The color drains from Tripp’s face, but he shakes his head and shoves me down onto the stool. He begins massaging my shoulders, but I slap his hands away.

  “What is it, Tripp?”

  He leans forward and whispers in my ear, “Just finish this.”

  Leaping to my feet, I get in his face and growl, “Tell me!”

  He tries to take a step back, but I have him caged in.

  He shakes his head once and murmurs, “I can’t. You just need to end this fight. Now.”

  My stomach lurches at his urgency, but I refuse to back down. “I’m not letting you out of here until you tell me what the fuck is going on.”

  Mark throws an arm between us and pushes against my chest, but I don’t budge.

  Cocking my head to the left, I whisper menacingly, “Stay out of this.” I turn my attention back to Tripp, whose face is still pale, and bark, “Tell me. Now!”

  The ref comes over, warning us that it’s time for round three, and while my attention is diverted, Tripp takes the opportunity to slip out, sprinting down the stairs.

  I’m seething, waiting for the bell to ring, when suddenly it hits me. The weight of seven years of fighting all culminate in one moment before disappearing from my shoulders.

  I have nothing left to prove.

  All the years I spent training.

  All the time I lost working my ass off.

  All the wins.

  I’ve been champion for years�
�years that, looking back, I now know were a waste.

  Looking across the cage at my opponent, I’m struck by reality.

  This isn’t my fight anymore.

  I don’t belong inside this cage. At one time, the octagon was my home, but now, it’s keeping me from the one place I belong.

  With Sidney.

  Dropping my arms, I turn and mutter, “Fuck this,” before jogging out of the cage.

  The moment my feet hit the ground, I breathe a sigh of relief and sprint to the locker room.

  The crowd’s roar is deafening, and I can hear Mark calling to me, but I don’t stop.

  There’s somewhere else I’m supposed to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I slam my dressing room door open and stalk toward my locker. I’m tearing at the tape on my hands when Mark comes in behind me.

  “What in the ever-loving fuck are you doing?” he shouts. “You just lost your belt.” His face is a shade of purple I’ve never seen before.

  I don’t even raise my voice when I tell him, “Fuck that belt.”

  Tripp and Rebecca come bustling in just in time to hear Mark roar, “Have you lost your goddamned mind?”

  I shrug at him and question Tripp. “What’s going on? Is she okay?”

  His mouth opens and closes a few times, but he doesn’t answer.

  Shouting, I ask “What is it, man?”

  He doesn’t say anything, just slowly shakes his head back and forth, and fear grows in the pit of my stomach.

  “You walked out on your fight for some girl?” Mark bellows.

  I round on him and growl, “Don’t you ever call her ‘some girl’ again.”

  Tripp weaves his way across the room, gets right beside me, and says, “Sidney’s fine, man.”

  Relief floods my veins, and my shoulders sag.

  He drops his gaze to the floor and rubs the back of his neck.

  The room’s gone silent, and I can see Mark’s body go taut out of the corner of my eye.

  Lifting his head, Tripp looks me straight in the eyes before saying, “Breccan. It’s Connor.”

  He doesn’t say anything more, and his silence enrages me off. My mind begins spinning in a hundred different directions, none of them good.

  Taking a step toward him, I grab his bicep and squeeze, “Spit it out, Tripp.”

  He takes a ragged breath and whispers, “Breccan, he passed away this morning.”

  The world comes screeching to a halt with those five words. I blink at him for several seconds, trying to wrap my mind around what he just said.

  Slowly shaking my head, I croak, “You’re lying.”

  Mark reaches over and puts a hand on my shoulder, but I spin out of his grasp.

  “You’re lying!”

  Tripp reaches for me, but I back away from him until I hit a wall.

  “Why the fuck would you even say that?”

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “God, I’m so sorry.”

  The television is blaring in the background, the announcers rambling about my unexpected departure from the cage, but all I can see is Connor’s crooked grin behind my lids with every blink.

  “Someone turn that shit off!” I scream, desperate for peace and quite so I can think.

  Rebecca scrambles over to the TV, jabbing at buttons until one of them finally throws the room into complete silence. My breaths are short and ragged, and it sounds like an ocean in my ears as I stare at my best friend, who just told me the most devastating news of my life.

  Suddenly, the pain in my chest becomes too much to bear.

  With a roar, I grab the closest object to me—a chair—and hurl it against the wall. The door flies open and security rushes in, but Mark and Tripp hold them back while I continue my rampage.

  In my anguish, I upend a table full of snacks and drinks, the liquid spraying everywhere. Soda drenches me, but I don’t even feel it. The thundering in my ears grows louder as I began punching the wall, putting holes in the sheet rock and splitting my knuckles.

  Tripp grabs my arm, but I shove him away from me. He flies through the air, and someone rushes to his aid, shouting words I can’t make out.

  I can hear Mark calling my name over and over, but I ignore him and continue taking my pain out on innocent furniture.

  I’m destroying a bench when a member from security tackles me.

  Lying on my belly, with Goliath holding me down, I scream, “You’re fucking lying! Call her back! You’re a fucking liar! Call her! Call Sidney! He’s not dead!”

  My vision blurs, and I squeeze my eyes shut. When I open them again, Rebecca is crawling toward me in a mini dress and heels. Her eyes are red, and her makeup is streaked with tears. She pushes the bouncer off me and wraps her arms around me.

  Fighting against her, I attempt to stand, but my legs won’t hold me. She refuses to let go.

  “Stop, Brec!” she screams. “Just stop!”

  Her sobs echo in my ears, but I can’t control my fury. I escape her hold, and she shifts into Tripp’s outstretched arms.

  He holds her while she continues to plead with me. His face is already swelling from when I shoved him into the wall. He shakes his head at me, and the despair in his eyes tells me more than any words could.

  I bury my face in my bloodied hands, fighting tears back.

  On my knees, in a wrecked locker room, I cry for the first time in my adult life.

  How could he be gone?

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I think I am going to vomit.

  I probably would if there were anything in my stomach.

  It has been two days since I have eaten.

  Two days since I have slept.

  Two days since I have smiled.

  Two days since my nephew died.

  Septic shock, they said. An antibiotic-resistant infection that had somehow gotten into his blood stream and caused all of his organs to shut down.

  It has been two days since I watched the nurses and doctors work for over an hour to save him. Their efforts were in vain though; Connor’s heart never restarted.

  I am sitting in a funeral home, my sister clinging to my arm on one side, Breccan stoic on the other. The director is a middle-aged man with a soft midsection and an unfortunate bald spot on the top of his head. Every so often, he would reach up and rub it, and I would find myself wondering if Connor would have gone bald, given the chance to grow old. The man is sympathetic, but the way he kept deferring to Breccan is pissing me off.

  “So, you see, this casket is made to last,” he finishes, looking directly at Brec.

  Breccan nods once and faces Abby and me. “I think that’s the best choice. Connor would like the red interior too,” he says gently

  Abby nods. Then she swipes a tissue under her eyes and blows out a breath.

  With every suggestion she agrees with, my anger grows. I know I shouldn’t be upset with her, but that doesn’t stop the frustration from continuing to bubble up. This was her son and she isn’t making any of the decisions. Instead, she’s leaving it all up a man who was a stranger a mere six months ago.

  Breccan rushed back the moment he had been notified. The look on his face when I opened the front door left me gasping for breath. I barely recognized him. His face was blank, and the mischievous twinkle he always has in his eyes was gone.

  He hasn’t left my side for a moment since he returned, even going so far as to sit in the bathroom with me while I showered this morning. The first night, he held me while I sobbed, knowing that nothing he could have said would ease the pain I was feeling and remaining silent.

  He answered all the phone calls, contacted our brother, and sent Rebecca out for anything we needed. I stood by his side and listened while he broke the news to Jeremy—a man he’d never met—that the only child in our family was gone when Abby and I weren’t able to do it.

  His presence should have been comforting. It should have been a relief to not have to worry abou
t anything. Instead, everything he does grates on my nerves.

  I want to shout at him to stop doing everything, to let me make the arrangements. I want to remind him that Connor was my nephew, not his.

  But Abby seems almost relieved to have handed the reins over, and I can’t bring myself to cause her any more grief. The way she screamed when the doctors told us that Connor was gone will haunt me for the rest of my life.

  Turning back to the director, Breccan begins giving orders and asking about the service and burial that will follow.

  Resigning myself to the fact that he’s taken charge of yet another thing, I tune him out. Instead, I stare at the picture hanging in the funeral parlor. Something about it is familiar, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen that lone tree before.

  After another half an hour, the arrangements for my nephew’s final resting place have been made and Breccan leads us out of the funeral home. He insists we get a bite to eat before heading home, and I want to protest. But, when Abby nods, I clamp my mouth shut and stare out the car window in silence.


  I cut the engine and hop out, rushing around to open the door for Sidney and Abby. I picked DiPasso’s because both sisters love it but didn’t often come here with Connor.

  I escort them in and settle Abby into the booth. Sidney slings her purse into it on the opposite side. When I quirk an eyebrow at her, she quickly diverts her gaze and picks a menu up.

  After sliding in beside her, I put my arm around her shoulders and feel her stiffen. Leaning over, I whisper, “You okay?”

  Her head jerks, but she doesn’t say anything.

  When the waitress comes over, I order for all of us. Abby nods and murmurs a thank-you when the waitress leaves to put our order in, but Sidney grumbles something I don’t quite catch.

  Squeezing her shoulders, I ask, “I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?”


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