Crossing another item off Connor’s bucket list felt good. Really good. Breccan did the impossible, making something that could have been bittersweet just sweet. I haven’t had time to dwell on the fact that it was me crossing the item off instead of Connor.
As soon as we arrived home, I called Rebecca to share the news. Her reaction was everything I thought it would be, and she insisted on throwing an engagement party almost immediately.
Rebecca showed up this morning almost as the sun was coming up and began decorating. In no time at all, our house was completely made over, the decorations simple and tasteful.
“It looks amazing, Reb.” I breathe as I walk in to the living room.
Bent at the waist, rearranging a vase of flowers, she straightens and glances over her shoulder at me.
“No, you look amazing!” she squeals, waltzing over to me. “Gah, I just knew this dress would be perfect for tonight!”
She holds my hand above my head, forcing me to do a twirl, and I giggle as the skirt billows out around me.
“You were right,” I admit, as I admire the dress she insisted I buy when we went shopping. I wasn’t sure, but Rebecca insisted I get it, and I’m glad she did, because I look fabulous.
“Let’s have a glass of wine before everyone gets here,” she says, and then leads me in to the kitchen. I settle myself on the barstool and let her fuss over the drinks, knowing she won’t let me help her if I try.
I grab the Rubik’s cube from the basket on the end of the counter and twist the colored blocks a couple times.
I’ve been working on the damn thing for almost as long as Connor’s been gone. When I saw that one of the items on his bucket list was to solve the cube, I’d immediately purchased one, assuming that it would be the easiest item to cross off.
I was wrong.
“Argh.” I grumble, dropping it back in the basket.
Breccan and I have both been trying to solve it, taking it everywhere we go and pulling it out whenever we have a free minute. But all our efforts have been fruitless. We’re no closer to solving the puzzle than we were when we bought it.
“What’s the matter?” Rebecca asks, handing me a wine glass filled to the brim. I take a long sip.
“That damn Rubik’s cube. I can’t solve it to save my life.” I point to where it’s resting and Rebecca picks it up. “At this rate, I’ll be a hundred before I ever figure it out.”
She takes another swallow of wine and then sets her glass on the counter and eyes the cube. “May I?” she asks.
I sweep my hand, telling her, “Be my guest.”
For a few minutes, I watch her in stunned silence as she spins the panels around, the colors starting to match up.
She’s still working on it, her brow creased in concentration, when Breccan and Tripp come through the door, laughing loudly.
“Shhhhh!” I snap, my eyes wide as Rebecca slides the last few panels in to place, the colors all lining up perfectly.
“Oh my God!” I murmur, shocked. I’ve spent months trying to get the damn thing solved and she waltzed in, and with a few flicks of her wrists, solved it in less than five minutes.
“Holy shit, Reb!” Breccan whoops, grabbing her around the waist and twirling her in a circle. He kisses the top of her head when he sets her down and then comes to me.
Pulling me in to his arms, he plants a wet kiss on my lips and then squeezes me tight.
“I can’t believe you just did that!” I shout when the shock finally wears off. “Hey, it still counts even though it was Reb that solved it, right?” I ask aloud.
She lifts a shoulder and smiles as she brings her wine glass to her lips. “Of course it counts!” Changing the subject, she directs her attention to Breccan. “Doesn’t your fiancée look amazing?”
He takes a step back, holding me at arm’s length, and his eyes roam my body. My cheeks heat at the intensity of his face, and when his eyes meet mine, he says, “Yes, Rebecca, my fiancée looks incredible. Although, she always does.”
He pulls me back to his chest and whispers in my ear, “Wish we had a few minutes alone, so I could show you just how much I like this dress on you.”
My nipples tingle at the feel of his breath on my neck, and I fight the desire that floods my veins.
“Ahem.” Tripp clears his throat behind Breccan and I step away, working to push the disappointment aside.
“You tell Sid yet?” Tripp asks.
Dread fills my belly. “Tell me what?”
Breccan’s eyes narrow on Tripp and he grunts through clenched teeth, “No, I haven’t.”
I tug on Breccan’s arm and repeat, “Tell me what?”
I glance over at Rebecca, who’s got her eyes trained to the floor. Their secrecy has me freaked out, my mind always jumping to the worst-case scenario.
“Shit,” Tripp mutters.
“It’s nothing, Sid.” He pulls me to him. “I promise. Everyone’s fine, there’s nothing to worry about. Let’s enjoy our party, and we can talk about it after,” Breccan pleads. I want to push the issue, to know now what Tripp’s talking about, but I trust Breccan, and if he says that it’s nothing, then I believe him. Plus, I don’t want anything to ruin the effort that Reb’s put in to tonight.
“Alright, honey,” I whisper.
He nods once and then walks to the living room. Shouting over his shoulder, he commends Rebecca, “This place looks incredible. You’ve gone way overboard though.”
She laughs and shouts back at him, “Did you expect anything less?”
Coming around the bar, Rebecca places her arm around my shoulders and gives me a squeeze. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to him, you know that, right?”
Her seriousness takes me by surprise, and I swallow the lump that forms in my throat.
She continues, “He was such a fucking mess before you. Partying all the time. Not caring about anything, not being smart, making bad decisions. God, I was so worried about him.”
Her eyes sparkle and I can see her throat working to fight back the tears. “Then you came along. And I swear, the day he told us about you, it was like I was talking to a different person. He’d always had Tripp and me. Our parents. And we filled the void his asshole parents had left in him. But we didn’t fill it all the way. But you. Sidney, you and Connor. You two filled him up. So much that it’s overflowing now, even with Connor being gone. You completed him, gave him the family he’d always wanted, even if he wouldn’t let himself admit it.”
A tear rolls down my cheeks and all I can do is nod as she continues speaking. “And aren’t I the lucky one?” she asks, and with confusion, I wrinkle my brow. “Not only did you heal the man who’s like my brother, but you became my best friend. So, how lucky am I in all of this?” she finishes on a whisper.
I turn so that I can wrap both my arms around her and hug her tightly. “I love you, Sid,” she whispers in my ear.
“I love you too,” I tell her, my voice cracking.
We continue to hold each other for another moment, neither of us ready to let go when Tripp’s voice interrupts us from the other room.
“What the hell are y’all doing in there?”
Laughing, I pull away from her and swipe under my eyes. “Did I smear my makeup?” I ask.
She chuckles, but shakes her head. “Still look perfect,” she tells me. “Let’s have more wine.”
“Cheers to that,” I say, grabbing my wine glass from the counter and refilling it. “Okay, let’s go celebrate the fact that I’m getting married!”
The party was a huge success, all my friends from work coming, along with a lot of the guys from Breccan and Tripp’s gym. The Toler’s, Rebecca and Tripp’s parents, were also in attendance, along with some of our neighbors.
My sister was unable to make it, citing work conflicts, but she’d promised to be in attendance at the wedding. Breccan’s parents hadn’t even responded to the invitation, but we weren’t surprised–or upset–that they weren’t there.
; It was a happy time, and we didn’t need their negativity bringing us down.
After all the guests left, I forced Rebecca out of the house, insisting that she didn’t need to stay and help clean up. She did more than enough in getting us ready, the least I could do was clean up the mess myself.
She protested, but eventually relented, and once she left with Tripp and his girlfriend, Aly, I’d breathed a sigh of relief. We had a great time, but I was ready to relax and more importantly, find out what Tripp and Breccan had been discussing earlier in the day.
I strolled down the hall to the bedroom, intent on peeling myself out of my dress and sinking in to my bed. But Breccan has other ideas.
As I enter the large walk in closet that we share, he snags me around the waist. “What are you doing?”
Halfheartedly, I push against him, “Brec, I’m so tired,” I whine.
“That’s okay, you don’t have to do anything.” He runs his fingertips across my chest, skimming the swell of my breasts. “I’ve been watching you all night, imagining all the things I wanted to do to you in this dress.”
Cupping my ass with his other hand, he squeezes. “Have I told you how fucking sexy you look in this dress?”
“Only every chance you got. And several times in front of people. I think you embarrassed the neighbors.”
“Doubtful. I saw the way those guys were lookin’ at you when you were bent over. Lucky I didn’t kick the shit out of them for staring at your ass.”
Giggling, I tell him, “Brec, our neighbors are gay! If they were checkin’ anyone out, it was you!”
He growls, “Don’t try to change the subject.”
I wiggle out of his grasp and push past him in to the closet. Peeling the dress over my head, I ask over my shoulder, “So, what is it that you haven’t told me?”
His shoulder’s falling, Breccan’s face forms in to a pout, “So, does this mean I don’t get to make you scream my name tonight? Cause I was feeling pretty creative, you know.”
Rolling my eyes, I tell him, “As appealing as that sounds, I’d rather know what you’re keeping from me.”
I finish putting on my pajama pants and crawl in to my side of the bed. A few moments later, Breccan follows me, his chest bare and I can’t stop myself from staring at his perfectly chiseled abs.
He leans back against the headboard and sighs, “It’s nothing. I’m not even going to consider it.”
“Okaaaay,” I drawl when he doesn’t continue.
“Ryker Hawke is calling for a rematch,” he blurts, watching me out of the corner of his eye.
I sit up straight, my spine stiffening at the name of the man who took Breccan’s belt from him. It was Breccan’s last fight, and despite his promises otherwise, I knew that the way his career ended is a sore point for him.
“And you’re not considering it?” I ask slowly.
He cranes his neck in my direction. “I told you when I quit that I was done.”
His mouth may be saying one thing, but his eyes tell me another.
I press my lips together and study him for a long minute. “Bullshit.”
His eyebrows fly to his hairline. “Bullshit?”
I push up to my knees. “You should do it.”
His eyes practically bug out of his head, “What?”
“You heard me.” Crossing my arms across my chest, I dare him to challenge me. He immediately takes the bait.
“Sidney. I’ve got the gym now. We’ve just gotten it up and running––“
“You don’t run the gym alone,” I remind him.
“No, but Tripp can’t do it all.” He huffs. “I don’t have time to train.”
“But Breccan, honey, the way everything went down. Don’t you want another shot at Ryker?” I ask, playing devil’s advocate. “I mean, this isn’t just some random guy that wants to fight you. This is Ryker ‘The Stryker’ Hawke!”
He chuckles. “What a dumb fucking nickname.”
I nod. “Yeah, not really all that creative.” Not allowing the conversation to veer off course, I press. “Wouldn’t it be worth it to give it another shot?”
“I mean, yeah, I’d love to get in the cage again and beat the shit out of that asshole. God knows, he could use a good ass kicking and I’d be just the man to give it to him. But we’ve got Connor’s list we’re working on.”
I shake my head at him. “Oh no. You don’t get to use that as an excuse. We have all the time in the world to finish that.” He opens his mouth to speak, but I hold up a hand, silencing him before a sound even escapes his throat. “You know that Connor loved MMA. He would never, ever, ever forgive himself if he thought he was the reason you gave it up.”
Breccan pushes off the bed and begins pacing, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Abruptly he stops and turns on his heel to face me. “Yes.”
“Yes, I would love to change the way that fight ended. I would kill to fight him again, to show that mother fucker that he didn’t actually beat me.”
I push up to my knees, “Then show him!”
I watch him and realize that I mean it. I want him to fight again, if he wants.
His face flickers with a myriad of emotions. I can almost see the gears turning in his head, his mind working and weighing the pros and cons of making a come-back.
Eventually, Breccan pads over to the end of our king-sized bed and crawls toward me on all fours. I lean back in to the pillows and he hovers over me.
“Why not?” I ask, unable to keep the surprise from my voice.
He places a gentle kiss on my lips. “Baby. We just got engaged. We’ve got a wedding to plan. I’ve got a business to run.” He kisses me again, his tongue running across my bottom lip. “I meant what I said. I have nothing left to prove. That’s not my life anymore.”
“But don’t you miss it?” I whisper, a question that’s plagued me since he walked away from it all.
“Fuck no. Not even a little bit,” he responds immediately.
“Are you sure?”
He pushes back and rests on his heels. “Positive.”
“You know I’d support you if you did go back. One hundred percent,” I tell him honestly.
“I want you to be happy too. I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t do something because of me.”
Breccan settles back in beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. He rests his chin on the top of my head. “Sid, I know you feel responsible for my decision to quit fighting. But it was my choice, not yours.”
“Yeah, but––“
“No buts.” He places a finger over my lips. “My choice, baby. My choice. Okay?”
“Alright.” I agree, even though I don’t fully believe him.
He moves his finger away from my lips, satisfied with my answer.
We sit in silence, the only sound the gentle whirring of the ceiling fan as it spins lazily above us. Breccan’s arm around me flexes and we slide down the bed. I rest my cheek to his chest and run my fingertips over his stomach.
Breccan speaks, his deep voice causing his chest to vibrate under my head. “I’m thinking October.”
“For what?”
“Our wedding.”
“October’s a good time of year,” I agree. “The weather will be nice. And it gives me plenty of time to plan,” I think aloud.
“I’m thinking this October. In Costa Rica.”
My head pops up and my hair whips him in the face when I turn my head to stare at him, my mouth hanging open. “You’ve lost your damn mind.” My mind spins as I think of all the things that go in to planning a wedding. I can only imagine that number is twice as high when you factor in a destination like Costa Rica. There’s no way I can pull that off in less than three months.
He chuckles and runs a hand through my hair. “Ready to call you my wife.”
The way the word ‘wife’ tumbles from his lips causes my heart to flip. My mind stop’s racing and I wh
isper, “Say it again.”
His eyes shine and he says fiercely, “You’re going to be my wife. And I’m not waiting any longer than necessary for you to be Sidney Carlisle.”
“Sidney Carlisle,” I breathe, loving the way the words feel on my tongue. I tilt my head back to look at him, and grin. “October in Costa Rica it is.”
Breccan grasps under my arms and pulls me up his body until we are face to face. A triumphant grin spreads across his face and then he kisses me, hard.
Breccan rolls us, until I’m on my back and asks, “Still too tired for me to show you how much I liked that dress?”
“Don’t you ever get too tired?” I ask playfully, turning my head to kiss and nip his shoulder.
He lets out a low growl, “Nope. Not when it comes to you.”
Chapter Five
“What an incredible day,” I breathe. “Didn’t it feel like the entire world was spinning just for us?”
“It was pretty close to perfect,” Breccan murmurs from behind me.
He’s right, our wedding day was as close to perfect as it could be. We’d said our vows on the beach, the waves crashing in, creating the perfect setting. I didn’t even need wedding music, just the sounds of the ocean guiding me down the aisle, to the man I loved.
Our family at our sides, there was nothing that could have made it better. Even with the physical absence of Connor, I knew he was there. I’d felt him with me the whole time, and when I’d looked in Breccan’s eyes and we promised to love one another until our last breath, I heard Connor’s whoops of joy.
After the wedding, we enjoyed an amazing meal, catered by a world-renowned chef, and then spent the rest of the evening dancing on the beach. I couldn’t have dreamed a better day.
Exhausted, I push the door to our bedroom open. It’s mostly dark inside, the sun having set hours ago, but a lamp in the corner glows softly. I pause just inside the room, giving my eyes a moment to adjust, and when they do, I gasp at what I see.
The room is covered in flowers, their fragrance sweet, but not overwhelmingly so. My hand at my mouth, I take a tentative step inside the room, my eyes sweeping the bedroom of the villa that we’ve been staying in for the last three days.
The Undisputed Series Page 26