Mary Jane's Mind

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by Holly Ardent

  Mary Jane's Mind

  In a Fallen Future #3

  (Post Apocalyptic MILF Erotica)

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2016, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:

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  A few years after the first of the roller-coaster crashes started, the DJIA (Down Jones Industrial Average) topped twenty-five thousand. It sounds incredibly high, but the dollar was down around fifty against the USDX (the basket of currencies it's compared to) and this accounted for most of the outrageous rating. A month later the DJIA went from slightly higher than that to just under six thousand in a series of days where the circuit breakers on the stock market were tripped time and again.

  Simultaneously, the price of gold and silver hit new records. A lot of people discovered that their 'paper gold', shares in a gold holding company or shares based on the pricing of gold with no physical metal to back it up, were worth about as much as an equivalent amount of toilet paper, only the toilet paper would've been more comfortable to use. They tried to convert their shares to gold and couldn't, or tried to sell their shares, but everyone wanted the physical metal, not paper shares that represented a claim on it that wouldn't be honored.

  To this day no-one agrees on why the stock market crashed. Some claim it was rumors of the last two 'too big to fail' financial companies being about to fail and the government being too tapped out to save them yet again. Others claim it was a planned attack on the stock market and that the NWO (new world order) had finally amassed enough clout to financially cripple the USA. Some claimed the dollar's low value caused the crash.

  The least vocal minority thought that the stock traders had finally sat down and realized just how overvalued things were and tried to get out while the getting was good. It remains a fact, though, that a single massive sell-off early on the first day had gotten the ball moving, and then it seemed that no-one wanted to ride the down slope this time.

  In this crash there were no riots but many 'suicides' from those in the financial world. With the overwhelming feeling among the rest of the country that 'the bankers' were just getting what they deserved, the police investigations were very cursory despite the fact that there were questionable circumstances around many of the deaths. In that single month the acceleration of the US financial downfall, and the breakdown in law and order, both accelerated at a high rate.

  In my state there had been numerous attempts to slow the problems down; a bill went through the Colorado government legitimizing gold and silver as fixed-rate currencies, the state passed a resolution that all companies supplying electrical power had to convert to at least fifty percent renewable energy sources (specifically solar, wind and hydro) within five years, and preparations were made to take the state off the power grid once Colorado produced enough electricity to supply its own needs. The Denver area also increased their light rail presence as an alternative to using gas for personal vehicles.

  As a result of the bill regarding gold and silver there was a stable currency in Colorado for several years longer than the rest of the country. The currency was used to hire the unemployed to improve the infrastructure of the state even more. But, the problems eventually caught up here as well.

  After a few years the refugees from other states were straining the safety nets that had been put in place and the Colorado government instituted a state identity card which you were required to have on hand if you wanted any of the free government services. Only those who could prove that they were a resident for at least the past three years, or those with gainful employment in the state, could receive the cards.

  Now back to the story:

  When I woke, it was to my cock surrounded by a warm, wet sensation. I lay there half-asleep, enjoying myself, but after a little while the warmth retreated and a cold breeze hit my privates. The warmth was quickly replaced though, and this time I didn't recognize the mouth on my cock. Evidently, Molly was showing my morning preferences to Rita. A contented sigh slipped between my lips as I heard Molly's voice.

  “Oh good, he's waking up. He's mine this morning.”

  A muffled sound came from Rita, whose mouth was otherwise occupied. It sounded like agreement, but her mouth stayed right where it was. I lay there with my eyes closed and a delicious scent trickled into my nostrils. The odor of my wife's arousal was ambrosia and as familiar as anything else in my life. Molly's shaved pussy was only an inch or two in front of my face when I opened my eyes and I decided that she would make a wonderful appetizer for breakfast.

  I reached up, pulled her closer to me, and buried my tongue in her slit. She was willing, eager, and after a moment she pressed herself to my lips. My tongue caressed her flesh. First it dipped into her hole and then licked its way up her slit to her clit. It teased her clit for a few seconds before I withdrew it and gently blew cool air across her swollen clitoris, which now poked out from under the hood of flesh that covered it when she wasn't excited.

  I ran my tongue across her labia and sucked them in, putting just enough pressure into it to stretch them a tiny bit. I continued to eat her for a while, just barely over the line of teasing. I'd often found that concentrating on what I was doing helped me to reduce my focus on what was being done to me. Normally this gave me more time to enjoy myself. But this morning, the distraction was not working as well as normal. I moved my focus and began to concentrate on Molly's clitoris to give her an orgasm. I flicked the small mound of sensitive flesh with my tongue until I heard her panting and then latched onto it with my lips. I pinched it gently and tugged backwards, eliciting a gasp from her.

  Normally Molly likes it a bit rough, but this morning I changed tactics slightly. The only roughness I gave her were the direct actions I took to make her cum. I sucked her clit into my mouth, stretching it a bit, but at the same time my hands gently caressed her bare skin. I knew her body well enough that my hands made their way to her breasts on autopilot. The bare skin of my fingertips lightly traced along her breasts, slowly making their way towards her nipples.

  I'd like to think that the contrast in my actions were the reason she came so fast, but I know that it was probably as much her watching Rita sucking on my cock as what I was doing. Either way, it wasn't long before my fingertips brushed the top of Holly's nipples and she stiffened. I sucked a bit harder on her clit, ready to move my mouth down in a moment or two. As I felt her body stiffen, the scent of her arousal grew stronger and I moved my mouth down to cover her cunt. Her stomach went taut and started to undulate so I knew she was there. She orgasmed and I drank down every last drop of it. I have mentioned that Molly squirts, haven't I?

  As soon as she'd finished cumming I managed to mumble something about being close to cumming myself. Molly immediately shifted off of my face and tapped Rita on the shoulder. The cold breeze struck my cock again briefly as Rita removed her mouth and Molly positioned herself. Then I was engulfed in warmth once more as Molly lowered herself onto my cock.

  A moment later I was presented with another pussy in my face, this one's scent still new and different. The skin of her pussy was mostly smooth from being shaved the day before and I broke into a grin before I started to caress this pussy with my tongue.

  It was less than five minutes later when I orgasmed, filling Molly's pussy with my cum, but in those five minutes I gave as good as I got and both women got to cum themselves. I lay there limply for a moment, thinking that I might need to start eating more if I was going to fuck this much on top of everything else I did. While I laid there I was treated to a tongue bath from both Molly and Rita at the same time, all in all a far preferable method of cleaning my cock after sex than the normal soft cloth

  After a hearty breakfast (and the aforementioned wonderful appetizers) I reminded Molly, Rita, and our daughters (who didn't have school) that today was another market day. Allan likes to occasionally add extra market days in. He mostly does that in the fall, right after harvest when people are trying to put by extra food for the winter, but he adds some the rest of the year as well in case there are people who can't make it in for one reason or another on the normal days.

  “I thought you skipped the extra days,” Molly said. “Didn't you say that sales weren't as good on them?”

  “I did, because it used to be that way. Recently, there's been more people around all the time. A lot of them are with the regulars. It looks like we've been getting an influx of new folks into the area, probably friends and relations of people who already live here, at least most of them. I thought I should try a couple of the extra days now. With more people around in general, they might be profitable now.”

  She looked over at Rita and smiled.

  “Well, I can't complain,” Molly said. “After all, you did get me the extra help I asked for. That'll keep me from being tired all the time. But we'll leave anything that needs heavy lifting for you.”

  Rita grinned back at her.

  “Besides,” I said, trying to keep a straight face, “I'll need to make more to pay Rita's wages.”

  Molly knew better than that. One of the things she used to pick on me about was buying silver. She didn't mind me buying the silver rounds and eagles, but when she found out I was buying junk silver, the 90% silver coins that the US minted before 1965, she almost went ballistic. Now they were part of the standard currency and, much like a lot of the other preparations I'd made, she was glad to have them.

  She scowled at me for a moment, then chuckled.

  “Yeah right, Mr. Scrooge. You make pennies howl in pain with how tightly you hold onto them.”

  “That's not the only thing I hold onto tightly,” I said.

  I got up from the table and grabbed her in a tight hug. She squealed in mock alarm.

  Kate rolled her eyes and took Becky's hand.

  “We're done eating, we'll just go back to our room and play now,” she said, dragging Becky off.

  “See? Deserted by my daughters and trapped by my husband. Rita, help me out here, would you?” Molly said.

  Rita came over and tried tickling my ribs. I wasn't ticklish there, but she hadn't known me long enough to realize that. When she had no success tickling me she interposed her head between mine and Molly's and leaned in to give me a kiss. She slid her tongue into my mouth and then pulled it back. I was willing to be distracted that way so I followed up by sending my tongue into her mouth, which was what she was waiting for. She nipped my tongue gently with her teeth and when I reacted with surprise, she slid herself in between my arms and Molly's body, then pushed.

  “Clever,” I growled, “but now I've got both of you.”

  Rita started trying to squirm out of my grasp, but I moved in and pushed her into Molly's lap using my body weight.

  Before it escalated any further, I leaned in and started kissing and licking Rita's neck. There was one particular spot where her shoulder and neck joined that was highly sensitive, I'd found it the day before. When my tongue hit that spot she melted and her resistance ceased. Rather than continue our mini-battle, I continued to work on her neck until she relaxed completely.

  “So, what do you do now?” I asked Molly. “Your reinforcements have been conquered.”

  “I guess you win,” she said. “What would you like for a forfeit?”

  “A rain check. I'll take my forfeit later on. Remember I have to work today?”

  “You're so single-minded when there's money involved,” she said. “Why do I put up with you?”

  “You want the long list or the short one?” I replied.

  I knew she didn't mean it. Molly was very happy that we had extra, both extra food and extra money. We hadn't always before the Crash, which was part of the reason she'd been so hard on me when I'd acquired some of my preps. The budget was always close and rather than improving our emergency fund, there had been several times I'd purchased this or that prep instead of building the fund.

  She pouted at me for a moment, then started laughing.

  “You can let go now, you've made your point,” she said.

  I nodded at Rita.

  “I think she's going to fall on the floor if I just let go. Support her weight for a moment, would you?”

  While Molly held Rita up, I let go of the two of them and slid my arms under Rita's limp form. I moved her to the couch, taking the liberty of fondling her a bit in the process. When I stood up from laying Rita down, Molly was right behind me.

  “I guess Rita and I need more reinforcements,” she said, “So if you happen to spot someone suitable at the market, maybe three against one will let us wear you out for a change.”

  “Molly, I hope you're kidding. The two of you nearly killed me last night.”

  “We did not, and you know it. But yeah, I am kidding... Well, mostly anyhow. I do love watching you with other women and I keep hoping we'll find one comfortable enough to let me direct.”

  “Rita might get there eventually,” I said.

  “I don't think so. I mean, she might let me, but only as a favor to me, not just because we told her she was going to do it.”

  “So, you're saying you do want another woman here? Someone submissive enough to do that?”

  Molly blushed.

  “I wouldn't put it that way.”

  “But that's what you mean,” I said.

  She nodded.

  “Yeah, I suppose so. Just the thought of it makes me all hot and bothered. Are you sure I can't convince you to stay home?”

  I was torn. I loved it when she was horny, but I knew that if I stayed home I'd work here instead. There was plenty that needed doing and I couldn't see something that needed doing without going ahead and doing it.

  “You know that if I did, I'd still work, right? Only I'd be working here instead of at the market.”

  “I know, but tonight's a long way off.”

  “Tell you what, while you and Rita take care of things around here, you can plan something for tonight. Make my forfeit interesting, would you?”

  Molly's face lit up.

  “Do you think she'd like that?”

  “Uh-huh,” Rita answered feebly from the couch.

  She sat up slowly and looked up at Molly.

  “I think we should—” she started, but Molly put a hand over her mouth.

  “Wait until he's gone,” she said. “Then we can surprise him like he asked.”

  Rita nodded her agreement and Molly removed her hand.

  “So, is there anything we can do to help you get ready?” Molly asked.

  * * *

  I arrived at the marketplace at about the same time I would on the normal market days. Today, though, there was no-one else out front yet. Allan let me in when I banged on the door.

  “Tim, you're earlier than I expected. Actually, I didn't expect you today. Normally you skip the extra days until harvest time, don't you?”

  “Yeah, I do. But with another mouth to feed in the house I thought I should, maybe, try out the extra days again and see how they do. Never mind the fact that Molly wants to find yet another woman to move in with us.”

  “What?” Allan said, incredulously. “What's she thinking? Isn't that one you found going to work out?”

  “She'll work out, but Molly wants a woman that's submissive, as in sexually submissive. She thinks she'll have more fun that way. I'm not going into it man, just no...”

  I shook my head ruefully while Allan glared at me.

  “So you get what, three? All with your wife's permission? Sometimes I'm tempted to hate you on general principal. You know that, don't you?”

  “I told you Allan, you could get a woman easily. Let me steer some your way, Molly would be glad to help with that too.”
/>   “Fine, if you can get a woman interested in me, I'll give it a shot. It does get kind of lonely here some nights.”

  He glanced around the cavernous main room of the market. I knew he had an apartment fitted out upstairs, but I could see where having this massive space totally empty of people might emphasize the fact that he was alone.

  As my gaze followed his, I could also see that the lesser used portions of the room were filthy with cobwebs and dust.

  “Wow Allan, this place is dirty as all hell. I never notice when there are lots of people here. But damn, it's gross.”

  “Yeah, it's kind of a pit in the areas we don't normally use,” Allan said.

  “You should hire someone to clean it. I bet any of those guys you get outside would jump at a chance for work like that.”

  “I'm not exactly comfortable with the guys that gather around the market, you know? I'd go out and see if one of the women wanted the job, but they're almost always surrounded by the guys.”

  “Send your guards out to see if any of the women are interested. If they are, then bring them in by themselves.”

  “That's not their job.”

  “Allan, you pay them. The job is what you say it is. Besides, don't you think they know they've got a good thing going here?”

  Allan shook his head.

  “That's not what I hired them for.”

  “So, just ask them if they'd do it. I bet they'd say yes.”

  “You know I hate owing people favors,” Allan said.

  I give up, I thought. I know I've seen him stand up for himself before. He's got a backbone in there somewhere. It just takes some work to find it. He needs a woman. I bet he'd find his backbone quickly if he had a woman that was his and not just a one night stand.

  “Well, I'll go get set up,” I said.

  “No rush, I won't even have any of the other vendors here for another half hour. By the way, you might want to pick something closer to the front than your usual table. We just aren't as crowded as the normal days, although business has been picking up for these extra days.”


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