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Mary Jane's Mind

Page 2

by Holly Ardent

  * * *

  He was right. Business was slow. I made a few sales and trades, but only about a quarter of what I would on a normal market day. I had lots of people looking, but only a few that followed through. It made me wonder if maybe the others just didn't have any money or goods to trade.

  An hour after lunch things got exciting for a little while. I was keeping an eye on my table when I heard a woman's voice raised in anger.

  “What do you mean my money isn't any good? It says right on it, 'Legal tender for all debts, public and private'.”

  There was a muted murmur that replied to her at a much softer volume, then she spoke again

  “Well, to hell with you then! I don't need your junk—”

  Another female voice interrupted her.

  “Mother, we've been through this before. Stop embarrassing me. You know that money isn't any good, I don't know why you insist on keeping it. Come away from the man's table.”

  An argument ensued, with the older woman's voice raised to full volume. Sometimes I could hear the replies and sometimes not, but several minutes later Allan walked over, his guards in tow.

  “I'm sorry Ma'am. I'm going to have to ask you to leave,” he said.

  The older woman's voice shrieked her fury with unintelligible words. The younger woman's voice answered it.

  “I'm done with you Mother. We're leaving. If you're smart, you'll come with us. If not, you can try to make it home on your own.”

  “Hey, you can't just abandon her here. This isn't a home for wayward strays,” Allan said.

  “Oh yeah? Watch me. I've dealt with her shit for three years since my dad disappeared. I'm done, no more. Come on Paul, we're leaving.”

  I caught a glimpse of a youngish woman dragging a man behind her as she headed for the door and assumed that she was the owner of the voice I'd heard and he was the unfortunate Paul.

  The older woman's voice kept up a running monologue, cursing out her daughter in at least two languages. Just before she left, the younger woman turned and demonstrated that she had lungs just as impressive as her mother's.

  “You're Pazzo, Mother,” she shrieked. “Get help!”

  The echoes lingered in the room for several moments after the door closed behind the younger woman.

  “Crazy, am I?” The older woman yelled, then her volume trailed off. “Maybe I am at that.”

  There was silence for a moment, then Allan's voice broke it.

  “Please come with me Ma'am, I'll find somewhere for you to just sit down for a little bit.”

  She burst into tears, racking sobs that echoed through the room almost as much as her daughter's shriek had. They quieted as Allan, and his guards, escorted her towards the back of the store.

  The rest of the day was quiet, although for a while I only saw one guard at the door. Allan disappeared also and when the guard returned, Allan was with him. What was left of the market day went slowly. The reasons for my not bothering with the extra days were still in force. There were lots and lots of people looking, but very few sales or trades.

  Allan showed up at my table a few minutes before the market closed.

  “Tim, can I convince you to give me a hand for a few minutes after we close?”

  I sighed inwardly. It was already a slow day and now I'd be late getting home to Molly and Rita.

  “Sure. What do you need?” I replied.

  My question was too late. As soon as Allan heard me say I'd help, he was off like a shot towards the door. He turned as he went, letting me know he'd heard my question.

  “I'll tell you in a few,” he called back.

  Moments later he announced that the market was closing for the day. Everyone started making their way towards the exit and I started packing up my remaining merchandise, which was most of what I'd brought down with me.

  I was all packed and had everything in my cart by the time Allan had everyone but the vendors out of the building.

  “Come with me,” he said. “Bring your cart. The guards will make sure the other vendors get out.”

  I followed along behind him as he headed towards the back of the market. The area we were in wasn't one of the truly filthy ones, but it could use a good sweep and mop. That told me he didn't use it much.

  “What's back here?” I asked.

  “Mariabella,” he said.


  “The lady that freaked out earlier? She's back here in the old break room.”

  “Wait a minute. You've had her back here ever since her tantrum? And she's still here?”

  “You heard her daughter. She left without her. Where's Mariabella going to go?”

  “So she's just waiting back there patiently?”

  “Ummm... Yes and no?”

  “Allan, what's going on?”

  “Well, she was fuming and I was worried she might hurt herself so I had a guard sitting in there with her. He refused to stay though. He said she was looking at him funny, and kept edging closer and closer to him. He wouldn't stay in the room with her so I found another way to calm her down.”

  What the hell is he doing? I wondered.

  “Another way?” I prompted.

  “Well, you know how I complained that I kept taking Mary Jane as my share from the merchants that had it. Did it long enough that I had more than I could use?”


  “Well, I kinda put some on a brazier in front of the vent for the room, set it to smoldering and used a fan to blow the smoke in through the vent. I figured I always get mellow when I'm stoned, so maybe it would help her.”

  “So you used a bunch of pot to get her stoned?”

  “Yeah, she calmed down a lot too, but she...”

  “What Allan, just tell me.”

  “Well, she started playing with herself through her clothes. Was still doing it the last time I checked. I need someone to talk to her and find out what's going on. We need to get her home somehow too.”

  “Why didn't you just go in and talk to her yourself?”

  Allan stopped and turned to stare at me.

  “You know I can't talk to a woman unless it's business. Never mind a hot lady that's sitting there playing with herself through her clothes. I know you have a lot of experience with women, so I thought maybe...”

  He trailed off.

  “What, maybe I could go in there and interrupt her masturbation session to try to talk to her?”

  Allan shrugged.

  “Yeah, that's about it.”

  I closed my eyes and grimaced, shaking my head.

  “Fine, where is she?” I asked.

  “Just down this corridor here. It's the door with the deadbolt set on it.”

  Allan turned and practically ran back out towards the main market area.

  “You fucking locked her in too?” I yelled.

  Allan didn't answer.

  “Jesus Christ, that man is going to get himself in a world of trouble one of these days,” I muttered.

  I hurried down the corridor and opened the dead bolt. When I walked in, I could still hear the fan running and there was plenty of marijuana smoke still circulating in the room.

  He must've just kept tossing more and more on there. I'm amazed she's conscious, I thought.

  Mariabella was definitely conscious, although pretty out of it. Even when I walked into the room she didn't stop playing with herself.

  I hadn't gotten a good look at her before when her outburst interrupted the market, but now I did. She was older than I was, with glossy black hair. The kind that tinted blue in the right type of light. She had a full figure, and by that I mean the kind of tits and hips that would give a corpse an erection.

  She was currently playing with her rather full chest, through her blouse, but even so I could tell that her tits put Molly's to shame. She wasn't wearing a bra either since her nipples were prominently visible through the fabric of her blouse. Her skirt would come to about mid-calf if she were standing, but she had it hiked up to her knees ex
cept for the spot where it went higher because she had a hand between her legs that was pushing one section up.

  I was almost getting a contact buzz already, there was so much smoke in the room, but underlying the pot scent was something musky. It took me a minute or two to realize that it was the scent of her arousal. For that minute or two I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Despite the fact that she was fully clothed I could tell that she was seriously into her masturbation. The fact that she could get herself going like that fully clothed made the scene entirely more erotic than I'd thought possible.

  I made sure the door was propped open behind me so the smoke could clear out of the room. Then I turned to her.

  “Mariabella?” I said.

  Her eyes opened languorously and she blinked at me a few times.

  “Yes?” she said.

  “Can I talk to you?”

  “If you wish. What do you want?”

  She was still playing with herself and it made it hard for me to focus.

  “What's going on?” I asked.

  She smiled at me and I noticed that her lips were very full.

  “I'm trying to please myself. It is so hard though.”

  Her eyes dropped to the front of my pants and her smile grew larger. Only then did I realize that watching her had given me an erection.

  Idiot, I thought. Can't you even do a simple thing without complicating it?

  Mariabella stood and started walking towards me. Perhaps sashaying might be a better term for what she was doing because it was obvious she was putting some effort into it. She appeared to move bonelessly, with a grace that seemed almost supernatural. If her walk wasn't just a side-effect from her being stoned though, then she was putting a serious effort into trying to attract my attention.

  I stepped out of her way, but she continued towards the door. Watching from behind I was sure that she was putting some extra effort into trying to be enticing. If that was her normal walk, then she was sex on wheels and I couldn't imagine a man alive that would have locked her in a room by herself. Even Allan would've recognized that walk as an invitation.

  “It is too breezy in here,” she said.

  She closed the door, then turned back to me.

  Now that she wasn't playing with herself, and I could focus, I noticed that she had an accent. She spoke in a lilting, melodic tone. One that held notes of the classic Italian accent from television, but in this case I guessed that I was actually hearing the real thing.

  “Do you not think so?” she asked, pouting slightly.

  I blinked.

  “I was just trying to clear the smoke. I thought that you might like a clear head.”

  “Something like that, perhaps,” she replied.

  She started moving towards me slowly.

  Is this the edging towards him the guard was talking about? I thought. If so, he obviously didn't have a clue what was actually going on.

  Allan's guards were young, in their early twenties. I guessed that the one he had in here with her wasn't too experienced with women, otherwise he would've realized that yes, she was after him, but not trying to attack him. Unless of course he was stupid enough to think that an aggressive woman coming on to him was an attack.

  “So, you know my name. What is yours?” she said.

  “I'm Tim. I'm one of the merchants from the market. Allan asked me to come talk to you.”

  “Allan, is he the one in charge here?”

  “Yeah, he runs the market. He wanted me to find out if you were okay now and how we could get you home.”

  The look on her face flashed from seduction to anger in a heartbeat.

  “Home?” she spat. “You cannot get me home. My daughter insisted I move in with her three years ago, after my Eduardo disappeared with my son. I have no home. I was living with her by her sufferance, which she has now removed.”

  “So... What shall we do with you?” I asked.

  “I can think of something that you can do with me.”

  The look on her face flashed back to seduction as quickly as it had turned to anger. Her hand lifted to her shirt and she began fondling her breasts again.

  “I know that you are interested,” she said, “I can see as much. So, tell me, what would you like to do with me?”

  Down boy, I thought. No taking advantage of her. She's distraught and probably doesn't mean it.

  She began edging towards me again.

  “I would like to help you Mariabella. If you can tell me how I can do that, I'd be happy to help.”

  “Already you are helping me. I can tell that you find me attractive. It is so nice to know that a younger man could still be interested in me.”

  “That's not quite what I meant. I mean that we'll need to find you a place to stay. Do you have any ideas?”

  She shook her head and thrust a hip out at me.

  “I am only thinking of one thing right now. Perhaps, if that were taken care of, I might be able to think more clearly.”

  “Ma'am, I'm trying to help you here. But you aren't helping.”

  Her face flashed with anger again.

  “I do not understand men! I know that you are interested but you play stupid, act as though you are unaware of what I want. The other men, earlier? They didn't understand, but you do. What is the problem?”

  “Mariabella, I have a wife and another woman at home, waiting for me.”

  “Your wife allows another woman?”

  “Yes, she likes watching as much as doing.”

  “Then you can bring me home with you. She can watch us as I relieve my passion. It has been more than three years since I have had a man. After years of marriage with Eduardo taking me five times a week or more, three years is an eternity!”

  Oh shit, I know I wouldn't be able to think of anything else either if it had been that long for me.

  She continued edging closer to me all the while. Now she stood right in front of me.

  “I can't do that,” I said. “Rita just moved in with Molly and I a few days ago. I can't bring another woman home this soon.”

  “But your wife allows you other women?”


  “Then take me, or just let me take you. You can tell her all about it and, if she is interested, then she can watch us do it again.”

  I stared at her for a moment, tempted. She noticed my gaze and smiled. Then her hands went to her blouse and pulled. Buttons flew everywhere and her breasts spilled out in front of me. Mariabella reached out and grabbed my hands. She dragged them to her tits and pressed my flesh against hers.

  Aw, shit! I thought. Molly wouldn't really mind, would she? I don't think she would and if I do what Mariabella told me to and tell Molly all about it, she might even enjoy it second-hand.

  I knew it was justification when I thought it, but my upper head wasn't all that much in control at that point.

  I grasped her breasts firmly, feeling their heavy weight. Hers were the largest breasts I'd ever had intimate contact with. They sagged, quite a bit, but I couldn't imagine any natural breast that size that wouldn't, they were just too big to defy gravity.

  Her eyes closed and her face lost some of the harshness that had haunted it as I explored her breasts. Her nipples were of a kind with her tits, very large and thick. They were also standing straight up, hard as could be, and I couldn't help myself. I ducked my head and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth.

  Maria gasped sharply.

  “I am in heaven,” she said to herself softly. “Could it be that I have found another man who enjoys using his mouth on a woman?”

  My mouth was full and I wasn't about to empty it to answer her question. Instead I sucked a bit harder on her nipple and grazed it gently with my teeth. She arched her back, thrusting the rest of her breast forward and nearly smothering me with it.

  I tugged on her other nipple gently as I sucked on this one. A few moments later I leaned back to switch nipples. A quick glance showed me that the one I'd sucked on was larger than t
he other, so I leaned my head in to rectify the situation. I trapped her second nipple with my lips and began to suck it as well.

  She let me go for a minute or three, my hands wandering her breasts as I sucked on her nipples. Then she pushed me away gently.

  “Please? I do not want you to stop, but if you keep doing that I will collapse on the floor. Let us go and sit on the couch. I will show you what I like to do with my mouth if you will sit with me.”

  I shook my head to clear it.

  I so shouldn't be doing this, I thought. But, even if it does make some trouble with Molly, there's always the make-up sex after. Plus, I think it'll really turn her on when I tell her about it.

  By the time I'd finished thinking about it, I was sitting on the couch. Mariabella's hands were on my pants, unfastening them before I'd even stopped moving. I tugged on her skirt as she shifted around, getting it to slide off of her. It fell to the floor revealing her long pale legs and her pussy, covered in hair.

  “My daughter's husband would not even let me do this to him,” she said. “I did offer. He was the only man I saw on a regular basis. It was as if my daughter thought that with Eduardo having disappeared, I should have no other man, not even look at one.”

  She dipped her head, sliding my cock between her plump lips. Then she raised it again, letting me slide back out.

  “Her husband is such a... perhaps pansy would be the word. He will not stand up for what he wants and bows to her will in all things. She said that I should be kept home and so that is what happened. No longer though!”

  Her head went back down and she stopped talking. She busied her lips and tongue on my cock and I wasn't at all sorry that she'd stopped speaking, even if I did enjoy her accent.

  She was leaning over me with my cock buried in her mouth. The position had her tits pressed up against my thigh and I could tell that what she was doing was turning her on. Her nipples were large, rigid, and they scraped against my leg as she fucked me with her mouth.

  I stroked her breasts for a while, but her nipples were mostly inaccessible. So instead, I moved my attention somewhat lower. My fingers slid down her slightly plump stomach and into her pubic hair. It wasn't as long as I'd guessed at first. It was just as dark and thick as the hair on her head, so I hadn't seen any skin through it. If I had to guess I'd say she kept it trimmed, but after three years without sex, I couldn't imagine why.


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