Playing Their Parts: A Kindred Tales Novel

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Playing Their Parts: A Kindred Tales Novel Page 21

by Anderson, Evangeline

  In fact, Stone was already dressed like a body-slave. He was wearing his black leather trousers and boots and he was bare-chested with only the fake black pain collar around his neck. Cassie supposed the black leather chest harness would look excellent on him—it would strap across his broad chest in a wide X, emphasizing how muscular he was.

  “That’s why you didn’t get boots with your outfit either,” the green girl continued, nodding at Cassie. “Because the ones you’re wearing will go just fine with the outfit the Wardrobe Madam had you order.”

  Cassie was wearing the most modest dress she could find—a long blue one with a V neckline that Kat had packed her. But she’d decided her tall, black Mistress boots were appropriate to wear with everything here—since she was, after all, trying to stay in character. She wondered what kind of outfit the Wardrobe Madam had ordered her to go with the boots.

  It didn’t take long to find out.

  “Over here are the dressing rooms.” The green girl was already pulling her to the far-left side of the room where there were rows and rows of stalls like a changing room at a department store. Actors were bustling in and out of them, dressed in various costumes.

  “Take a dressing room, Mistress,” the green girl said. “If you need help getting into your costume, call me. I’ll be out here putting the harness on your body-slave.”

  Cassie nodded and took back the pile of fabric from Stone before slipping into one of the stalls.

  Inside, it was very much like a dressing room back home on Earth. There were hooks on the wall to hang clothes, a small bench in the corner to sit on, and a long mirror on one wall—apparently they didn’t waste money on 3-D viewers in here.

  Cassie slipped out of her long blue dress and turned to the pile of fabric—which was almost all black.

  “Oh no,” she groaned, when she saw what she would be wearing. The black leather skirt wasn’t so bad—though it was extremely short. But it came with a demi-cup leather bustier and a pair of crotchless panties. Ugh!

  Cassie wondered if she could ask for another costume—one that was less revealing. But she was, after all, doing porn. She supposed she was lucky that she wasn’t completely naked.

  Reluctantly, she began putting the outfit on. The hem of the leather skirt just barely covered the panties, but the bustier was a hopeless case. It supported her full breasts like a shelf but left her nipples completely bare and there wasn’t a single spare scrap of fabric on the costume to hide them.

  “Excuse me, Mistress, but are you ready to come out?” the green girl called from outside the dressing stall. “I fear you and your body-slave will be late for your scene!”

  “Coming!” Cassie took one last look in the mirror. She had worn her long black hair down today and it flowed around her shoulders like a shiny silk waterfall. She felt exposed when she looked at herself in the exotic outfit she was wearing, but she also felt…

  Sexy, Cassie thought, looking at herself from all angles. Wow—I really do look sexy. Maybe I should embrace this—lean into it. It would certainly fit my character as a Yonnite Mistress.

  The idea was appealing. She looked and felt how she had wanted to look and feel back when she’d taken those classes with Madam Electra. It was a little embarrassing—okay, a lot embarrassing—to walk around bare-breasted. But many of the other actors were wearing less than she had on and Stone had already seen her naked the night before, when they were practicing touching each other.

  The memory of how they had “practiced” together made Cassie’s cheeks heat but she lifted her chin and told herself that it was all part of the mission. She felt much more comfortable performing today’s script than she would have been if she and Stone hadn’t practiced.

  The scene they were about to play was also part of their mission. She could either hang her head and mope around trying to cover herself and feeling embarrassed about her exposure, or she could hold her head high and revel in her own beauty. Cassie knew which choice Madam Electra would have picked—she had always carried herself like a queen.

  Cassie intended to do the same.

  I’m going to play the hell out of this part and this scene we’re about to do, she told herself. I have to if I’m going to keep my cover intact. I am a rich, successful Yonnite Mistress and I have no shame about showing myself off.

  She had been planning to cover her exposed front with her blue dress when she came out. But instead, she draped the dress over her arm and stalked out of the stall with her head held high. She heard a low gasp from Stone and turned to see her partner’s piercing blue eyes sweeping over her.

  “Mistress,” he said hoarsely. “You look…amazing.”

  “Thank you, Stone. Here—carry this, will you?” She handed him the blue dress she’d been wearing earlier and looked at the green girl. “Now where do we go?”

  “This way to The Cave, Mistress,” the girl said, nodding respectfully.


  The Cave looked a lot like a BDSM Dungeon to Cassie. It was a large, dark stone opening that really did appear to be a cave located in a special area of the palace. At the front of The Cave, various bondage equipment was scattered around and several actors were being whipped or spanked by several other actors. There was also a man with dark blue skin crawling on his knees around the long, skinny legs of a woman with pale purple skin, who was dressed pretty much like Cassie herself was.

  “Lick my boots!” she commanded the man, who eagerly complied with her directions, dragging his long green tongue from the toe to the top of her shiny leather boot.

  Well at least Gozeriam didn’t write anything like that for us to do, Cassie thought, as she watched the boot-licking.

  The green girl led them to a long desk just inside the entrance of The Cave. The desk was so elongated, it had five seats, all filled with strange little men. They were all identical with large, round, bald heads and sharp, pointy ears. The little men reminded Cassie a little of Keebler elves, except they weren’t wearing hats and baking cookies.

  In front of every little elf-man was a glowing monitor, being projected in the air above them by a tiny pinprick of light on the desk. Each monitor showed a different scene—all of them with distinct BDSM overtones. All of the little men appeared to be busy watching the scenes and then talking rapidly into tiny microphones glued to the sides of their mouths.

  “These are The Cave Directors,” the green girl said to Cassie. She tapped the little man on the far right of the desk on his shoulder. “Excuse me, Director One, I have the actors for a scene you are to direct.”

  “You do, do you?” The little man turned with an irritated look on his round face. “And who might these be?”

  “This is Mistress Cassandra and her body-slave, Stone. Here’s the script.” The green girl shoved it in front of him. “Written by his Slimefullness himself,” she whispered, looking awed.

  “Is that so?” The little elf-man looked less annoyed. He scanned the script rapidly and nodded to himself. “Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm,” he muttered and then looked up at Cassie. “Looks like you’ll need the flogging frame for this scene. It’s in room four, in the back. Do you know the whole scene?”

  “I think so,” Cassie said cautiously. “First I tie Stone, here, to the frame and flog him and then he breaks free and ties me up instead.”

  “And then I punish my Mistress thoroughly with my tongue,” Stone added helpfully.

  Cassie felt her cheeks getting hot but she kept her head high.

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “All right, good, good,” the little elf-man said, nodding. “There is no dialog which means his Slimefullness thinks the two of you are good enough actors to add-lib.”

  “We are,” Cassie said, hoping she was telling the truth.

  “You’d better hope so,” the elf-man said severely. “If you don’t please his Slimefullness, it’s off to the chopping block with the two of you!”

  “What?” Cassie exclaimed. “But—”

  But the el
f-man had already turned away from them. He put two fingers in his mouth and let out a piercing whistle. At once a little round silver ball came flying over. Cassie recognized it as one of the camera-drone type balls she’d seen recording other porn scenes.

  “All right,” the elf-man said, speaking to the drone. “Scan them.”

  The silver ball emitted a pulse of green light which bathed Cassie and Stone both for a split second. Then it beeped at the elf-man as if to say, “all finished!”

  “Good.” The elf-man nodded. “All right, I’ll be your director for this scene,” he told Cassie and Stone. “I’ll be watching from here as the camera records the two of you acting out the script his Slimefullness wrote for you. If you do a good job, I won’t say a word—don’t like to break the actors’ concentration. But if the two of you aren’t selling it, then I’ll have something to say—you’d better believe it!”

  “Will we be able to hear you from way in the back?” Cassie asked.

  “Of course—my voice goes through the amplifier in the camera drone there.” He pointed at the silver ball, still hovering in place. “But as I said, you’ll only hear me if you’re doing something wrong. Now, before we begin, do either of you require a love aid of any kind?”

  Cassie frowned. “A love aid?”

  “An aphrodisiac!” the elf-man snapped. “We have all kinds if you need them—so do you?”

  “No, of course not,” Cassie said quickly, remembering how The Beast had said many of the drugs made at Gozeriam’s lab were dangerous. She certainly didn’t want to take a whiff of that one blossom that made you incredibly horny for a little while and then suicidally depressed for a whole year afterwards!

  “What about you, lad?” the elf-man asked Stone. “You have any trouble getting it up? Need something to make you hard?”

  “My Mistress’s beautiful body is the only aphrodisiac I require,” Stone rumbled, looking at Cassie. “I am already most eager to enact this scene with her.”

  “Very good, then.” The elf-man director nodded. “Then you’re ready to go. Two things—do your best and don’t touch the camera drone—they’re incredibly easy to break. Understand?”

  Cassie and Stone nodded.

  “Good. Well, go on then, the two of you—this scene isn’t going to act itself. And you, too,” he added, looking at the silver ball. “You lead the way so they know where they’re going.”

  The silver ball beeped an affirmative and whizzed away. Cassie and Stone followed it quickly, with Cassie wondering if they could put on a good enough performance to avoid the dreaded “chopping block.”

  She certainly hoped so!


  The silver ball of the camera drone led them through the front part of The Cave to a door at the back. It was made of black wood and had a silver number 4 stenciled on it. The drone hovered just in front of it, humming quietly.

  “I, um, guess we’d better open the door for it,” Cassie remarked. She heard the slight tremble in her own voice, cleared her throat, and tried again. “Let the camera ball in, Stone,” she said more firmly.

  “Yes, Mistress.” Stone nodded and pushed open the door, allowing the small silver ball to fly past them, into the room.

  Looking in herself, Cassie saw a large rectangular frame that looked very much like a door frame with no door. It was about ten feet tall, made of thick black wood, and standing right in the middle of the room. There were several sets of leather manacles attached to it. One set, higher on the frame, was larger and clearly meant for someone tall and large like Stone. The second set, attached much lower on the frame, was obviously for a smaller person—perhaps a woman, Cassie thought, feeling a flutter of butterflies in her stomach.

  To one side of the frame was a wooden rack filled with all kinds of whipping implements. There were whips, canes, riding crops, and a cruel-looking gnarled staff with long, sharp thorns sticking out of it.

  Luckily, there were also leather floggers which, Cassie knew from her classes with Madam Electra, could be used to redden the skin without actually hurting whoever you were using them on.

  She turned to Stone.

  “Look, before we go in, I just want you to know I’ll be using the flogger on you—not any of that other scary-looking stuff,” she told her partner in a low voice. “You can hit someone pretty hard with a flogger without really hurting them. It might sting a little but it shouldn’t leave any permanent marks or bruises.”

  He nodded serenely.

  “I trust you, Cassandra. Do whatever you think is best.”

  “Thank you, Stone.” Cassie was touched by his perfect trust in her. “What about those leather manacles?” she asked, nodding at the larger set at the top of the flogging frame. “Think you can break free from them or should I just pretend to fasten them and leave them loose?”

  Stone studied the thick leather straps for a moment, then shrugged.

  “They should present no problem. You can fasten them correctly when you put me in the frame.” He frowned. “Though I do not know how you will reach my arms when they are over my head.”

  “I don’t either. Wait—look.” Cassie pointed to the corner of the room. Clearly, one of the workers had anticipated the problem of someone short punishing someone tall, because there was another miniature staircase, like the one she used to get into the gold beanbag bed. Only this one was painted black, maybe to match the flogging frame.

  “The problem appears to be solved,” Stone remarked.

  Cassie nodded.

  “All right. We’re going to go in there and I’ll be the angry Mistress, berating you for having done something wrong. Maybe you, uh, washed my clothes on the wrong setting and ruined them or something.”

  “A good thought but perhaps not very ‘sexy’,” Stone rumbled. “Given how the scene ultimately goes, maybe you should be angry with me for not pleasuring you correctly. You should say that you will withhold your sexual favors and not allow me to taste you as punishment.”

  “Oh, uh…” Cassie was surprised at her stoic partner adding such a naughty twist to their little scenario. “Okay, that is sexier,” she admitted.

  “Especially given that once I break free, I will have a chance to ‘prove’ my sexual prowess by pleasuring you with my tongue until you come all over my face,” her partner growled softly, giving her a distinctly hungry look.

  “Stone…” Cassie could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks. There he went again, talking dirty! Before this mission, she never would have believed Stone had it in him. But he always seemed to know exactly what to say to turn her on…and make her uncomfortable at exactly how turned on she was!

  Just then, the camera drone beeped impatiently and the voice of their elf-man director came from it.

  “Are the two of you ever going to get started? I have eleven more scenes to direct before Mid Meal—hurry up!”

  “All right, all right—we’re going,” Cassie called back. She looked at Stone. “Are you ready?”

  Her partner’s pale eyes were half-lidded and burning with desire.

  “Cassandra, I have been ready to taste you from the first moment I saw you,” he rumbled.

  “Stone!” she exclaimed again. Then she took a deep breath. There was no point in berating him now—they had to do their scene. Besides, maybe he was just getting into character.

  “Are you ready, Mistress?” Stone asked her, raising an eyebrow.

  Cassie nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”

  “Good. Then let’s go.”

  “All right.” Cassie grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the room.


  “Get in there!” she hissed, trying to sound like an angry Mistress. “Go to the flogging frame and hold up your arms!”

  “Why, Mistress? What have I done to displease you?” Stone rumbled, frowning in a confused way.

  “You know perfectly well what you’ve done,” Cassie exclaimed. “The pleasure massage you gave me today was completely inadequate—I di
dn’t have a single orgasm!”

  “Then give me a second chance to pleasure you.” Stone looked at her, his eyes half-lidded with lust. “I promise I can do better, Mistress. I’ll make you come again and again if you’ll only let me.”

  “No!” Cassie insisted. “Get to the flogging frame—I’m going to punish you for your poor performance!”

  She gave her partner a shove in the small of his back and Stone made a show of staggering forward, though she knew very well that if he hadn’t wanted to move, she couldn’t have moved him. She gave him another push to get him inside the flogging frame and then commanded,

  “Put up your arms so I can strap you in!”

  “Mistress, please!” Stone pleaded, but he did as she said while Cassie rolled the little staircase over so that she could climb up it and reach his arms.

  This position put her bare breasts right in her partner’s face—a fact she tried to ignore while she buckled his wrists into the heavy leather manacles.

  Stone, however, didn’t seem inclined to ignore their current positions.

  “Please, Mistress,” he begged, his voice a soft growl. “Give me another chance—let me show you how much pleasure I can give you.”

  And then he sucked her right nipple into his hot mouth.

  Cassie gave a little gasp and looked down to see her partner sucking her nipple, his eyes turned up to hers, as though daring her to stop him. His teasing tongue, circling her tender bud, was sending sparks of pleasure right through her, making her pussy ache with need.

  “St-Stone?” she stuttered at last, still looking down at him. Her own arms were still stretched over her head as she fastened his wrists into the manacles, leaving her bare breasts vulnerable.

  Slowly, he allowed her right nipple to slip from between his lips.

  “Forgive me, Mistress,” he growled. “I just wanted to show you that I can bring you pleasure if you’ll only give me a chance.”

  And then he sucked her left nipple into his mouth and nipped her gently, making Cassie gasp and moan. This definitely wasn’t in the script, but apparently her partner was into improv.


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