Playing Their Parts: A Kindred Tales Novel

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Playing Their Parts: A Kindred Tales Novel Page 23

by Anderson, Evangeline

  “But what about the case?” Cassie protested as he strode out of the room with her still in his arms. “There’s so much we ought to be doing!”

  “It can wait,” Stone said firmly. “First, I must care for you.”


  As he carried his partner away from The Cave and down the long halls of Gozeriam’s palace, Stone wondered if he had gone too far with her. He had allowed himself to get lost in her unique flavor and her warm, feminine fragrance. Her cries of pleasure and her sweet taste and scent had acted on him like a drug—he hadn’t wanted to stop.

  But now, with Cassandra worn out and limp in his arms, he was upset with himself. He should not have allowed himself to get so carried away. It was just that he had wanted her for so long…hungered to taste her from the very first time he’d dreamed of her…

  She’s so beautiful, he thought, cradling her to his chest. So brave, too.

  Cassandra had gone all in for the scene they were acting together. She had played her part with great vigor—and without shame, though Stone knew it made her feel uncomfortable to be dressed so provocatively. It gave him new respect for her, to see her step outside her comfort zone in order to complete their mission.

  Brave and beautiful—fierce and passionate, his partner was perfect in every way, Stone thought longingly.

  He just wished he could have her as more than a partner when all this was over…but he knew that was impossible.


  During her classes with Madam Electra, Cassie had learned that one very important aspect of any BDSM relationship was After Care.

  After the scene was done and the Dominant was finished punishing or “playing” with his or her submissive, it was very important for the Dom to care for the sub. This was because submitting yourself to another person totally—especially sexually—could leave a submissive in a very fragile state—both mentally and physically.

  Often a submissive would do or say things during a scene that they might never have imagined doing in real life. Things that left then feeling vulnerable and exposed.

  Things like as allowing your partner and best friend to tie you up and go down on you, Cassie thought ruefully.

  God, maybe that hadn’t been such a good idea. It was going to be really hard to go back to being only friends when every time she looked at the big Kindred, she remembered him lapping her pussy and fucking her with that freaking flogger.

  But she was too weary to worry about the possible repercussions of their actions now. She felt completely wiped out—both physically and emotionally. She was so weak she could barely summon the strength to lift her head off Stone’s shoulder when he carried her into their room.

  He laid her gently on the golden beanbag bed and Cassie turned on her side and wrapped her arms around herself. Cold…she was so cold…

  “Sub drop,” whispered Madam Electra’s voice in her memory. Sub drop was a psychological aftereffect of an intense BDSM scene, which could have actual physical symptoms. It often happened when there was inadequate After Care on the Dom’s part—or none at all, Cassie thought as Stone walked away.

  But how could her partner be expected to know about things like After Care and Sub Drop? He had never done BDSM before or taken classes like she had. Cassie herself knew, however, which meant she ought to be able to bolster herself and avoid the pitfalls of the after-scene experience.

  But as she lay shivering on her side, she couldn’t seem to warm up or stop the thoughts that popped into her head.

  How could she have let herself go so completely? She’d been begging Stone to fuck her and she’d pressed herself against him, opening her pussy to let him do whatever he wanted to her. What would her partner think of her now that he’d seen her act in such a wanton manner? How could he ever respect her again? Would he even want anything to do with her once they got back down to Earth? Would he—

  “Come, Cassandra. It’s time for your bath.”

  It was Stone, leaning over to scoop her up and carry her into the bathroom.

  “What?” Cassie looked at him uncertainly. “What are you talking about? I don’t need a bath.”

  “Yes, you do. You need to relax.” He frowned. “And your skin is much colder that normal. A bath will both warm you up and facilitate relaxation.”

  “Stone, it’s really sweet of you to draw me a bath, but I’m honestly just too tired right now,” Cassie protested.

  “Don’t worry—you won’t have to do a thing,” he murmured. “I am going to bathe you.”

  “What? But you don’t have to do that,” Cassie protested.

  “But I want to. Cassandra, please…” He looked at her earnestly. “I pushed you too far during our scene together. Let me take care of you now—let me bathe you.”

  “Well…” Cassie could feel her willpower slipping. Letting her partner give her a bath was certainly nothing she ever would have done before back on Earth, but then, none of the things they’d been doing together were things she would have let him do before this mission. And honestly, she was too tired to put up a fight.

  “All right.” She sighed. “But don’t be surprised if I fall asleep in the bathtub. I can’t remember the last time I felt so tired.”

  “You just need to be cared for. Here, let’s get you undressed.”

  Stone sat her on the edge of the large, round, marble tub and began undressing her like a child. Cassie wanted to protest that she could undress herself—but honestly, she wasn’t sure she could. She just felt so tired and weak. It almost reminded her of the last time she’d had the flu.

  Sub drop, she thought again. Apparently it was no joke.

  Stone succeeded in getting her out of her Mistress outfit, finishing by unzipping her long, black boots and laying them aside. Then he helped her into the tub, which was filled with pink bubbles and had sweet-smelling steam rising from it.

  Cassie sighed as she sank in up to her chin. The tub was surprisingly deep and Stone had managed to get the water just right—almost but not quite too hot.

  “Mmm, Stone, this is nice,” she confessed, as he sat on the edge of the tub beside her.

  “I’m glad you approve. Give me your arm.”

  He was holding a big purple sponge-like thing that squished out bright purple bubbles every time he squeezed it.

  “I can wash myself, you know,” she pointed out.

  “Not this time. Hold out your hand,” her partner insisted.

  Sighing, Cassie did so. Stone took her much smaller hand in his big one and began to wash her from her fingertips to her shoulder in long, even strokes.

  After that, he washed her other arm, then her legs, and made her lean forward so he could scrub her back. By the time he got around to washing her front, Cassie felt utterly relaxed. She didn’t even complain when he settled behind her and reached around to palm her bare breasts, washing them gently as he cupped them in his big hands.

  “Mmm, Stone, that feels amazing,” she murmured as he dipped lower and washed between her legs with the purple sponge. “You’re good at this.”

  “I am glad you approve,” Stone rumbled. “I enjoy taking care of you.”

  “I’m enjoying it too,” Cassie admitted. Probably more than she should, actually. How were they ever going to go back to being just friends after all this?

  But she decided to push the thorny problem aside and just enjoy letting Stone take care of her. Her partner might not know anything about BDSM or After Care or Sub drop, but he definitely had the right instincts. The tender, gentle way he was bathing her and caring for her let Cassie know he didn’t think any less of her for her behavior during their scene. She felt as pampered as a well-cared-for child—and as safe.

  At last Stone decided she was clean enough, so he got her out of the tub and dried her thoroughly. He wrapped her in a soft, fluffy white robe and carried her back to the couch, though Cassie swore she could walk herself. But Stone wouldn’t hear of it—he didn’t let her feet even touch the ground.

  Once settled on the couch, Cassie saw that there was an array of exotic looking alien pastries on the small table in front of it. There was also a pale purple fizzy drink in tall glasses that tickled her nose when she sipped it.

  “Mmm, Stone, this is wonderful,” she murmured, snuggling against his side as she sipped her drink. “You’re so thoughtful—when did you have time to order all this?”

  “While I was drawing your bath.” He stroked her hair away from her face and leaned over to kiss the top of her head. “I wanted to be certain you had nourishment. I’m afraid your fluids were depleted during our scene together today.”

  Cassie felt her cheeks getting hot when she considered exactly how her fluids had gotten depleted. It was all those orgasms, she thought to herself. No wonder she felt so dehydrated!

  Then it occurred to her that while she had come multiple times, Stone hadn’t even come once. Of course, making him come hadn’t been the point of the scene but still, it seemed unfair.

  “Stone,” she murmured, resting her hand on the bulge in his trousers. He had switched back to his long black pajama bottoms and she could clearly feel the hot length of his cock through the satiny material.

  “Cassandra,” he answered, frowning and putting a hand over hers. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I was just thinking…” Cassie bit her lip. “You made me come over and over but you didn’t even come once. I thought maybe…maybe you’d like a little help?” She looked up at him from under her lashes. “The way you went down on me…no man has ever done that for me before. I mean, not like that.” She stroked the long, thick shaft slowly. “I just thought maybe I could return the favor.”

  “First of all, I want to focus on you,” Stone told her, moving her hand gently but firmly away. “And secondly, you are wrong about me not finding sexual release—I came every time you did.”

  “You did?” Cassie looked up at him in astonishment. “But after you cuffed me to the flogging frame, I wasn’t even touching you!”

  “Yes, but I was touching you,” Stone growled softly. He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “Didn’t I tell you how long I’ve wanted to taste you? Feeling you come and tasting your sweet juices was enough to send me over the edge with you, every time you went.”

  “Stone…” She shook her head. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything,” her partner assured her. “Just relax and replenish yourself. I have a feeling we might have a busy night tonight.”

  “You do? Why do you say that?” Cassie asked him.

  “Because, we have to attend the public viewing tonight,” Stone told her. “The director told me as we were leaving. I guess you didn’t hear him.”

  “No, I didn’t. We have to attend the what?” She frowned.

  “The public viewing,” he repeated patiently. “It’s in Gozeriam’s throne room—they show the best, er, porn vids of the day—or at least snippets of them. And apparently, his Slimefullness hands out awards to the best actors.”

  “Oh my God, how many people will be there?” Cassie sat up, feeling suddenly nervous. “Do you think he’ll show our scene? Do you think everyone will see us?”

  “So what if they do?” Stone raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you ashamed of what we did together today?”

  “Well, no…but actually yes! I mean, I just don’t know…” Cassie ran a hand through her hair. “If my parents ever found out I did porn—”

  “I very much doubt your parents will be in attendance in Gozeriam’s throne room tonight,” Stone said dryly. “In fact, no one you know will be there except me. And if we can agree not to be ashamed of doing what we have to in order to successfully complete this mission, you should have no reason to blush.”

  “I’m not blushing!” Cassie protested.

  “Oh, no?” Stone’s long fingers brushed over her hot cheek. “You were beautiful today, Cassandra,” he murmured, looking down at her. “Beautiful and fierce and passionate. I was proud to have you as my partner when we acted that scene together.”

  “Well…thank you, Stone.” She smiled at him tentatively. “That’s really sweet of you.”

  “I mean it, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Every word.”

  He leaned down and Cassie was certain he was going to kiss her this time—and she certainly would have let him. But instead, her partner pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and then pulled her close to him.

  “Come relax for a while,” he told her. “Tonight will come soon enough.”

  “I guess you’re right.” Cassie sighed and snuggled against his side again.

  She would worry about the public viewing later. Right now she just wanted to be close to her partner and relax in his arms. They might have to go back to being just friends once they got back to Earth, but for now, she could pretend they were a real couple, which was nice.

  More than nice, Cassie admitted to herself. She only wished their new closeness could last after this mission was done.

  But she knew that was never going to happen.


  “Okay, now I see why the throne room has to be so big—Gozeriam would never be able to fit all these, er, people in here otherwise,” Cassie murmured as she surveyed the crowd of creatures and people assembled in the throne room.

  There were people everywhere and not just humanoids. She saw aliens with multiple heads and limbs, some who looked like animals, though by the way they were conversing, she could tell they were sentient species. There was a cluster of things that looked like giant spiders on one side of the room and an enormous creature that resembled an elephant with only two legs and a dusky dark blue hide. There were even slime tanks and water tanks set up so that the actors from The Pit and the Aqueous tank could attend the public viewing.

  “Where would you like to sit?” Stone asked, looking around at the bewildering array for a couple of free seats.

  “Anywhere but near the giant spiders,” Cassie said. “Preferably near the back so we can sneak out early.”

  “Agreed.” Stone nodded. “Look, I see some free chairs near those chibble-nooks.”

  “Chibble-nooks?” Cassie asked. She looked to where he was pointing and saw three creatures about the size of golden retrievers. Actually, they kind of looked like golden retrievers too, except they had human-looking eyes, green fur, and they were all wearing large, festive hats. As she watched, a fourth one joined them and they all got up to sniff each other’s butts—which was apparently their way of greeting.

  “Uh, maybe not by the chibble-nooks,” she said, frowning. She could just imagine what would happen if the dog-like creatures decided to introduce themselves. She had no intention of letting them sniff her butt—or of returning the favor.

  “Well, we could sit—” Stone began

  “Well, hello there, Mistress,” a familiar voice said in Cassie’s other ear.

  “Huh?” She turned to see The Beast standing just behind her. A split second later, Stone saw him too. A low growl rose in his throat and he came at once to stand between Cassie and the other male.

  “Hey, take it easy.” The Beast held up his hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture. “I just came to tell you that Gozeriam has requested your Mistress and you to take a seat of honor in the front row.”

  “The front row?” Cassie squinted as she looked down the long rows of assembled porn actors and saw a row of mostly empty seats at the front of the stage. On the stage itself, Xempi Gozeriam was laid out on his large, rectangular platform and surrounded by his all-female cadre of guards. Behind him, was a long, red curtain like something you might see at a theater.

  “Yes, the front row!” the Beast exclaimed. “Apparently he was really happy with your performance today, Mistress. You might even be up for an award—and for your first porn-vid! Outstanding!”

  “Oh, um, thank you.” Cassie winced inwardly Not only were she and Stone going to have to sit in the very first row where there was no way of
escaping, but they would probably also have to watch their own performance and possibly even get an award for it! How totally humiliating.

  But what else could they do? They needed to stay on Gozeriam’s good side, so they could hardly refuse his invitation.

  “Okay,” she said to The Beast. “Lead the way.”

  “Of course.” Grinning at her and making sure he avoided Stone, The Beast led them down the rows of seated actors to the very front.

  Gozeriam took notice of them at once.

  “Ahhh, there you are. We were wondering where you and your body-slave had gotten to, Mistress,” he burbled at Cassie. “We were most pleased with your performance and that of your body-slave. You truly did justice to our excellent script.”

  “Why thank you, your Slimefullness.” Cassie nodded graciously at the huge Slimerian. “Stone and I are most honored by your praise.”

  “Have a seat,” Gozeriam told her. “The public viewing is about to begin.”

  They got seated in the front row and Cassie found herself in the uncomfortable position of having Stone on one side of her and The Beast on the other. Her partner, of course, didn’t like this a bit. He glared at The Beast and put an arm around Cassie’s shoulders possessively. The message couldn’t have been more clear—Back off—she’s mine!

  Cassie was glad to have her protective partner so close. It didn’t stop The Beast from talking to her but it did remind him to keep his hands strictly to himself.

  “So is this something they do every night here?” she asked him after they were all settled. “This public viewing?”

  “No, more like once a week—sometimes more or less. Depends on how many outstanding performances his Slimefullness has to show off. Tonight, I believe he has several.” He winked at her. “Including yours, Mistress.”

  “Um, thanks.” Cassie nodded, hoping he was wrong. When she’d done the incredibly erotic scene with her partner, she’d never dreamed that she would have to ever watch it—let alone watch it in a crowded theater-setting with hundreds of other people!


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