Playing Their Parts: A Kindred Tales Novel

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Playing Their Parts: A Kindred Tales Novel Page 27

by Anderson, Evangeline

  “Mistress,” he said, doing his best to keep his voice level. “Are you well?”

  “You can drop the act, Kindred,” The Beast snarled in his ear. “We know the two of you are spies from the Mother Ship. We’ve known it from the minute you touched down on the planet.”

  Stone felt his heart settle like a rock at the bottom of a pond. So they knew. Their cover, as the humans said, was blown. Still, there might be a way to get out of this—he just needed to keep his wits about him and find a way to get Cassandra free of that strange silver hoop The Beast had called the “fucking-frame.”

  “There is no need for violence,” he said, speaking to Gozeriam and ignoring The Beast. “We didn’t come here to harm you, your Slimefullness—we are here to apprehend The Beast for a murder he committed on a planet called Earth.”

  Gozeriam uttered a muddy laugh.

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes.” Stone nodded, feeling the cold muzzle of the weapon brush against his neck again. “Let us take him and we’ll be gone. Name your price and we can pay it.”

  The Beast cursed and shoved him hard in the back, nearly causing Stone to fall.

  “You think his Slimefullness would sell me out?” he demanded. “I’m his star!”

  “We would if we felt like it,” Gozeriam remarked mildly. “However, we are more interested in punishing the Kindred for their refusal to do business with us than we are in more profit. After one has a certain amount of it, more money becomes useless—while revenge is always useful and amusing.”

  “The Kindred couldn’t do business with you because their porn is through their nose. I mean, it’s all about scents—not vids,” Cassandra exclaimed from her place in the silver frame.

  “Shut up!” One of the female guards slapped her hard across the face. “Who asked you to talk, girl?” she exclaimed.

  Stone felt the Rage clawing at his mind and held it back with a grim effort.

  “Don’t touch her,” he growled at the guard, surging towards the stage.

  “You don’t touch her either, big guy.” The Beast was suddenly there, shoving the weapon between Stone’s shoulder blades. “Try that again and I’ll blow a hole right through you!”

  “Let him speak,” Gozeriam commanded. He turned to Stone. “We are curious as to some details. Tell us, are you and your ‘Mistress’ mates?”

  “No.” Stone shook his head. “Just partners and friends.”

  “Well, how surprising. From what we know of your species, it could not have been easy to act out the script we wrote for the two of you if you were not already sexually attached.”

  “We did what we had to in the service of our mission,” Stone said woodenly.

  “For which, you must both be punished. But we think you care more for this female than you care to admit,” Gozeriam said thoughtfully. “So it will be most interesting to watch you as she is slowly killed.”

  “Hurt me, not her,” Stone said at once. “She is not even Kindred—you can let her go and just kill me.”

  “Stone, no!” Cassandra cried.

  “Shut up!” The guard slapped her again and Cassandra spat angrily at her.

  “Let her talk,” Gozeriam ordered. “We are interested in what she has to say as well.”

  “Please, your Slimefullness…” Cassandra’s voice trembled but she did not cry. “I’m sure the Kindred High Council would be willing to pay a ransom for us. Just name your price—please!”

  “Did you not just hear us refuse your partner’s offer of monetary compensation?” Gozeriam demanded, his slitted yellow eyes narrowing in displeasure. “However,” he added thoughtfully, “There may be one thing we would be willing to trade for your miserable lives.”

  “What is it?” Stone demanded. “What do you want?”

  “We were quite pleased with your performance in Forbidden One,” the Slimerian mused. “Perhaps we would be willing to give you your freedom if the two of you would consent to film Forbidden Two, the Sequel, before you go.”

  Stone looked at his partner. He didn’t want to answer for her in this because he wasn’t sure what Gozeriam wanted them to do. What would be in the script of this particular vid? He had a feeling that whatever it was, it would definitely eclipse Forbidden One’s erotic requirements.

  “What do you want us to do?” Cassandra asked Gozeriam bluntly.

  “What do you think, my dear Officer Steel? You are strapped to the fucking-frame, are you not? We expect your partner to fuck you.” Gozeriam gave his mud-sucking laugh again.

  “I won’t rape my partner for your pleasure,” Stone growled, glaring at the Slimerian. “You can kill me before I’ll hurt her that way!”

  “Well, well—it seems you need some incentive. Hallora, bring the injection.”

  “What? What injection?” Cassandra looked around fearfully as one of the other female guards laid down her long, silver spear and brought out a wicked-looking syringe. It was full of some bright red liquid with black specks floating in it.

  “Don’t hurt her! What are you giving her?” Stone surged forward again, only to feel the weapon dig into his back as The Beast muttered, “Easy, big guy!”

  “Don’t Stone—don’t want them to hurt you,” Cassandra gasped as the female guard shoved the thick needle into her neck and pushed the plunger.

  Stone had never felt so helpless—so close to Rage. Only knowing that The Beast would kill him before he could reach Cassandra kept him from going to her. He was no good to his partner dead.

  “What did you give her?” he growled, glaring at the Slimerian. “What in the name of the Goddess have you done?”

  “Hallora has simply given your ‘Mistress’ something to make things a bit more interesting,” Gozeriam assured him. “And to help you make your mind up to record the vid we asked you to do.”

  “But—” Stone began when his partner’s voice interrupted him.

  “Stone! Stone…”

  Stone looked at her anxiously.


  “Stone…” She had begun to writhe in her bonds. “Stone, please, I need you.”

  “You need me? What do you mean?” He looked at Gozeriam again. “What did you give her?”

  “Merely a bit of one of our home-brewed love drugs to get her ready for you, Kindred,” Gozeriam burbled.

  “But what was it?” Stone insisted. “Tell me!” He knew how many of the aphrodisiacs developed in the palace lab were deadly or had detrimental side and after effects. What if the bastard had given Cassandra one of the deadly ones?

  His worst fears were realized when the Slimerian answered him.

  “We have given her a compound that will kill her if you do not service her, Kindred,” Gozeriam burbled. “You now have two choices—fuck her or watch her die. It is up to you. Either way, we will be very entertained.”


  Cassie had never felt so horny in her life. No—that wasn’t the right word. Needy—that was it. Hungry would fit too. She was empty inside and she needed desperately to be filled.

  “Stone!” she begged, looking at her partner who had an expression of anger and indecision on his face. “Stone, please—I need you. I want you!”

  “You can let him up on the stage now, Beast,” Gozeriam said to his henchman. “He cannot do anything but fuck his partner or watch her die.”

  “Go on.” The Beast shoved Stone in the small of the back and the big Kindred vaulted onto the high stage and came to stand in front of Cassie, a tortured look on his face.

  “Cassandra,” he said hoarsely. “I do not wish to do this to you against your will.”

  “You’re not!” Cassie assured him. “Please, Stone! I’m so empty I ache inside—please, I want you to do this! Want you to fuck me!”

  The pleas rolled easily off her tongue because they were absolutely true. Her entire body was throbbing by this time. Her nipples were sensitive little buds at the ends of her breasts and her clit was aching to be rubbed. Her inner walls c
lenched helplessly on nothing and her pussy was as wet as it had ever been. She needed to be fucked.

  “If he won’t do it, I can, your Slimefullness,” The Beast declared. Turning her head, Cassie saw him morph suddenly into Stone. “See—I can look just like him,” he told Gozeriam. “I’ll fuck her to death, if you want me to.”

  “No!” Cassie gasped and Stone’s eyes turned red with Rage.

  “If you even dare to come near her I will rip your head off.” His voice was a growl so low she felt it in her bones when he spoke.

  “It is simple, Kindred—if you do not service your partner then The Beast will,” Gozeriam burbled. “Make your choice. And Hallora, send up a camera drone to record Forbidden Two, the Sequel. This ought to be interesting.”

  That’s all we are to him—just entertainment, Cassie thought bitterly. But only with a tiny corner of her mind. The rest of her was too distracted with needing to be fucked so badly.

  “Cassandra, look at me…” Stone took her face in his hands and stared earnestly into her eyes. “What if the injection they gave you will kill you once I make love to you?”

  “We don’t know that and it will definitely kill me if you don’t. Please, Stone, I feel like a black hole is opening up inside me!”

  Cassie strained in her bonds, the black leather thongs around her wrists and ankles creaking against the silver hoop frame she was tied to. The small metal chair she sat on tilted her pelvis forward invitingly, showing the bright red panties she was wearing. There was a damp spot growing on the crotch where her juices were soaking the silky fabric.

  “Cassandra…” He gave her a despairing look. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

  “We are afraid you will have to hurt her,” Gozeriam interjected. He was still sitting on his platform, watching them with evident enjoyment.

  “What do you mean?” Stone growled, glaring at him.

  “We mean, you will have to be a bit rough if you are to have any hope of counteracting the injection we gave her.” Gozeriam’s wide, lipless mouth stretched into a rubbery grin. “It should be quite interesting to watch.”

  “You bastard!” Stone’s eyes were red with Rage, with just a thin blue ring around their outer edge. Clearly, he was holding onto his temper, but only by the barest thread.

  In the meantime, Cassie felt as though the black hole inside her was growing…consuming her.

  It’s going to eat me alive—eat me from the inside out if Stone doesn’t fill me soon, she thought desperately. Oh God, it hurts! I need him—why can’t he understand?

  “Stone,” she said desperately. “Please!”

  “All right.” Stone was savage with fury, his deep voice tight as he stripped down the front of his black leather trousers to reveal his shaft. “But I won’t rape you, Cassandra. And I refuse to bond you to me this way—it is wrong.”

  “I know…you don’t want to…to bond,” Cassie gasped. “But please, Stone—I’m dying…”

  She wasn’t lying—the world was getting dim around the edges and her partner’s face was going blurry.

  “Cassandra, no! Stay with me!” With a low growl, he pulled her panties aside and she felt his shaft, thick and blunt, press between her legs. It slid between her slippery folds, bringing a gasp to her lips as it bumped over her tender clit, sending sparks of intense pleasure through her entire body. And then—oh thank goodness—it found the mouth of her pussy and began to slide inside.

  “Yes!” Cassie gasped, trying to spread her thighs even wider, though she was already stretched wide by the frame. “Yes, Stone please do it—please fuck me!”

  Her partner gave an angry growl and continued to press inside her. She could feel her inner walls stretching to take him, filling the awful black hole that had opened up inside her the minute the strange compound had entered her bloodstream.

  “Stone,” she whispered. “More.”

  “Cassandra, sweetheart—this is not how I wanted to do this.” His eyes were angry and regretful at the same time as he finally bottomed out inside her.

  Cassie threw back her head and moaned with the pleasure of being so exquisitely opened and stretched. She had never been with a man half as big as Stone before—he was big enough to split her in two.

  And that was exactly what she needed, she slowly realized. Being filled wasn’t enough—she needed to be fucked. Hard.

  “Stone,” she said again. “More!”

  “All right, sweetheart.” Gripping her hips, he pulled almost all the way out of her and then thrust in again. But though Cassie felt the head of his cock press against the end of her channel, it wasn’t enough. She needed him harder inside her—deeper and faster and more.

  “Please!” She writhed against him helplessly, trying to force him deeper into her. “Please, Stone, that’s not hard enough—harder—faster—deeper!”

  “Don’t want to hurt you!” he growled.

  “But I need you to hurt me!” Cassie argued. “Please!”

  “We would listen to her if we were you, Kindred,” Gozeriam said from behind them. “A weak fucking will kill your partner as certainly as no fucking at all.”

  Indeed, he seemed to be right. Cassie felt the world fading again, and things were beginning to get blurry around the edges. Her head tilted forward to rest helplessly on Stone’s broad shoulder.

  “Cassandra?” He lifted her chin and peered anxiously into her face. “Cassandra are you well?”

  “She won’t be unless you fuck her.” The Beast sounded like he was laughing.

  “Please,” Cassie whispered, looking at her partner, who was fading from her sight. “Please, Stone…hurt me. You have to…have to hurt me to…to save me.”

  A low noise filled with agony and fury came from Stone’s broad chest. Then his grip on her hips tightened—bearing down so hard Cassie was certain she’d have ten finger-shaped bruises there tomorrow—if she lived to see tomorrow, that was, she thought dimly. He pulled almost all the way out of her again and then slammed back in, delivering a harsh blow that woke her with a wave of pleasure-pain she had never experienced before.

  “Master!” Cassie gasped, the word springing naturally to her lips in response to his rough treatment. “Yes, please, Master—take me, own me, fuck me!”

  Stone said not a word but he continued his deep, punishing thrusts, filling her as hard and fast as a jackhammer and with, apparently, just as much joy. There was no love or tenderness or desire on his face, as Cassie had seen when he went down on her in their previous vid. There was only grim concentration, like a man doing a task he desperately doesn’t want to do, but cannot stop doing until it is done.

  Cassie gasped and writhed helplessly with every deep thrust. She felt battered inside—bruised and roughly used—but the black hole inside her still demanded more…more…more.

  Suddenly, she knew what she needed.

  “Master,” she begged him, completely lost in the need that threatened to eat her from the inside out. “Master, come in me! I need you filling me—filling me with your seed!”

  She was so close. She knew if she could feel Stone filling her with his come, she would come too. And then maybe the black hole inside her would finally close…

  Somewhere inside her head a little voice was whispering that this was a bad idea—that she would regret it. But Cassie didn’t listen—couldn’t afford to listen. She still had the black hole inside her which demanded to be fed. And Stone was the only one who could feed it—feed it with his seed.

  “Please,” she begged again. “Come in me, Master—fill me up!”

  Stone’s face contorted with a mixture of lust and self-disgust.

  “I do not want to, but I cannot help it,” he growled hoarsely. “Get ready, Cassandra—I’m going to fill you.”

  Cassie moaned with need and agreement and tried to open herself even wider for her partner…her lover…her Master. Finally she had found a man she could submit to and she never wanted the submission to end!

  With a low ro
ar, Stone gripped her hips even harder and plunged his thick cock to the hilt inside her. The broad, plum-shaped head of his shaft jammed harshly against the mouth of her womb in a rough kiss and then something hot and wet began pumping into her.

  “Yes!” Cassie gasped. This was what she needed, she realized. The feeling of his hot seed…his burning seed…his scalding seed…

  Suddenly she realized that it wasn’t just hot—it was scorching. Her pleasure turned abruptly to agony and she began to shriek and writhe helplessly.

  “Stop it, Stone—please! It burns! It burns!”


  Stone watched in horror as his partner went from pleasure to agony in a split second. Cassandra, deeply impaled on his shaft, writhed in anguish and screamed that she was burning…burning…

  The Amaryllis Fatalis, he realized, feeling sick. That was what they injected her with!

  He supposed he should have guessed it sooner, but he had been too distracted with the horror of having to use her this way—and use her so roughly at that. But at least, before, she had been enjoying the rough treatment, even though Stone didn’t enjoy giving it to her. Now she was in severe pain and it was all his fault.

  Horrified, he ripped himself out of her and yanked up his trousers.

  “Cassandra?” he gasped, taking her face in his hands. “Cassandra, please—please…”

  “Do not worry, Kindred.” Gozeriam’s voice sounded like he was laughing again. “Your ‘Mistress’ will feel better as soon as we put her out of her misery.”

  As he spoke, Stone saw a movement from the corner of his eye and realized it was The Beast pointing a blaster at Cassandra’s head.

  “No!” At last, the Rage he had been fighting from the moment he walked in and saw his partner strapped to the silver fucking-frame overtook him. A red curtain fell over his eyes and the next thing he knew, Stone had whirled around and was ripping at the other male’s throat with his fangs.


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