Mail Order Vows (Sweet Mail Order Bride Historical Romance Novel)

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Mail Order Vows (Sweet Mail Order Bride Historical Romance Novel) Page 16

by Maya Stirling

  It was a warm, sunny day and the town was busy. When they parked up at the railroad station they saw there was quite a crowd waiting for the train. The platform was full of people. It was still a big event for the railroad to stop at town.

  Cassie, Julia and Hettie took up a position at the middle of the platform, taking shade under the overhanging roof.

  They didn't have long to wait. The sound of the train's engine created a stir in the people standing on the platform.

  Julia smiled at Cassie. "They're here," she said, touching Cassie's elbow.

  Cassie had a rush of nervous excitement when she heard that sound. The feelings intensified even more when there came the sound of the train's whistle.

  She swallowed and looked at Hettie, who reached over and tidied a few stray hairs away from Cassie's forehead.

  "Now my dear. Only a few moments more and they'll be here. It really is very exciting isn't it?"

  Cassie nodded, unable to say anything.

  She looked down the track and saw the huge bulk of the locomotive engine emerge from the trees.

  The crowd pushed back from the edge of the tracks. The sound was cacophonous now. Steam and whistles combined with the roar of heavy metal on tracks.

  Then the train slid to a halt with a final gush of steam. They had arrived. Cassie felt the butterflies flutter in her stomach.

  Passengers started stepping off the carriages, and people on the platform crowded forward. Cassie didn't move, preferring to hang back so that she could see over the heads of the crowd. She didn't recognize anyone. With a stab of anxiety she thought that maybe her sisters and Ethan had missed the train and weren't coming. But deep in her heart she knew that wasn't the case. She knew they were on the train. She could feel it.

  Cassie strained her neck to see up and down the length of the carriages.

  Then she saw them.

  Her sisters. It was them!

  They were standing on the carriage steps leaning out, excitedly searching up and down the platform.

  Cassie felt her face flush in excitement.

  It was really them. They were actually here. It was unbelievable.

  Martha and Rachel stepped down from the carriage a few short paces away from Cassie. They both continued looking up and down the platform, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension on their faces.

  Suddenly Cassie was running and pushing her way towards them. She yelled their names.

  "Martha. Rachel!" she called, her voice cracking with emotion. Faces turned to see who was doing the shouting.

  At first her sisters didn't seem to hear her calling. She called again, waving her hand above the heads of the people blocking her way. People stood aside as they realized what she was doing.

  Finally Martha saw Cassie, and her face lit up with the biggest smile Cassie had ever seen.

  "Cassie!" Martha screamed, pushing forward and pulling Rachel by the hand.

  Rachel's smile beamed as she let herself be dragged towards the sister they had not seen for so long.

  All three crashed against each other, hugging and screaming in childlike joy. Cassie felt a huge wave of relief sweep over her.

  It was her sisters! They were here in her arms. They were reunited once again after what had seemed an eternity. They were safe.

  Cassie felt the tears burst from her eyes and through the haze she saw her sisters weeping with the emotion of this moment.

  "Martha. Rachel. It's really you. I can't believe it," Cassie screamed. People around them stared at the spectacle of three sisters barely able to contain their excitement.

  Rachel looked so young, so much younger than either Cassie or Martha. Her pretty blonde curls and blue eyes hadn't changed a bit. There was a tiredness in her features that showed the effects of the journey. Nevertheless it was Rachel who made the loudest noise.

  "Cassie. I'm so glad to see you. I never thought I'd see you again," Rachel screeched loudly.

  Cassie hugged her youngest sister and noted how thin Rachel was.

  "Cassie. You wouldn't believe what happened," Martha said, turning to look around.

  "I know what happened Martha. You don't have to tell me. Where is Ethan?" Cassie asked.

  "You mean your wonderful husband?" Martha said.

  "Yes Cassie. He is so wonderful," Rachel said quickly. "Do you know he came all the way to New York and brought us here to you. Our Aunt and Uncle just couldn't refuse him. Not in the way he made it clear to them..." Rachel said, her words spilling out fast. Martha interrupted her trying to slow down her animated sister.

  "Now Rachel. That can all wait for later," Martha said, laying a hand on her sister's shoulder.

  Cassie raised her head again, looking for Ethan. She couldn't see him anywhere.

  Martha turned. "He was right behind us a moment ago," she said. Cassie felt relief at the knowledge that she would see her husband again. She was filled with such gratitude for what he had done. It really was unbelievable. He had gone all the way to New York with no certainty of the outcome, and he had brought her sisters to Cassie. Ethan had made a huge sacrifice, and had put the trust in their marriage on the line.

  It had paid off and Cassie was so happy that he had shown such courage and integrity. So many of the doubts she had struggled with since he had left had just evaporated. She no longer felt that she couldn't really trust him, even if he hadn't told her all the truth of his friendship with Joshua. He'd had his reasons and they had proved to be right.

  Right now all that mattered was that Cassie's whole family was reunited.

  People began to drift off and others were boarding the train. Cassie still couldn't see Ethan. She thought, with a sharp stab of panic that maybe he might stay on the train, now that he had delivered on his promise.

  Then Julia came over to Cassie and tapped her on the shoulder.

  "Cassie. Have you seen who's here?" Julia said pointing to the far end of the platform.

  And there he was.

  He stood with cases at his feet and with his hands on his hips.

  For a moment Ethan looked uncertain, as if he was awaiting Cassie's judgment. He looked like he needed to see her approval before he'd make the first move.

  Cassie smiled at him and stepped forward. The minute Ethan saw her do that, he moved quickly towards Cassie, his arms outstretched, a huge, warm smile on his face. His eyes shone brightly as Cassie ran to him.

  In a moment they were together. Cassie sank into his warm embrace, surrounded by his strength, happy to be in her husband's arms once more. It was as if the days and nights apart had never happened. Ethan gripped her tightly and Cassie felt her body go soft as his arms wrapped around her.

  Ethan bent his head to her ear. "Cassie. I'm so happy to see you," he said quietly.

  Cassie shifted her head and gazed into his eyes. "Thank you Ethan. For saving my sisters," she said.

  His brows furrowed and he looked at her intently. "You're welcome Mrs. Macleod," he said.

  Ethan dipped his head and his lips brushed lightly against her own. It was a brief kiss given the public nature of their embrace, but it said so much. Their lips parted after the sweetest and most welcome kiss Cassie could have imagined.

  "Why didn't you tell me what you were going to do?" Cassie asked.

  "I didn't know if you would let me," he said.

  "Let you? Are you saying I could have stopped you?" Cassie asked.

  Ethan smiled. "I don't think you could have Cassie. I told you. Once I make up my mind to do something, no-one can stop me," Ethan replied.

  "But it was so far to go. How could you know they would trust you?" Cassie said.

  Ethan ran a hand through his hair. "I have my ways, I guess you could say. I must just have one of those faces that people trust, I suppose. It helped to have the photo and the letter," he said with a mischievous grin.

  Cassie punched him lightly on his hard, broad chest.

  "Ethan Macleod. Don't you ever go running off like that again. You hear?" Cassie w
arned him. "You near scared the living daylights out of me," she said.

  At that Ethan's features darkened. "I'm sorry if the way I did it caused you to feel worry, but I just had to go. The idea came to me, and I knew that Hettie would explain," Ethan said.

  "She did," Cassie said. "Eventually. She only told me today," she said to him with a frown.

  Ethan hugged her again, closer this time. He ran the back of his fingers down the side of her face and along the line of her jaw. "I'm sorry if I caused you to feel bad even for a moment. It'll never happen again. I promise. Looks like your sisters are getting impatient with us," Ethan said, looking behind her.

  Cassie turned and she was aware that Ethan still had his arm wrapped around her waist. Martha and Rachel came to them with Julia and Hettie close behind. Hettie looked so pleased. In fact Cassie had never seen that expression on Hettie's face before.

  Cassie saw that Martha and Rachel were looking at her and Ethan. We must look like such a happy couple, she thought. She realized that her sisters had never seen Cassie like this. They had never met Joshua. It must have seemed so exciting to them that here they were with their sister and husband, in a strange land where new beginnings were commonplace.

  Martha and Rachel had a new life to look forward to. Cassie knew that. She also knew that Hettie would already be planning how to find suitable husbands for Martha and Rachel. Cassie had almost forgotten how lovely both her sisters looked. Neither of them would have any trouble finding eager suitors.

  "We best be heading home," Ethan said, squeezing Cassie's waist. Cassie smiled at the feeling of his strong arm around her.

  "Nonsense," Hettie said placing a hand on Rachel's elbow. "Now that we've met I just have to get to know these lovely young ladies."

  "But Hettie. They must be tired after their journey," Cassie said.

  "Of course we're not tired," Martha said. "How could we be. The excitement of us all being together is too much for us to feel even slightly tired. Isn't that right Rachel?"

  Rachel nodded eagerly.

  Hettie pointed at the bags. "See? Now why don't we get this luggage onto the buckboard and we can head over to my house. You're all invited," Hettie said. "I'm sure every one of you must be starving."

  Hettie started to lead the two young women away towards the buckboard with Julia in tow.

  Ethan looked down at Cassie. "She really is an unstoppable force of nature. Isn't she?"

  Cassie let out a deep breath. "Sometimes you just have to trust that people have your best interests at heart, even if you don't always agree with the way they do things," she said.

  Ethan nodded. "I couldn't have put it better myself Cassie. That's a lesson we all have to learn sometime," he said.

  He lifted the small cases, stuck out an elbow and raised an eyebrow. Cassie hooked her arm through his and they followed the others to the buckboard.



  Cassie discovered she was pregnant a few weeks after her sisters arrived. At first it was a shock but then it became the most wonderful secret. It was all she could do to keep it to herself.

  She went to the doctor and had her condition confirmed. After that she picked just the right moment to tell Ethan.

  One morning they were alone, out in the field. Ethan was clearing some roots out of the soil. At one point he paused and looked at Cassie who was standing watching him with the biggest grin on her face. She could hardly contain herself.

  Ethan looked at her and frowned. "What are you smiling at?" he asked with good humor.

  "I have some news," Cassie said, cocking her head to the side.

  "Oh? What kind of news?" Ethan said, dropping the chunk of rotting wood.

  "Well. It's the kind of news a wife keeps to herself until she is absolutely sure," Cassie said.

  Ethan's eyes widened.

  "Do you mean...?" he said, stepping closer to her.

  "Yes I do mean. Mr. Macleod, you are about to become a father," Cassie said simply.

  Ethan looked like he would explode. He filled his chest with air and let out a huge sound that seemed to fill the valley.

  He took her in his arms, lifted her up and swung her gently around. Suddenly realizing what he was doing he quickly put Cassie back down.

  "Are you sure?" he asked, concern written on his face.

  "I saw the doctor in town and he confirmed it," she said.

  Ethan whirled around and ran his hand through his hair. "I got some work to do," he said. "I need to get things organized around here. What about your sisters. The cabin isn't big enough. Maybe I can build some extra rooms," Ethan said, his mind obviously running fast.

  "Never mind about my sisters. Hettie told me she has found some good candidates for them. They both might be married sooner than you think," Cassie said. Martha and Rachel were still living with them. Hettie was taking her own good time finding them suitable partners, but Cassie had faith that she would do a good job. She had complete confidence in Hettie.

  "Don't get me wrong. I love them both. But we're going to be pushed for space once our little one arrives," Ethan said.

  "I have absolute confidence in Hettie. I'm sure the suitors she has found for them to consider will be more than acceptable," Cassie said reassuringly.

  Ethan came to Cassie and kissed her in the way that she had become accustomed to these days. She held the embrace for a long time, enjoying the familiar, comforting strength of his protective presence. As always she wanted it to go on forever.

  Later that day, Cassie left Ethan cleaning himself up after a hard mornings work. Martha and Rachel were in the kitchen preparing lunch as usual. Cassie walked carefully across the field and started up the tree covered hillside. Ethan had cleared the path and cut back some of the overhanging branches, so the climb was safer for her. She strode up the hill with a light step. The air was cool under the branches. Cassie thought of the many times she had climbed up this hill, alone and sad and exhausted. Now it was so different. She felt renewed by the comforting knowledge of the new life inside her.

  She emerged onto the flat plateau where Joshua lay.

  Cassie had asked Ethan if he wanted to come with her, but he had told her, kindly and with a reassuring look, that it was for her to do that alone.

  She looked across at the place where Joshua lay.

  Cassie felt emotion rise to her throat. She swallowed and stepped forward taking a place by the stone. The wind seemed to pick up and her hair swept across her face. She spoke quietly as she always had before.

  "Joshua. You never wanted me to be sad. I know that somewhere you are happy that I am with Ethan. Now all the confusion about him has been cleared up. I know he has done all of this for me and for you too. I don't know of how anyone could be a better friend than that. I am happy with Ethan. In a different way than the joy I had with you. But I am happy nonetheless. Ethan will be a good father to the baby. We plan to stay here at the farm for a long time and we will always come to see you. We will not forget you. And I look forward to the day the new one can walk up that hill on his own and come and pay respects. I will always love you Joshua, as I love Ethan. I will teach our newborn to love the memory of you too. I have no doubt he or she will do that ."

  Cassie smiled warmly and rested a hand on the headstone.

  This had been the right thing to do. Now it was time to move on. Julia had been right. You could build a future for yourself and others while, at the same time, respecting and honouring the past. All the inner conflict she had felt when she had married Ethan, and started their life together seemed to have melted away in that moment. She finally felt reconciled to the past and all the pain she had once felt so keenly.

  It was her job now to create a future for her family.

  She walked down the path and made her way over toward the cabin. She saw Ethan standing there at the doorway. He was a figure of patience and understanding. His wide shoulders seemed to fill the doorway and she found herself eager to be next to h

  "How are you Cassie?" he asked, when she finally stood by his side.

  She nodded slowly. "Fine. It was fine. Thank you Ethan," she said.

  "For what?"

  "For being the kind and generous man that I always knew you were," Cassie answered.

  Ethan lowered his head. She had embarrassed him.

  "It is my job to be the best husband I can possibly be to you," he said finally. He reached over and took his wife in a gentle embrace. They both turned and looked out over the farm land in front of them. Ethan laid a gentle hand over her belly.

  So much had changed. So much new life had been created. Cassie had a new life with Ethan. They had the blessing of the new beginning with their precious child who would be born in this very home. Her sisters had been rescued and been given a fresh start, free of fear and abuse. Cassie wondered how she could have gotten so lucky to have been granted so much. Her life was truly blessed and filled with good fortune.

  "I love you, Cassie," Ethan said, his voice soft and warm.

  "I love you Ethan," she said, looking up into his moist eyes.

  They were going to have a fine and wonderful future.



  Thank you!

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  Continue to read the bestselling series.

  The Brides of Sweetheart Falls is a bestselling series of novels about three sisters who marry and find happiness in the beautiful Wyoming town of Sweetheart Falls.


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