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by Danny E. Allen

  Chapter Eight

  The final entitlement

  She looked back on all the performed designs of her-ascension, which was as the legacy of legal, literal and learned-workmanship. ...A cause and creative character; and the many congruent structures and essential elaborations; inscribed, described and destined to be her life's work. Many states were to the schemes of living; from her standing, which wasput-down, proven and perfected... The world, her-world revolved and evolved in an integrated resonance to be delivered, up to this point.

  An effort-initialized and essentialized, by self-proving and self-standard; putting-forth an effort which substantiated and sustained, in an evident... An apparent obstensity, of which was now concurrent and carried-forward in deliberate function, coming to concert and command... The streets were extensible, the extension of law-enforcer, legal-apportment. Which were the vivid and an extended-task and entreating, performed and a proprietarily, provision.

  The 'air' of accounting and arduous-alertness, as her legitimate-basis to form and vocation; as a conferring and condition of confirming, discerning and of object... What now was basic sustainment in coreate-literateness; stand-out and objectively, understood. California was a fantastic town, from any stand-point; and she'd protected her, well. A designated-mosaic that was the greater LA basin, was deeply loved and admonished by Prey, as she played-out her fascinating and valiant life. She wouldn't mind spending the rest of her-life transposing legal-logic; from passive to the errantly irrevocable; each played a part to enforce the perimetry of what went on and was portrayed. She still had much energy and efficacy to her-career. She wouldn't let emotions or feeling force or play her-hand... The eventual volition, which spoke volumes to those who knew her and in the concise and confided work which had especial meaning and virtue.

  The evening skies were crimson red and green, the winter storms were coming early. The fog which once was smog was setting-in, the sun was setting earlier everyday. The many impetus which lived and thrived out-west knew to prepare for the wet-season coming from the Pacific. The lights which fulcrumed in summer, glowed a dainty hue of yellow. The preacher's assembly was what was occurring now. But the later suns would return and present an arabesque to all who knew her. Whales would be offshore by November, and all the winter retreats would arrive and join-in.

  The exemplar that once existed as LA California, would evocate into an aspired conservative; the allusive-predicate enfolded in personal-times and extension of the values and virtues by convictional and covenant... All of the basin, convoked and conveyed. The innate and intense energies, traced and tantamount, would still flow frequently and with admiration... As the metropolis knew and was coveted, the cultural and local-themes would endure and noveltate. The rules and ratifications would prove true and chosen... The streets flowed by Ben, it second-geared down to the gables on to back lanes, out to the ocean. Night was coming on fast, the many interests and entities which were born and grew by the margin of LA magic... The powers of promise and popularity engaged and troved by all sorts of people and the promises thought and proven, the authorities entreat in what became finesse and fidelity... As she sat at final nightfall she pulled into third-gear and sped off up the ocean-way.

  Listening to the radio she cruised on home, the Latin station was playing. The Hispanic neighborhood was expecting a hacienda on Friday; bring your best bottle of tequila... Then she listened to HAM radio about coming seafront freights to be shipped west. Autos and electronics were the most frequent. Someone wanted to know what was going on at the shore, they were thinking of stopping-over...

  ...It was Christmas, Felice Novida and Noel but now the Pacific patrons would drive new-celebrations of self-revelry... The stars were out, as Ben roar onto the parking lot. It was one of the moonlit evenings. The night was going to be clear. She would make an exacting effort tomorrow. The intent and issues would again ensue, there'd be crime and suspects another day. She'd done a bravo job to be implicit in an magnanimous atoning. She had to be at work by nine, her load which once was quadrant on any suitable criminal-act; she was now active mostly on the 'cream' of the crop. Having the concurrent and calculative addendum-probable and pretense. Dealing and detailing, with the accurate accounting work of Lead Det. Littlehorse. ...A parametered propagation by the law of criminal enforcement.

  The instrumental tenets, critically and culminately, of principle and policy... In what leads to an illustriousness afformed in enlistment, it was more an art of institution in instilling and proving. She'd forged ahead, and with product and pluck, made to be investing in the advancing of solution of crimes.

  She unlocked her door, and ran up the stairway, the light of the moon slid into her bedroom. Ben, sat on her 17 inch rims glowing and looking 'powerful'. She'd ride up the freeway and switch to third-gear and head up the interstate. By six that evening, she'd be at home relaxing and enjoying Thursday night football. Probably, Jason would call and they'd pillow talk until everything played-out. The sun rose over the hills, and Ben roared and retreaded along the fast track lanes. Slide into the public-authority's slot and walk up to exchange dutiful-terms with the Commissioner before registration was the head-detectives' conferences.

  The powers of perception sometimes played 'tricks', as one endeavor at the superlative-intellect which had to bestow the necessary origination and deductive-objective. The 'extollers' of the precepts of law principles... Prey was an adornment of the force, engendering all that was enlisted and actuated. ...The force and their urban-locale was a relationship of installing, and the instilled. As each new-morning meant a reserve and resource to protect community and cause... It may have been another day. But while each individual came alone each day, they represented a civil alliance, dedicated to posing and protecting the city and its neighborhoods.

  The force was released unto the varying neighborhoods... Prey was to direct up and coming-Sargeants. An expert at crime-scene details; she was to teach long-term crime-scene detection..:-) First, she explained some of the basic-principles which had been an effective clue-uncovery; taught her by her uncle... Being one of the west's favored-detectives. Bo Jon had explained that crimes, are their own best 'expositionist'. ...Ignoring the faulty and 'flighty', you'll find nearly everything you need to know all by paying masterful, inquisitive-attention... Prey further extrapolated that its much like a 'trace', and perceiving, the 'replete' of the act.

  Being a departmental-lead, allowed her grace to enact the very capable and asserted-skills. She preambulated on her very-admirable talents... Backing her in transferring the personal adjunct, she was so agile at performing. Chosen by her supervisor and peers, it took a lot of prospective and permanent-work to get this far. But she was considered grateful for the job. After a day of educative deliberation, she was assigned to night-patrol to oversee detective-protocol.

  She remembered when she was in their position. Then, the city was on alert and under a criminal seige, crime was rampant. In a way, she waxed romantic due to it being her-start... But she truly, realized there was much to learn. But proving herself was, in a way, one of the best experiences she ever had. Just as she grew and matured into the position, she gained immense self-empowerment...

  As she, and her students went to their stake-out, her-wards were a little nervous. But she knew some of the best detective-understudies who took their time, and showed careful-detection... It was at a nightclub inside the Hollywood area, where rough-housing and partying came together. Also drugs, shootings and violence came commotedly, together..l They stopped-down and up the street from there. As well pimps, prostitutes and purloiners of the scene knew exactly what they wanted and how criminally, to get it. Every scene had to be noticed and detailed...

  Street-gangs, drug-cartels and crime-bosses would all show-up, alongside each other... There job was to expose and prove exact crimes; and their assailants. It was like playing cards, poker and craps all at o
nce. ...You could get hooked on this sort of work. It was eight-thirty pm, everyone was showing up and going in... The mug-shots they had would finger them for arrest and also any receiving, other-suspects... The lead and two detectives, would go in and begin the process of apprehension. They had to appear natural, and be a point-by-point capture. Prey was dressed-in a sequined gown black-suede high-heels and make-up.

  -...She looked ravishing, for a detective. As all the differing-parties patroned, the places and weapons were likely so they had to be prepared. 'Hey, man!' 'Where you from?'. Said a Red-suit bodyguard. His boss was sitting alone with a young women who'd probably been a pimp's property. He wasn't the bait, but his supplier was. Prey came over, many of the new-agents sometimes had trouble ad libbing, in which case his fellows had to step-in... 'You giving him a hard time?'. ...'watch yourself, dude.'. Said his fellow detective; it was close. But occasionally, one creates one's own problems...

  Then, which sometimes happened; something out of the ordinary happened... A young black man in a Zoot-suit came over to Prey. He was identified as a second-in command of a gang-leader/crime-boss. He was taken with Det. Sgt. Little-horse... She played along until it was the right time to make an arrest. Then six identifiable assailants walked-in. Then Little-horse was given the signal, the other detectives quickly entered as four-squad cars drove-up.

  Then all Hell broke loose, guns were drawn, people were running out the back, Prey knocked the young man to the floor by one arm. And then, stopped three of the I.D.s by drawing her purse's snubnose revolver, stopping two and the third with a styletto in the leg. When he yelled-out in pain the others stopped trying to get away but realized she was the 'real-deal'...

  As they were escorted to an awaiting cruiser, the young-man quipped in handcuffs that she was almost worth getting arrested over. Five suspects were arraigned and booked so back then, things went well... ...Now, her best-constituents were given acknowledgement of a job-well done... Prey was going to have predications, in years to come. She was brought in on certain situations, terms and difficulties...

  With her obvious and acknowledging capabilities by all staff, she was reaching a new convention to be extolled. She wanted to work in the best interest of the precinct, public and courts... But she realized there was only so much one could do. The intentions of the betterment, which they would put her where she was needed. She knew there would be a necessary recourse, which she could carry-out with a dutiful discipline.

  At the Courts, on a cool-December day, Prey was to appear in a difficult court-trial. Her expertise was very-competently seen by the prosecution. In the high-courts, a high-ranking crime-boss who came from Tiliaquana, Mexico... A kingpin running drugs and illegal immigrants over the border. The impassive gest of it had occurred as the power of violation and the going south of the law. Although it was no simple case, laws had to be enlisted. Prey knew a lot about Cartel and the credit of legal-invalidation in money, murder and incorporated mayhem. She knew of the worth of running foul of the law, liberally...

  She needed to be thorough, themed and exonerated, technically. It might be her against the assailant, and the case could be depended upon her talented scrutiny. So she knew to face it with elemental-evincing. Belief and banishment would be the two-sides to the case. As she relegated her knowledge-skills. He appeared in court the third-day, he wore his prison uniform which most knew was financially, unnecessary... There would be an inferring of conflict and contrast to the case. What could be an infatuation of theme for which violators can avow to be free...

  The intentional-role of hers, was to maximize the deductive-chance of a sentence and conviction; the probability or cause were to be attempted and sufficiently, attained. The potential and proper conditions made for that the prosecution was kept on their toes. Prey was a masterful court attache; detailed and efficient, her power of scrutiny and deduction were impeccable. She went to a stridence that not many could attain. ...The defense presented its case first, then the charges which were many times, objective and supposedly, inobvertable...

  ...While the whole time defense tried to civilize the crimes. Another reason was to possibly, corral further cases for the future. But the utilitarian conversion helped to cement what possibly be the oracle of crime syndication. This was a criminal attorney's bread and butter, so they too, were paying strict attention. The judge was the mediator, who usually, wanted no surprises and to be re-voted in the next-election... All were inspired and incentive to arrive at a decision in their favor.

  The case would be on trial for three weeks, the defendant was to be released after bail of two-hundred thousand dollars. He would expect to not leave town and wear a ankle-device. Prey was kept as a sign-on to the case just in case there were any further violations. The schedule kept her attentive to the progress of the case. His name was Jose Roberto Alvarez, a long-time drug-dealer, murderer and Mexican king-pin.

  The purpose and propriety was to venture in and convene on the legal terms of trial and contest. Though, she was acting on the word of the prosecution they knew active court accounts were to be judged on the esoteric investigation. Her skills were to be used, once the case and the many conjugations were to be weighed upon litigate-factors; an advanced-decision; for which the living-contentions were to be forged and forwarded...

  As the many adjuncts, fell together and was incentivized; all through the angles and meaningful-articulations. Prey was beginning to lock-on to the terms to which the convictive-weights, were held. She rounded-up the legal-tangents-focal and facetive... Then all the informers of the law began to deliberate and carry. Entitlement and energies were in provision and proflagration, so that court and professional account redeemed the charges and chastens; by the ethicacies of relevance and rectification.

  An ascore was successful-provided and proven in witnesses, evidence and motivations. Prey gave crucial-legal and substantial information, as time went on the case began to make the defendant nervous, there was rumors on the street that a hit was out for Prey... No one took it, unseriously. The trial was closed and Prey was given protection for the length of the session. Prey being a lead-Detective knew what that meant. She'd be hidden for the duration only present as needed.

  She, as a very-good detective, had a further-plan to outwit those who were responsible, leading to the fellow-apprehension of those being plotted against the trial. What was transferred and transacted in the further crime and contention... This would be a peremptoral 'sting' and stipulation, as she spoke with her supervisor there was no reason that a future-commanding assignee couldn't turn the tables on a serious criminal...

  ...The schedule and scheme were made into effect and case-evidence by detective provisions... It would be a reverse-capture of sorts. The unifying theme was to see a criminal and his cohorts arrested and charged. It would be a plot within a plot, that would regress the actual-crime assault if only by default. There was a word put-out on the street that Det. Little-horse was held-up in a hotel on the east side. There were eight plainclothes detectives set up around the area...

  At first, they went for days without a 'bite', until a black decked-out van playing loud Chicano music pulled-up. They walked like gang-Bangers into the hotel's elevator. Everyone moved in, within seconds they pulled-out several sawed-off shot-guns the camera-surveillance had everything on tape. As they reached the room, eight officers dressed in average clothes pointed their weapons at their heads; 'Dont move'. Prey opened the door and had her Beretta straight between the head-assailant's eyes; 'You heard him'...

  Now, they had four suspects to charge and with any luck they'd plea-bargain on their leader. After the conviction on all but one-of the charges and his crime-cronies sent to prison for attempted murder and aiding a suspect the case was closed. The papers described how a well-known city-detective both witnessed and solved an indicted-criminal. Her favorite reaction was her uncle Bo Jon, who was very impressed. 'Rarely have
I been written up so sereptitiously, for solving a crime'.

  It all fitted her self-rule, as the accolades came-in, in a committed and commanding, objectivity and observation... The intimate implicative and convocation, were in a conciliatory center and conviction... Having the power and precious-supplication; to attend, to operate and be in a compelling...

  ...As a. confirming and conferring, was to absolved and actuated in an exertion and composite-complacency, on the careful and aligned predicate-cinched; and was sewed-together to act, to vantage and convoke; on a diligent, charter and commission. ...A prothesis of work and the will of actual task. Her many innovative-challenges for which purpose and compunction; precis and proved, provoked by an incentive. Her reputation, skill and expertise was as sounded and assimilated, was as in discerning and connotation... A computative-discipline and deserving-pronounce, profess and perfective; which was proven resoundingly, forward...

  The prize was worth having, a profile and was promotively, perfected, and sardonically, fulfilled... Her formal-practice was correct, definite and exemplary, but she was overzealous, uninstilled or overbearing, more she was avant-garde; a fixture and affiliate of the courts...

  She engendered the 'nonplus' of rule, psyche and a fortified-engage... ...Her 'fight' for a legal-framing, which assisted the achievement and the collective of what was a redeeming law-enforcement; typically, what it was all-about... She had never been pressured, dispelled or enlisting; just carrying-out what was a wise-foundation of triumph, trade and transition; that was throughout her life... The cases continued-on in rank and annotation. The worthiness of work and reward, were promulgated and pronounced in the component of template and typicality, which was furthered and accomplished with a resound and resource in an inception and implication...

  ...The idea and sealed-interpretation, structuring and stamina; for which a constructive-implementation had allowed Prey to make a manifestation, to complete her-portrayal of legal-perspectives. ...To gained perceptions, incurred and interpretively,enterprised... The proper-evincing, over a technical and time, transferred and actual... Her duties, efficacious and instilled, were redemptively, fulfilled. The interest and understanding placed and superimposed in instance and insistence; being articulated and obtained... ..The homages and tasks to personally, ascertain and affix to the training-order of a living and work.

  ...The precision, deduction and presounding were in the congealed, contemplative-'acumen' given by perspective-time andmchance. The native-ways had compounded this, the worthy and wide-world were to be circumspect and conceived, by propensity and parallels; which allowed a centralization of skills and scope. In fact, Bo realized this early in her career, as she grew in full-apportment; he could envision the grant, grading and 'gravity' of her-assertive acumen... It was mostly 'unsaid', for to reveal one's future was forbidden and essentially, sacrasanct... Better to be silent, and watch it grow and advance. ...The 'powers' of self and environment were sometimes seen, but ignored; for embasis, but to guide one with the code of wisdom, was an option. The commandment of one's abilities and precociousness were the 'sharp'-edges to be respected. ...Prey learned what was needed in experience and acknowledgement, she became capable and acute in an inception and calling, proper and a recompensed to be grasped and taken charge of. She remembered all the learning and triumphant alludings; perfecting, procuring and predominant; it was no different, now...

  In all the entities and episodes, she came out ahead and understood. And the native-lessons were essentially, ideal and illuminated by the training, trials and teachings unveiled and transitioned... Knowing the many powers and pretenses of everything which took part in duties and all-knowing, resolve. Important and impending wholly, justified and lending to judgment of all entities. With all that changed it was the essential-exacting expertise, which ascended in order, code and strength...

  ...An impact, regimental and incentive-practical and a precis. A 'lesson' as the many in native-tales: one's that had intense and insightful meaning which, like time, went in a full-circle, one's which inscribed the many mentalities, missions and meanings. Which guided the paths of the heeding, hopeful and heartened... Never condemning or condescending, but effective and enlightening. Prey, thought all the listens seemed moving and gratifying; one's own mentality for an independent-woman, were quite adoptive and appending. And she delivered and acted; adaptively, understanding and calculatively unimposed and adamant; which, when the air was cleared, lead to her achievements and ascension.

  And now the 'native-envelope', she was protected by what was now unopened and integrated; she respected all that had happened. ...The intention and espoused were the careful commandments by which she effectively worked very astutely, and hard. A profession-promulgated in time and affirm, the incite and plight; allowed-all to be endeared and endowed... A renewing, intellectual-freedom conveyed and egressed. The determinative-trait in virtue and working-intricacies, both the private and the projective in vocal objective-instances, a primary-emerging in a 'worthiness' of rewarding work. The attaining-wisdom, were tools all along the path and milestones traversing and transiting; the many accords of purpose, consigning and contentions... A trail of what was a core-evolution, the insist and understanding which guided and were graduated.

  Going back to those times of self-divest, were times-transitive; allowed self-righteousness and innate-flair, which was now her accomplished zeal. The days of profession, exact-proof; and perceiving were signposts seen with a progression; and with engaged-entitlement went on to apply to a future-Captain... It was a 'thesis' statement in arrived-arrival and ideas, that reflected upon a person, work and dedication. She was original and many knew it. The objective, had always been to complete an order of things. The many adamants which by directive, and intersected in life and times, in an educative, inspired and incentive command; that now made in the distance and recent-past...

  Now a functional leader, unit-commander, and code-exacter; improving, and transforming the levels of the force. Whereas once success was an out-spanse to look forward to, now at 29, she was at the top of her-game. All the convocations and ascensions, which once seemed ahead-all were surpassed and sustained... Her uncle wanted her to attend a special ceremony by her tribe; whom always believed in anointing an achievement, but he said now was a time of atonement.. That she was allowed and given a special gift and power; which should not be taken lightly. ...She agreed, a once proficiency and powerful uncle and tribe couldn't be wrong. It was a major time to reflect and espouse what would be to make of the future...

  ...Realizing that as her work, they would make a superlative-occasion out of it. But this would be a true-atonement of one's utter-propensity and impressment... All her milestones must be recognized acknowledged and appeased, in the circle of order and harmony. ...An incensing of essence and understanding, and the center of development and expounding. The many influences and factors of resounding were carefully attended to, the mature and masterful had of mentor, mastery and mission; made an excellent individual of intensity and earnest, but as the mysteries, manifest and immargin; became establishment and exaction the entities, energies and resound; taught and transmuted in the thoughts and transactual, seen once as array and arriving.

  As things went she presented herself most undoubtedly and dutifully. Her role had prevailed and perpetuated an instilling by an institution of faith and fate, an supposition-owned and essentialized, she met point and counterpoint, in a proceival in presound and purpose... It was an intimate lesson all its own. As most conditions of success are revealing self-exacting proponents so with subjection, each comes to realize their part, potential and propriety-conduced and achieved.

  She was as a nominal-resource attained and active the necessary intention from which all other things came. The objective was much less than 'cost' and containment. It was as the journey for wisdom for which the answer came full-circle. An understanding of apparent and insis
tence, from which all was known and understood. She knew now, what the journey meant and what was her true-calling. Now, she would have it no other way... The many actions and intents, versatile and virtuous; from what was a potential practice and prelude. But her devotion had always been to put-forth a definitive effort of honor and discipline. All that she went through was in a goal of gravity and granted-ascertaining, a preposition of purpose and perceptive-purporting. From the agility and authorities of skills, scholastics and scope; she'd come to commit and command articulately and achievedly, which installed and presented instilling, with admission and adoptive...

  As she worked her-routine, and rationale; which now was 'applique' and appointed. It was an devotion of heart and science of virtual, recompense and ratified. Work, which had once been hard and dedicated was now done. Professional policing work, once accomplished was mostly a mind-game, but astoundingly, complex. From murder to mayhem, things were based on deductive-implication and discovery-restraint. ...It was the working of the intellect, which for Prey, had always been a private-concerting. The improbable and the imposing, had been an intuit-grasp, and given innate-control.


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