The Bodyguard's Fake Marriage

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The Bodyguard's Fake Marriage Page 7

by Bree Livingston

  “I know. Did you bring it?” Jake asked.

  Gibson nodded.

  Jake pulled their luggage out and set it in the bed of the truck. Gibson took out a square device and ran it over everything, inside and out. Then he took it around the vehicle. A shrill beep went off, and Gibson squatted next to the front tire on the passenger side.

  “Here.” He stood and held a small metallic disc in his hand.

  “So I was right.” Jake rubbed his hand over his hair and then put his hands on his hips. “They have a tracer on the car, but they haven’t been on top of us. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “It could be short range. They could still find you, but it would take them longer.”

  Jake nodded. “That’s possible.”

  “Do they know where you’re going?” asked Gibson.

  Jake took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah, they do. You sure you’re okay with me taking your truck?”

  “Yeah, go ahead.” Gibson paused. “I’ll take care of the tracer.”

  Lexi got tired of being ignored, so she stuck out her hand. “I’m—”

  Gibson cut her off. “Nope, I don’t need to know anything. You two need to get on the road.”

  Jake leaned down. “The less he knows, the better.” He turned to Gibson. “This guy has deep pockets, and, somehow, he knows me. My records were sealed. That was part of the deal. I don’t know how he’s got his hands on those.”

  Records? Was he talking about the dishonorable discharge? Why would they be part of the deal? Lexi’s gut was telling her that there was more to Jake’s discharge. Like maybe he took the fall for something he shouldn’t have.

  “Figure that out later, Jake. Get on the road. I don’t want to know the direction or destination. Just go.”

  “I’ll try to get it back to you in one piece.”

  Gibson laughed. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “I said try. There was no mention of a promise.” Jake grinned.

  The man slapped Jake on the shoulder. “Get.”

  “Yes, sir.” He tipped his head toward the passenger side. “Let’s go.”

  Lexi climbed in as Jake started the engine. He tipped his head toward Gibson, and they headed back to the road. The cabin in their new ride was much smaller, which meant she was that much closer to Jake.

  “You think this will help us stay off Faustus’s radar?” Lexi asked.

  He nodded. “I think it’ll help. We still need to be careful because that car was traced, which means he’ll know which part of the country we were in when we switched vehicles.”


  “Listen, I’m going to drive as far as I can through the night. I won’t stop at all, if possible. If I can make good time, I might be able to get us into Arizona before tomorrow evening.”

  “Okay. I should be good to go.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

  She shook her head. “You’re just keeping me safe. I understand.”

  He nodded as he kept his eyes on the road in front of them.

  Once again, Lexi found herself looking out the window in the middle of the night, thinking about her papa, Faustus, and Jake’s hair and lips. Man, she wished all she had to do was worry about medical school again. Good grades and her choice of residency seemed so much easier now that she had her current events to compare it to.

  Chapter 10

  Jake rubbed his eyes and swerved off the road, the thump of the grooves waking him up. “Sorry.” Between the small towns with thirty-five-mile-per-hour speed limits, the zigzagging, and the backroads he’d taken, his twelve hours of driving hadn’t taken them very far.

  Once he realized that Faustus might know a little more about him than he was comfortable with, he’d detoured through Nevada and then headed south to Arizona. The tracer was gone, but that didn’t mean Faustus lacked other means of finding them.

  Lexi leaned across the seat and touched his shoulder. “Can we find a spot where we’re hidden so you can rest for a while?”

  “We need to keep going. I have to get you to Houston.”

  “I know, but if you drive us off the road, we won’t be going anywhere.”

  She had a point. He needed to stop and sleep before he killed both of them. “I’ll find a place, and we’ll take a break.” He yawned. “Are you hungry? We’ve survived on junk the last few hours. I could use some real food.”

  “Sure, but you know the rule.”

  “Yes, Ms. Maheras, I know the rule.”

  She smiled. “And suddenly I’m looking forward to a greasy hole-in-the-wall meal.”

  “Because I’ll use your first name?”

  She did that bottom lip capture with her teeth, the one that made his pulse race and his mouth dry. Geez, she was a sultry, sexy woman. “Yes.”

  It also brought to mind kissing her in the motel room. That kiss shook his world, and pulling away had taken every ounce of his willpower. He loved the feel of her lips, the heat of her body as she melted against him, and everything in between.

  But she needed to be loved by someone who deserved her love in return. He’d known the moment he met her that she was something special. The last six months, his respect for her had grown, and the last few days with her had made it almost impossible not to take her in his arms and kiss her.

  As hard as he tried to keep his emotions in check, he couldn’t deny he was falling for her, which meant he had to keep his lips to himself. A distraction now could get her killed…and he couldn’t have that happen again.

  “You really are easily amused.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You have no idea.”

  Oh, his heart. Did she realize what she was doing to him? “Point to a joint, and we’ll grab a bite. Then we’ll find a motel and rest.”

  A few minutes later, she directed him toward a little drive-in burger place. It even had the carhops like back in the day. They ordered their food and then took it to the motel. He was thankful she made that suggestion. With a full stomach, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to drive in a straight line.

  “Oh,” Lexi said and rubbed her stomach. “I think I may have eaten too much. I don’t think I realized how hungry I was.”

  Jake collapsed back on the bed and closed his eyes. “I agree, Ms. Maheras.”

  “Nope, you have to call me Lexi.”

  He pushed up on his elbow and leveled his gaze at her. “We are not in a diner. We’re in a motel room.”

  “We were sharing a meal, which means you have to call me Lexi.”

  “That wasn’t our agreement,” he said with a chuckle.

  She stared back at him with those bright-blue eyes and a smile so intoxicating he was struggling to keep his distance. “I’m altering the agreement since I felt you needed to rest.”

  “You can’t alter the agreement without my input.”

  “As your doctor, I can.”

  He lay back down, closing his eyes again. “I don’t have the energy to fight you.”

  “Good. Now, what’s my name?”

  “Lexi, do you want to take a shower?”

  He felt the bed move and opened his eyes.

  “I’ll be quick so you can take yours and then get some rest, okay?”

  Jake nodded. “Okay.”

  It wasn’t a minute before he was back in Iraq, his men surrounding him on their way to a village. Their informant had told them about the presence of insurgents in the village, and they’d been sent in to take care of them. A split second later, the vehicle in front of them was hit. He could hear himself yelling for his men to brace. Feel the heat surrounding his body. See the bodies…


  Like a coiled spring, he sat up. “I’m sorry,” he said as he tried to catch his breath.

  “You’re okay.” She set her hand on his shoulder. “I’m done with my shower if you’d like to take one.”

  He ran his hand down his face and stood. It took him a second to realize she didn’t ask him about the nig
htmare. Most would have.

  “Thank you.” He held her gaze as he said it, hoping she understood it wasn’t just for waking him up.

  Lexi stood with him. “Jake, it’s not good for your body or mind to be sleeping so restless. When you come out, we’re going to make sure you get a restful bit of sleep.”

  He rubbed his eyes with the butts of his hands. “Lexi—”

  “Doctor’s orders,” she said with a smile.

  “Okay,” he said. It was wishful thinking. His therapist had tried to teach him to control his nightmares, but she’d also said he needed to stop blaming himself for his men dying. If he could let go of that, maybe her method would work. Only, it was a tall order that he hadn’t yet managed to fulfil.

  Showered and dressed, he dropped onto his bed and hugged his pillow.

  Lexi sat beside him, and as he tried to lift up on his elbow, she stopped him. “You’re getting some sleep. We can talk later.”

  “I know you’re trying to help, but—”

  As she sank her fingers into his hair, he sucked in a sharp breath and let it out slowly.

  “I believe I’ve found what’s called your Achille’s heel,” she said softly.

  “Seems so,” he mumbled.

  “Just rest. When you wake up, I’ll be right here.”

  The last word was barely out of her mouth before he was gone. Each time a nightmare would start, a cool wind blew, taking him away. He found himself in a hammock on a deserted island, the sun beating down on him, just warm enough to be pleasant. In the next minute, Lexi would be lying next to him, and the peace he felt was something he’d wished for more times than he could count.

  Jake closed his eyes, soaking up as much of the tranquility as he could, wishing he could bottle it for future use. It seemed like forever before he opened his eyes again, and he found himself with his head in Lexi’s lap, her fingers stroking his hair as the TV played.

  “Hey.” She smiled.


  “Did you sleep okay?”

  A lump the size of a building formed in his throat. She had no idea what she’d given him. “Yeah. I haven’t slept that well since…”

  “Do you feel better?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” His gaze went to the curtain-covered window. No light was leaking through. “How long did I sleep?”

  “Oh, about ten hours.”

  “Ten...I haven’t slept that long in years, but that also means we need get on the road.” He swallowed down the building panic. He needed to get them going and fast. Faustus had proven to be more than Jake had suspected.

  Lexi took his face in her hands. “Slow down. You needed that rest. Your body was going to shut down. I don’t know how you’ve gone so long without good REM sleep. If Faustus is a little closer, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Your life is just as important as mine.”

  “I made a promise, and it’s not a promise I’m willing to break. You are important. You have a gift, and there are people out there who need you.” He sat up. “I appreciate what you did, but I slept too long.”

  She pulled up on her knees and held his gaze for a heartbeat before hugging him around the neck. He waited for her to pull away, but she held on until he finally relented and wrapped his arms around her. This was the second time she’d done this, and both times it felt like she was his own personal life preserver.

  Her body melted against his, and her delicious fruity scent filled his senses as he breathed her in. He buried his face in her neck and relished the feel of her. Heartbeat after heartbeat ticked by as she held him, never saying a word.

  It was like invisible hands were tying them together, and the longer she held him, the stronger the connection he felt. He knew he needed to break away, to put distance between them, but she was like a lost key he’d been searching for and didn’t know it until now.

  Finally, she leaned back, took his face in her hands again, and kissed his forehead. “You can’t protect me if your body shuts down, and as your doctor, your life is important to me.”

  The air suddenly felt charged. The desire to kiss her was almost more than he could handle. It was a full-blown need to feel her lips again, but as much as he wanted that, he wanted her safely in Houston even more.

  “We need to get going,” he said.

  “Okay, I’ll be quick.” She held his gaze for a second longer than would be called normal and then stood.

  While she dressed in the bathroom, he dressed in the room, his thoughts never far from her. She’d given him something he never thought he’d have again. Someone he cared about. No, someone he’d fallen for. In his head, he stood before Mr. Maheras, pleading his case in hopes that the man would give him the opportunity to show he was worthy of her.

  He quickly pushed them down. That chance was gone. It was gone long before he met her. But now that his heart was involved, he was going to make sure she lived to complete her medical training.

  No matter what it took, what sacrifices he had to make, she was going to get to Houston. He might even talk to Noah about making sure she was allowed to do her residency at Stanford. His family had connections there, and Noah owed Jake a favor. What better way to cash it in than for Lexi?

  By the time she was finished dressing, he had their luggage sitting by the door, ready to go. She stopped next to him and looked up. As she tilted her head, her eyebrows drew together. “Huh, your eyes aren’t as dark-blue as I thought they were.”

  “Ms. Maheras, we really need to go.” He winked at her.

  Her cheeks flamed red, and he smiled. The fact that he’d had an effect on her was like an energy drink. This sweet woman could ask him to fly, and he’d build wings in an effort to make her wish come true.

  Chapter 11

  Lexi leaned back, patted her stomach, and groaned. “What is up with me eating until I hurt? You’d think I’d have learned to cut that out by now.”

  Jake kept his head down as he took the last bite of his chicken fried steak. Then he lifted his gaze to hers. His uniform of jeans and dark-colored t-shirts looked just as good on him today as it had the last few days. Seriously, how did he get those shirts on anyway? With paint? Were there little cotton fibers screaming for mercy as he pulled them on?

  Not only that, but the man got sexier every day. He was already pretty good-looking despite his overly long hair, and even if he hadn’t cut it, he’d grown increasingly attractive to her. Those twinkling eyes, the lift of his lips in a mischievous smile, and the way his voice dipped when he said her name. Gah. It was like gas thrown on a fire.

  “I think junk food will do that to you.”

  Lexi chewed her lip. “I know we’re on the run. I know Faustus is looking for us, and I know you’ve made a promise to keep me safe, but I need a break from that car. I’m dying.”

  She’d spent the last two days on the road with Jake, only stopping for gas and restroom breaks, and they were finally in Arizona with a motel room and eating a real meal at a café. They’d been on the road and running for four days. Four. She was so sick of driving she wanted to scream. Well, not the driving. The lack of scenery. Most of the time, they were going down roads so dark she could barely make out her hand in front of her.

  “I know, and I get it. It’s not fun, but we don’t have a choice. We have to keep going.”

  She leaned forward. “It’s nearly dusk. Let’s just take a walk or something. Just something small to stretch our legs longer than five seconds.”

  He started to shake his head, and she quickly switched seats and took the spot next to him. “Please, Jake. Please.” She took his hand in hers. “I know it’s a risk. I get that you made a promise, but it’s been two days of near nonstop driving. If I lose my mind between here and Houston, what will be the point in getting me to safety?”

  “Lex…” He squeezed his eyes shut. “I mean Lexi.”

  Whoa. He called her Lex. Butterflies flitted in her stomach as she took it in. No one had ever called her that, and it felt so intimate. Like it
was his name for her and only he could use it. She loved how it sounded coming from his lips. The lips so close that keeping her word not to kiss him was taking every ounce of self-control she had.

  Her heart did a double giddyup. “You called me Lex.”

  A deep breath, a sharp sigh, and his gaze caught hers. “It was a slip.”

  Oh, no, he wasn’t getting away with that. She lifted an eyebrow. “A slip, huh?”

  With his free hand, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”

  “Nope, and consider the deal altered again.” She grinned. “You have to call me Lex during meals now.”

  Jake groaned.

  Ugh. What was her problem? She was a grown woman acting like a teenager with a crush on the quarterback, but it was so much fun messing with him. He was so cute. “You know, you’re pretty cute when you’re flustered.”

  “Well, you’re…”

  She pointed her face up at him and narrowed her eyes. “I’m what?”

  He held her gaze a moment before smiling. “A pain.”

  Right. With the way his eyes were sparkling? There was a lot more going on in that head of his. “That’s not what you were thinking.”

  “Yes, it was,” he said and looked out the window. In the reflection, she could see him holding a slight grin before dropping it and returning his focus to her. “We’ll take a walk.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Do you always get what you want?”

  Obviously not, or he’d have been kissing her. She’d only had a taste of him, and despite her promise not to kiss him, it was getting harder every day to keep it. “I think we’ve established that I don’t.”

  He wiped his mouth with a napkin and tossed some bills on the table. “Are you ready for that walk?”

  “Yes!” She scrambled out of the booth, and he followed her. They walked out of the restaurant, and she tangled her fingers in his. “We are married, you know? Would it hurt to act like it? Can’t expect Faustus to believe it if we don’t.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, shaking his head.

  “I’m amending my earlier statement about you.”


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