
Home > Paranormal > Stranded > Page 3
Stranded Page 3

by Jessica Frances

  Handsome clears his throat, and I focus back on him, finding him standing in his open doorway.

  I hurry to follow him in, passing him while he turns on the hallway light then shuts the door behind us. From the lit up passageway, I glimpse a darkened area that it opens up into, and my eyes catch on some young adult books scattered on a couch, a young girl’s pink jacket rests on the back of a chair, and some small, cartoony trinkets on the floor.

  The sight jolts me out of my lust-filled haze.

  This guy has a kid? I’m not sure if this matters or not. It’s certainly unexpected.

  “Nice place,” I croak out, needing to clear my throat as I’m bombarded with doubt.

  Was this the right call?

  Is this a mistake?

  I made myself a promise that I was done with pointless fucking. It doesn’t feed the soul, and I want something different. I want to change my life, not get stuck back in the same routine I had before. I only want to be all-in or all-out. Not stuck in this no man’s land.

  I glance around the nicely furnished home for a few more seconds, doubts still running through my mind, before the hot touch of Handsome hits my shoulder and he hauls me backward. I take a few steps back to keep myself from falling on my ass before I’m pushed up against the hard surface of the front door.

  Fire shoots through my veins, my breathing whooshes out of me, and my doubts quieten as I take in the man standing in front of me.

  Did I think he looked handsome before? Because, right now, he looks positively delicious. The hunger in his eyes is electric, the way he licks his lips as he gazes over me sends a shiver over my body, and just his damn presence standing over me, only a few inches taller than me, is so fucking hot that I actually moan aloud. The man hasn’t even touched me and I’m already moaning!

  Then, almost as though a signal happens that I’m unaware of, Handsome launches himself at me, tearing my clothes off. It helps shove any doubt well out of my mind.

  Nothing else matters as my clothes come off and my skin is exposed to him.

  He kisses my jaw, my neck, and nips along my chest as it’s exposed. His lips are hypnotic, and his body is a force to be reckoned with. My brain short circuits as soon as he touches me.

  I’m done with one-night-stands … right after this one.

  “Shouldn’t we …? Are you …? Oh fuck!” I groan, having zero idea what I’m even trying to say as I avidly watch him drop to his knees before me, gripping the edge of my pants with his fingertips before he shoves them down in one easy motion. My briefs are taken away with them, and I’m only allowed a second to feel the warm temperature of the air on me before he shifts his face into my groin, breathing in deeply.

  There is a second of panic, knowing I’m in need of a shower, sure I’m about to turn him the hell off, that he’s going to recoil and the mood will plummet. My promise of hot sex will turn into a look of disgust and shame. But then I realize he doesn’t look disgusted. He looks … hungry?

  That’s fucking hot.

  He rises on his knees to kiss my abs, each nip and swipe of his tongue making my dick thicken before he moves downward.

  “Touch me,” I beg, feeling my weeping dick brush against him as he kisses me, but he doesn’t touch me like I need him to.

  Instead, he pours attention in a teasing way all around where I need him. He glides his hands up my legs then presses down over my hips so I can’t move, completely at his mercy. Then, almost as though he knows I’m about to lose it, he moves one hand from my hip to grip the base of my cock, holding me where he wants before he directs his tongue to the tip, tasting my come already weeping there.

  The touch of his wet tongue over my slit sends a jolt of electricity through my body, all the way down to my toes and up to my skull. I’m desperate to rock my dick fully into his mouth, to feel his lips sucking me in, but there is also something incredibly hot about being completely at his mercy.

  My breath stutters out of me as he licks the underside of my cock before he sucks one ball into his mouth, and then the other.

  My body is a trembling mess as I reach out and finally touch Handsome’s hair, running my fingers through the soft mop of it before I grip it tightly when he leans back and focuses back on my dick.

  “Yes … Hell yes!” I moan, my head thrashing against the door as I attempt to fuck this man’s mouth, even as he moves his free arm to rest over my middle, holding me in place. I still test out his strength, desperate to fuck his mouth, but his arm is immoveable. My sweet torture is entirely up to him.

  Lost in what’s happening, I close my eyes and just give myself over to the sensations, moaning and perhaps even praying for him to give me some relief. I’m not even aware how much noise I’m making until he pulls off me.

  “Do you ever shut up?” His voice sounds guttural, his lips reddened from blowing me, and he looks so damn edible that I want to eat him up right here.

  How the hell did I get so damn lucky?

  Even if this is destined to just be one hot night only, I already can’t bring myself to regret it.

  “Do we gotta swap positions for me to shut you up?” he continues.

  If I wasn’t in so much of a daze from his mouth on me previously, that asshole comment might have cut through the fog. However, I just leap down on top of him, relishing the way he grunts at the impact while he instinctively catches me as he falls onto his back then holds me against him as I begin kissing him with abandon.

  I rub myself all over him, loving the friction between my mostly naked body against his clothes, but the ground is hard and unforgiving. Honestly, there are a lot better places to fuck than just in front of a doorway in a hallway.

  I pull back, straddling him, liking the lust-filled eyes that he caresses over my body.

  “Take me to your bedroom, Handsome,” I order.

  He narrows his eyes on me, and I wonder if I made him angry.

  It’s clear this guy likes to be in control, and while I find that incredibly hot, I … Actually, no. I just find that incredibly hot.

  Handsome shifts me to the side then gets to his feet, hauling me up once he’s standing. He surprises the hell out of me when he lifts me, shoving me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.

  I let out a strangled cry, one I will deny that I emitted to the end of my days, but soon find the pleasure in this angle as I’m greeted with the sight of his back and the visible, tightly bunched muscles. I rub my hands over him, wishing I could feel his skin. Then my eyes take in his juicy ass, and I’m certain my dick grows even harder, poking him in the shoulder from the angle he has me in.

  He slaps my naked ass, and I groan. Fuck, that’s hot.

  I really want to see this man naked. I needed it five minutes ago.

  I’m unexpectedly thrown onto something soft, after this guy seriously stalked up his stairs like I weighed nothing.

  I glance around to find we’re in a bedroom, and I’m on top of a large bed.

  “Strip,” I tell him, but he’s apparently not in the listening mood.

  “For every word you blather, I leave something on. You want me naked? Then stop fucking talking.”

  My eyes widen at this, but I lose my voice when he rips both his T-shirt, and undershirt over his head, and I’m greeted with the hot visual in front of me. This man is wide, muscled, and has fucking abs. Better yet, these abs are dusted with hair.

  Fuck yes!

  He growls just as he touches his belt, and I realize I must have spoken that out loud.

  He roughly shoves his belt out of the loops, and then, before I can even muster up an apology for speaking, he leans forward and flips me onto my front.

  “Don’t move or else this stops,” he threatens.

  I know without a doubt that I’m staying exactly where I am. No way am I losing this when I’m so close.

  I groan when I hear him pull down his zipper, which is tortuously loud in the quiet room with only our heavy breaths. I’m missing the show! Not that I compla
in when strong hands maneuver me to my knees, my ass out in the air, and then he massages my ass cheeks.

  The cool air kisses along my crease as my balls hang heavily from this angle. I’m already struggling to hold off my orgasm.

  This taking charge is really fucking turning me on.

  I listen as what sounds like a drawer is opened. Moments later, something wet and cold drizzles down my ass crack.

  My eyes are adjusting to the darkness of the room but, from this angle, I can’t see enough.

  A wet finger works its way into my ass, barely any warning or the decency of a slow entrance. He just shoves his finger through any resistance, and I can’t help reacting to it, rocking until I feel the pressure of another finger being added, having to bite my lips to keep the groan in.

  I rest my forearms in a more comfortable position to give me better leverage to fuck against his fingers as he stretches me.

  This is what I’ve wanted after a shit few days. This is exactly what I’ve needed. I haven’t had a good, hard fuck in … I don’t know how long. Too long. And Handsome here is about to give me one hell of an orgasm. I can practically taste it in the air between us.

  “You ready for this?” he asks through his panting.

  “I didn’t think you wanted me to talk?” I moan, crying out in denial when his fingers leave me completely.

  I hear the crinkle of a wrapper being opened and turn to the side to see him throw an empty condom packet onto the bed beside us.

  Then I feel more pressure against my asshole and, in one solid thrust, Handsome shoves his cock deep inside of me, his balls slapping against me while I let out a silent scream at the welcome invasion.

  He leans over me, his naked warmth soaking into me, his body slick with sweat, just like mine, and his moaning in my ear so satisfying that I wish I could see him.

  “That shut you up,” he mutters, a strain in his voice. “So fucking tight,” he whispers before he begins moving.

  I feel fucking full and sated as he thrusts into me, my heart racing.

  He moves my hips a little, adjusting his angle each time, and when he nails my prostate, earning a strangled cry from me, he stays there and continues nailing me.

  I can’t help it then, both curses and praises sing out from me as my eyes roll dangerously back and my heavy balls tighten against me.

  I’m about to fucking lose it, and my dick is just fucking swinging between us. I can’t even get any friction against the sheets. It doesn’t matter, as I’m about to come anyway.

  Handsome grunts as he speeds up, and I sense he’s as close as I am.

  “I need to come!” I warn him, wishing I could move my arms so I can wrap my hands back around him. I need his lips on mine.

  As if reading my mind, he wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me against him as he continues to rock into me. Then I twist my head to the side and his lips meet mine, his tongue matching his dick’s tempo. He catches my cries as I come harder than I have in a long time. Maybe ever.

  I feel him let go, tasting his own grunt against my lips. Then, for a moment, we’re both lost, our bodies intertwined and connected, rocking to the same rhythm as we come down from our high.

  It almost feels … perfect.

  Then he moves his lips away from mine, and I open my eyes, not even realizing I had closed them, and stare into the hard eyes of Handsome.

  His warm breath caresses my face as he looks to be searching inside my own gaze, for what I don’t know. Then he looks away, leaning back, and I moan when, without warning, he pulls his dick out of me.

  Unable to not take a peek at his merchandize, I look back, thankful my eyes have fully adjusted to the darkness as I collapse down on top of the bed, and on top of my wet spot, and see Handsome holding onto the full condom as he leaves to go into what I assume is a bathroom.

  Shit, that man is hung!

  I want to ride him next time … as soon as I can feel my legs.

  I happily sigh in satisfaction, my brain short-circuiting and my body twitching. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so thoroughly fucked before.

  My tired eyes begin to close, a bone deep exhaustion settling deep inside me, but before I can sink too deeply into my slumber, something metal knocks against my back.

  “Wha …?” I grumble, turning over to find my pants resting over me, my metal button having hit me, and then my shirt and socks follow.

  “Get dressed,” Handsome growls, his own body already half-clothed. Once he slips the shirt over his head, he’ll be just missing his socks and shoes.

  I’m slow to react to what’s happening, but my brain cells eventually begin lighting up, and I see this for what it really is.

  I’m being kicked out of his house.

  Not only that, I’m getting kicked out not even two minutes after the best sex of my life.

  Chapter Three

  “Are you for real?” I demand, not that I want to stick around to find out. This guy might be hot in the sack, but he’s a cold-hearted asshole, apparently.

  “Where are you staying? I’ll drop you off.”

  “Don’t bother,” I snap, buttoning my pants then grabbing my shirt and socks before leaning over to snatch up my shoes that he so kindly dumped by my feet.

  “I can drop—”

  “No need.” I move out of the bedroom, not sparing a glance for the kid crap around and ignoring any photos on the wall of what is likely a happy family who is clueless of how much of a douche Mr. Handsome Asshole is.

  I make my way back out his front door and slam it shut, already hearing footsteps creeping behind me. Then, standing on this asshole’s front steps, I finish shoving my clothes on.

  Humiliation and embarrassment war inside me, but it honestly ends up being disappointment that wins out.

  Damn him for making me feel like this, for giving me the best kiss and sex of my life, and then proving he’s just as much of an asshole as every other man I’ve slept with.

  Maybe going home with him so quickly didn’t exactly scream self-respect, but I’m a fucking human being. That shit should be a given.

  I grab my phones out of my pockets, checking to be sure my dead one is still there after he threw my pants at me and feeling the bulk of it and my wallet. Then I shift back to my working phone, loading my apps and hoping like hell this small town has Uber.

  It doesn’t. Nor does it have Lyft or seemingly any kind of cab service.

  Of fucking course not. Why should my luck change now?

  It doesn’t help that I don’t even know the address of where the hell I am.

  Cursing the asshole still in the house and myself for getting in this position, I consider my options and find them all to be shit ones.

  Hating that I might have to swallow what little pride I have left and ask the asshole inside for a lift after all, I’m thankfully saved from that embarrassing grovel when he opens the door and stares sternly at me.

  “I’ll give you a lift to the hotel. Come on.”

  I don’t bother telling him that I’m not staying at the hotel since I need to go there anyway. And a stubborn part of me doesn’t want to take him up on his offer, but I already figured out that I’m not able to do much else unless I want to walk back to town and to my useless car. So, I reluctantly get into his car.

  He chooses to drive his other vehicle, which is more like a beast of a car. His red car, I had to step down into. This one, you have to climb up into it. While it has four doors, it also has a huge open back, and it’s dark in color.

  I’m not sure why he’s decided to drive this one. Maybe because the mood has so drastically changed from what was going on in his red one. Or maybe he doesn’t want to be seen dropping me off in the same visible car so soon after picking me up. While the sex was incredible, it wasn’t like we had an all-night fuck marathon.

  I try not to slam my door like some petulant child, although I do cross my arms over my chest, and I’m sure my sulking is obvious.

  This time, the dri
ve is awkward and slow. Before, there was anticipation rushing through my veins. Now there is just disappointment, even after having the hottest sex of my life.

  When we pull up to the hotel, I realize I was only a handful of blocks away from it in the first place.

  I cannot wait to get away from this shitty town with its arrogant, asshole people.

  Okay, probably not fair to base my experience on one shitty person, but still.


  “Here we go,” Handsome says, and I decide to rename him Asshole in my mind, since I no longer believe he deserves the moniker of Handsome, and because, apparently, being thirty doesn’t absolve me of some childish ways.

  I open my door and hurriedly get myself out. Either he doesn’t care to say anything more, or I don’t give him the chance to, before I swing around and slam the door shut before stepping into the lobby of the hotel.

  It doesn’t appear all that big. I’m relieved there is even someone at the front desk. It’s nearing midnight, and in a small town like this, I imagine most people are asleep by the time Jeopardy! finishes. The streets were certainly empty of traffic.

  “If you’re hoping for a room, then I’m sorry to say that we’re all booked,” the young Asian woman holding down the fort at the front desk says. Then she shifts her eyes from me to behind me.

  I don’t think Asshole got out of his car, but I’m sure it’s visible from the front window. In a town like this, there is no doubt that everyone knows everyone.

  “You are?” I groan. “Do you have another hotel somewhere around here?” I ask, even though Asshole implied earlier that this was the only hotel in town.

  “We have a B&B across town, but I know for a fact that it’s all booked up, also. You here for the Founder’s Parade tomorrow?”

  “Never even heard of it,” I snap, not that I’ve even heard of this town.

  Of all the shitty luck I’m having, why am I even surprised that I managed to break down in a town that is small enough to not even appear on a map, but busy enough that there are no fucking beds free?

  “I’m sorry. Wish I could help. If you’re still around on Monday, we’ll have plenty of vacancies then.”


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