
Home > Paranormal > Stranded > Page 12
Stranded Page 12

by Jessica Frances

  “Yes, it is,” I breathlessly agree, earning a deeper smile. “See what you missed out on the other morning?”

  “If I’d fucking known, I would have cuffed you to the bed.”

  The idea excites me, though it’s not ever likely to happen. Rocky isn’t a relationship kind of guy, and though it makes no sense with my traveling life, I don’t want casual.

  I want more.

  “Listen, Conner, I know you were planning on leaving today, but you’re going to need to stick around until you’re cleared from the investigation, at the very least,” he says as he grabs his pants and puts them back on.

  I figure this is my cue to do the same.

  When I move to grab the gym clothes he lent me yesterday, he passes me a bag.

  “I had Love pack you some clothes for today.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask why she couldn’t have packed me some pajamas, too, then, but I don’t. I want to believe that Rocky didn’t want her to pack any rather than the more likely option that Love just didn’t pack any in an obvious attempt at forcing me to sleep naked. In her ridiculous way, she was probably hoping that having me sleep naked would make Rocky realize that he couldn’t possibly live without me.

  “That’s okay. I sort of decided yesterday that I would be sticking around a little longer. Mayor Fuller actually offered me a job.”

  “She did?” He pauses his dressing momentarily, clearly surprised by this.

  “Yeah, she wants me to be some sort of tourism guru and post videos of my adventures in Midsummer.”

  Rocky appears shocked, and I can’t tell if this pleases him or not.

  “How long would the job be for?”

  “I don’t know … maybe a few weeks, if I get it. I mean, after this murder, I’m not sure if it’s still on the table. Nothing like a homicide to give you the wrong attention, which I’m certain Mayor Fuller does not want.”

  “But if the job is still on, you’re staying?” His body is stiff, and not in the way he woke up. He looks unsure, maybe even panicked.

  “Well, yeah.”

  Rocky shuffles to the other side of the room, opening a drawer and pulling out a T-shirt. He doesn’t move back, and I can’t help thinking that he wants some distance between us.

  “You know this is just a casual thing, right? I mean, I can’t do more than that. And I don’t sleep with residents of Midsummer.”

  While I probably shouldn’t be surprised by his response to me potentially staying here, there had been some small glimmer of hope that he might be happy to hear this news.

  Evidently, Love and June’s optimism and wishful thinking has rubbed off on me.

  “It’s okay, Rocky. I know you’re not the kind of guy who dates. You’re a one and done guy … usually. Well, unless you’re with one of your three regulars, right?” I sass, unable to keep the bite out of my tone. I tend to get bitchy when I’m upset. It’s a habit I’ve been trying to break for years. I’ve never been able to wrangle it in.

  His head shoots up as he looks in my direction. “You know about that?”

  “Sure. I guess I should be flattered that you fucked me twice.”

  “Conner,” Rocky growls, sounding more annoyed now.

  I sigh, because I’m still being bitchy. “It’s fine. I get it. And to be honest, it doesn’t change a thing. This was always going to be the end for us, whether it was from me leaving or not. I don’t chase unattainable guys. It’s a sure way to lead to disappointment.”

  He’s quiet as he takes this in, but he doesn’t disagree that he’s unattainable. Instead, he surprises me by shifting over to me until he’s standing in front of me, his eyes staring deeply into mine.

  What is going on behind those blue eyes? What is he thinking?

  “You sure you’re okay after yesterday?”

  I can’t exactly fault him for his concern, even if I’m a little letdown that he’s thinking of a dead body rather than wanting to ravish me again.

  “I’ll get over it. I guess you see that kind of thing all the time,” I say on a shrug, hoping I don’t sound as inconsiderate as I fear I do.

  “Not quite. We haven’t had a murder in this town for many years.”

  “Did you know King well?”

  “Not overly. I saw him around a bit; arrested him more times than I should have had to.”

  I nod, not sure what to say to this. “Are you okay, then?”

  Rocky’s lips quirk up at the edges, almost like he might be fighting a smile.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Good,” I dumbly reply. “What happens now?”

  “Between us or with the investigation?”

  I want to say both, but hoping for a different answer than the one he just gave me is a fool’s hope.

  “The investigation.”

  “You’ll need to make an official statement.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Good. We’ll go in this morning. I’ve got a ton of paperwork to go over. I should probably try to get an early start on it.” He glances over at the cracked clock by his bedside.

  “Paperwork already?” I step back from him, needing the space to breathe a little easier as much as I need the room to sit on his bed and put on my socks and shoes.

  “It’s from the car accident I attended Saturday night.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot about that. Was anyone hurt?”

  He nods, his shoulders slumping from what I assume is the weight he likely carries often. “Yes. One fatality.”

  “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  A murder is very confronting, which I now know firsthand, but I doubt attending the scene of a car accident is much better.

  We’ve both had a couple of lousy days.

  “Come on; this won’t be too painful, I promise. You make a statement then go film something interesting.”

  “Well, your town certainly hasn’t been boring.”

  “Is that what you’re looking for on this adventure you’re on? Something exciting?”

  I weigh my answer as I follow him down the stairs, paying attention to the minimal personal touches. I spot one framed photo in the living room, but dammit, my vision is still fuzzy, no doubt from the insane sex I just had. I still need a minute to settle; that’s all.

  “I don’t know what I’m looking for. I just needed a change of scenery, I think. I wanted to challenge myself.”

  “Getting away with murder could be a challenge,” he jokes as we step into the warm air outside, jumping into his sheriff’s car.

  I get into the passenger side and smirk over at him. “I’ve gotten away with plenty before. I think I can pull the wool over you guys, too.”

  Rocky snorts. “If you didn’t appear to almost pass out at the sight of blood, I might be a little worried.”

  “True. I seem to have this weird phobia that when I see something that is supposed to stay underneath your skin, I freak out. I’m pretty sure this phobia works for exposed bones and organs, too,” I jest. Thankfully, Rocky is relaxed enough to joke along with me.

  “What a peculiar phobia.”

  “Yep, you can call me a weirdo if you like.”

  “I think I’ll call you damn tempting instead.”

  While those words hang between us, I can’t help wishing that Rocky’s phobia wasn’t relationships, which go deeper than casual sex. Unfortunately, I get the feeling it’ll take a long time before someone new will be able to get him out of my mind. Hell, I worry that no one will. It’ll take a special kind of someone to get me as hot as Rocky has.

  Shit. Why do I get the sudden feeling that my search for what has been missing from my life through the back streets of America will suddenly turn into a futile search for anyone to help me forget this sexy sheriff?

  Chapter Nine

  Rocky takes me into the station where Deputy Dickhead is already leaning in his chair, waiting for me. He looks smug at first, but then he eyes us suspiciously, and if I’m being honest, I see the flash of
jealously there.

  I think back to the other night when I came here to make my first statement. He had insinuated there was something between Rocky and him, maybe hoping I might back off. Given Rocky’s rule of not fucking anyone in Midsummer and his adamant statement that he would never sleep with his deputy, I have to assume Smith is jealous of me. I got something he can’t have, purely because he lives here and works with Rocky. Though, I would hope that Rocky would have the sense to have higher standards than an asshole like Deputy Dickhead.

  “Come with me,” the douche in question says to me, already walking out from behind his desk.

  “Where are you taking him?” Rocky asks, pulling him up short.

  “The interrogation room.”

  “This is just him leaving a statement over what happened. There isn’t going to be an interrogation.”

  “I didn’t think you were going to interfere, sir.”

  “We both know Conner didn’t do this. This is just a formality.”

  “Mr. Sherwood needs to do a little more for me than suck your cock to get me to believe that.”

  My mouth drops open at hearing such an outrageous accusation, and to his boss, no less, but Rocky doesn’t even flinch.

  “He has a witness who was with him. Love Fuller.”

  “Yes, and it was mighty convenient that they discovered King Jr. on a rarely used trail. But then again, some killers don’t like to have to wait to get noticed.”

  “Randy,” Rocky growls in annoyance and warning.

  “Where was your boyfriend between the hours of one a.m. and four a.m. yesterday morning? That’s the window of time of death the M.E. was able to narrow it down to.”

  Rocky glances over at me, and I suppose my wince speaks loudly enough.

  After Rocky got the callout to go to that accident, I spent the night alone.

  “Anyone to verify your whereabouts?” Deputy Dickhead asks, even though he’s clearly read my silence as answer enough.

  “No. I was sleeping.”

  He gives me a haughty look, as if sleeping during those hours is a tall order to get him to believe.

  “Does any evidence tie Conner to the crime?” Rocky snaps, breaking the deputy’s arrogant sneer directed my way.

  “The guy conveniently fell over him, so of course there is evidence on the body.”

  I frown at how this is going, even if I have barely said a word. Rocky has even stepped partly in front of me. It would be somewhat sweet, if he hadn’t just given me the this is over speech not even half an hour ago.

  “Any sign of the weapon?”

  “No, still got a team searching, but they’ve come up empty so far.”

  Unperturbed, Rocky keeps snapping out questions. “What about the footage I forwarded to you last night.”

  “Other than boring, it proves nothing.”

  I assume the footage is the same stuff I gave Rocky, and I roll my eyes at the boring comment.

  I have at least half a million followers on all my social mediums, so this asshole can go fuck himself.

  “Are you giving a recommendation that you want to arrest Conner?” Rocky demands, sending me into a tailspin.

  Arrest me? Is he for fucking real?

  “He’s our main suspect. He had motive, has no alibi for the time of the crime—”

  “What about the means? Any weapons registered to Conner? Any witnesses put him with King? Any obvious communication between them through phone records? How did Conner get King up to that mountain? How did he even know about it since he’s only been here three days?”

  “So he says.”

  I snort, finding this entire situation unbelievable.

  How can my time in Midsummer be so ridiculous?

  First, my car breaks down. Then I have the best sex in my entire life by the town’s hot sheriff. Then I’m unceremoniously dumped, almost car jacked, and then actually make a friend and have some good times, just in time to find a dead body and become the lead suspect in a murder investigation.

  “I’m a little confused. What is my motive again?”

  “The man tried to steal your car just a few days ago.”

  “Okay, but he didn’t succeed. I wasn’t even going to press charges. So, why kill him?”

  “Maybe he threatened you again? Or maybe your ego is so inflated that you can’t take even a single jab against it. People have been killed for less.”

  “That is so fucking stupid that I think I’m going to start laughing in a second.”

  Rocky’s warning glare at me is a clear sign that I should not do that.

  “Randy, you and I both know that isn’t enough to arrest him on. Get his statement then get back out there and talk to people. Find out where King has been since his father bailed him out two days ago. Find out—”

  “I know how to run an investigation, Sheriff.”

  “Are you sure? Because it doesn’t sound like it.”

  Unbelievably, Deputy Dickhead glowers even more hate my way, as if those words came from me and not Rocky, but he does finally nod.

  “Sit there and write down what happened yesterday,” he tells me tersely, dropping a notepad and pen in front of the empty seat at the front of his desk.

  I do as I’m asked, feeling the tension so thick in the air that I don’t understand how the oxygen is able to cut through it.

  My writing today is even harder to read, given the rush I’m in to get this over with, but once it’s signed, the deputy barely looks at it.

  He gives me a nod, tells me to stay in town, and then he grabs his hat and storms out of the office. I wish he had taken the suffocating stench of smoke with him. Unfortunately, it lingers in the air.

  “Asshole,” I mutter, apparently too loudly.

  “That is my deputy you’re talking about,” Rocky snaps.

  “Woah, calm down.” I hold my hands up in the air. “Don’t know why you’re defending him. He was a dick to you, too. Then again, it’s so freaking obvious the dude wants in your pants. Can you do me a favor and make sure you tell him you’re not interested in me before he tries to lock me away?”

  I pull out my phone, noticing several missed calls from Love, as well as friends back in Chicago, but I’m pulled up short from leaving when Rocky grips my arm.

  I look up into his eyes, seeing indecision in his.

  “I wish this could be different. I have a daughter and—”

  “I know your story, Rocky,” I cut him off in the hopes of saving himself from a conversation that he’s clearly not interested in having. “It’s okay. You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  He opens his mouth, perhaps thinking of giving me one anyway, but the door opens and an excited squeal erupts behind me.


  My eyes widen as I step out of the way of the small girl full of energy. She runs at Rocky, who easily catches her, standing straight with her in his arms as she gives her dad a quick kiss.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to school?” Rocky’s smile is so soft and sweet that I wouldn’t have thought it possible if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

  “We’re on our way to the bus stop,” a woman standing by the door says. She’s holding the hand of another young girl who is obviously his daughter’s friend. “She saw you standing here and raced off before I could stop her.”

  “It’s fine, Bell,” Rocky assures the woman before he glances back down at his daughter. “Did you have fun this weekend?”

  “Yes! The most fun ever! We stayed up late and ate chips every day, and we got to see the parade and—”

  “Save it for tonight, sweetheart. You have a bus to catch,” Rocky says on a laugh.

  “Okay. Who are you?” She looks over to me, and I almost look behind me to see who she’s addressing. For a moment, I was just a fly on the wall.

  “This is Conner Sherwood; he’s a friend,” Rocky answers for me.

  “A friend?” she asks curiously, her eyes moving back over to me. �
��Do your friends call you Connie?”

  I splutter at the old insult that I had to endure throughout school. “No.”

  “Are you an actor?”


  “Are you in love with my dad?”

  My mouth drops open at the probing question.

  I squeak out the answer no just as Rocky turns her away from my direction and begins walking her back toward the front entrance.

  “Enough of that. You need to get to school. I’ll see you later tonight when I get home.”

  “Okay. Love you, Daddy.”

  “Love you, too,” he tells her, kissing her forehead before putting her back down on her feet.

  “Bye, Connie!” she calls out.

  I don’t have a chance to answer since the door closes on them as the woman and two children rush to make their bus.

  While I will never appreciate that nickname, there is a sweetness that comes from it being said by a small child.

  “She’s full of energy,” I say to Rocky, walking closer to the exit where he’s still standing, watching the trio as they round the corner and move out of sight.

  “She is.”

  “Okay, well, I’m gonna go see if I can catch Gertie and get an update on my car. Thanks for standing up for me with your deputy. I don’t suppose there are any good lawyers around here if he takes this further?”

  Rocky’s gaze comes back to me, and the softness there for his daughter morphs into something harsher and tense. “He won’t, but I have some contacts if you need them.”

  “Thanks. Well, I guess I’ll see you around?”

  He doesn’t respond immediately. I’d give anything to know what thoughts are bouncing around in his mind right now to leave such an intense expression. Eventually, he clears his throat and takes a step away from me.

  “Yeah, see you around, Conner.”


  My car is still not ready, but given there is only one mechanic and one apprentice in Midsummer, this doesn’t really surprise me. She was able to assess what the problem was, so I do get a quote on how much it’s going to cost to fix it. It’s almost as much as what I paid for the damn car! I consider again just selling it for parts and starting over with a new car, but since I’m stuck here anyway, I tell Gertie to begin the process of fixing it. Maybe now that it’s gotten all the bad luck out of the way, it’ll only give me good luck now.


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