Christmas of the Vampire

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Christmas of the Vampire Page 11

by P. S. Power

  “Dibs on the chain.” Keeley called out. The others looked at her and made a face, but finally Hally shrugged.

  “Fine. Finias, you can have the chain, but it’s your payment for helping out and taking my place tonight.” The redheaded elf girl looked around and explained, not making the rest of them guess any longer.

  “I’m Keeley, The other Keeley is Finias. The part of Darla is being played by herself. Sorry about the trickery, but you know, part of the job. We had to set Ma’at up rather carefully.” If she was apologetic about it for real it didn’t show, even as Balthias moved forward.

  The Lesser Demon stopped and looked incredulous.

  “You… fooled me? I mean, me? That shows very great skill indeed Mistress of Souls. I know it is you, since no other could have taken Ma’at against her will, even with the aid of Richard Swerlin, but I had not seen it before that moment. Who else knew of this? These others no doubt. Rebekah? The Hsreth?” His huge eyes narrowed, turning a slightly glowing yellow. It was nearly a glare, but Hally shook her head and moved in to pat his arm gently.

  “No, just Finias and Darla. We couldn’t risk the rest of you knowing. It worked out really well, don’t you think? Now all we have to do is get everyone back to their place and…” She stopped talking, her face going to Santa.

  “Um, hey… I was pretending to be my friend Hally when I touched your scroll earlier, to push the key into your bag? I don’t suppose you could double check that and make certain that she hasn’t been perma-banned or something? She didn’t actually do anything wrong and I think she should get some presents. It was clear to me that that part about not getting any presents meant from anyone, didn’t it?”

  Santa chuckled, “well, that would be the punishment for peeking at the list, but it won’t have recorded her as being naughty for that. Just you.” There was more laughter then, but the jolly red man didn’t leave her hanging long. “I can fix that for you, and will, as soon as I get back. I don’t suppose you have any wishes as for what you want for Christmas?”

  The girl, who was actually a Greater Demon, tilted her head and looked around at the others.

  “You know, since I have you here, I do. I want Maci to have a good home, with a loving family. Do you think you can find one for her? Use some of that Christmas magic of yours to work that out?”

  “I…” The man went wide eyed, then let his gaze fix on Richard. “Yes, I think maybe we can do that after all! Mr. Swerlin? You’ve raised many children and done a good job of it, do you feel that you and your wives can do the same for young Maci now? She has no one else in the whole world. Her entire family is dead, and there is no one left to even miss her. All she has now are the people in this room and a few Vampires that have known her no longer than you have.” He acted as if it had ever been a question at all.

  Richard had always been planning to take her in, unless her parents had been around, of course.

  “I can do that. I… It will be difficult to explain where she came from and as a politician I…” He was about to say that he could resign, if need be, and move to a new place, so no one would know, but Hally, the real Mistress of Souls shook her head.

  “That’s our part of this then. She’ll be your honest and lawfully adopted daughter in a few days. Thank you Richard. I know she’ll be very happy with you. I know that I am. You’re the best Vampire ever.” She grinned though and looked at everyone else, then winked at Santa.

  “Don’t tell the others I said that though. I don’t want to hurt their feelings.”

  Richard laughed, wondering about what new things would be coming, glad that they’d all gotten through it alive and that Maci would have a home. It would be a good one too, if he had anything to say about it, which as a Vampire and a Congressman, he did.

  Balthias took Santa and him back to Keeley’s home and the others popped in seconds later, Finias still looking like he had all night, giving them all a nod.

  “I expect everyone to be at my party on the twentieth? Richard? Bring the wives… and your young friend Jonas. Rebekah will be glad to see him no doubt.” Then, without another word, he vanished. Balthias left then too, but only to his room, walking down the hallway.

  The Technician sighed.

  “I’ll have my lawyers get to the paperwork for Maci, it will be air tight, so don’t worry. You’ll have to sign a few things, so expect a visitor or two in the next days. Keeley can do that, after she changes back into herself. So look for her in about twelve hours.” Then she left, walking to the front door, the now familiar sound of the van from earlier roaring gently to life.

  Hally led him to the kitchen, hardly even looking at anything as she started eating rapidly. After a few minutes of this she waved for him to sit at the wooden table off to the side, joining him with a full cooked ham in hand.

  “I’ve been starving all night. Had to be done to sell being Hally, the girl barely eats anything. Anyway, are you really alright with taking Maci? I don’t want to force you into anything. We can find someone else if you need us to.”

  “No, I want her. We all will. It will be good for us to have a child around, to remind us what living is really all about. Besides, it was your Christmas wish…” He froze, going Vampire still, like the dead thing he truly was. “Wait… You’re a Greater Demon… How did you get on the nice list? Isn’t that a conflict in terms? Besides, you’re an ancient being…”

  After taking a big bite of meat, chewing for a while her eyes lit brightly, the girl shrugged.

  “I’m young at heart Richard. And really, for a Greater Demon I’m really rather good. Just like you are for a Vampire. Notice how we just spent all night rescuing a young girl and saving Santa Claus? Doesn’t that sound pretty nice to you?”

  He laughed and waited until she finished eating, which took longer than he thought it would.

  Then they both rose to go and get Maci, so he could take her home.

  Note from the Author

  Merry Christmas, or if it’s not that time of year, best wishes for whatever holiday is nearest you in time.

  If you enjoyed this story and want to read more about some of the characters, you can find them in the Keeley Thomson series by P.S. Power. Also in the book “Shortcuts”, which starts a few days after the end of this story, in the same world.




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