A Life Changing Encounter

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A Life Changing Encounter Page 6

by Alexa Kane

  Rounding on him, I yell, “And he’s not the only one who’s fucking pissed Kyle!”

  The smile gets wiped off his face and he seems confused, “Why? Who else is pissed?”

  “ME!” I scream in his face.

  We went over this before we started sleeping together and stupid me thought that he would actually be able to keep his word.

  I guess I was made a fool of earlier than I anticipated.

  “But why would you care? That was ages ago and she wasn’t even that memorable. You’ve way better in the sack,” he winks at me, “And prettier too.”

  Wait, did he just say this was ages ago? “Hang on, so when did you have sex with her?”

  “Last year, at my Christmas party.”

  “Oh okay,” I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions, it’s not like I’m not aware of his past.

  It’s stupid to get worked up over another girl when this arrangement between us is only temporary.

  Only minutes ago, I was happy that Kyle was getting jealous over Charles and now I’m the one acting like a psycho jealous girlfriend.

  Kyle walks straight up to me and puts his arms around me, “Come on Pretty Girl, when I said I would only fuck you, I meant it.” He kisses me lightly on the lips, “You’re a catch Pretty Girl and Charles is an asshole.”

  Wrapping my arms around him, I return his kisses before something catches my eye.

  That stupid shoebox.

  “What are you doing with that shoebox?” He never answered my question and we ended up getting very side tracked.

  Remembering the shoebox he gets excited again, “Oh, I found it the other day when I was going through your shit. I figured you should burn it.”

  “Burn it? Why would I burn it?”

  He pulls back from me and looks highly offended, “Are you telling me that you want to keep this crap?”

  Do I want to keep that stuff?

  A few weeks ago, that answer would have been yes but now when I look at that box, I feel nothing.

  Making my mind up, I say, “No, but why do I need to burn it? Why can’t I just throw it in the trash?”

  Kyle starts to look sheepish, “Oh, um, I thought girls burnt stuff and then did like a hex or something?”

  I burst out laughing, “Kyle, why would you think that?”

  He shrugs, “I don’t know, movies?”

  Reeling in my laughter, I decide to humor him, “Okay Kyle, let’s burn the box.”

  He starts rubbing his hands together with an evil grin on his face and I can’t help getting excited over this idea.

  Until he pulls matches out of his pocket.

  “What are you doing?” he can’t seriously want to start a fire inside my apartment.

  Holding the matches in front of him, he asks, “What do you mean?”

  “We are inside Kyle, we can’t do this here.”

  He seems to think it over for a while, “Okay, let’s go to the roof.”

  “The roof?” is he crazy, “We aren’t allowed on the roof.”

  “Why not? I’m allowed on my roof.”

  “Let’s go to your apartment then.” We spend all our time here, it would actually be quite nice to see where Kyle lives.

  He thinks it over for a moment, “We can go to my roof but I don’t want to go to my apartment.”

  “Why not?” I’m instantly suspicious, the only reason he wouldn’t want me at his apartment is if he is hiding something.

  “Because your apartment is better and…”


  He sighs heavily and drops the matches down on the coffee table, “Well, I’ve had sex with a lot of chicks in my apartment and I feel kind of dirty bringing you there.”

  I’m not sure whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not but I think it’s best if I let that go.

  I’ve learnt that sometimes it’s easier to just accept the things Kyle says rather than trying to work them out. “Fine, let’s go to your roof then.”

  He picks up the shoebox with a big grin on his face and places his arm over my shoulder, “Let’s go Pretty Girl.”

  Kyle’s apartment building is a lot nicer than mine and I’m curious as to what his apartment looks like, maybe I can convince him to take me there when we are done burning this stupid box.

  Except he refuses to let me see his apartment that’s tainted by other women, his words not mine, and he leaves me standing in the stairwell to the roof while he runs to get a metal trash can.

  Once we are up on the roof, he looks around for the perfect spot to turn my ex into ash, also his words.

  This entire process is getting extremely weird but I can’t help but think that it’s sweet that Kyle cares so much.

  He sets the trash can down and then lights a few letters on fire, dropping them in the trash can, “Okay, start dropping items in and do like your girl spell or hex or whatever.”

  Smiling, I start dropping items into the small flames and muttering nonsense under my breath.

  When I notice Kyle is holding his phone up in my direction, I ask, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking a video and sending it to Alice, it’s gold Pretty Girl, keep going.” He gestures for me to continue so I do.

  Does that mean that Kyle still thinks he’s in love with Alice?

  Both of them have made small comments about the other one so I know they are still communicating but it kind of sucks. I’m starting to care for Kyle and this can only end up one way for me.

  Putting on a brave face, I finish burning the rest of the items and then fold the shoebox up and throw it into the fire for good measure.

  Kyle plays with his phone for a few more seconds before walking over and wrapping me up in his arms, “Do you feel better Pretty Girl?”

  “I do,” somehow this stupid exercise has made me want to put Charles behind me for good, “Thank you Kyle.”

  “I know how you can thank me,” he leans in and puts his lips to mine. I grant him entrance to my mouth and at the same time his hands cup my butt cheeks, pulling our centers together.

  A shrill noise pierces through the silence, “Is that your phone?”

  “Uh huh, but ignore it,” as soon as his phone stops ringing, mine starts up.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket I see its Alice. Kyle takes my phone and turns it off, returning it back to my pocket, “My bad, I should have sent her the video later, or tomorrow.”

  He then reaches into his own pocket and turns his phone off.

  The fact that he is choosing to spend time with me rather than talk to Alice causes a warm sensation to ripple across my chest. Maybe I can help Kyle get over Alice like he is helping me do with Charles.

  Pulling me back into his arms, he leans down to whisper in my ear, “Let’s go back to your apartment, my dick has spent the whole day missing you.”

  Chapter 11


  I used to enjoy Sundays.

  A home cooked meal followed by a home baked desert.

  Playing with my nieces and nephew and hanging out with my family but not anymore.

  Jessica has her own family dinners to attend to and even though we are only fucking, if I brought her over here for dinner, my mom would lose her shit.

  Like plan the wedding type shit and that’s not fucking happening.

  The one and only girl I have ever brought home was Ryleigh and Mom still double checks with me that she’s actually engaged to my friend Alex.

  You would think that with having grandchildren to dote on she would be distracted from her actual children but now that my younger brother Ethan has a steady girlfriend, all the unwanted attention gets heaped onto me.

  Tyler’s my main man and he’s helping to distract me from the fact that as soon as this dinner is over, my dick is going straight back into Jessica’s pussy.

  Hell, I don’t think I have ever been this obsessed over sex with a girl.

  Alice was something else and I still think about the time we spent together but Je
ssica is definitely taking up all the space in my brain now.

  “Uncle Kyle, you need to pay attention,” looking down at my nephew, I see he has these cute little frown lines between his eyebrows that tells me he is frustrated.

  “Sorry buddy,” we are only drawing pictures with crayons, it’s not like that demands a high level of concentration.

  “What even is that? It looks like a blob.” He looks at me like I can’t draw for shit.

  Funny, seeing as I have no idea what his picture is supposed to be, “You’re one to talk.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He holds his half-finished picture up for me to take a closer look at. “This is a puppy, duh.”

  “How is that duh?” it looks like the same stupid scribble that I drew.

  “Because Mom said it looked beautiful and she knew it was a puppy straight away,” he says defensively.

  “That’s because you have been going on and on about getting a puppy for months, it was a lucky guess.” Damn kid doesn’t shut up about getting a puppy, I feel like going out and buying him one myself. “OW, what the fuck?”

  Clutching my side, I look over at my best friend with my most evil glare. “That’s for insulting my kid’s drawing and I’ve told you a hundred times not to swear in front of him.”

  Like him and Eva can talk, those two are terrible. “Sorry,” I mutter even though I’m not that sorry.

  “Why are you in such a mood? I thought you would be hassling Sarah over her peach cobbler and trying to eat it straight from the oven.”

  “Mom’s making peach cobbler?” Sniffing the air, I see that he’s right. Damn, how the fuck did I miss that one? That’s my favorite.

  “See?” he says accusingly, “How the fuck did you not know that?”

  “Dad!” Tyler’s little voice pipes up as the voice of reason.

  Mason gets a sheepish look on his face and I can’t help but laugh at him, “Sorry buddy, why don’t you go see if Nana needs help setting the table?”

  “I’m not stupid, that’s just an excuse to send me away,” Tyler narrows his eyes at his dad and the kid is way too observant for his own good.

  “Just go Tyler, now.”

  Tyler huffs, but does as he’s told, “Fine.”

  Once he is out of earshot, Mason says, “How the fuck is a three-year-old so bratty?”

  “Um, because he has your DNA,” I say like it’s obvious.

  Mason doesn’t look very impressed but it’s the truth, Tyler is the spitting image of his dad in both looks and personality. Which means he’s going to be a total slut when he hits his teenage years.

  I’m just glad that I don’t have a daughter like Jayden does.

  I’d have to go from loving the kid to hating him when he tried to fuck my daughter when he’s old enough. Because Tyler would try to fuck my daughter if I had one, after all, she would take after me and therefore be extremely attractive.

  That’s why if I have kids I’m going to have boys, all I would need to do then is hand out condoms and tell them to have fun.

  “Whatever, but seriously why are you in such a mood and where have you been for the last few weeks? I’ve barely seen you. Hell, no one has seen you, is this about Alice?” the way he says Alice’s name is like he’s still mad over the fact that I fucked her behind his back.

  It’s his fault that happened after all, he practically pushed us together when he ran off to Africa and we had to help him organize that shit.

  What did he think I was going to do? Just ignore how hot and awesome she is just because she was his assistant? Besides, he never once told me she was off limits.

  “So you suddenly all care about me huh?” It’s cool that all my friends have found their match in life but I just wish it didn’t mean that I got pushed to the side.

  We have all been friends for forever, especially Mason and I, he’s like my brother from another mother but it hurts that I got left behind when he started his own family.

  Hanging out with Jessica is taking some of that hurt away and I don’t want the guys to know about her just yet.

  Maybe not ever, I mean, I did manage to hide the fact I was sleeping with Alice for over three years so I could easily do it again with Jessica. It’s not like the guys go out with me anymore so no one would notice that I’m not sleeping with anyone else.

  It’s weird, Jessica is the first girl that has managed to keep my attention solely on her and what’s weirder is that I like it, I like her too.

  More than I should.

  But I’ll worry about that at a later stage if she starts to get all clingy with me.

  Right now, nothing is going to stop me from enjoying the best sex I have ever had.

  “You know I care about you, we all do. Just please tell me that you aren’t sulking in your apartment? You know you are welcome in my house anytime.”

  Sulking in my apartment is the last thing that I’ve been doing, I haven’t slept there in ages and I don’t even miss the place.

  Not wanting to let this conversation go down the deep and meaningful track, I grab Eva as she walks past and pull her down into my lap. “I’m over at your place more than you think,” I start rubbing Eva’s rather large pregnant belly and I wink at Mason for good measure. Like I thought he would, he turns red in the face and starts clenching his fists together.

  “Kyle, let me go, you know better than to start a fight at your mom’s place,” she’s right, I do know better but deflection is what I’m best at.

  Eva starts wiggling her body to get away from me and I see the perfect opening, “Oh Eva, you know I love it when you wiggle.”

  Wholly enraged, Mason stands up ready to attack me but I hold his wife as a barrier between us.

  It’s just getting good when Mom walks into the room and ruins all the fun, “Kyle put her down and all three of you get your butts into the dining room and eat your dinner.” When we don’t immediately move, she gets this look on her face that lets you know there will be trouble if we don’t obey.

  I may be a grown ass man but that doesn’t mean that I don’t get punished with no desert.

  Cautiously, I continue to hold Eva against me and walk sideways towards the table, always keeping an eye on Mason. I wouldn’t put it past him to pull some kind of a sneak attack.

  He’s hit me enough times already because I’ve mucked around with his wife but for some reason I can’t stop winding him up, it’s just too easy.

  Dinner is delicious as usual but Jessica must have eaten earlier than us as I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket with a text message.

  My mom is crazy strict about phones at the table during dinner and I’m determined to get at least two servings of desert tonight.

  But my phone vibrates again and I can’t help but look.

  She has sent me a picture of their meal and then another one of her desert. Both look delicious but I don’t have food envy, my mom is the best cook I know.

  Trying to be discreet, I lift my phone from my lap and take a quick photo of my plate while my mom’s distracted fussing over one of the kids.

  I shoot the picture off to Jessica but don’t dare type anything, my mom is already looking this way and she looks suspicious.

  Actually, so does everyone else.

  My phone vibrates again in my pocket but my sister starts staring at me so I ignore it.

  I manage to ignore it completely until desert is brought out and I decide to send Jessica another picture to make her jealous.

  This time Eva catches me with my phone and she raises one eyebrow in question, when I blow a kiss her way, she quickly looks away to calm Mason down.

  They give me the distraction I need to send the photo to Jessica along with a smart text.

  Just as I’m finishing my first helping, I get a message back and it’s a very seductive text about how I should bring some desert home for her and she could eat it off my body.

  Swallowing becomes difficult all of a sudden and I have to stop myself from droolin
g over the thought of her licking peach cobbler off my naked body.

  It’s almost too much for me to comprehend.

  “Would you like another helping sweetie?” my mom is holding the almost empty bowl of peach cobbler up to me expectantly.

  It’s an unwritten rule that I have two helpings of desert and if I can help it there are never any leftovers.

  I want that last piece, desperately.

  But I also want my Pretty Girl to lick it off me.

  Or maybe I could lick it off her.

  Fuck, it’s really hot in here.

  “Um,” swallowing with a loud gulp I manage to come up with an excuse, “Yes, but um, can I take it home please? I don’t feel well.”

  “You do look pale all of a sudden, are you coming down with something?” My mom’s concern is cute but if she thinks I’m really sick she will try to make me stay here so she can look after me.

  “Um, maybe,” just put the fucking desert in a box, “I think I might go home and lie down but I would like that for later…please.” My mom’s a sucker for manners and it does the trick, she bustles into the kitchen and I can almost picture her packaging me a bunch of treats to take home.

  As I look around the table I am met with a bunch of untrusting eyes, it’s true that I once ate so much pudding that I vomited it back up again about ten minutes later but it’s not the first time Mom has packed me a box to take home.

  “What?” even my dad is looking at me strangely.

  Mom walks back in from the kitchen and hands me a box packaged with sugary goodness, “You do look a bit hot dear, make sure you lie down and rest when you get home.” But then she bloody has seconds thoughts which stop me in my tracks, “Actually why don’t you lie down here, I don’t want you driving if you don’t feel well.”

  No, no, no.

  I need to get home.


  “Thanks Mom but I’ll be fine,” I grab the box out of her hands while kissing her forehead and grabbing the rest of my things, “Bye everyone!”

  I’m out that door before anyone can stop me and then I’m racing back to the city with only one thing on my mind.

  Chapter 12



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