A Life Changing Encounter

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A Life Changing Encounter Page 14

by Alexa Kane

  This is it.

  Not only will this be the first time I have seen Pretty Girl since she told me I was going to be a father but it will also be the first time I get to see my babies.

  They might even give me pictures.

  I’ll have to ask for some, I’m sure everyone will want to see them.

  I wonder how many copies they will give me because I know that Mom is going to try and steal my one and that shit isn’t happening.

  After a moment, the door opens further and there she is.

  Her beautiful stomach is on full display and her body looks just how I remember, fucking perfection.

  Her hair is loose around her face and looks gorgeous and shiny, that face, her beautiful face…looks angry as fuck.

  Uh oh.

  She’s giving me a death glare.

  That can’t be good.

  Chapter 26


  I was planning on coming to my scan on my own today but as I lie here about to see my babies for the first time, I’m glad that I asked Alice to come with me.

  She seemed shocked when we first turned up at my doctor’s office but that shock soon faded and she got on board with the idea.

  Alice has been a life saver ever since I came back from Florida carrying two extra tiny humans inside me and I don’t know what I would have done without her.

  The fact that I’m carrying twins is overwhelming but the fact that their father is a commitment-phobe is just downright scary.

  I don’t want to exclude him from his children’s lives but at the same time, if I let him in will he hang around when things get tough?

  Sure he’s a great uncle but that’s only seeing the fun side of children.

  He doesn’t have to wake up in the middle of the night when they cry, change their diapers and hold them when they get sick.

  He just gets to play with them and I’m terrified that he’s going to say he wants us only to change his mind, months or years down the track.

  That’s why I need to move to Florida, I need the stability that comes from living with my parents. I can’t raise twins on my own and I don’t know if I can count on Kyle so that doesn’t leave me with many options.

  If he had asked me to be his girlfriend under different circumstances I would have ran into his arms and spent day relishing in his touch but as soon as I told him I was pregnant, I knew I was making the right choice.

  Kyle isn’t ready for this, one day that may change but until then, I need to think of these babies and what’s best for them.

  My doctor’s voice suddenly snaps me out of my inner musings, “Are we ready to see these babies?”

  Taking a deep breath, I say, “Yes.”

  I’m more than ready for this moment.

  A soft knock on the door sounds, followed by the receptionist poking her head through the door, “I’m sorry to interrupt but I thought I would let you know that your husband has arrived and he’s very sorry that he’s late.”

  She gives me a kind smile but I have no clue what the hell she is going on about.

  I open my mouth to tell her that she has the wrong room when Alice pipes up, “Oh that’s just wonderful, how about you let him in and I’ll wait in the waiting room.” She turns to look at me with fear in her eyes, “You know, to give you some privacy.”

  What has she done?

  When the door opens and I see Kyle standing there, my heart skips a beat, until I see what he is wearing.

  He has on a plain white t-shirt but it has a picture of the state of Florida in the middle with alligators swimming around the edges and the words ‘Fuck Florida’ in big red letters.

  I glare at Alice as she edges away from the side of my bed and then I turn my glare on Kyle.

  He looks frightened when he sees my glare and he should be.

  He should be very fucking frightened, “Hello husband.”

  “Um,” his eyebrows draw together in confusion, “Hello wife.” He turns his attention towards the doctor, “I’m sorry I’m late, did I miss anything?”

  “No, no, right on time, sit down and we will get started.” He gestures to a seat which Kyle takes but then he brings it closer to the bed so that his head is aligned with my stomach. My doctor gestures at Kyle’s shirt with a smirk on his face, “I take it that you don’t like Florida.”

  Kyle looks at me with fire in his eyes, “No, I don’t, in fact it’s the worst state in America.”

  Instead of starting an argument, I decide to stare directly at the screen. I jump slightly when I feel the cold gel touch my skin but it is soon forgotten when images become clear on the TV opposite the bed.

  I hear Kyle’s sharp intake of breath but I ignore him.

  The doctor explains things as he is going and it’s amazing how much detail you can already see. You can see their little fingers and their arms are moving around like crazy.

  “I didn’t, I didn’t know they could move yet.” Without warning my attention turns to Kyle and it feels like someone has taken a hammer to my chest when I see the emotion on his face.

  This is why I didn’t want him here.

  It’s too hard to look at him like this and pretend that I’m not in love with him.

  The fact that he is staring at our babies like he is already in love with them only makes me love him more but it’s love that will never be reciprocated.

  I can’t raise these babies with him when I’m so desperately in love with their father and he will never feel the same way about me.

  Will he even look at me the same way when my body starts to change?

  What will he think of my stretch marks and changing shape?

  The only reason we were really together was because of sex and if we take that away then there’s nothing left.

  Nothing but heartbreak and broken dreams.

  I manage to keep it together for the rest of the appointment but when I leave the room to empty my bladder a few tears escape.

  I need to stay strong, I can’t let my hormones override my judgement.

  Once I get myself together, I make my way back out to the waiting area and to see Alice. She is looking everywhere but at me and I’m once again giving her my best death glare, all while ignoring Kyle flirting with the receptionist to get her to print out more ultrasound pictures for him.

  Alice looks startled all of a sudden and then says the last thing I expect, “Kyle’s leaving.”

  “What?” Turning around, I manage to catch a glimpse of him before he is gone.

  Alice runs out the door after him and for some reason I follow.

  It’s already started, he’s walking away from me, from our children.

  Is this how it’s going to be for the rest of our lives? Kyle running away and me chasing after him?

  Alice tugs on Kyle’s arm just as he is about to get into his truck and they start having a whispered debate.

  Rolling my eyes, I storm over so we can get this over with but Kyle surprises me. He turns to look at me with anger in his eyes, “I’m mad at you.”

  “You’re mad at me?” I ask in outrage.

  “Yes, I’m mad. When were you going to tell me about this appointment Jessica? I have a right to be here!” He gestures angrily at himself and I hate to admit that he’s right.

  It was incredibly selfish of me to keep this to myself, “I’m sorry Kyle, it won’t happen again.”

  He seems surprised that I apologized so quickly but then manages to get his facial expressions under control once again. I can tell that today has rattled him but I can’t tell if it’s in a good or a bad way.

  “Well, um, thanks.” He holds out a few ultrasound pictures and I take them gently, “These are yours and if you don’t mind, I will keep the rest.”

  “That’s fine Kyle,” I shouldn’t have ignored his calls for so long, it’s just made this situation even more awkward.

  “Right, well, I’m going to go,” Kyle opens his truck door and hops into the driver’s seat but then pauses, “You look
good Jessica, your um…boobs are bigger.”

  He slams his door shut and is gone a few seconds later.

  Beside me Alice chuckles, “He’s right you know, your boobs are bigger and I bet they are feeling more sensitive too.”

  “Shut up Alice.” I can only imagine how she will tell me that Kyle wouldn’t mind taking care of my breasts for me.

  This whole time I thought that Alice was on my side but it turns out that she’s on Team Kyle and so is Dylan. That t-shirt has his name written all over it and I can’t help feeling betrayed.

  My family should be supporting me, not pushing me towards a man that’s only going to break my heart and possibly our children’s hearts one day.

  “I think it’s time I moved back to my apartment Alice,” I’ve been hiding out there long enough and now I can’t help but wonder if she has been reporting my movements back to Kyle.

  After all, it’s obvious she told him about today’s appointment. In a way I’m glad that he came as we are going to need to be civil with one another.

  Maybe in time I can convince him that my moving to Florida is what’s best for everyone.

  Chapter 27


  Since I moved back into my apartment four weeks ago, Kyle has shown up most days to check on me wearing another stupid t-shirt that declares how much he hates Florida.

  It would be funny if it wasn’t a blatant dig at my moving there.

  He’s made it clear that he doesn’t want me to move countless times but thankfully he has started keeping his mouth shut about my move. Doesn’t stop him from wearing the t-shirts with pride though.

  Kyle turning up here is actually kind of sweet, he brings me various food items that are good for me and the baby and that contain iron, his words not mine. The best part is the licorice, who knew that a treat could be good for you at the same time.

  Today is my twenty-sixth birthday and I’m not even sure if Kyle knows about it, I was half expecting him to be here when I woke up but he has remained suspiciously quiet.

  So has Alice.

  I’m on my way home from having dinner with her and her family and not once did she mention Kyle. Which means that they are probably in on something together.

  When I walk down the hallway towards my apartment and can see a light on under my door it becomes clear that they were definitely planning something together.

  It’s actually been really nice having Kyle pop in and check on me and it makes a small part of me want to stay in Seattle but then I think of being alone raising twins if something goes wrong and it cements my decision to move home.

  Opening the door, I plan to look surprised when I see Kyle but it turns out that I don’t have to act, I’m genuinely surprised.

  Kyle is wearing another t-shirt but this time it’s bright yellow and says Hawaii over Florida which is weird but it’s not what has my jaw almost hitting the floor.

  He is standing next to two suitcases and one of them is mine. “Um, what’s happening?”

  “Happy Birthday Pretty Girl,” he holds his arms out wide and starts walking towards me before pausing, “Oh, right, I’m probably not allowed to hug you.”

  As he waits for my answer he keeps his arms out wide but after a moment I shake my head, if Kyle puts his arms around me then there is no telling what will happen next.

  Looking rather defeated he drops his arms and hands me an envelope, “What’s this?”

  He smiles brightly, it’s a smile that I haven’t seen in a long time and I didn’t even realize it until now. “Just open it birthday girl.”

  Nervously I open the envelope and become even more confused when I pull out two first class tickets to Hawaii, “Kyle what is this?”

  “Your birthday present,” he wrings his hands together nervously, “Do you like it?”

  “It’s very generous of you but Kyle, these tickets have today’s date on them,” it’s nearly ten o’clock so clearly his plan wasn’t very thought out.

  All he does in response is grin, “I know, plane leaves just before midnight, let’s go.”

  “What?” two hours, he’s surprising me with a trip that leaves in two hours?

  He grabs the two suitcases and starts ushering me towards the door, “Get a move on Pretty Girl or we will be late.”

  “Kyle,” I’m backed right up to the door with nowhere to go, “Kyle, I have to pack, I have to take time off work, you can’t just spring something like this on me.”

  “I packed for you, I called your boss and arranged time off and yes I can because I just did, now let’s go.” When all I do is stand there looking shell shocked, he says, “Jessica, either open that door and make your way downstairs to the waiting taxi or I’m going to cover your mouth with mine and keep you in this apartment for the next few days.”

  Swallowing becomes very difficult but as soon as I hear Kyle drop the suitcases and pucker his lips, I freak out and practically run out the door.

  Not wanting to be alone in the elevator with him, I run down the stairs, we reach the lobby around the same time and I struggle to compose myself and walk normally.

  We don’t say anything to each other on the way to the airport, or while going through security and when I finally sit down on the plane, I feel like my heads going to explode.

  Why the hell did I agree to come on this trip and why am I throbbing so badly?

  God I want him, I thought I was doing a good job of pushing my desire down but apparently if the old Kyle rears his ugly head even for a second, I become a puddle at his feet.

  This isn’t good, this is not good.

  Once we get to Hawaii, I need to stay in public places, like the pool. There are always people around the pool and listening to kids yelling and screaming as they play in the pool will definitely kill the mood.

  Yes, that’s a good plan, except not long after take-off, Kyle leans over to whisper in my ear, “Does Pretty Girl want me to suck that pretty pussy of hers on her birthday?”

  Oh fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I want that so badly but no, nope, that’s not happening.

  It can’t happen.

  Why couldn’t he stay being the serious Kyle who brings me licorice and nuts, who cooks me steak for dinner even though he burns it and asks when all of my appointments are.

  “Um,” shit, I start squirming in my seat, “No, it’s um, not my birthday anymore.” Just as well our plane took off around midnight, “It’s really late Kyle, I’m going to get some sleep.”

  Closing my eyes quickly, I get settled and try to sleep except I’m so worked up that I don’t sleep a wink.

  When the plane lands, Kyle acts like nothing has happened where as I’m still completed rattled.

  Damn pregnancy hormones, control yourself woman!

  When I follow everyone else to collect our bags, Kyle tugs on my arm, “Not that way, follow me.”

  I follow Kyle who follows another man who is leading us down a hallway and then next thing I know we are walking out on the tarmac towards a small plane, “Um, Kyle, what’s going on?”

  He keeps walking but turns his head to smirk at me, “All part of your birthday present Pretty Girl.”

  I wish he would stop calling me Pretty Girl, he only called me Jessica for weeks after my scan but then somewhere along the line he started calling me Pretty Girl and looking at me like he wanted to take a bite out of me.

  Angry Kyle was a lot easier to deal with than flirty Kyle.

  Hopping on the plane it becomes clear that this is a private flight but I take a seat that’s on its own and bite my tongue over where we are going now.

  Resort pool, resort pool.

  I just need to make it to the resort and then I can live by the pool.

  It’s a good, solid plan.

  Except we land on some tiny runway and take a short car ride to a very remote, very small, very luxurious and private resort.


  I’m so screwed.

  Once we are led to our room, I al
most want to grab the attendant’s legs to stop him from leaving but instead I take a look around this beautiful room where Kyle and I will be spending the next few days.


  The main problem is that there is only one bed with an open bathroom, I avoid that area of the villa and focus instead on everything else. It’s simply stunning and if we were a real couple then this would be amazing.

  The villa has a small pool just outside the living area with views of the ocean, there looks to be a small walkway down to the beach and there are plants everywhere.

  Again, it’s very private with only one bed.

  “What do you think?” Kyle has come to stand next to me but I refuse to look at him.

  “I think that there is only one bed,” and we are not sharing.

  We can’t share a bed.

  “I know but they are all only one-bedroom villas, I already planned to take the couch.”

  “You did?” I ask completely surprised.

  I thought for sure Kyle’s ultimate goal here was to get me under him.

  He just smiles softly at me, “Why don’t you go lie down and rest for a while, we can go for a swim later.

  “Okay,” practically stumbling to the bed, I hop under the covers with my clothes on and close my eyes against reality.


  Looking at the time, I see that I have slept most of the day away. That’s not actually a bad excuse to stay away from Kyle, I can just use my pregnancy as an excuse to go rest every time it gets a bit much between us.

  Getting up, I decide a swim sounds pretty perfect and what’s even better is that Kyle doesn’t seem to be anywhere in the villa.

  Grabbing my suitcase, I open it only to realize that this was one giant mistake.

  Kyle has only packed swimwear and underwear. Sure there are a few toiletries thrown in that I am grateful for but he could have at least thrown in one dress.

  Deciding to choose my battles carefully while we are here, I use the bathroom and get changed into one of my bikinis, except it becomes clear just how much bigger my breasts have gotten.

  Trying on the next three pairs that Kyle packed, I realize that I’m going to have to choose the pair where my breasts spill out the least and use only that pair for the whole trip.


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